HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-26; City Council; Minutes% 0 e MINUTES Meet1 ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meetlng: September 26, 1989 Time of Meet'lng: 6:OO p.m. k\b Piace of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL 3 %$ ' MEMBERS % $% CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewfs called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the C,ity Clerk, as follows: Present: Councll Members LewSs, PettSne, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: Councl! Member Ku!chin. PRESENTATIONS: Larry Bag ley, Mayor of Oceansfde, presented a trophy to Mayor Lewfs for winnfng Second Piace in the Mayors Cup Race held last year. He stated there would be a rematch this year on October 7, 1989, when the Oceansfde Chamber of Commerce presents Harbor Days. Mayor Lewfs read a Proclamation proclaimlng the month of October CRIME PREVENTION MONTH. The Procfamatlon was accepted by Police Chief Vales. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 22, 1989, Lew I s X were approved as presented. Pett I ne xx Mamaux X Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 5, 1989, Larson X were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested Items #1 and #11 be removed from the Consent Ca I end ar . Counci 1 af f irmed the act ion of the Consent Ca l endar, Lew 1 s X wlth the exceptfon of Items #1 and #11, as follows: Pett I ne xx Mamaux X Larson X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of al 1 Ordinances and Resolutlons at this Meeting. (107) 1 . AB #10,259 - VACATION OF A PORTION'OF OAK AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET. Thfs item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (84) 2. AB #10,260 - PURCHASE OF A 3-4 CUBIC YARD COMPRESSOR/PATCH DUMP TRUCK. Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-333, accepting the bld and author lzing the execution of a purchase order to Westrux lnternationa! in the amount of $60,963.00, plus tax, for a 3-4 cubic yard compressor/patch dump truck. (84) 3. AB #10,261 - PURCHASE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE FOR HYPERCARD AND DESKTOP PUBLISHING PROJECTS. Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-334, authorlzlng the purchase of Apple Macintosh computer hardware to support Library hypercard and desktop publishing projects . as8 h @ \ (97) (45) (96) (45) (74) (99) (99) (78) 0 0 MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (ContPnued) 4. AB #10,262 - 1988-1989 STREETS OVERLAY PROGRAM AWARD OF CONTRACT - CONTRACT NO. U/M-26. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-335, accepttng b Ids and award ing a contract to the Da ley Corporatlon of San Diego In the amount of $338,275.00, for the 1988-89 Streets Overlay Program. 5. AB #10,263 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM AT EL CAMINO REAL AND RANCHO CARLSBAD DRIVE - PROJECT NO. 331 7. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-336, accepting b ?ds and award i ng the contract to Steiny & Company, lnc., Bn the amount of $59,890.00, for the lnstallation of a traffic signal system at Rancho Car lsbad Drive and E l Camino Real. 6. AB #10,264 - EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT LIST FOR FIRE CAPTA I N . Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-337, extending the list for Fire Captaln to October 28, 1990. 7. AB #10,265 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON OCEAN STREET - MINOR SUBDVlSlON 735. CouncP I accepted improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completlon, release bonds, and directed the Utll Itiies and Malntenance Department to commence maintaining the pub! ic fmprovements assocOated with the subd iv.islon. 8. AB #10,266 - DENIAL OF APPEAL OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UN IT DEVELOPMENT - CT 89-1 /PUD 89-1 - CAMPBELL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-338, denylng an appeal and upholding the Planning Commlsslon's approval of a nlne-lot tentative map and planned un'ft development on property genera l l y located north of Levante Street and west of La Costa Avenue. 9. AB #10,267 - APPROVAL OF INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE IN FAVOR OF CITY OF SAN MATEO. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-339, authorizing executton of Fndemnity and hold harmless agreement and release and authorizing the Pollce Chief to execute the agreement to al low two officers to attend motorcycle train fng in the CPty of San Mateo. 