HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-17; City Council; Minutes< e a MINUTES (99) (84) Meet 'r ng of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meetlng) Date of Meeting: October 17, 1989 Time of Meetlng: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meetlng: Clty Council Chambers MEMBERS COUNCIL A 1 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meetfng to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Lewls, Kulchln, Mamaux and Carson. Absent: Counctl Member Pett'rne. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Lewis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Larson. PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Lewls read a Proclamation proclalmlng the week of October 22 - 29, 1989, as RED RIBBON WEEK. The Proclamatlon was accepted by Police ChIef Vales. Randy Shultz, D.A.R.E. Officer, dEstrEbuted Red Rfbbons to Councl1 and staff. Jane Marstel I, Carlsbad Pol Ice Department, told of the C.A.T. RegBstratlon, and had decals 1 through 5 for the Council Members. She gave Mayor LewCs Decal #1, and exp I alned that cars wlth this decal wou Id be stopped by the Pol lce and checked for ownershlp If on the streets between the hours of 1 :00 a.m. and 5:OO a.m. Mayor Lewts read a CertffScate of Apprectatlon for Charlie Grhm, who is leavlng the Planning Department after workfng for the City for eleven years. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meetlng held September 26, 1989, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regu t ar Meet I ng he td October 3, 1989, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councfl afflrmed the actqon of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: .. CouncJ 1 wa Eved the read lng of the text of a! 1 Ord bnances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #10,307 - FINAL MAP CARLSBAD TRACT 88-2 - VISTA DE LA VALLE. Councl 1 approved the FEnal Map of CT 88-2, VFsta De La Val le. 2. AB #10,308 - ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-365, acceptlng the bid of Microage - La Jolla, for annual purchase of computers, printers and software. I Lew Is Kulchin Mamaux Larson Lew I s KulchQn Mamaux Larson I A? 3/, I I \ 5 p % X X \ $ & X X X X X X X 1 F ,% X .-L e a MINUTES October 17, 1989 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (74) 3. AB #10,309 - ADJUSTMENT TO POLICE MANAGEMENT SALARY PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-366, adoptlng an adjustment to the Management Salary Plan for the posltlons of PolSce Chfef, Polfce CaptaCn and Pol Ice L leutenant. - (74) 4. AB #10,310 - ADJUSTMENT TO CARLSBAD POLICE SALARY PLAN. CouncP l adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-367, adoptlng Salary Plan for Employees represented by the Carlsbad Police Offfcer's Assoclatlon for the 1988- 89 ftscal year. - (74) 5 AB #I 0,311 - ADJUSTMENT TO FIRE MANAGEMENT SALARY PLAN. - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-368, adopting an adjustment to the Management Salary P Ian for the posltlons of Ffre Ch ief and Fire Battal ion Ch lef . ( 74 ) 6. AB #lo, 31 2 - ADJUSTMENT TO CARLSBAD F IRE SALARY PLAN. CouncE 1 adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-369, adoptjng Salary Plan for Employees represented by the Carlsbad Flreftghters' Assocfatton for the 1988-89 fiscal year. (74) 7. AB #10,313 - ESTABLISHMENT OF MICROCOMPUTER SPECIALIST CLASSIFICATION. Counci 1 adopted RESOLUT I ON NO. 89-370, amend :1 ng the ClasslfScatlon Plan and Salary Schedule of the CEty to adopt the classlflcation of Microcomputer Specialtst. (28) 8. AB #10,314 - APPROVAL OF CHILD CARE CONSULTANT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT. Councl'l approved the contract and request for proposal for a Chlld Care Consultant, and dSrected staff to seek proposals for the services requested. (76) 9. AB #10,315 - REVISION OF PLANNING COMMISSION SALARIES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-371, increastng compensation for Clty of Carlsbad Planning Commlssioners. (84) 10. AB #10,316 - PURCHASE OF VARIOUS VEHICLES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-372, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of purchase orders for vehlcles. d75 - %% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % Z. ?