HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-28; City Council; Minutesh% # 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: March 28, 1989 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. /\b P 1 ace of Meeting: City Counci 1 Chambers COUNCIL %p%z /o %.p, MEMBERS Z. (2, Z. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follow: L Present: Counci I Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 14, 1989, X Lew I s were approved as presented. Kulchin X Pett i ne xx Larson X Mamaux X Minutes of the Adjourned Meeeting held March 18, 1989, Lewis Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 21, 1989, X Larson were approved as presented. X Kulchin X were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: A citizen requested Item #1 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lew i s X with the exception of Item #l, as fot lows: Kulchin xx Pett i ne X Mamaux X Larson X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (99) 1. AB #9936 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR OPEN SPACE (113) SETBACK ALONG BATIQUITOS BLUFF. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (92) 2. AB if9937 - 43RD SUPPLEMENT TO ENCINA JOINT POWERS (45) BASIC AGREEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-93, approving execution of the 43rd Supplement to the Encina Joint Powers Basic Agreement providing the increase and reallocation of costs for the Encina Water Pollutlon Control Facility Phase IV expansion project. (99) 3. AB #9938 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR WATERLINE EASEMENT - CARLSBAD OAKS CT 74-21 /P I P 86-2. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-94, accepting a grant deed from B. W. Pacific Partners for waterline purposes over a portion of lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 of CT 74-21 , off toker Avenue, and accepting a subordination agreement from the First National Bank of Minneapolis. 8 h @ \ b - ~ I I .\ e 0 MINUTES March 28, 1989 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (99) 4. AB #9939 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR WATERLINE (113) PURPOSES - LA COSTA VALLEY UNIT 5 - PD 304. ~ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-95, accepting a grant deed for waterline purposes from La Costa A I i cante V i ews over a portion of Lots 230 & 231 , of 1 Caringa Way, and accepting a subordination agreemeni from Great Western Bank. 1 ( 99 ) 5 AB if9940 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR WATERL I NE PURPOSES - RAINTREE SQUARE - PD 314. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-96, accepting a grant deed from Herrick Holdings, Ltd., for waterline purposes, Parcel 3 of Parcel Map 14028, east of Rai ntree Drive. (99) 6. AB #9941 - ACCEPTANCE OF FIVE GRANT DEEDS FOR SEWER AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES - CALAVERA HILLS UNIT 1 - CT 83-3. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-97, accepting fivc (5) recorded grant deeds for sewer and drainage purposes, off Tamarack Avenue, from Carl and Joanne Seelhoff, Joel Cannataro, Hans H. Lindenskov, Roberi and Marilyn Hahnel and Stephan and Bobette Seelig. (59) (39) (97) 7. AB #9942 - TRAVEL REQUEST. Council authorized the Data Processing Division's Systems Analyst to attend the Southern California Regional Users Group (SCRUG) Conference in Pasadena May 3 through May 5, 1989. 8. AB #9943 - ADOPTION OF A REVISED INVESTMENT POLICY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-77, approving the City's revised investment policy. 9. AB #9944 - SENATE BILL 140 - APPLICATIONS FOR ARTERIAL FUNDING. Council adopted RESOLUTION 89-103, authorizing the City Engineer to make application to CalTrans for Senate Bill 140 funding for certain arterial street improvements. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (99) 1. AB #9936 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR OPEN SPACE (113) SETBACK ALONG BATIQUITOS BLUFF. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, addressed Council stating his concern with the trail to be placed along the Batiquitos bluff. He said he had heard the trail was to be five feet wide, enclosed with an iron fence. Mr. Thompson stated there had been a 300-foot set back on top of the bluff, and then that was reduced to 100 feet and then to 45 feet; and now it was down to five feet on portions of it. 81 - F L - ? I- COUNCIL /\/\ % %% % MEMBERS % %% % i 1 ’\ 0 0 MINUTES (67) (55) %% March 28, 1989 Page 3 COUNCIL \\ A9 /o +*%$ A MEMBERS 5 6 Z. 6 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) Mr. Thompson stated that Council was giving away City open space and he opposed that. If the set back was to be reduced to five feet, then a new environment statement was needed. He asked Council to uphold the law and protect the citizens and their property. Inez Yoder withdrew her Request to Speak. Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director, stated this resolution was to lock up a 45 foot easement that was not placed on the lots originally. This will enable the City to continue the trail system to its terminus on Navigator Circle. The City had access and an easement through the Coastal Permit, but did not feel this was strong enough and it did not include Lots 2 through 7. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis X Kulchin xx RESOLUTION NO. 89-92, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM Pett i ne X BATIQUITOS BLUFF FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A 45 Mamaux X FOOT SETBACK EASEMENT FOR LOTS 2 THROUGH 5 IN PHASE I OF Larson X THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK MASTER PLAN. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 10. AB #9918 - REGULATIONS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Pett i ne ORD I NANCE NO. NS-56, AMEND I NG TITLE 8 OF THE CARLSBAD xx Kulchin X Lewis X Larson PERTAINING TO SPECIAL EVENTS AND BY REPEALING CHAPTER X Mamaux MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 8.17 X 10.57 AND SECTION 21.42.101 (2) AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.32.030(5). 