2513 - COUNCIL /\I\ % ?$%%+ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. 6 - 0 0 MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 3 'CONSENT CALENDAR: (Contfnued) (78) 10. AB #10,268 - APPROVAL OF TRAINING AGREEMENT WITH CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-340, authorizing agreements between the Pol Ice Department of the City of Carlsbad and the State of Callfornla Department of California Hlghway Patrol, and authorizing the Police Chlef to sign the agreement to a I low traf f IC off lcers to attend Commerc la I Enforcement Trafnfng Courses. ( 26) 1 1 . A8 #10,269 - EXTENS I ON OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 3151. (45) INSPECTION SERVICES FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST - COUNCIL I\\ % %* $ MEMBERS % $% Th 1 s Item was removed from the Consent Ca I endar . I Ill (99) 12. AB #10,270 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ON PARK DRIVE AND ADAMS STREET - MINOR SUBDIVISION 390. ~. ~~ - CouncO l accepted Improvements, authorized the City Cl erk to record the Not Ice of Cmp I et lon and release bonds, and dlrected the Uti 1 Ities and Maintenance Department to commence maintalnlng the I pub I fc improvements associated with the I I subd Pv'lsion. ( 70) 13. AB #10,271 - EXTENS ION OF THE ANNUAL CARLSBAD SAND (45) SURVEY AND BEACH PROFILE PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 989-90. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-342, approvTng an extension to an existing agreement between the Cjty of Car lsbad and Tekmarine, I nc., for the Car lsbad Sand Survey and Prof I le Program for fiscal year 1989-90, at a cost of $21,256.00. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (107) 1 . AB #10,259 - VACATION OF A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET. Clty Englneer Lloyd Hubbs explained that tonight's action wou Id set this matter to a pub! IC hearing on October 10, 1989. He responded to questlons, statlng that the med Ian wl I 1 proh'ibit left turns Into Llncol n Street, and ft wi I I become a one-way street northbound. A transparency was shown to illustrate the seven parking spaces el im Inated on Car I sbad Bou levard, and Mr. Hubbs stated that this vacation will allow parklng along Lincoln Street. Council adopted the following Resolution: tew l s xx Pett 1 ne X RESOLUTION NO. 89-332, DECLARING COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO Mamaux X VACATE A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE BETWEEN LINCOLN STREET Larson X AND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, AND A PORT i ON OF L.1 NCOLN STREET BETWEEN OAK AVENUE AND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, AND SETTING THE MATTER TO PUBLIC HEARJNG AT 6:OO P.M., ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 0, 1 989. 256 A @ 0 0 MINUTES (26) (45) (57) (114) (77) (99) September 26, 1989 Page 4 /\f COUNCIL % %$ 5 MEMBERS % %% '.ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (ContOnued) 11. AB #10,269 - EXTENSION OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR INSPECT'ION SERVICES FOR PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - PROJECT NO. 3151. Councl t Member Larson requested this Item be removed from the Consent Calendar so he could make a statement for the record. He sa id that he had not previous I y parttclpated in the dicusslon on the Palmar Airport Road West Assessment Dtstrlct, as his employer was negotlating with a property owner to relocate thelr business. In the Interim, that slte Js no longer under consideration, so Mr. Larson stated he no longer has a confflct of interest in this matter and wlll take part In a1 1 dfscusslons and votes in the future. Councfl adopted the following Reso!ution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-341, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF AN EXISTING CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN, ASSOCIATES, AT A COST OF $57,000, FOR INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, PROJECT NO. 3151. PUBLIC COMMENT: Don Connors, 921 Begonia Court, spoke as a representative to the Southwst Carlsbad Homeowners' Assoclatlons' Coatitlon. He told of a Bicycle Reglstratlon Day held Saturday, September 16, 1989, at Carlsbad Fire Statlon #4, sponsored by the Coalition and focal merchants. Mr. Connors told of the cooperatlon of the City and the success of the event, and encouraged the other Quadrants to part,lclpate In this type of activlty. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 14. AB #10,256 - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN, LOCAL COASTAL PLAN AND ZONI'NG CODE TO PROHIBIT ON-SHORE OIL AND GAS SUPPORT FACILITIES - GPA/LU 89-2/LCPA 89-1 /ZCA 89-1 . Council adopted the fol lowing Ord inance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-87, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROHIBIT ON-SHORE OIL FACILITIES EXCEPT IN THE C-M, M AND P-M ZONES UPON CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 15. AB #10,272 - AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE MAP TO MODIFY ROADWAY ALIGNMENTS - CT 84-32 (A)/PUD 73(A) COBBLESTONE SEA VILLAGE. Lew Is Pett I ne Mamaux Larson Lew ls Pett f ne Mamaux Larson X ~ I i I X X X X X X X X X I Mike HolzmFffer, PlannZng Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Blll, using transparencles to show the exfsting, approved altgnrnent and the proposed new a1 ignment, and a summary of the advantages of the proposed alignment. 255 h $j 0 0 MINUTES (99) (108) (99) September 26, 1989 Page 5 /\I\ COUNCIL so /o $*%$ A MEMBERS Z. rz, Z. 8 'PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Mayor Lewfs opened the Pub! ic HearSng at 6:28 p.m., and lssued the invltatfon to speak. Bi 11 Hofman, Hofman Planning AssocPates, 2386 Faraday, representing the fand owner, stated he was present to answer questions. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearlng was closed at 6:29 p.m. Council dlrected the City Attorney to prepare Lew 1 s X documents approvlng the Mitigated Negative Declaration Pett i ne X and Tentat ive Tract Map/P I anned Development CT 89- Mamaux xx 32(A)/PUD-73(A). Larson X 16. AB #10,238 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL - CT 89-10/PUD 89-2/HDP 89-23/V 88-3 - ST. TROPEZ WEST - CALIFORNIA BU.ILDERS. Nick Banche, Attorney, 810 Mission Avenue, Sulte 200, Oceanside, spoke on behalf of the app l icant, statlng their desire to withdraw the appeal and have the matter sent back to the Plannlng Commission to al low the appl lcant to redesign. He a!so walved any time constraints that may exist. Councl I approved the request of the appl lcant to iew I s X withdraw the appea I and return the matter to the Pett i ne X PIannlng Commfssfon to allow the appllcant to redesign, Mamaux xx including the appl icant's waive of any time constra f nts. X Larson DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 17. AB #10,278 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSiON DETERMlNATiON OF SUBSTANTiAL CONFORMANCE - Dl 89-4 - MARLBOROUGH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. M,lke Holzmiller gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bil I, using mounted exhibits to iI lustrate the changes. He summarized the eight changes required by the Coastal Comm.issPon, and pointed these out on mounted drawings. Mr. Ho Izm i I ler stated that the project was reduced by ten units to 130 total, due to the changes made by the Coastal Commission. He further stated that the only issue Counci f is addressfng is whether or not those changes are mlnor In nature and the project is In substantlal conformance with the origfnal sEte plan. Staff and the PlannJng Commission believe these changes are minor, improve the project, and recommend approval. Mayor LewTs announced that this project is legal and meets al I requ lrements by the Councl I at the time it was approved. The only thing to be d fscussed thts evenlng is the conformance with the orfgina! approval because of mlnor changes made by the Coastal Comm f ss $on. as Y 0 0 MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 6 /\k COUNCIL % %' ? MEMBERS % %% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Paula Madson, 702 - 4th Street, OceansPde, representlng Marlborough Development Corporatlon, stated the applfcant concurred wlth the staff report. Richard Niec, 28751 Rancho Calffornia Road, Temecula, representing Marlborough Development Corporatlon, stated he supported staff 's recommendat lion and wou Id I Ike to bufld a qual ity project in Carlsbad. He commented that In moving the bu i ld i ngs to the north, w ith a minimum of f Ive feet off of the property I ine In some cases, there was st; f I 35 feet mi n {mum bu I Id Ong separation. Mr. N,Iec asked for rebuttal time at the end of the pub 1 ic comment. William K. Shearer, Attorney, 101 West Broadway, San D iego, representing the Agua Hed ionda and Windsong Cove Homeowners Assoclations, ralsed the Issue of hbs not belng notifted of this hearing. He said the City Clerk's Off ice and the Planning Department d id not notify hlm and he requested a cont.inuance of this matter P n order to be properly prepared to make a presentation. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated that the people knew the matter was before Council tonight and were fully Informed as to the bssues to be heard. He said there was no reason why Council should not hear this matter tonight. The consensus of the Counclt Members was to hear the matter tonlght. In answer to Mr. Shearer's query as to the City havlng any formal notice requlrement to the appellant, Mr. Biondo stated there Is none. Mr. Shearer stated that when the bu .I Id i ngs were moved to wlth9n f Fve feet of the property IFne, this was a substantlal change and a dlstinct disadvantage to the owners residtng in the exfstlng projects adjacent to thPs partlcular slte. He stated that thJs change also e 1 iml nated the greenbelt. Mr. Shearer said the developer has a pending proposal to take the grad Fng into the rainy season, and this Is not in conformance. Also, this was to be part of one community, but now 'is to be gated, which would have an adverse impact on hls cllents, as they would have to 1 eave the gate to their area open wh'l le this area wou Id be c 1 osed . He concluded , statf ng these th ings were substantlal changes from the original approval. 2s 3 i e e e MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 7 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Dean Van Leuven, 821 A Kalpatl, President of the Agua Hed fonda Homeowners Assoclatlon, stated he supported the statements of Mr. Shearer. He Indicated on the wall map where the ifving rooms were located in the exQstPng butld ings and added that the moving of the bulldfngs to five feet from the property line puts them wlthin five feet of the adjacent driveway. Mr. Van Leuven sald that when he backs out of his garage, the driveway Is less than 20 feet In width, making those proposed buF ldlngs within 25 feet of hfs llvingrom. He felt that was a tremendous change. Mr. Van Leuven referred to the traff?c through the project he I Pves In, whlch Is adjacent to the proposed project, and stated he had subm ltted a 1 etter to the Trafflc Safety Commlssfon stating this would be a dangerous sltuatlon with homeowners trylng to get to ChPnquapin. This is not a City street, and the residents Pn his project do not want a third project s har I ng the I r street. CBty Attorney VBncent BIondo stated that thls problem with the streets was a prlvate matter and not one being consfdered tonfght. The last publ ic hearing on this project was six years ago and ail discretlonary approvals were g'iven at that time. The only lssue ton ight Is the conformance to the orlg lnal approval due to the changes made by the Coastal CommPsslon. James Hawes, 4065 Harbor Drive, stated he applauded Councfl and staff for worklng wtth Marlborough Development Corporation to obtain an access route and said he was looking forward to the completlon of thPs project. David V lnegrad, 401 6 Agu f la Street, stated that Counc I I could not make an Informed decislon based on the facts, as Marlborough is unable to provide the square footage change from the original plans to the plans that exist now. Mr. Vlnegrad said that pushing the buildings ten feet to the north represented a substantlal change In the plans. Michael Papenthien, 4016A Layang Layang Circle, stated h Is remarks were the same as Mr. V inegrad 's. Barbara Falgoust, 4016A Layang Layang Circle, sald she dId not bel leve thls project was in substantial conformance wlth the orlglnal project. She relterated that the driveway was less than 20 feet from the 1 ivingrooms of the exlstlng project, and backing out of the garages makes the street more dangerous. She felt the additional cars using the driveway would add to the problem wlth the narrow and wind.lng streets. Ms. Fa lgoust also commented about the ch i Id ren rid ing their bikes Pn the streets. Ms. Falgoust stated the EIR was inadequate as far as evaluation of this project; partlcularly wPth regard to the narrow streets, the noise pollution and alr pollution. 