$%$, 6 Z. 6 (43) (50) m e MINUTES October 17, 1989 Page 3 \\f 5 COUNCIL %9$s7 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Councll at thfs the. PUBLIC HEARING: 11. AB #10,317 - APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIREMENT TO RELOCATE A SIGN IN THE PUBL,IC RIGHT- OF-WAY - HOEHN ACURA - CUP 89-3. Mlke Holzmlller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contal ned \n the Agenda BI I \ . He sald that there are three other second slgns at dealerships fn Car Country that project into the publlc rfght-of-way. Therefore, if C0unc.i l grants re1 ief from the cond‘ltion for thts dealer, then the other dealers will need to seek encroachment permits for their sEgns. Mr. Holzm I I 1 er stated that there Ys stl 1 l the issue of the slgn belng within 15 feet of the drfveway, wh$ch does not meet the sign ordlnance requirement. Mayor Lewis opened the Publlc Hearlng at 6:19 p.m., and Issued the Invitation to speak. Gloria Laxson, 5556 Paseo Del Norte, representfng Hoehn Acura, addressed Councfl, statlng that if thls sign were moved back two feet, there would be a visfblllty problem. Also, Ff the slgn ts moved 15 feet to the south, a parkjng space would be elTmmlnated and the slgn would be in a posftfon that would create problems for emergency vehfcles. At the present time, there is no vls’lbllilty problem and no problem with CalTrans, and the present location 1s the best place for the sign from a safety, access and vlslbil ity standpoint. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Publ’ic HearFng was closed at 6:20 p.m. Councll Member KulchSn stated she was willing to approve the appeal, sfnce there was no safety problem w,lth the slgn as it now stands. Councll granted the appeal, deleted CondPtion #6 from Lewis X Planning Cornmisston Resolution No. 2907, and directed Kulchin xx staff to process a Code Amendment to mod ify the Mamaux X requJrernent that signs be set back 15 feet from drlve- Larson X ways I.n Car Country. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 12. AB #10,294 - REQUEST FOR REFUND: BUSINESS LICENSE PENALTY. J Im E 1 I iott, Finake D Irector, gave the staff report as contalned !in the Agenda Bi I I. d9Y b @ e e MINUTES (73) :72) October 17, 1989 Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) John Hunady, 800 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, representing Bullock's, stated the non-payment of this bustness lFcense tax was an oversfght, due to the change In ownership. This Ifcense had been due in January, and when the company was purchased ?n 1988, thls changed to June 10. The accountlng system of Bul lock's dfd not catch the change ln date, and the company is askPng for consideration for a watver of the penalties of $2,553.78, Inasmuch as prevlousfy they have always paid their license fee on time. Council denied the request of Bullock's Department Store to refund late penalties on their 1989-90 business flcense tax. T 13. AB #10,318 - APPEAL OF DEDICATION AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS - LEE ALTON. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bfl I, using sf ides and a transparency to show the property and Adams Street. Lee Alton, 4380 Adams Street, the appel lant, addressed Counci I, quoting from staff's memorandum and his letter regard i'ng the bu E Id l ng permit to expand the existlng residence located on Adams Street and his request to waive dedlcatlon requirements. Mayor Lewls stated that the applicant only had a permit to buSld a garage. Mr. Alton agreed, add Eng that a second permlt for the superstructure would not be Issued by the Clty untll this agreement was stgned, and the owners felt they could not sign thls agreement. Council Members felt the Ctty should not reltnquish the rlght of the City to seek dedication for future Improvements. Counci I denied the appeal of the City ded'icatton and fmprovement requirement pursuant to Section 18.40 of the Carlsbad MunPclpal Code, on property located at 4380 Adams Street. COUNCIL /\k % %$ 5 MEMBERS % s% Lew t s KulchSn Mamaux Larson , I 1 Lew 9 s Kulchin Mamaux Larson X 'X X x X X I X X X X 14. AB #10,319 - REMOVAL OF ON-STREET PARALLEL PARKING ON ELM AVENUE BETWEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND PI0 PIC0 DRIVE. Bob Johnson, Traffic Engfneer, Sntroduced this item, using a transparency to show Elm Avenue. Chrls Salomone, HousQng and Redevelopment Dfrector, continued the report by revtewlng the parklng lot sltuatlon downtown. He stated the three new parking lots wtll be opened fn December. These lots will provlde 102 parkfng spaces to replace the loss of 92 parking spaces on Elm Avenue. :A! 7-7 h $ 0 MINUTES :72) October 17, 1989 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mr. Salomone stated that staff's recommendation was to remove the onstreet parkling upon completion of these parktng lots. He added that if the lots are not opened untll the middle of December, staff would recommend not el imlnatlng the onstreet parklng untll after the Ho 1 Id ays. In answer to Councjl query regarding the streetscape for Elm Avenue, Mr. Salomone sa?d that thifs Ps scheduled for the fall of 1990. George W11IBs, 