HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-07; City Council; Minutes0 * MINUTES - Meet1 ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meet! ng: November 7 , 1 989 Tfme of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meetlng: C!ty Counc'll Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lew 1 s ca I I ed the Meet4 ng to order at 6: 00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the CI'ty Clerk, as follows: Present: Councll Members Lewls, Kulchin, Pettlne, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: None. INVOCAT'ION was gl'ven by Mayor Lewis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councll Member Kulchin. PRESENTATIONS: Carman Cedola presented the Counc'll w'lth offfc?al T- shirts from the 10-K Run sponsored by the Slster City Commfttee; and PhFl UrbBna, Daniels Cablevfslon, presented a check for $500.00 from the 1 O-K Run to Mayor Lewis to go toward the SFster City Program. Mayor LewFs read a Proclamation of Appreclatfon for Sandra Schmldt, Ass7stant Fi'nance Dtrector, upon her reslgnatlon from the City of Carlsbad. Mayor Lewjs read a Proclamatlon of Appreciatton for Fred Castro upon hls rettrement from the City of Carlsbad as a Pol !ce Reserve Off Icer. Police Chief Vales presented a Plaque of Apprecfation to Mr. Castro on behalf of the Polfce Department. Ray Truji,llo, President of the Poi3ce Officers AssocTatIon, presented a watch to Mr. Castro on behalf of the Assocfatlon. Mayor Lewfs announced there wou Id be coffee and cake served In the Manager's Conference Room Immediately followlng these presentatlons. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) MSnutes of the Regular Meeti'ng held October 10, 1989, were approved as presented. Mtnutes of the Adjourned Meeting held October 1 1 , 1989, were approved as presented. Mlnutes of the Regular Meeting held October 17, 1989, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councll Member Mamaux requested item #4 be removed from the Consent Calendar and CouncPl Member Kulchln requested Item #11 be removed. - 9% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %y+%?& Z. 8 .;t 6 Lew Fs X Larson X Mamaux X P ett P ne xx Ku 1 ch'? n X Larson X Pett 1 ne X i 8 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 2 I I CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) I Councj 1 aff Irmed the actlon of the Consent Calendar, wfth the except)ion of Items #4 and #11, as fol lows: I WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READiNG: CouncS I wafved the readfng of the text of af I Ordfnances and Resolutions at thls MeetBng. (39) 1. AB #10,324 - ADOPTION OF REVISED INVESTMENT POLICY. CouncFl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-375, revlsfng the Clty's fnveshnent policy. (50) 2. AB #10,325 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR BANKING (45) SERV ICES . Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-376, authorlzfng the Mayor to execute an agreement for banklng servjces w?th San Dlego Trust & Savlngs Bank. (85) 3. AB #10,326 - AGREEMENT FOR PLANNING STUDIES, DESIGN (45) GUIDELINES AND ZONE CODE AMENDMENTS TO IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE NORTH BEACH PLANNING STUDY. Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-377, approvSng an agreement between the City of Car 1 sbad and Project Deslgn Consu!tants for preparatgon of plannlng studTes, desTgn guFdel fries, and zone code amendments necessary for the lmplementatlon of recmmendatlons of the North Beach Plann?ng/TraffSc Study. (70) 4. AB #10,327 - LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT. Th fs i'tem was removed from the Consent Ca I ender. (74) 5. AB #10,328 - EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT LIST - FIRE ENG I NEER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-378, extendlng the Ilst for Flre Captatn to October 28, 1990. (60) 6. AB #10,329 - RENEWAL OF VEHICLE PHYS'ICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-379, authorlzizng renewal of the City's vehPcle physical damage fnsurance coverage wjth Ffreman's Fund Insurance Companfes at a preml'um deposit of $16,540.00. (60) 7 AB #10,330 - RENEWAL OF PROPERTY INSURANCE. Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-380, authorizi.ng the renewal of Property Insurance Coverage with Fjireman's Fund Insurance Companfes at a premium deposlt of $38,350.82. J8b - SpS MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % 2. ?