2 Sa - MEMBERS COUNCIL \Y x?&, .;Z. x? 8 3/ 2. A @ a e MINUTES (68) September 26, 1989 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mayor Lewis lnqu ired about the el im lnatlon of the greenbelt, and Mike Holzmil ler said that in moving the buidings closer to the northerly property line, some landscaping in that area was being el Imlnated, but a comparable mount was added elsewhere in the project. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs, 'In answer to Councll query, stated that the C'ity's gradlng resit-ictlons vary from what the Coastal Commission requires. The City cutoff is November 15 to April 15; while October 1 is the Coastal Commfsslon cutoff. The Coastal Cornmisston time is shorter than the Clty's, and this developer has requested relief from the Coastal Commlsslon. Councll Member Mamaux commented that the Coastal Commlss ion wanted more open space toward the lagoon than lnsfde the project, which was the reason for the bu P Id lngs be Ing moved northward. Mayor Lewis asked staff whether thfs project met the setback requlrements, and staff said it met al 1 -of the PUD requlrements. All bulldlngs are below the 35 foot height limitation, and the developer was required to reduce three port Tons of the one bu I Id ing to two stor ies. Mayor Lewls stated that the EIR was glven to Council six years ago and that is stil 1 in effect. Mr. Biondo concurred, and added that there were fu! 1 publlc hearings two separate times and the E IR was found to be adequate. The last opportunity the neighbors had to have thelr concerns heard was when the project was before the Coastal CommlssFon. In answer to query by Council Member Larson regarding access to the lagoon trail, Mike Holzmlller stated that there has been no change from the orig inal approval. COUNCIL \! 39 "0 $, A 3, MEMBERS 2. 8 9 Council adopted the fol lowing Resolution: X Larson CONFORMANCE OF PLANS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT. X Mamaux RESOLUTION NO. 89-344, DETERMINING SUBSTANTIAL X Pett I ne xx Lew 1 s Dl 89-4 (FOR CT 83-41 - MARLBOROUGH DEV. CORP. 18. AB #10,277 - SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT ON THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU. Council Member Mamaux reported on the Subcommfttee meetings and referred to the Memorandum dated September 26, 1989, givTng a breakdown of d'lrect costs that the City would fund, totaI ling $140,000, and I lstlng Addltlonal Fundlng, as Matching Funds - Admlnistrative Costs of $30,000 and aud Its and taxes of $4,923, which made a total budget of $174, 923. :AS I 4 4 a a MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 9 I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) The Memorandum a I so suggested fund i ng shou Id run from October 1 to September 30 each year, to enab I e CCVB to be aware of any changes that might occur In the City's operatlng budget. Sieve Llnk, 2380 Hosp Way, Manager of ConVls sPnce Ju 1 y , stated he had not heard anyone say that ConV is was not dolng a good job and read a letter from a vis.itor to Carlsbad glvlng thanks to ConVls. Mr. Llnk saId the Bureau has done a god job and fe It that was the most productive use of City dollars to promote tour Ism. Mr. LJnk felt the bureau had been flexlble, and hls only fear was the $30,000 they would have to ralse in the communlty. He felt that would d.ivert their energy from the purpose of the Bureau and was unworkable. Mr. il nk Ind lcated that he wou id not be ab t e to stay on at ConVls under these clrcumstances. Councll Member PettIne asked Mr. Llnk whether he would stay on $f the match Ing funds were attached to another part of the budget, and Mr. Llnk fnd lcated he would. He further stated that the match.lng funds were not available until matched, and some months it T.s not possible to ralse money from the community. Hope Wrlsley, 2080 Basswood Avenue, sald that !t was unreallstlc to think that the hotel/motel industry Is the only one to benefft from tourtsm. She satd that when the TOT tax was low, perhaps the hote I /mote! peop le were the only ones to benefit. Now that Carlsbad has a 10 percent TOT, this is drawing a lot of money to pay for facPf itfes and servtces for a! I of the citizens, and she d Id not feel that it could be sa,Id that the TOT was only benef ittfng the hotel / motel people. Ms. Wrisley expressed the need for a well-paid staff of people traPned In thls fleld. Also, to have that type of staff, they wou Id need to know that they wou Id be paid regularly. Llsa Seamans, 770 Camel fa Place, spoke as a person Involved In the hospitality fleld from San DIego to Orange County. She commented on the Tmportance of trade shows and said that the smaf ler propert ies wou Id be hurt if there was no ConVSs. Ms. Seamans said that advertlslng alone will not promote this area; that a dedicated program is needed to do it. 25c3 I COUNCIL /\y % %% ? MEMBERS ?