HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-05; City Council; MinutesP i (74) (84) 0 a MINUTES Meetlng of: CiTY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 5, 1989 Tlme of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers I CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lew Is ca I l ed the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as fol tows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kufchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: None. .I NV0CAT.I ON was given by Reverend Steve Seef ig of the Church of the Nazarene. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kufchin. I PRESENTAT IONS: I Marsha Payne, Personnel Department, presented an Employees' Suggestion Award of $300 to Summer Harrell of the Purchaslng Department, for suggesting a pre-sort ma i I system. Mayor Lewis introduced Mrs. Joan Kindle, who gave a history of Kennth Weaver's family and told of Mr. Weaver's "branding iront1 depicting various brands from the area, includ ing Carril lo Ranch, which he has presented to the City. Mayor Lewis presented Mr. Weaver with a Proclamation thanking him on behaff of the CFty. CONSENT CALENDAR: I Mayor Lewis requested I tern #7 be removed from the Consent Ca l endar . Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of I tern #7, as fol lows: COUNCIL I\\ %9A 0 Lg % "EMBERS % %% Lew Is X Mamaux X Pett 1 ne xx KufchFn X X Larson WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Counci I waived the read ing of the text of al I Ord-inances and Resolutlons at thls Meet'lng. 1. AB #10,231 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND SALARY PLAN FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. Council adopted RESOLUTION 89-315, reclasslfying the positfon of Park Pfanner to Park Development Coord I nator 2. AB #10,230 - ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR JANITORIAL SUPPL I ES. Counc i I adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-31 4, accepting bids and authorlzing the execution of purchase orders to Waxle Enterprises, lnc., and Mission Chemical for the purchase of janitorial supplles. 2 3 -3 A $ i (84) (99) (45) (74) (87) (45) (81) (81) 0 0 MINUTES September 5, 1989 Page 2 ~ ~ ~~ CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 3. AB #10,232 - PURCHASE OF 1989 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN. Counc I 1 adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-31 6, award ing a bld to Quality Chevrofet Company and appropriating $28,173 from the General Fund Contingency Account for the purchase, maintenance and replacement costs of the veh ic le for use by the Fire Department. 4. AB #10,233 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - ADAMS STREET AND CHINQUAPIN AVENUE - MINOR SUBDIVISION 270. Council accepted improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Comp letion and release bonds, and directed the Uti! lties and Maintenance Department to cmmence malntainlng the pub l ic Improvements associated with the subd ivlslon. 5. AB #10,234 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH CARLSBAD GIRLS CLUB. Counc? l approved the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Girls CIub for the construction of a nine-space parklng lot and surrounding fence as part of a 540 square foot add itlon. 6. AB #10,235 - AMENDING THE CLASS SPECIFICATION FOR CERTAIN FIRE CLASSES. - Count I 1 adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-31 7, amend ing the classiflcatlon plan of the City to revise the class specif lcatlons of FIref ighter, Paramed ic/Firef lghter, FFre Engineer and Fire Captain to reflect mandated new requirements for operating fire apparatus and ambulances. 7. AB #10,236 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF SAN DiEGO FOR FUNDING OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS. COUNCIL /\k % %$ 8 MEMBERS % %% I This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. I 8. AB #10,245 - REJECTION OF BIDS AND AUTHORIZATION TO READVERTISE - CONSTRUCTION OF AGUA HEDIONDA SEWAGE PUMP STATION - PROJECT NO. 3303. I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-323, rejecting al l constructlon bids, and authorizing the City Clerk to readvertlse for bids for the construction of the Agua Hedionda Sewage Pump Station, Project No. 3303. 9. AB #10,246 - ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRlBUTlON FROM TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS FOR PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-322, accepting a donatton of $1,000 from the Tournament of Champions Charities for the Paramedic Trust Fund. Ill Ill aa9 9-4 :)U x $ 0 0 MINUTES September 5, 1989 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (96) 10. AB #10,244 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (45) AND AUTHORIZATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION OF THE FARADAY AVENUE - COLLEGE BOULEVARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PROJECT NO. 3339. I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-321, approving plans and speciflcations and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Faraday Avenue and Col lege Boulevard traffic signal, Project No. 3339. 1 1 . NUMBER NOT USED. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (87) 7. AB #lo9236 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH COUNTY OF (45) SAN DIEGO FOR FUNDING OF STREET 1MPROVEMENTS. CouncP 1 Member Mamaux stated he asked for this item to be removed from the Consent Calendar to cal I attention to the fact that the County had to comp ly w 7th the Growth Management Plan and be responsible for street improvements on El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. Council adopted the following Resolutlon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-318, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR FUND I NG OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON EL CAM I NO REAL AND AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address CouncEf at thls time. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (113) 12. AB #10,195 - AMENDMENT TO BATIQUITOS MASTER PLAN TO EXTEND THE TIME LIMIT FOR.CONSTRUCTION OF. EDUCATIONAL~FACILITIES - MP-f75(C) - SAMMIS. Counc I l adopted the fol low Ing Ord J nance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-83, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9778 AND MASTER PLAN MP-175 FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK TO EXTEND FOR FIVE YEARS THE TIME LIMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IN AREA "A" SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. (78) 13. AB 610,220 - SECOND CALL ORDINANCE. Councl I adopted the fol lowlng Ord inance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-84, AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.36 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION PARTIES REQUIRING A SECOND RESPONSE. 3.36.040 TO ESTABLISH A FEE FOR POLICE SERVICES AT I 23' - S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ 3 % %$ %% % % Lew i s xx Mamaux X Pett i ne X Kulchln X X Larson Lewis X Mamaux X Pett i ne X KulchEn X xx Larson Lew is X Mamaux X Pett l ne xx Kulchln X X Larson 0 0 MINUTES September 5, 1989 Page 4 ( PUBLIC HEARINGS: 99) 14. AB #10,237 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL CONCERNING BUILDING HEIGHT - PCD 89-3 - NESSIM. Mike Hofzm.il ler, Planning DJrector, gave the staff report as contalned in the Agenda Bil l, using transparencies to show the proposed building. He ? nd icated the key word In th is appea l was "existing", for lf Council approved the new grades, those would become the "existing grades" to which the standards wou Id apply. Mayor Lewfs opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Gary Nesslm, 2987 High land Dr ive, the app f icant, stated hls proposed bul id Eng wou Id be three stories, 30 feet hlgh and rqulred no variances. This would be an lmprovement to the site and on I y one and a ha1 f feet hlgher than the exlsting structure. Transparencies and sf ides of the site were used by Mr. Nesslm to ind lcate the proposed structure. He stated the bulldlng did not exceed the 35-foot helght 1 imit irrespective of wh ?ch grade was used for the ca 1 cu I atlon. Caroline Schindler, 3081 Highland, spoke in favor of the proposed structure, stating that thls was not a flat lot and this new structure would improve the general look of the nelghborhood. Kay Chrtstlansen, 2802 Carlsbad Boulevard, spoke in favor of the bu 1 id i ng, stat ing this has been an ug I y corner for a long time and anything wou Id be an improvement. Kenneth Chriss, Architect, 2979 State Street, spoke in favor of the project, referring to a handout glven to Councll Members contalnfng the Building Height portlon of the Code. Cindy Ward, 927 Begonla Court, spoke in oppositfon to the proposed building, stating that the 35 foot height was adopted for visual beneffts and was important to many people. She felt this bullding could set a p reced ent . James Swab, 3640 Adams Street, spoke as a property owner on HZgh I and, and asked that thls request be den led. He sald thls would create a massive appearance and Counci l needed to consider the size of the overaf I bullding and whether it would fit in a residential neighborhod. Albert Mendoza, 2870 Highland Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposed building, stating his concern with a four-story structure. He feft the language and intent with regard to bui /ding heights should be clarlfled. S i nce no one el se w I shed to speak on th is matter, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:19 p.m I 230 - S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \$ % + ?$%$ 6 + tl r (99) (108) (28) e 0 MINUTES September 5, 1989 Page 5 /\i COUNCIL % %' % MEMBERS % %% PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Mike Holzm.lller stated that the same height restrPctZon appl ies to al I zones, but because this Is an R-1 Zone, the bu'lld'lngs should be compatlble In slze, helght and locatlon with the surround ing neighborhood. Mayor LewBs sald that the fntent of the building helght I lmft was to restrict but tdlngs in excess of three storles In the R-1 areas. Councl I Member Pettlne suggested that the wordlng of the Ordlnance needs to be changed to clarify Intent; however, lt wou Id be Improper to block thFs project, since it complles with the strict language of the Code. Councll Member Mamaux concurred with the statements of Mr. Pet" f ne. Counci 1 Member Larson sa Id he agreed with staff 's posltton that the fntent is not to a! low four storles in an R-1 Zone. Councll Member Kulchln agreed with the comments of Mr. Larson. She also stated the massive structure would be l ncompat 1 b l e, and supported the den tal. ~ Mayor Lewis concurred wlth Councll Members Kulchln and I Ill Larson. CouncOl adopted the following Resolution: Lew .I s Kulchln RESOLUTION NO. 89-319, DENYING THE APPEAL OF A PLANNING Pettine COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING BUILDING HEJGHT AT 2986 Mamaux HIGHLAND AVENUE. PCD 89-3 - NESSIM. Larson 15. AB #10,238 - APPEAL OF PLANN4NG COMMiSSlON DENIAL - CT 89-10/PUD 89-2/HDP 89-23/V 88-3 - ST. TROPEZ WEST - CALIFORNIA BUILDERS. X X xx This Item was cont 'Enued to September 26, 1989. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 7:44 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:52 p.m., with all Members I 1 present. I Ill DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 16. AB #10,239 - REPORT OF CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO REVIEW OPEN SPACE. Mayor LewTs announced that Counct I would consPder the conceptual idea of the report of the Committee and citizen Input ton ight, and have Counci 1 d iscussion and actFon the following week. Staff that worked wlth this Commlttee and the consultant were Introduced. Mike HolzmTller explatned the wall maps that were displayed showing the open space and the potentlal Ilnkage for a trall system. Mr. Holzmt l ler stated that no action was to be taken ton ight wlth regard to the entire report, but staff recommendatlons 1, 2 and 3 in the Agenda Bl I1 could be accepted. a29 I h 9 0 0 MINUTES (102) (67) (28) s96, September 5, 1989 Page 6 COUNCIL \\ % ?$%%& MEMBERS .;t d .;t d 'DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Committee Chalrman Kip McBane introduced the Committee Members and several Committee Members exp I ained the recornmendatfons as contalned in the Agenda Bl I I. G irard Anear, 1 720 Ca 1 avo Court, a Member of the CommFttee, stated that the costs to obtaln property for open space were mFssing from the report. He said that ten years ago the trall situation was considered, and at that time It was too expensive as far as malntenance and I labll ity costs, and he asked Council to consider those facts when consldering thSs report. Mayor Lewls asked the Council Members to return next week wlth their concerns and recommendations for flnal action on thls Item. 17. AB #10,240 - REVISION OF SPEED LlMIT ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SOUTH OF MANZANO DRIVE. Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report as contalned in the Agenda B? ! ! , us? ng an aer iaf photograph to Indicate the area. CouncF I introduced the fol lowlng Ord Inance: Lew I s X Kulchin xx ORDINANCE NO NS-85, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF X Larson 10.44.030 TO EXTEND THE EXISTING 35 MILE PER HOUR X Mamaux THE CARLSBAD MUNIC.IPAt CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION X Pettine PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT UPON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE CITY TO A POINT 1,400 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MANZANO DRIVE AND TO DESIGNATE A 50 MILE PER HOUR PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT UPON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD FROM 1,400 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE RIGHT- OF-WAY OF MANZANO DRIVE TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THE CITY. 18. AB #10,241 - TREBLE COSTS FOR THE ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN NUISANCES. Councl I introduced the fol lowing Ordinance: X Larson 6.16.110(4) PROVIDING FOR TREBLE COSTS FOR THE X Mamaux THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTJON X Pet? I ne ORDINANCE NO. NS-86, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6-16 OF xx Kulchin X Lew i s ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN NUISANCES. 19. AB #10,227 - APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO STUDY CULTURAL FAC1LITIES.FOR CARLSBAD- Councl1 adopted the fof lowing Resolution: X Kulchln xx Lew 1s IDENTIFY CULTURAL FACfL3TIES AND EVALUATE ALTERNATIVE Mamaux X FINANCING METHODS TO FUND CULTURAL FACILITIES, as Welshons--Parks and Recreation Commlssion, Matt Hall-- Mark Rlfkln. Designated Representatives: Kim L'Heureux, Laurle Batter, Monte Newman, Wayne Dalling, follows: Five Representatives at Large: Ann X Larson Scherr--Arts Associates. Board of Trustees, Sue Ladouceur--Arts Comm?sslon, Mary Redevelopment Advisory Committee, Mary Grosse--Library Planning Commission, Peter Norby--Housing & RESOLUTION NO. 89-286, APPOINTiNG A COMMITTEE TO X Pett i ne 22s e 0 MINUTES September 5, 1989 Page 7 ( I 'DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 128) 20. AB 810,242 - APPPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE LIBRARY BUILDING REVIEW COMMITTEE. Counci I adopted the fol lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-308, ESTABLISHING A LIBRARY BUILDING REVIEW COMMITTEE AND APPOINTING A COUNClt MEMBER AND THREE CITIZENS TO THE COMMITTEE. Mayor LewIs stated he would appoint two Counci f Members to this Commfttee, wlth the Commlttee as follows: Mayor Pro Tern Kulchln, Council Member Larson, Seena Tr igas--Library Board, Mar l Andersen- Frlends of the Llbrary, Sharon Schramm--Planning CommfssFon, Stephen L'Heureux, Gary Wrench and James McCann as Citlzens at Large, and Connle Beardsley, Artlst/Arts Professional. (103) 21. AB #10,243 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Thfs Item was continued one week. COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and activities of the Commfttees and Sub-Committees of which they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meetlng of September 5, 1989, was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Respectful ly submltted, dmL!k Rkkdd"J ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbltt MI nutes & 1 erk &a7 -I- COUNCIL /\/\ %T$~$ MEMBERS .;t tp .;t tp Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pett I ne X Kufchin xx I i