HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-18; City Council; MinutesI < 0 a MINUTES MEETING OF: City Council (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: July 18, 1989 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers (74) 196) (45) (70) (45) CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lewis at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as fol lows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson INVOCATION was given by Pastor Thomas Meese. PLEDGE OF ALLEGl ANCE was led by Counc i 1 Member Larson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 27, 1988, were approved as amended. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested that I tem No. 10 be removed from the Consent Ca 1 end ar . Counci l af f irmed the act ion of the Consent Calendar, Items 1 through 12, with the exception of Item No. 10, as fol lows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Counci 1 waived the read i ng of the text of a 1 I Ord inances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #10,133 - CONVERSION OF DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES MANAGER POSiTlON TO A SENIOR PLANNER POSISTiON. Counci! adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-238, converting the Development Processing Services Manager position to a Senior Planner position. 2. ; AT CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD - PROJECT NO. 3270. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-239, accepting the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road traffic signal as comp lete, and d irecting the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion. 3. AB #10,135 - ACCEPTANCE OF CARLSBAD SWIM COMPLEX REPAIRS - PROJECT NO. 3271. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-252, accepting the repairs to the Carlsbad Swim Complex as complete, and d i rect i ng the City Clerk to record the Not ice of Completion. 1% COUNCIL /\I\ %9 0 Ad A % MEMBERS % $% $ Lew is X Larson X Mamaux x Pett i ne xx Kulch in X Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine xx Kulchin X I I , 0 0 MINUTES July 18, 1989 Page 2 (70) 4. AB #10,136 - ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION OF (45) CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BLUFFTOP WALKWAY - PROJECT NO. 3265. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-240, accepting the constructoon of the Carlsbad Boulevard Blufftop Walkway as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion. (97) 5. AB #10,137 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 FOR PHASE It OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 3205. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-241, approving Change Order No. 8 for the construct ion of a 12" waterline and related appurtenances on Carlsbad Boulevard, and approving the appropriation of $94,562 from the unappropriated fund balance in the Water Capital Project Fund. (70) 6. AB #10,138 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON VISITATION AREA - PROJECT NO. 3156. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-242, appproving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construct ion of the Buena Vista Lagoon Visitation Area. (96) 7. AB #10,139 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS > AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION OF RANCHO CARLSBAD/EL CAMINO REAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PROJECT Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-243, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Rancho Carlsbad/El Camino Real traffic signal system. (60) 8. AB #10,140 - RENEWAL OF EXCESS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-244, authorizing the renewal of Excess Workers' Compensation insurance coverage in accordance with staff recommendations at a premium deposit of $30,000. (84) 9. AB #10,141 - ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF (45) OFFICE SUPPLIES. Adopting RESOLUTION NO. 89-245, accepting the bid of Southwest Stationers, lnc., for the annual purchase of office supp!ies, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement. (110) 10. AB #lo, 142 - INCREASE OF WATER RATE. Th is item was removed the Consent Cal endar. 19fl - - Spd, MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % %a Q% % f A P - I I a 0 MINUTES (28) (37) (110) (78) COUNCIL /\k 3 ?+A% 3 July 18, 1989 Page 3 MEMBERS % %% 11. AB #10,143 - HISTORIC POINTS OF INTEREST - GAUS HOUSE - SHIPLEY WARD HOUSE - UNION CHURCH. Adopting RESOLUTION NOS. 89-247, 89-248, AND 89-249, approving Historic Point of Interest designation for the Gaus House (HSD 89-1 1, the Shipley Ward House (HSD 89-21, and the Union Church (HSD 89-31. 