539 Elm Avenue, addressed Councll in oppositlon to removfng the onstreet parklng upon comp 1 etlon of the park f ng lots and suggesting that th is be done one year later. He felt there had been no consideration glven to the merchants In the four and f 8ve hundred blocks of E!m Avenue. Councl I consensus was to Imp 1 ement thOs Ord f nance after the HolCdays, wPth ample warnings posted and PolIce enforcement. Council Member Larson felt the t$mfng of the removal of the onstreet parklng needed to be looked at, and suggested removlng the parklng as the curb and gutter improvements are Instal led. The constructfon would cause the remova I of the park Eng and then as that moves on to another section of the street, the no parking would be left. He said he had a problem wtth the short term safety problem with the opening up of the four lanes. Mr. Larson said he felt It was essentfal to remove the parktng on E Im Avenue, but wou Id vote aga'rnst thFs, as he bel Jeved It would be more appropriate to tame the removal of the parklng with the Improvements on Elm Avenue. Councl: I introduced the fol lowlng Ord inance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-91, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SECT I ON 10.40.053 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKI NG" ZONE ON ELM AVENUE FROM CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO PI0 PIC0 DRIVE; modified to reflect an effective date of January 3, 1990. Staff was also directed to ensure sufftcient sQgnage and warnings, and to cont!nue seekfng addltional parking downtown. 15. AB #10,320 - ESTABLlSHMENT OF TWO-HOUR PARKING ZONE AT THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX. Bob Johnson, Trafflc Englneer, gave the staff report as contatned 4n the Agenda Bell, using a transparency to show the parklng lot at the swim complex. J7A I COUNCIL \\b 5 ?&%&? MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Lewis Larson X Mamaux X Kulchfn xx h @ 1 * MINUTES October 17, 1989 Page 6 ( ( DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Councll Introduced the fol lowing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-92, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.40.076 TO DECLARE "TWO-HOUR PARKING" BETWEEN 6:OO A.M. AND 2:OO P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO JUNE 30 FOR THE TWENTY-FIVE PARKING SPACES IN THE PARKING LOT DIRECTLY EAST OF THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX. ;78) 16. AB #10,250 - CHANGES IN FEES FOR POLICE REPORTS. Polfce Captain George Suttle gave the staff report as contained Qn the Agenda Bil I, askfng that Council also g:tve staff d trectFon to exclude vTctirns from the fee charge for Pollce reports. CouncP I adopted the fol lowlng ResolutFon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-324, REVISING THE FEE FOR POLICE REPORTS; with the further Inclusion of an Item #3 to exclude victims from payment of fees for reports. 17. NUMBER NOT USED. (37) 18. AB #10,321 - SISTER CITY - FUTTSU, JAPAN. Mayor Lewts stated thfs action would set up this Sister CEty Steertng Comrnlttee as a regular City Cmrnfttee or CornrnFssZon. CouncO I d frected staff to return wtth a report concerning the creation of a Sister Ctty Commlttee, includlng lnforrnatZon on staffing and funding. (28 ) 19. AB #I 0 , 323 - APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE OM GOLF COURSE CITIZEN STEERING COMMITTEE. I Councfl adopted the foflowlng Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 89-374, APPOINTING JIM SMITH A GOLF COURSE CITIZEN STEERING COMMITTEE ALTERNATE TO MONITOR AND REVIEW THE PROGRESS OF THE COLF COURSE AND RELATED AMENITIES. I 1(39) 20. AB #10,322 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Councll acknowledged receipt of the report from the CSi Treasurer on the CPtv's Investment Portfolio as of October 1 , 1 989. 2.71 - -Y SPg, MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % 9&$ %% % $ Lew F s .j x Larson X Marnaux X X Kulchtn X Lew Is Kulchtn X xx Larson X Marnaux X Lew t s Kulchin xx X Larson X Marnaux X Lew 1 s KulchQn xx X Larson X Marnaux X L * * MINUTES S% October 17, 1989 Page 7 COUNCIL \\ %v$s%( MEMBERS Z. (2, Z. 6 COUNCIL REPORTS: CounclI Members reported on recent meetlngs and activltles of the Comml-ttees and Sub-Committees of whlch they are Members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: Ray Patchett announced that the next regular meetlng of Councl l wou Id be November 7, 1989. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meetlng of October 17, 1989, was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfu!ly submttted, - $. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ COty Clerk Harrlett Babbltt Minutes Cferk 290