&$ 8 2. JI Lewis xx Kulchfn X X Larson X Mamaux X PettPne 0 e MINUTES November 7, 1 989 Page 3 1 I CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) I (34) 8. AB #10,331 - PURCHASE OF 10-12 CUBIC YARD DUMP TRUCK. Councff adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-381, awardCng the bTd of $68,469.00 for a 10-12 cublc yard dump truck to E. W. Truck and Equipment Company. (84) 9. AB #10,332 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF FIREFIGHTING WEAR. Counclf adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-382, approving the purchase of flreflghtfng wear. I ($1) 1 0. AB #lo, 333 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONAT I ON FROM LA COSTA HOTEL AND SPA TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS CHARITIES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-383, acceptFng a $1,000 donatlon for the Senior Center from the La Costa Hotel and Spa Tournament of Champ'ions Char i.t i es. (70) 11. AB #10,334 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CONSTRUCTION /o OF IMPROVEMENTS TO CHASE FIELD - PROJECT NO. 3723. I Th fs Ttem was removed from the Consent Ca I endar. (105) 12. AB #10,335 - COST RECOVERY - DISASTER RELIEF 1988 STORM DAMAGE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-385, authorlzlng certain staff members to act as the Cl'ty's agent Fn matters related to disaster assistance - cost recovery programs under the control of the State of Callfornta OffTce of Emergency Services. (96 ) 13 AB #lo, 336 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR TRAFF I C S I GNAL SYSTEM - COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND FARADAY AVENUE - PROJECT NO. 3339. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 889-386, accepting bfds and awardlng a contract to Sefect ElectrTc Company In the amount of $96,512 for the :TnstalfatPon of a trafflc slgnaf at Coltege Bou 1 evard and Faraday Avenue. (60) 14. AB #10,337 - REVISED STANDARDS FOR REVIEWING SURETY BONDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-387, establfsh7ng standards for revtewlng 'Fnsurance and surety compan a es. (99) 15. AB #10,338 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - THE KNOLLS OF CALAVERA HILLS - CT 83-21 UNIT 3/PUD 57. - Counci I accepted Fmprovements, authorlzed the City C 1 erk to record the Notice of Comp 1 eti'on and ref ease bonds, and d irected the Uti I i t i es and MaJntenance Deparhnent to commence mafntafnlng the public street, sewer and storm draln hnprovements constructed at Tamarack Avenue and M.f f ford Place. I A 4PS - S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \$$ % % %% %% % % 0 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 4 I I CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (51) 16. AB #10,339 - AUTHORIZATION FOR FIRE CAPTAIN/TRAtNING SPECIALIST TO TRAVEL OUT-OF-STATE. Councl I authorlzed the Fire CaptaFn/Tralnfng SpecTal ?st, Marc Revere, to travel to PhoenTx, Arlzona, to attend a four-day educational semPnar entTtled "Moldi'ng the Fire Officer of the 90's". (99) 17. AB #10,340 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - PANNONIA UNITS 3 AND 4 (ONSITE AND OFFS'ITE) - CT 85-1 8. Council accepted Improvements, author-i'zed the Cfty Cl erk to record the Notlce of Comp letSon and release bonds, and directed the Uti li'tfes and Maintenance Department to commence malntaintng the pub! $c Bmprovements assoc'lated wlth the subd Ivtslon. (99 ) 1 8. AB #lo, 341 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR A PORTION OF AVENIDA ENCINAS - MS 674. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-388, accepting a Grant Deed and Subordfnation Agreement from Palomar Venture for public street purposes over a portton of Aven Ida Enci nas south of Pa lomar Airport Road. (99) 19. AB #lo342 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR SEWER EASEMENT PURPOSES - AVIARA. Councll adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-389, accepti'ng a Grant Deed for sewer easement purpoes from Avtara Land AssocFates L8im.i ted Partnersh Ip for rea I Fgnment of a sewer llne to facFlFtate development of the Avlara Country Club Golf Course. (99) 20. AB #10,343 - ACCEPTANCE OF COVENANT FOR EASEMENT FOR SEWER LINE PURPOSES - MS-794. Councfl adoopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-390, accepting a Covenant for Easement from Paul