& %% L 8 0 0 MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 10 'DEPARTMENTAL AND ClTY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Elaine Lyttleton, 4210 Sunnyhl\l Drive, stated she could not understand what was wrong with the origlnal plan to fund $200,000, except that it was not enough, and shou Id be lncreased . Mrs. Lyttleton stated that ConVis has a very profess tonal staf f , and that staf f has an army of volunteers worktng very hard for the City. She said that no wrong-doing was found in the analysts of the Bureau, and the City should be working together wlth them to promote the City. 1 Mrs. Lyttleton asked Council to please reconsider what they were about to do and ihlnk about the revenues that can be generated for the City in the future In a much more effictent manner. Peder Norby, 2630 Valewood Avenue, addressed Councll stating that ConVFs was charged with increasing tour Ism, and Car lsbad tour ism has Increased, even though It does not have a race track or a harbor. He felt the cltlzens and leaders of the City have made it work, and that tourism Hs a partnership that improves the qual Ity of llfe for everyone, and Is paying for the amen ltles for Car I sbad . Mr. Norby recommended releasing the rematnlng $170,000 as proposed at budget the, and not take the $30,000 away from the Administratlve costs. Scott Little, PresFdent, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, spoke on behalf of the Board of Directors, statfng they were In favor of the fund I ng , but had prob lems wlth the method. He sa id It was lack lng in severa l areas and would not be practlcaf. COUNCIL \\b Zio A9 "0 +@%? A MEMBERS - Z. @ Z. Mr. Lfttle catled attentlon io the $20,000 for promotion of economic development, and said that Is not what the Bureau is about; also that special events are already funded, and those funds cou id be better spent Iln other areas. Mr. Lfttle safd that the CCVB, as operated in the past, is one of the best on the north coast and one of the best in the State. He pol nted out some of the th ings provlded by the Bureau that benefit the Clty, and sald this should be a partnership. He felt the teamwork that has prevailed wfth the Chamber and the CFty Council is sad ly f ack lng In th Is whol e process, and that a better compromlse could have been reached. As the proposa! was wrltten, he sald the Chamber could not partlcipate. Mr. Little distributed copies of a proposed allocation of Clty funds, and stated that they dld not want to d Ip Into the operatlng funds of the Chamber to sustaln ConV is. Jr9 h @ e 0 MINUTES %% September 26, 1989 Page 11 COUNCIL \\ % ?&$ MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. d DEPARTMENTAL AND CiTY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mr. LQttle read through the new proposal and refterated that funds could not be matched every month for salarles and that was not effective. He concluded, saying he would hate to lose ConVls, but the Chamber does not have the money to support It. Mayor Lewis stated he wou Id 1 ike to make a proposa 1 to the Council, as follows: CEEC would receive only $5,000; Special Events $24,000; add those funds of $20,000 to the $30,000, maklng a total of $50,000 to use for sa larles. If any money was needed beyond that, It would be Mr. Link's responslblllty. Also, ?f the amount for trade shows was to be Increased, that would be the Bureau's responslblllty. Mayor Lewls sald that he thought the TOT wll I bring a great deal of money to Carlsbad and he felt ?t should be match I ng funds. Councfl Member Mamaux asked when wiII the City make the Bureau match funds. Council Member Pettine supported the matching funds, but safd If it were on administrative costs, It would k?lI the program, as