12. AB #10,144 - CITY COUNClL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - SECOND QUARTER UPDATE. Counci I received the second quarter update of the City Council Goals and Objectives. 13. NUMBER NOT USED. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 10. AB #10,142 - INCREASE OF WATER RATE. Mayor Lewis stated that he removed th is item from the Consent Calendar because he had requested a staff report on the matter. Ra 1 p h Anderson, Uti 1 it i es/Ma i ntenance D i rector, stated that this increase would pass through a rate increase levied by the San Diego County Water Authority. He reported that the increase was effective almost a year ago, but had been absorbed by the water d istrict to date. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lew is xx Kulchin X RESOLUTION NO. 89-246, revising the water rates to Pett i ne X increase the potable water rate from $.98 to $1.01 Mamaux X per 100 cubic feet. Larson X PUBL 1 C COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council during this portion of the meeting. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 14. A6 #10,128 - PENAL CODE AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SELECTION/TRAINING STANDARDS FOR PUBLlC SAFETY DISPATCHERS. Counci 1 adopted the fol lowing Ordinance: X Larson STANDARDS FOR RECUITMENT AND TRAINING FOR PARTICIPATION X Mamaux COMMlSSiON ON PEACE OFFlCER STANDARDS AND TRAINING X Pett i ne ORDINANCE NO. NS-78, APPROVING DEPARTMENT OF JUSTlCE xx Kulchin X Lew i s IN THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHER PROGRAM. I 8? A $ * 0 MINUTES (72) (86) July 18, 1989 Page 4 15. AB #10,129 - ESTABLISHMENT OF NO PARKING ZONE ON MANZANO DRIVE. Counci I adopted the fol lowing Ord i nance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-79, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNiClPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 10.40.071 TO DESI GNATE "NO PARKI NG" ON BOTH SIDES OF MANZANO DRiVE FROM CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO EL ARBOL DRIVE. Council adjourned the City Council Meeting at 6:08 P.M., to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission, and reconvened the City Council Meeting at 6:lO P.M., with all members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CiTY MANAGER REPORTS: 16. AB #10,145 - CITIZEN REQUEST REGARDING PROPERTY LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF POINSETTlA LAND AND PASEO DEL NORTE. . ."_ ~ -~ .." .~ I Ray Patchett, City Manager, ind icated that th is matter was on the agenda as a citizens' request, and that staff had noi- prepared a staff report on the matter. Council recognized Mona Reasons, Chairperson of the Public Affairs Committee, Sea Cliff Homeowners Association. Mrs. Reasons presented a report, essentially as contained in her letter of June 27, 1989, to the City Council. She outlined the concerns of the homeowners regarding the plans of American Assets to build a neighborhood shopping center near the entrance-exit gate at Sea Cliff, at the Poinsettia Lane of framp of northbound I-5. She stated that the c it izens of Sea C l iff, as we1 I as those of other developments in the area think that the zoning of the s ite is inappropriate, and request that the zon ing be changed from NC (Q) to 0 (office). Counci 1 recognized Mr. Richard Lyons, 7019 Lavender Way, Carlsbad. Mr. Lyons stated that his main concern is the safety issue. He stated that the proposed development by American Assets would hamper circulation and traffic access to Sea CI iff, especially for emergency vehicles. He stated that Sea CI iff is surrounded on three sides by brush and he expressed concern that the commercial development and increased traffic wou Id impede the fire deparment from reach i ng them in case of an emergency. I Xk COUNCIL \y % 9 % A MEMBERS % sy Lew i s X Larson X Mamaux X Pett i ne xx Kulchin X i btP 0 0 MINUTES July 18, 1989 Page 5 Council recognized Sal ly Lyons, 7019 Lavender, Carlsbad. Mrs. Lavender spoke in favor of the zone change. She stated that she did not feel that the existing street would hold the additional traffic that wou Id be generated by the proposed commercia I development. She requested that council consider the request for the zone change.