J. and Janette L. Schmitt for sewer Ine purposes located at 2945 H tgh f and Dr tve. (45) 21. AB #10,344 - APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CASA DE AMPARO. C0unc.l I approved the agreement between the Ci'ty of Carlsbad and Casa de Amparo to reserve one crls'fs shelter bed for chi ldren from the City of Car Isbad, at a cost of $10,000, to be pa1,d from CommunPty Development Block Grant funds. (99) 22. AB #10,345 - ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS - THE MEADOWS - CT 84-23/PUD-71. Councl'l accepted hnprovements, authorlzed the City Cf erk to record the Notl'ce of Comp letton and release bonds, and d'arected the Utll BtTes and Ma rntenance Department to cmmence ma i ntalnf ng the publlc street and storm drain Improvements constructed at Xana Way and Corlntta Street. 284 c COUNCIL /\I\ % %% % MEMBERS % s% $ e 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 5 I (84) (45) (97) (45) CONSENT CALENDAR: (ContPnued) 23. AB #10,346 - PURCHASE OF MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. - Counci l adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-391, approvfng the purchase of a Mob'ile Intensive Care UnPt from Col l 8ns Ambu l ance West, and authorfzlng the approprtatlon of $65,250.42, from the Central Garage Veh tc le Rep I acement Fund Reta.?ned Earn 1 ngs Account. 24. AB #10,347 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO MANZANO DRIVE - PROJECT NO. 3313. Councl l adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-392, acceptBng the construction of street improvements to Manzano Drfve, Project No. 3313. (68) 25. AB 5510,348 - FUNDING OF THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND (45) VISITORS BUREAU. Councfl adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-393, authorjzPng the Mayor to execute an agreement wlth the Car I sbad Chamber of Commerce to provfde professfonal servYces rel ated to the promotfon of the Clty of Car 1 sbad . (23) 26. AB #10,349 - AGREEMENT FOR COORD I NATOR FOR (45) TEMPORARY SCULPTURE EXHIBITION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89-394, approvfng an aareement between the Cltv of Carlsbad and Richard S?ephens for coord ination' of the Temporary Sculpture Exhibltfon, and approprlattng funds $n the amount of $20,000. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (70) 4. AB #10,327 - LAKE CALAVERA GOLF COURSE DEVELOPMENT. Councl 1 Member Mamaux stated he asked to have th'ls Item removed from the Consent Ca 1 endar to comment on the fact that the program fs on schedule. The Commlttees have been meetlng and proposals have been received for the prelhlnary envfronrnental work and are befng considered at thls time. Councfl directed staff to send out the Request for Proposal for a Golf Course Architect to prepare a Prelfminary Golf Course Plan for an 18-hole regulatfon slze munlcqpal golf course and dTrected staff to proceed with the revtsed recommended development program. (70) 11. AB #10,334 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR CONSTRUCTION (45) OF IMPROVEMENTS TO CHASE FIELD - PROJECT NO. 3723. Counci'l Member Kulchin requested an explanatton of what Pmprovements had been made to Chase Ffeld. $83 - Sp6, MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ 3 % %$ $% % %! Lewl s X Larson xx Mamaux X Pettl ne X Ku lch'l n X 0 0 MINUTES 7 November 7, 1 989 Page 6 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (Contfnued) Dav lid Brad street, Parks and Recreatfon D i rector, exp lafned that the tandscaping had been redone, wlth new bleachers, new fenclng, barbecues and picnlc tab 1 es. Councll Member Kulchiin asked about the recent shoot,ing lnctdent that was near Chase Field. Polfce ChYef Vales reported that the fncident occurred last Thursday night at approxJrnately 7:OO p.m., and was at Jefferson Street, and not Chase Ffeld. 'It was not a gang-refated shootl:ng, but was between two IndivFduals. Councll adopted the followlng Resolutfon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-384, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO CHASE FIELD PROJECT NO. 3723 AS COMPLETE, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION, AND AUTHOR I Z1 NG THE Dl RECTOR OF F I NANCE TO CLOSE THE PROJECT ACCOUNTS UPON PAYMENT OF ALL FINAL CLAIMS AND COSTS. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (72) 27. AB #10,319 - REMOVAL OF ON-STREET PARALLEL PARKING ON ELM AVENUE BETWEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND PI0 PIC0 DRIVE. . ." ~. . ~ Councl'l adopted the fol lowlng Ordfnance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-91, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUN PC i PAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECT I ON 10.40.053 TO DECLARE A "NO PARK 1 NG" ZONE ON ELM AVENUE FROM CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO PI0 PIC0 DRIVE. Counci.1 Member Larson stated he supports the removal of the parkTng on Elm Avenue, but disagrees wlth the ti'mlng In the Ordlnance. (72) 28. AB #10,320 - ESTABLISHMENT OF TWO-HOUR PARKING ZONE AT THE CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX. - CouncP 1 adopted the fol !owing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-92, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.40.076 TO DECLARE "TWO-HOUR PARKING" BETWEEN 6:OO A.M. AND 2:00 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY FROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO JUNE 30 FOR THE TWENTY-FIVE PARK,ING SPACES IN THE PARKING LOT DIRECTLY EAST OF THE CARLSBAD COMMUN I TY SLJ I M COMPLEX. J&& -r- 6% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % %% $% % $ Lew I s X Larson X Mamaux X Pett 1. ne xx Kulchin X Lew i s xx Kulchln X Larson X Marnaux X Pett 1 ne Lew is X Larson X Mamaux X Pett 1 ne xx KulchBn X a 0 November 7, 1989 MINUTES Page 7 7 (99) (28) (81) DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 29. AB #10,350 - CITIZEN REQUEST REGARDING VACANT, MULTI-FAMILY LOTS ON LEVANTE STREET. Mfke HoizmTiIer, Plann'ing Director, gave the staff report as contained Bn the Agenda 6T 1 I, uslng a transparency to show the iocatlon. He ilsted the three alternatives; 1) revi,ew fndfvtdua t projects; 2) prepare a specFf 4c p 1 an, and 3 1 consider amendments to the RDM zone, and asked for Counci I d,irectlon. I n rep I y to Councl I query regard i ng the most a! 1- encompassllng way to solve this CPty-w'ide, Mr. Ho i zml 1 ier stated that mend Ing the RDM zone wou Id accomplish thls. He added that wFth a speclffc plan, the cond PtPons can be very un ]que for a partlcu I ar area. Cfty Manager Ray Patchett stated If Councft wanted staff to deal wTth thTs speclffc cttfzen request, that cou Id be done. However, Pf Councl 1 wanted to took at the RDM zone, the U-em should be returned to staff for tFm8ng and prl'orlty report, as it would not be a very hTgh prforfty at thls time due to the exfstlng work I oad . Counc? I referred the matter to staff and the P Iann'ilng Commlsslon to prepare a specific plan on the four lots on Levante Street, and requested a staff report concern 1 ng staff work load and ti'm1 ng for process1 ng an amendment to the RDM zone. 30. AB #10,351 - FORMATION OF A CARRILLO RANCH STAB I L I ZAT I ON COMMITTEE. ~ Chris Salomone, HousFng and Redevelopment Dlrector, gave the staff report as contal ned In the Agenda BF I I. He stressed that the Commlttee would not deal with future uses of the Ranch. CouncP I adopted the fot lowtng ResolutTon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-395, AUTHORIZING THE FORMATION OF A STABILIZATION COMMITTEE TO GUIDE THE EXPENDlTURE OF THE $400,000 STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT FOR THE STABILIZATION OF CARRILLO RANCH; and appodnted Joan Klnd le as an ex-offtclo member of the Committee. 31. AB #10.352 - PROPOSED ACQUlSlTlON OF YMCA PROPERTY. Ralph Anderson, UttI Btles/Malntenance Director, gave the staff report as contalned In the Agenda Bill. Councll Member Mamaux stated that an adjacent development must ded lcate f Pve acres, and that f Ive acres could be adjacent to this acreage. He said thjs area functlons as an overnFght campground, and could stlil be avai'labie for that use. J8f - +% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ 39 0 % kcF 0% A % 9 Lew 1 s X Larson X Mamaux X Pett 1: ne xx Kulchfn X Lew S s X Larson X Mamaux X Pett V ne X Ku Ich?n xx 0 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 8 'DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (ContPnued) Dav Fd Bradstreet sa Id that thl s property wou Id fa 1 1 under the Specfal Use Area classiflcatfon, but that no analysfs has been made of the area at this tlme. He added that there 5s not enough money Tn the Park-Fn- LSeu fees account to purchase this property, and If the Qulmby Funds are used, then the