HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-27; City Council; Minutes, 0 a MINUTES Meet 1 ng of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 27, 1989 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. /\I\ Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL % ?$%$ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: MEMBERS .Z. 6 Z. 6 Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 13, 1989, were Lewis X Larson were approved as presented. xx Mamaux Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held June 13, 1989, X Pett i ne X Kulchin approved as presented. X Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held June 14, 1989, Kulchin X were approved as presented. Pett i ne X Larson X CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested that Item #5 be removed from the Consent Ca I end ar. City Manager Ray Patchett requested Items 8 through 18 be traT led unti I after Counci I made a decision on Items #24 and #25. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X wlth the exception of Item #5 and Items #8 through 18, Kulchin X as follows: Pett i ne X Mamaux xx Larson X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Counci 1 waived the read i ng of the text of al 1 Ord i nances and Resolutions at this Meet1 ng. (92) 1. AB #10,089 - ENCINA FINANCING JOINT POWERS (45) AUTHORITY ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT. Counci I adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-195, approving the assignment agreement relating to the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Expansion. (24) 2. AB #10,090 - AMENDMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES (45) CONTRACT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-196, amending the contract with the County of San Diego Department of Animal Control to extend the contract for animal control services for fiscal year 1989-90. (48) 3. AB #10,091 - RESULTS OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD JUNE 6, 1989. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-197, reciting the fact of a Special Municipal ElectTon held In the City on the 6th day of June, 1989, declaring the resu Its thereof and such other matters as are required by law. Vu/ 0 0 - 1 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (70) 4. AB #10,092 - COMPLETION OF IRRIGATION INSTALLATION (45) PROJECT AT BUENA VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATHLETIC F 1 ELD. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-217, accepting the irrigation installation at Buena Vista Elementary School Athletic Field Project No. 37031 as comp Ieted; d i rected the City Clerk to record the Not ice of Comp 1 et ion; and authorized the D irector of Finance to close the project account. (81) 5. AB #10,093 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS FOR TRIATHLON. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (84) 6. AB #10,094 -. PURCHASE OF TREES FOR STREETSCAPE PROGRAM. Council approved the use of Magnolia Grandiflora "Majestic Beauty" trees for use in the downtown streetscape program. (84) 7. AB #10,034 - PURCHASE OF LANDSCAPE MATERIAL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-155, accepting b ids and authorizing the execution of purchase orders for landscape material. (113) 8. AB #10,095 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES - WESTANA VIEWPOINT - PR 3.4.66/MP 177. - This item was trailed. (99) 9. AB #10,096 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR OFFSITE WATERLINE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35) PR 3.5.65. (99) 9. AB #10,096 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR OFFSITE WATERLINE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35) PR 3.5.65. This item was trailed. (99) 10. AB #10,097 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT E OFFSITE) PR 3.2.29. This item was trailed. (99) 11. AB #10,098 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT E OFFSITE) PR 3.4.73. This Item was tral led. (99) 12. AB #IO,O99 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.2.27. This item was trailed. (99) 13. AB #10,100 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR SEWER AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT B OFFSITE) PR 3.3.12. This item was trai led. I%? " +% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % x$ %% % % r 0 0 MINUTES (99) (99) (113) (99) (113) (81) June 27, 1989 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 14. AB #10,101 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.4.72. This item was trailed. 15. AB #10,102 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PARK SITE ACCESS AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE 1 OFFSITE) PR 2.3.19. Thfs item was trailed. 16. AB #10,103 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES - AVIARA (PR 3.4.58/MP-177). This item was tralled. 17. AB #10,104 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR SEWER EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-83 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.3.8. This Item was trailed. 18. AB 10,105 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATIONS OF RIGHT-OF- WAY PREVIOUSLY REJECTED FOR FUTURE STREET PROJECT - PR 3.4.66/MP-177. I COUNCIL \w %Y "0 $,% 24 MEMBERS *;t @ $ This item was trailed. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 5. AB #10,093 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS FOR TRIATHLON. Sara Drapk In of the Parks and Recreation Depariment introduced the indlvlduals who presented their donation checks totaling $6,750.00 to the City for the Triathlon. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis X Kulchin xx RESOLUTION NO. 89-198, ACCEPTING DONATIONS FROM MARK Pett i ne X STEIN BEVERAGE COMPANY, FIELDSTONE COMPANY, HERRICK Mamaux X CORPORATI ON AND BRR BURGERS AND YOGURT IN SUPPORT OF THE 1989 CARLSBAD TRIATHLON. X Larson PUBLIC COMMENT: A. J. Skotnlcki, 3533 Bedford Clrcle, addressed Council regardfng the noise from traffic on 1-5 that affects Hol iday Park. He said the noise hampers the use of the park and consideration shou Id be given to some type of sound attenuation, if possible. He added that this should be paid for out of the California gasollne tax. lV7 k .<s \ ;r - 0 a MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 4 COUNCIL \Y % ?$, 3!A % 4 MEMBERS 2. CF 2. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (113) 19. AB #10,079 - MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - MP-l77(A) - AV I ARA. Counci I adopted the fol lowing Ordinance: X Lewis ORDINANCE NO. NS-75, REVISING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR Pettine BETWEEN 1-5 AND EL CAMINO REAL. ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE USE COMMUNITY CENTERED AROUND A HOTEL AND GOLF COURSE X Larson (FORMERLY PACIFIC RIM) COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT, A MIXED xx Mamaux MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT MF”177(A) FOR THE AVIARA X Kulchln X PUBLIC HEARINGS: (29) 20. AB #10,106 - 1989-90 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 1989-90 TO BUILDOUT. Debbie Neville of the Finance Department gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, with Director Jim Elliott alding in the explanation. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:26 p.m.? and issued the Invltation to speak. Joan Kind le, 2622 El Agu i la Lane, read a prepared statement, stat1 ng that in February she had requested acceleration of the funding for Carrillo Ranch; but instead of acceleration, the fund i ng was moved back another year. Mrs. Kindle expressed concern with the possfble loss of artifacts connected with the Ranch, unless some action is taken promptly to preserve them. She concluded, stating that Carri 1 lo Ranch should be considered as a meanlngful resource of the City. A lex Verduci, Casa de Amparo, commended Counci I for their leadershlp in provid ing support for the only north county resTdential crisis center providing help to abused ch i Id ren. Pamela Thompson, Director, Lifeline Community Services 1 n V i sta, stated they prov ide services to Car I sbad residents with the funds budgeted by the City. I lene Bates, Coord 1 nator, North County Food Co-op, thanked Councfl for their support last year and requested continued support. They are asking for one- third of the cost of the annual lease. Scott Little, 5411 Avenlda Encina, President of the Car lsbad Chamber of Commerce, summarized the presentation given to Council last week for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. He said the reporting system to the City is being stream1 ined to keep the City better Informed. He also told of the objectives of the Chamber for the coming year. J?I k @ h - 0 0 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Hope Wrisley, 2080 Basswood, spoke in favor of the funding for the Convention and Visitors Bureau, affirming the support of the Village Merchants Association. Ms. Wrisley stated that the Big Bang Committee was requesting $5,000 from the City to help fund the 4th of July celebration. She explained the additional costs imposed by the City and asked for help in paying those costs. Marva Chriss, Executive Director, Women’s Resource Center, to Id of the work of the she Iter for battered women and chi Idren. Barbara Cook, 18562, Locksley Street, Executive Director of Hospice of the North Coast, explained their services being supplied to the residents of Carlsbad, and requested $3,000 to help with those services. Laura Mustari, 1212 Oak Avenue, Director of YMCA OZ, North Coast, thanked Council for their support, stating their facility is the only one in north county for troubled teenagers. She added that no one is refused because of inability to pay and requested the $15,000, as recommended by staff . Lisa Seamans, 770 Camillia Place, spoke in support of the Convention and Visitors Bureau and their fundlng request. Mike Magenalli, Lexington Hotel Suites, spoke in favor of the funding for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. Tony Howard-Jones, 2748 Waterbury Way, Best Western Beach View Lodge, spoke on behalf of the Car lsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, telling of the help given by the Bureau. Celeste Hall, Pelican Cove Bed and Breakfast Inn, expressed appreciation for the help of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, and requested approval of their funding request. Violet Osborn, General Manager of Carlsbad Travelodge, spoke in favor of the Convention and Visitors Bureau funding. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:11 p.m. Community Service Groups Council Member Mamaux stated he took exception to the $200,000 for the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Mayor Lewis suggested forming an ad hoc committee to discuss the concept of a governing board and come back with recommendations on whether to retain the present organization, or create a new structure. He stated he would I ike Counci I Members Larson and Mamaux to represent the Council on the committee. 