* Council recognized Mr. Robert E. Meyer, 7133 Linden Terrace, Car lsbad. Mr. Meyer, with the aid of transparencies, showed the proximity of the proposed development to the existing homes at Sea Cliff as well as location of the single gated entrance to Sea Cliff. He i nd icated that the res idents are concerned with safety, access, increased traffic, decrease in value of their homes, decrease in gate security, refuse and access problems for safety vehicles trying to enter Sea Cliff. He also requested that council consider the request for re-zoning. Counci 1 recogn ized Mr. Joe Reed, 1008 Daisy Ave, Carlsbad. Mr. Reed stated that he is a resident of the Sp i nnaker H i 1 Is development, and a member of the Southwest Quadrant Homeowners Coalition, which represents 3,000 homes in the area of 1-5 and Poinsettia Lane. He stated that the homeowners in the area are not in favor of the proposed project and feel that it w i I I increase traf f ic prob lems in the area and I ead to grid lock. He stated that they support the request of the Sea Cliff Homeowners Association to rezone the property. Counci 1 recognized Mr. Nick Banche, Attorney, 810 M i ss ion Avenue, Oceans ide, representing the deve I oper, American Assets. Mr. Banche stated that the council, in 1982, had estab I ished the current zoning on the parcel, at the suggestion of the Planning Department staff. He stated that staff knew at that time how mar units were to be constructed in the area and felt thal the present zoning was proper for the site. He statec that the developer has met with the homeowners during the process to let them know what is being planned for the site and to get feed back from them. He also commented that the proposed change of zone to lrO1l would allow for a much larger building, probably more than one story, in the same area. Mr. Banche then requested that the developer be al lowed to continue tc process his project under the present zoning. Council stated that if the matter were allowed to continue to process if would have to go through public hearings both at the Planning Commission and possibly the Council, and that would give the opportunity for more pub 1 ic input on the project. Dur i ng the hearings, al I issues and concerns could be addressed, and a decision made on the project as part of that process. IQCl " I t ! I!' k I 1 COUNCIL /\F %A "0 +.p, MEMBERS + 6 9 * & COPY OF l4€R PLC)&rJ 03 FILE gpTEW6fi dAS u,~ fi C\Tq cLiei' ,,a n/lcolq7 P~JD w&S FlLiD Zd 3co 0 h Lq)! (26) (45) (97) a 0 MINUTES July 18, 1989 Page 6 I Council determined that the developer should be a I lowed to continue to process h is p lans for the project, and ind icated that the issues raised by the c it izens shou Id be addressed. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 7:14 P.M., and Council re-convened at 7:25 P.M., with all members present. 17. AB #10,146 - PROPOSED FORMATlON OF THE BUENA VISTA - CHANNEL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. The staff report on the matter was present by Ralph Anderson, Uti I ities/Maintenance Director, essential!y as contained in the agenda bill. Mr. Anderson explained that for the last ten years, the 1 ack of regu 1 ar I y sched u led ma i ntenance on the channel has resu lted in f I ood i ng and nu isance abatement problems, and that the present owners of the land adjacent to the channel have requested that the Benef it D istr ict be formed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-250, DECLARING INTENTION TO LEVY ANNUAL BENEFIT ASSESSMENTS, SETTING A TlME AND PLACE FOR A PUBL IC HEAR! NG, AND APPROV 1 NG THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND LETTER AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES. 18. AB #10,150 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPEClFlCATlONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO B1D FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF INTNERIM ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO RANCHO SANTE FE ROAD - PROJECT NO. 3315. The staff report was presented by John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, as contained in the staff report. With the aid of transparencies, Mr. Cah i I I outlined the two alternatives that Council will consider at the time that the contract for constructio is awarded. These alternatives "A" and "BfT deal with the matter of whether or not to allow traffic to continue to use Rancho Santa Fe Road during the construction of the project. Marty Bouman, Traffic Planner continued with the report and reported that closure of the road (alternative 'rBr') would probably cost less and take less time to complete, but cou Id cause some inconvenience. He also stated that this alternative would be the safest choice. 