HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-10; City Council; Minutes\ 0 0 MINUTES (99) (99) (50) (84) Meet I ng of: CiTY COUNCIL (Regular Meetlng) Date of Meetlng: October 10, 1989 Tfrne of Meetlng: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meetlng: City CouncPl Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis cal fed the Meetlng to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as fol lows: Present: Counctl Members Lewls, Kulchln, Pettlne, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewls read a Proclamation proclalmtng the week of October 8 - 14, 1989, as FlRE PREVENTION WEEK. The Proclamation was accepted by Daryl James, Fire Prevent'lon Off'lcer In the Carlsbad Fire Department. CONSENT CALENDAR: The City Manager requested Item #3 be removed from the Agend a. Counct I af f 'lrmed the action of the Consent Ca l end ar, wPth the exceptton of Item #3, as fo! lows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the read'ing of the text of al 1 OrdOnances and Resolutfons at thls Meetlng. 1. AB #10,292 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO TENTATIVE MAP CT 84-32 (A) AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION - COBBLESTONE SEA VILLAGE. - . - - - - . . . . - . - ~~ ~ Councll approved the Mitigated Negatlve Declaration and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-354, approvlng an amendment to tentative tract map (CT 84-32(A> 1 and p lanned development on property general ly located south of Palomar Airport Road and east of future Col lege Bou I evard . 2. AB #10,293 - FINAL MAP FOR CT 88-1 - LAGUNA SHORES. Counct I approved the Final Map for Car lsbad Tract No. 88-1, Laguna Shores. 3. AB #10,294 - REQUEST FOR REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE PENALTY. ThZs Item was removed from the Agenda. 4. AB #10,295 - PURCHASE OF A 5-GANG MOWER AND A RiDING LAWNMOWER. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-355, acceptlng the bids and authorizlng the execution of purchase orders for a 5-gang mower from San Diego Turf for $33,488. and a rldlng lawnmower from C. R. Jaeschke, Inc., for $14,750. - 0 /A c7: SPg, COUNCIL 3 %' % MEMBERS \\ % $% % Lew I s X Larson X Mamaux X Pett i ne xx Kulch'ln X e 0 MINUTES October 10, 1 989 Page 2 COUNCIL \p %?$ %% % MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (84) 5. AB #10,296 - LEASE PURCHASE OF A SEWER/WET WELL (45) CLEANER. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-356, accepting the bld and authoriztng the execution of a purchase order to Haaker Equipment Company tn the amount of $1 30,688 for a sewer/wet we I 1 c 1 eaner and d,irecttng City staff to request proposals from lendlng lnstltutions for a lease purchase contract. (74) 6. AB #10,297 - APPROVING THE CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNITY ARTS COORDINATOR. Counc i I adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-357, amend il ng the Classfflcation Plan and Salary Schedule of the Cfty to adopt the c!assiflcatlon of Communtty Arts Coord :i nator . (81) 7. AB #10,298 - ACCEPTANCE OF QUITCLAIM DEED FOR PORTION OF ELM AVENUE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL. Counctl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-358, accepting a QuPtcialm Deed from Horace H. Felklns, Jr., and Doiphine Felklns, for a portion of Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real. (73) 8. AB #10,299 - REQUEST FOR ABOVE-GROUND FENCE (45) ENCROACHMENT. Counctl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-359, approvlng the above-ground fence encroachment for a fence at 4400 Hlghiand Drlve requsted by Mr. Brlan J. Watts. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council at thls tlme. ORD[NANCE FOR ADOPTION: (72) 9. AB #10,288 - NO PARKING ZONE ON PONTIAC DRIVE BETWEEN TAMARACK AVENUE AND VICTORIA AVENUE. Counc7t adopted the fot lowlng Ordlnance: X Larson SECTION 10.40.074 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE X Mamaux OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF X Pett i ne ORDINANCE NO. NS-90, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 xx KulchPn X Lew f s EASTERLY SIDE OF PONTIAC DRIVE FROM TAMARACK AVENUE TO VICTORIA AVENUE AND ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF PONTIAC DRIVE FROM TAMARACK AVENUE TO A POINT 140 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF VICTOR'IA AVENUE. PUBLIC HEARING: (107) IO. AB #10,300 - STREET VACATION - PORTION OF OAK AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET. Clty Engineer Lioyd Hubbs gave the staff report as contained In the Agenda BIII, using a transparency to show the locat.lon. JL9 A g (97) (45) 0 e MINUTES October 10, 1989 Page 3 /\b COUNCIL % %' 8 MEMBERS % %% 'PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued) Mayor LewSs opened the PublSc Hearing at 6:06 p.m., and ,Issued the lnvitatlon to speak. Nick Banche, 801 Mission Avenue, Oceanstde, representjng the appl tcant, stated he was present to answer quest Ions. S 5 nce no one el se w$ shed to speak on th Is matter, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:07 p.m. Councll adopted the fol fowtng Resolutlon: Lew I s X Kulch'ln xx RESOLUTION NO. 89-360, VACATiNG A PORTION OF OAK Pett.i ne X AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET. Mamaux X Larson X HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Counci I adjourned to the Hous tng and Redevelopment Commlss:Ion at 6:07 p.m., and re-convened at 6:09 p.m., with afl Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 11. AB #lo1306 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INTERIM IMPROVEMENTS TO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD - PROJECT NO. 331 5. - John Cahlll, Munlcfpal Projects Manager, narrated a slFde presentation and gave the staff report as contalned in the Agenda B1 f I. He stated that al ! agencles were contacted, and either they were not affected by the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road