130 - COUNCIL I\\ %9 0 L* Jb 4 MEMBERS % $% A E * 0 MINUTES - June 27, 1989 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Council Member Mamaux stated he would like more direction. He said he was not satisfied that the City was getting its dollars' worth and felt the entire City should be promoted. Mr. Mamaux said the City receives revenue from the malls and car sales, but doesn't spend money to promote them. He suggested an outside firm be hired to promote Carlsbad; he questioned whether the committee could look at that possibility. Council Member Larson stated he believed the committee should be al lowed to take a good look at the situation without limitations. Mayor Lewis agreed that the committee should be allowed to look at the enti re structure and make a recommendation regarding operation. Councfl Members concurred with the request of Mrs. Cook for $3,000 for the Hospice of the North Coast. In response to Counci I query, David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, stated that access is the big issue for Carri \lo Ranch. He added that other projects have a higher priority, and there are no PFF funds available for the Ranch. He added that the buildings at Carrillo Ranch would be monitored to make certain they were preserved. Jim Elliott explained a transparency showing parks and when they wi I I come on I i ne, and exp I ai ned the flnancing for those parks. He reiterated that access to Carrillo Ranch is the issue since that area is not being developed at this tlme. Chr i s Sa 1 omone, Hous i ng and Red eve I opment D i rector, added that a grant was received two years ago to study the faci 1 I ty; that the bu i Id i ngs wi I I be preserved and dra?nage problems solved. The structures wl \I be stabilized until it can be made into a usable park. He said he would investigate the matter of the artifacts to ascertian whether they could be stored safely until the Ranch is restored. Counci I approved the inclusion of funding for the Community Service Groups, as follows: Casa de Amparo $12,700 YMCA OZ North Coast 15,000 Women's Resource Center 11,300 Lifeline Community Service 9,900 North County Food Co-op 6,000 Big Bang Committee 5,000 Hospice of North County 3,000 and Council agreed to set aside, but put on hold, $200,000 for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, pend Ing receipt of the recommendations from the ad hoc comm i ttee. 169 - SPd, MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % y$%%& 8 Z. t$ Lewis X Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchin xx X Larson Kulchin X 0 0 MINUTES - June 27, 1989 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Chi Id Care Cornmission Debbie Neville reported on the Child Care Commission, as contained in the Issue Statement. Council approved the inclusion of $65,000 for consultant services to provide staff support to the Child Care Commission. Expanded Branch Library Hours Council approved inclusion of $43,000 in the budget to expand the hours of operation of the branch 1 ibrary to a total of 64 hours per week. Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Council Member Mamaux said he would like to see the program expanded into the high school. Council Member Pettine felt the staff report was not comp I ete. He suggested getti ng feed back from the high school to determine the problems and develop the program to meet their needs. Council Member Mamaux stated that the DARE Officer is an educator and not a law enforcer. Council Member Mamaux offered to discuss the item at his next meetTng with the School District officials. Mayor Lewis requested Council Member Mamaux report back to Council after the meeting with any recommended changes in the DARE Program. Public Information Program By consensus, Counci I agreed to hold this item over untl I after the report from the ad hoc committee concerning operation of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. Council Member Larson suggested the following changes I n word i ng: Page 66, under Work Program, change the word lThighwayll to "roadr1; Page 66, under Enforcement, change wording to read "Apprehend traffic law violators in the City"; Page 73, under P lanni ng, change the word ing of the second sentence to read '?I nvo Ive a 1 1 schoo I districts in the plannlng process and include coordination with City plans". I(, P T COUNCIL /\I\ 3 pL% % MEMBERS % $% $ Lewis Kulchin xx X Larson X Mamaux X Pett I ne X Lew i s Kulchin X X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett i ne X 0 0 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. 89-211, ESTABLISHING THE 1989-90 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE PUBLIC HEAR I NGS: (Continued 1 Council Member Mamaux stated that the Veterans' Memorial CommTttee is proposing to honor veterans from a! I wars, and there needs to be a manner to fund that project. The Committee is recommending the City agree to fund one half of the cost of the memorial, up to $125,000, and he sald he would like that on the record. Mr. Mamaux added that there will also be other expenses in connection with this project. Ms. Nevi I 1 e stated there was one item not submitted i n the Agenda Bill, which should be included in the adoptlon of the budget, to carry $60,000 from the Planning Department Budget for Geographic Information System consultants. Councll adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 89-210, ADOPTING THE FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABL I SH I NG CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS; in accordance with their prevlous actions; and as a continuing appropriation, Including $60,000 in the Planning Department Budget for Geographic Information System consultants. CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE LAW. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 8:15 p.m., and Councll re-convened at 8:26 p.m., with all Members present. PUBL IC HEAR I NGS: (Cont I nued 1 (26) 21. AB #10,107 - APPROVAL OF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PLANS (85) AND CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR CANNON ROAD REACH 1 (EIR 87-21. City Engineer L loyd Hubbs gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bi I I, using an aerial photograph to show the Cannon Road design, and slides showing an artist's drawing of the proposed bridge. Mr. Hubbs stated that if Council certified the EIR, a Coastal Permi t wou Id be app I ied for, and upon receipt of that Perm it, the f 1 nanci ng wou ld be determined . Mr. Hubbs continued, stating this was conceived as an assessment distrlct, and once the final costs have been determi ned, the assessment spread wi 1 I be determ i ned . He i nd icated there was uncertal nty as to the leve 1 of Clty particlpatlon, and this wlll be worked out with the property owner as part of the assessment dTstrict. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 8:38 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. I IL 3 - *% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %9$s$ Z. 8 Z. d Lew i s X Larson xx Mamaux X Pet? i ne X Kulchin X I a 0 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 9 COUNCIL $: 3% 3 MEMBERS \\ % %% 1.. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Council, by minute motion, approved the conceptual Lew I s X Larson Resolution: (one motion) X Mamaux apply for a Coastal Permit, and adopted the following X Pet? 1 ne station and the sewer force main and directed staff to xx Kuichin design plans for Cannon Road Reach 1, the sewer pump X RESOLUTION NO. 89-212, CERTIFYING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO CANNON ROAD AND FOR A SEWER INTERCEPTOR AND PUMP STATION. (88) 22. AB #10,064 - ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF MEDICAL WASTE - COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES. Mayor Lew 1s stated he had requested th is item and opened the Publlc Hearing at 8:40 p.m., and issued the i nv i tat ion to speak. John Misleh, County Department of Health Services, stated he was present to answer questions. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Pub\Ic Hearing was closed at 8:43 p.m. Counci I adopted the fol Iowlng Ordinance: Lew i s xx Kulchin X ORDINANCE NO. NS-74, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6.02 OF Pett i ne X THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADOPTION OF SECTION Mamaux X 6.02.017 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE RECENTLY ADOPTED SAN X Larson DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES FOR THE REGULATION OF THE STORAGE AND DISPOSAI- OF MEDICAL WASTES. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (99) 23. AB #10,108 - APPEAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S DECISION ON MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 796 (MINK, LTD.). This Item was withdrawn from the Agenda. At thls time, Item #27 was taken out of order. (87) 27. AB #10,082 - SITING OF CHILDRENS' SERVICE CENTER IN NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY. Councll Member Kulchin gave the report on this item, Introducing Gloria Cochran, who stated she was seeking support from the cities In North County for siting a children's service center in North County. Counci I adopted the fol lowing Resolution: Lew i s X Kulchin xx RESOLUTION NO. 89-190, SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED SITING Pett 1 ne X Mamaux OF A COMPREHENSIVE CHILDREN'S SERVICE CENTER IN NORTH X X Larson S AN D 1 EGO COUNTY. (113) 24. A8 #10,112 - AVIARA PARKS AGREEMENT. (45) Phll Carter, Assistant to the City Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, covering the major areas of the agreement and then detaT I ing them. I/ / A $ v a 0 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 10 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Counci I adopted the fol lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-216, APPROVING A PARKS AGREEMENT BETWEEN AVIARA LAND ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. 25. A6 #10,109 - FINAL MAPS FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 85-35 UNITS A, By C, D AND E - AVIARA PHASE 1. City Engineer Lioyd Hubbs gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bil I, stating this item is in conjunction with Consent Calendar Items 8 through 18. I n response to Counci I query regard ing the density, Phil Carter explained the master plan density, stating thai the three different land use classifications were totaled together, making all planning areas at or below the Growth Control Point. City Manager Ray Patchett requested that when Consent I tems #8, 15, 16 and 17 were considered, that the joint use agreement with SDG&E sections be deleted from the Resolutions. Council approved the Final Maps for CT 85-35, Units A, B, Cy D & E, and adopted the fol lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-21 3, AUTHOR I ZI NG THE EXECUT I ON OF AGREEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH AVIARA, CT 85-35, UNITS A, By C, D AND E. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: 8. AB #10,095 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES - WESTANA VIEWPOINT - PR 3.4.66/MP 177. - COUNCIL \$ 3 % A MEMBERS % %% Lew is X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchin X Lew i s Kulchin Pett i ne Mamaux Larson I - I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-199, accepting grant deed from Westana Viewpoint conveying an easement for public street purposes for Alga Road, as mended. .