11. AB #9933 - ESTABLISHMENT OF ANTI-SCAVENGING ORDINANCE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Pettine ORDINANCE NO. NS-57, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 06.09 OF xx Kulchin X Lewis X Larson 06.09.091 TO PROHIBIT SCAVENGING OF RECYCLABLE X Mamau x THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION MATERIALS DESIGNATED FOR COLLECTION IN A CITY CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM. 0 \ ~ 'I (77) (51) (28) (48) e 0 MINUTES March 28, 1989 Page 4 MEMBERS COUNCIL h PUBLlC HEARING: 12. AB if9930 - PREPARATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 20. Phi I Carter, Assistant to the City Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bi 1 I, ask i ng that Council authorize Jack Henthorn and Associates to prepare an amendment to the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 20. He added that staff wants to re- analyze the phasing impacts on the zone. Mayor Lewis opened the Pub1 ic Hearing at 6:20 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Jack Henthorn, 5421 Avenida Encinas, Suite B, stated the applicant had reviewed the staff report and recommendation, and urged Council action in accordance with that recommendation. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:21 p.m. I 1 Council authorized Jack Henthorn and Associates to prepare an amendment to the Local Facilities Management P Ian for Zone 20. Lewis Ku Ich in Pett i ne Mamaux Larson DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: I I 13. AB #9945 - MULTI-HAZARD EMERGENCY PLAN. I I Fire Chief Thompson introduced the item and Battalian Chief Jim West gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a sllde presentation. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-98, ADOPTING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MULTI-HAZARD EMERGENCY PLAN. 14. AB #9919 - APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE MATTER OF A VETERAN'S MEMORIAL FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mayor Lewls requested this item be continued for one week, and Council concurred. 15..AB #9946 - CAMPAIGN REPORTING - PROHIBITION OF CASH CONTRIBUTIONS. 1 I Maurice K imbal 1 , 1623 James Drive, addressed Counci I stating his opposition to this Ordinance, stating it was a violation of his freedom and an unnecessary Ordinance. Lewis Kulchin Pett i ne Mamaux Larson Council introduced the following Ordinance: Lew i s Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. NS-58, AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.13 OF Pett i ne THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION $25 .OO. Larson 1.13.035 TO PROHIBIT CASH CONTRIBUTIONS IN EXCESS OF Mamaux 99 \ a & X X X h \ '2. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X B (41) (62) (94) (76) (28) (39) 0 0 MINUTES March 28, 1989 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 16. AB #9947 - TRASH TO ENERGY PLANT LITIGATION. City Attorney V i ncent Biondo gave the report on th is i tern. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-104, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR FINANCIAL ADVICE ON THE PROPOSED TRASH TO ENERGY PLANT. 17. AB #9948 - PROPOSAL TO BAN SALE OF SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS IN CARLSBAD. Council Member Mamaux stated the State Assembly and Senate have both passed meaningful laws on this matter, and he wou Id ask Counci I to support them, and send a Resolution to the Assembly and Senate supporting the ban on assault weapons and urging a joint bill acceptable to both Houses that the Governor would sign. Counci 1 Members agreed that if the State does not take action, then this Council should re-consider the matter for a City-wide ban on semi-automatic weapons. COUNCIL \$ 39 "0 %o/ A MEMBERS .;t 8 9 Lewis xx Kulchin X X Larson X Mamaux X Pett i ne Council Member Pettine suggested the ban should include not on ly the sale, but also the possess ion of those weapons. Council directed that a Resolution be sent to the Lewis X legislators in Sacramento urging the approval of Kulchin xx Mamaux semi-automatic weapons. X Pett i ne legislation banning the sale and/or possession of X Larson X 18. AB #9949 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT. Council, by consensus, continued this item one week. 19. AB #9950 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolutions: Pett i ne RESOLUTION NO. 89-100, RE-APPOINTING MATTHEW HALL TO X Kulchin xx Lewis X Larson X Mamaux THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. X RESOLUTION NO. 89-101, RE-APPOINTING CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. 20. AB #9951 - ARTS COMMlSSlON APPOINTMENTS. Counci 1, by consensus, continued this item for one week. 21. AB #9952 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Informational Report on the City's investment portfolio as of March 1 , 1989. COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and activities of the Committees and Sub-Committees of which they are Members. 98 4 % ,* e a MINUTES March 28, 1989 Page 6 CLOSED SESSION: :41) 22. CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION. Case of H & A Construction v. City of Carlsbad, Case No. N36096. (41) 23. CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION. Case of Sahagun et al v. City of Carlsbad et al. Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 7:09 p.m., to discuss the above-captioned cases, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Council re-convened at 7:31 p.m., and Mayor Lewis announced that Council had instructed the City Attorney on the two cases. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 28, 1989, was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &ZtL 2. R- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk h)3 - S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % Z. ?&?&, 6 Z. 6 Lew is X Larson X Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchin xx