or they preferred the road-closed approach. He added that staff recommended the road-closed option. In answer to Counctl query, Mr. Cahlll stated that the closure would be adequately signed and the detour would be we1 I-PI lumlnated, and the Poflce Department would be mon ltor 2 ng the area. He a1 so I nd Fcated there wou id be no route changes for trash trucks. As far as the tlme for the cfoslng of Rancho Santa Fe Road, Mr. Cahlll stated that the contractor WP I I not be al lowed to close the road untll he 7s ready to do the work. The contract 1s for two months and should be completed 'In m%d-January. Councl l adopted the foi IowFng Resolutlon: Lew Is X Kulchln xx RESOLUT'ION NO. 89-364, ACCEPTING BIDS, AWARDING A Pett I ne X CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR [NTERIM IMPROVEMENTS TO Mamaux X RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, PROJECT NO. 331 5, APPROPRIAT I:NG Larson X ADDITIONAL PROJECT FUNDS, CERTIFYING THE NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION AND ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR SAID PROJECT. Jhh 4 gb 0 0 MINUTES (99) (79) (74) October 10, 1989 \\\ Page 4 COUNCIL pb MEMBERS * \ I 'DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Contfnued) 12. AB #10,301 - DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SMALL LOT SI.NGLE FAMILY SUBDIVISIONS. Charles Grimm, AssOstant Planntng DPrector, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bit I, using s1tdes to illustrate the problems wlth homes that are too massive for small lots. He also used a transparencb to show the proposed n ine gu idel i nes that were contalned In the Agenda BP l ! . Mr. Grlmm sajd the Planning CommissPon had felt the guldelines should be Jmplemented on an interim basis to determlne whether or not they work. They also wanted Councfl to dfrect the Plannlng Commission to look at the P lanned Devetopment Ord Inance, as there are a number of areas that need revision. Councf I approved the Negative Dectaratlon Bssued by the Plannlng Director, dfrected the Plannlng Commlssfon to review the CJty's Planned Development Ord Inance, and adopted the fol lowlng Resolutlon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-361, APPROVING A POLICY IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMEENT OF SMALL-LOT SINGLE FAMILY PROJECTS, CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 44; wFth the understanding that the Planning Department will report back to Councfl In six months as to the status of the Fnterim gutdel Ines. I 13. A8 #10,302 - NEW POSITIONS IN COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT. Marty Orenyak, Cornmunlty Development Director, narrated a slide presentation gfving an overview of the staffing analysiis. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, continued the report, explalnlng workload projections versus staffing levels tn the Engtneering Department. Mlke Hofzmt I ler, Planning Director, concluded the report, using st ides to show the Plannlng Department workload projecttons versus stafflng. City Manager Ray Patchett said that addltional staffing Impacted the C'rty Attorney's Office, and they were requesting the addition of a Deputy City Attorney and a Secretary I. Lew f s Kutchln Pett Z ne Mamaux Larson Councll adopted the followfng Resolutfon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-362, APPROVING ONE PLANNlNG TECHNICIAN. TWO ASSOCIATE PLANNERS AND TWO SENIOR PLANNER POSIT IONS IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT: AND ONE ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER AND FIVE ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER POSITIONS IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, and directed staff to return wlth documents adding a Deputy City Attorney and a Secretary I pos It ton to the C'ity Attorney's budget. Lew I s Kulchin Pett i ne Mamaux Larson I ~ I Id 6.5- 1 I \ @ '"i PL X X \ 9 A X X X X X X X X X X A 5 (79) (28) (50) * 0 MINUTES October IO, 1 989 Page 5 /\k COUNCIL % %$ 8 MEMBERS % $% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 14. AB #10,303 - REQUEST BY MAYOR LEWIS TO REVISE CITY COUNCIL POLICY #5. Mayor Lewts stated he had proposed thls revlsfon to Increase partlcfpatlon ;In the process for selectfng CSt,izen of the Year. He also noted the proposed pol icy should reflect a ffve-member committee rather than three members. Walter Riche, 2945 Hardtng, asked whether the selectlon of the Citizen of the Year by the Carfsbad Magazine, had created a conf I Ict. Mayor Lewis assured him this had noth lng to do with that; It was to have more cltizen participation In the process. Council approved Pol icy #5 amended to reflect a five- Lew Ps xx member cmmbttee. Kutchtn X Pett I ne X Mamaux X Larson X 15. AB #10,304 - HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Counc.1 f adopted the fol lowlng Resolution: Kulchtn xx Lew ? s X Larson HAM\ LTON, BELYNN GONZALEZ AND W ITT ROWLETT TO THE X Marnaux PEDER NORBY AND APPOINTING KEITH MELOY, PHYLL,IS X Pet? i ne RESOLUTION NO. 89-363, REAPPOINTING JOHN MCCOY AND X CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 16. AB #10,305 - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATUS REPORT. Councf f accepted and fl led the report on the status of revenues and expend itures as of August 31, 1989. COUNCIL REPORTS: Councll Members reported on recent meetlngs and activities of the Commlttees and Sub-Committees of whlch they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mot*ion, the MeetDng of October 10, 1989, was adjourned at 8:Ol p.m., to Wednesday, October 11, 1989, 5 :30 p.m., Hard ing Street Center, In the event that a quorum of Council Members attend the Barbecue Dfnner belng held to recognize Members of City Boards and Commlsstons. Respectfuf ly submftted, Lll%4L #%? l?dT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ Clty Clerk Harriett Babbitt Mfnutes Clerk <3b4 i g