- 9. AB #10,096 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR OFFSITE WATERLINE EASEMENT PURPOSES - VIARA (CT 85-35) PR 3.5.65. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-200, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Limited I Partnership conveying an easement for waterline purposes off Alga Road. 10 .AB #10,097 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT E OFFSITE) PR 3.2.29. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-201, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnership conveying an easement for drainage purposes off proposed Batiquitos Drive. X X X X X X I ~ I ~ 165 b 0 0 MINUTES June 27, 1989 Page 11 I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) I CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: (Continued) (99) 11. AB #10,098 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE 1, UNIT E OFFSITE) PR 3.4.73. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-202, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnershlp conveying an easement for general utllity and access purposes off proposed Batiquitos Drive. (99) 12. AB #10,099 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.2.27. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-203, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Assoclates Limited Partnership coveying an easement for drainage purposes off Alga Road. (99) 13. AB #10,100 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR SEWER AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PURPOES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT 6 OFFSITE) PR 3.3.12. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-204, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Limited PartnershTp conveying an easement for drainage and sewer purposes. (99) 14. AB #10,101 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.4.72. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-205, accepting a grant deed from Avlara Land Associates Limited Partnership conveying an easement for genera I utility and access purposes off Ambrosia Lane. (99) 15. AB #10,102 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PARK SITE ACCESS AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-35 PHASE.1 OFFSITE) PR 2.3.19. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-206, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Llmited Partnership conveying an esement for park site access and public utility purposes off Ambrosia Lane, as amended. (113) 16. AB #10,103 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES - AVIARA (PR 3.4.58/MP-177). Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-207, accepting a grant deed from Aviara Land Associates Limited Partnershlp conveying an easement for public street, drainage and sidewalk purposes for Alga Road and Poi nsettia Lane, as amended. (99) 17. AB #10,104 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR SEWER EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA (CT 85-83 PHASE I, UNIT C OFFSITE) PR 3.3.8. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-208, accepting a grant deed from Roy and Nancy Mitsuuchi convey! ng an easement for sewer purposes, as amended. .- I // /P S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %9$%%4, Z. @ Z. (r a 0 MINUTES (113) (110) (87) (50) June 27, 1989 Page 12 /\F COUNCIL 39% /o %p/ MEMBERS 2. 8 .Z DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 18. AB 10,105 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATIONS OF RIGHT-OF- WAY PREVIOUSLY REJECTED FOR.FUTURE STREET PROJECT - PR 3.4.66/MP-177. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-209, acceptlng ded !cation of previously rejected right-of-way for Alga Road and Poinsettia Lane. 26. AB #10,110 - AMENDMENT TO UTILITY BILLING. Sandra Schmldt, Asslstant Finance Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda B i I I. Counci 1 adopted the fol lowing Resolutions and Lewis X introduced the followlng Ordinance: (one motion) X Carson COLLECTION RATES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. xx Mamaux RESOLUTION NO. 89-214, REVISING THE MONTHLY REFUSE X Pett i ne X Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 89-215, REVISING WATER RATES AND CHANGES. ORDINANCE NO. NS-77, AMENDING TITLE 13, CHAPTER 13.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECT1 ON 13.1 2.020 TO ADJUST SEWER SERVICE CHARGES. 27. AB #10,082 - SITING OF CHILDRENS' SERVICE CENTER IN NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY. This item was taken out of order. (See Page 9) 28. AB #lO,lll - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATE REPORT - MAY 31, 1989. Information Item from Finance Department reporting on the status of revenues and expenditures as of Apri I 30, 1989. Councll Member Pettine left the Meeting at 9:ZO p.m.*** COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and activities of the Committees and Sub-Committees of which they are Members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: City Manager Ray Patchett announced that due to July 4, 1989, falling on Tuesday, the next Council Meeting would be July 11 , 1989. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 27, 1989, was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfu I ly submitted, *** Council approved the n.inutes as amended to read as follows: &gGct/ /I?- he "Council had an Member early Pettire commitment day, announced the next that ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ and he left the meetir.g City Clerk at 9:20 P.M. Harriett Babbitt M i nutes C 1 erk 163 i$ *%