Mr. Llnk wlll leave. He sald he could not support matching funds on salaries. Council Member Larson commented that he thought It was fmportant to have matching funds, but Tf Council wanted guaranteed salaries, that puts the proposal in a different context. Mayor Lewls suggested that perhaps It coutd be for advertislng costs, but not salaries. The comment was made that If It were in advertis?ng, that wou Id reduce the 15 percent revenue to the Bureau. Counc?l Member Pettlne suggested that salaries need to be secured to have ConV Is, and it wou Id be better to sei- the budget I Im It and take a percentage off of the top and start matching wSth all the d'lfferent items. He said he was reluctant to tell Mr. Llnk how much he can spend on each Stem. Counctl Member Mamaux stated If thls is a good program, why Isn't the business communlty supporting it. Thls money was orSginally to be seed money for ConVis. He sa Id that anyth I ng above the $145,000 shou Id be matched. Asslstant Clty Manager Frank Mannen said that staff wou Id work with CCVB to cane up wl th a program and outlfne how the $145,000 would be util tzed, wlth $30,000 wlthheld for matching funds. Th.?s would be for the per iod between now and October 1 , 1990. ,&Vd 8 0 e MINUTES (77) (72) (28) (39) (50) September 26, 1989 Page 12 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council made $175,000 available to the Chamber, re- tafnlng $30,000 as matchPng funds, which are not to be released unless matched; expenditures to be from October 1, 1989, through September 30, 1990; and staff WF I I work with the Chamber to come up with a program as to how the funds wl I I be spent on the ltems as 1 lsted . 19. AB #10,273 - REPORT OF THE PROPOSITION C BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE - REGIONAL PLANNING. Councl I brlef 1 y d iscussed the report and f i led It. 20. AB #10,257 - "TWO HOUR PARKING ZONE UPON A PORTION OF PASEO DEL NORTE AND CAR COUNTRY DRIVE. Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bf 1 I. Counci I Introduced the fol lowing Ord inances: (one motion) ORDINANCE NO. NS-88, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.40.72 TO DECLARE "TWO-HOUR PARKING" BETWEEN 8:OO A.M. AND 6:OO P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WITH HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED, ON BOTH SIDES OF PASEO DEL NORTE DRIVE. ORDINANCE NO. NS-89, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADD IT1 ON OF SECTION 10.40.073 TO DECLARE "TWO-HOUR PARKING" BETWEEN 8:OO A.M. AND 6:OO P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WITH HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED, ON BOTH SI DES OF CAR COUNTRY DRIVE FROM CANNON ROAD TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH PASEO DEL NORTE . FROM CANNON ROAD TO ITS ,INTERSECTION WITH CAR COUNTRY 21. AB #10,274 - APPOINTMENT TO BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE. Counci 1 adopted the fol lowing Resoiution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-343, APPOINTING BAILEY NOBLE TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE. 22. AB #10,275 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Informatlon item - Report from the City Treasurer on the City's investment portfolio as of September 1, 1989. 23. AB #10,276 - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT. Information Item - Staff report from the Finance Department on the status of Revenue and Expenditures as of July 31, 1989. 24 7 7 +% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %9$.z;0,, Z. 8 Z. d Lew I s X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett D ne X Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett f ne X Lew i s X Larson X Marnaux X Pett i ne xx e e MINUTES September 26, 1989 Page 13 COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and act Iv It I es of the Cmm I ttees and Sub-Cmm lttees of whfch they are Members. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: C?ty Attorney Vincent Biondo commented on the Carlsbad cardroom matter, statlng al I CPty objectives were ach I eved . ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 26, 1989, was adjourned at 9:49 p.m. Respectful ly submttted, (&?%4LR&-;3 .. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Clty Cierk Harrlett Babbltt Mlnutes Clerk 246 S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %?&%,I s 6 Z. rl I ~