1 It was noted that AI ternat ive "Bf' wou Id require re- routing of traffic onto other city streets. Staff alsc: stated that they wou Id be contacti ng neighboring cit ier; and other agengc ies to request feed back on the matter. I P/n I *% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %PA "0 2. $)p/$ tp 2. 6 Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchin X Lew is X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchin X 1 (36) (39 1 (63) (28) (63) (45) e m MINUTES COUNCIL \F 337 /o $,% A July 18, 1989 Page 7 MEMBERS Z. tp .;t Counci 1 adopted the following Resolution: SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND X Pett i ne RESOLUTION NO. 89-253, APPROVING PLANS, xx Kulch in X Lewis X Larson AUTHORIZING THE CiTY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR X Mamaux THE INTERlM ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS TO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, PROJECT NO. 3315. 19. AB #10,147 - lNCREASE OF COMPENSATION FOR CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER. Mayor Lewis stated that he and Council Member Mamaux had reviewed the compensation for the City Clerk and City Treasurer and recommended the increase. It was noted that this matter shou Id be considered every two years when the compensation for members of the City Counci I is considered. Counci 1 introduced the fol lowing Ord inance: Lewis X Kulchin xx ORDINANCE NO. NS-80, AMENDlNG TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.08 OF Pett i ne X THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF Mamaux X Larson SECTIONS 2.08.020 AND 2.08.030 TO INCREASE THE X COMPENSATl ON OF THE CI TY TREASURER AND C1 TY CLERK. 20. AB #10 , 131 - L1 BRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Lew i 5 nom i nated M i I ton Cooper, Seena Tr igas, and Thomas Curtin to fill the vacancies on the Library Board. Counci! adopted the following Resolutions: (One Lew i s xx Mot ion 1 Kulchin X Larson CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (Milton Cooper) X Marnaux RESOLUTION NO. 89-234, APPOlNTlNG ONE MEMBER TO THE X Pett i ne X RESOLUTION NO. 89-235, APPOlNTlNG ONE MEMBER TO THE CARLSBAD LlBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (Seena Trigas) RESOLUTION NO. 89-236, APPOINTING ONE MEFIBER TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (Richard Curtin) 21. AB #10,148 - ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. The matter was continued for one week. 22. AB #10,151 - LIBRARY BUILDING CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY PROJECT. John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, presented the staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bi l I. With the aid of transparencies, he out! ined the proposed schedu le for the 1 i brary project. \5?< b L% I. e e MINUTES July 18, 1989 Page 8 -c ( ( Cliff Lange, Library Director, continued with the staff report, and out1 i ned the select ion process that was used for the library consultant. He also introduced Mr. David R- Smith, Consulting Librarian, who was in attendance. Counci I adopted the fol lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-254, APPROVING A LIBRARY BUILDING CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH MR- DAVID R. SMITH, CONSULTING LIBRARIAN, FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY BUILDING PROGRAM. 39) 23. AB #10,149 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENT. 1 nformation 1 tern from the City Treasurer regard ing the status of the City's investment portfolio as of July l,, 1989. COUNClL REPORTS: Council Members reported on the recent meetings and activities of the Committees and Sub-Committees of which they are Members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Ray Patchett, City Manager, announced that there was no need to hold the Closed Session scheduled for the end of the meeting. He reported that agreements had been reached with both the Car I sbad C i ty Emp loyees Association and Carlsbad Fire Association, and that negotiations were concluded. 74) 24. CLOSED SESSION ON EMPLOYEE LABOR NEGOTIATIONS. The Closed Session was not held. (See City Manager's comments above.) ADJOURNMENT: By proper mol-ion, the meeting of July 18, 1989, was adjourned in the memory of Ed ith Anne Anderson at 8:30 P.M., to Thursday, July 20, 1989, at 6:OO P.M., in Santee, in the event a quorum of Counci 1 Members attends the Quarterly League Dinner Meeting. Respectf u I I y subm i tted , GLeettiPR- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Karen R. Kundtz Deputy City Clerk 18Y +% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % Z. ?$%$ 6 .;t rs Lew i s xx Kulchin X X Mamaux X Pett i ne X Larson