property must be counted to meet park standards. Mr. Bradstreet sa4d the recommendatf'ons of the Northwest CltCzens Cmmfttee w'lf I be before CouncFl next week, and thPs property has a very low prlority In what the Northwest Quadrant wants. In reply to CouncP I query regard Fng fPnancFng other than P.I.L., Jh Ellf'ott, FSnance DPrector, stated that ?f Councfl went to the General Fund for purchastng thls property, Proposltfon H may enter into the pfcture. John Whlte, 4401 Manchester Avenue, EnctnPtas, representing the YMCA, stated that the YMCA had d etermfned a year ago thPs property shou Id be sold . The YMCA dBd not wlsh to be a developer and felt thBs property would be excel lent for the Cfty of Carlsbad as parkland/open space. He fe!t the street Fmprovements could be a condPtTon of the proposed development to the north. Mr. Wh 1 te was not certaPn how long the YMCA would be wflllng to Walt for the Clty to determine whether or not 51 was feasfble to purchase thts property. Cfty Manager Ray Patchett stated an opfnton from the Cfty Attorney was necessary to determane whether or not thFs was a Proposftlon H matter. Mayor Lewls stated he had concerns about this property as park 1 and and cou Id not re1 ate spend fng Northwest Quadrant money from the park-Sn-lieu funds. Counclt Member Mamaux concurred that P.I.L. funds were not proper, but he felt thIs should be acqutred by the Cfty for open space and a campground. Councfl Member Larson concurred this should not be purchased out of P.I.L. funds. Mr. Larson felt that staff should return to Council wjth an ophnTon as to whether or not thYs was a Proposl t Ion H matter. CouncTl Member Kulchln stated she would vote no on purchas-lng thl's property as she felt the property was not worth the pr Pce placed on tt; a 1 so, she cou td not see spendfng money for an election. s96, MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % Z. ?&%& 8 Z. 8 0 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 9 ( DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Contl nued 1 CouncSl dl?rected staff to prepare a report on whether the purchase of the YMCA property from the general fund wou Id requllre a Proposltlon H vote, and FnformatPon on the resulting Impacts on the general fund . :28) 32. AB #10,353 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY. - Phtl Carter, Assistant to the Ciity Manager, stated he was present to answer questi'ons about the suggestions for a Founders' Day. Council Member Larson suggested the HTstortc Preservatfon Commilssion mlght be wTlITng to take thPs on as a part of their asslgnment. He expressed concern w f th another comm,i ttee be 1 ng appol nted . CouncBl Member Kulchln concurred with Mr. Larson, and suggested the Chamber of Commerce be .Involved. Councl' 1 requested the Mayor to send a letter to the H1Tstorlc Preservatpon Commfssfon requesttng they assume responsfbfllty for the establfshment of a Carfsbad Founders' Day; and Councll desjgnated Glenn McComas as Honorary Chatrman. (70) 33. AB #10,354 - APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT WITH THE CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER/CUSD EDUCATION CENTER - PROJECT NO. 3247. - John Cahlll, Munlcfpal Projects Manager, gave the staff report, narrating a slfde presentation of the new Senfor Center/CUSD Education Center and glvJ ng an update on the construction progress. CouncF 1 adopted the fol lowtng Resolut,ion: RESOLUT'ION NO. 89-396, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 40, APPROVING A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. AND APPROPRIATING PROJECT FUNDS FOR THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER AND CUSD EDUCATION CENTER PROJECT. E#;rSj 34. AB #10,355 - THE REFUNDING OF THE MULTI-FAMILY .. , HOUSING REVENUE BONDS - SERIES ,1985 B. JBm Ell!ott, F,Inance Dlrector, gave the staff report, ustng transparencfes to show the exhlbits Pncluded in the report. Councfl adopted the followfng ResofutFon: RESOLUTION NO. 89-397, DIRECTING THE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE REFUNDING OF THE MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BOND ISSUE 1985 SERIES B SEASCAPE VILLAGE PROJECT AND TO RETURN WITH DOCUMENTS. 39 - +% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\\\\ %?&$ 2. t~ 2. d Lew F s ) t<ufchIn X X Mamaux X Pett 1 ne xx Larson Lew ts x Kulchln X X Mamaux X Pett 1 ne xx Larson Lew 1 s X Ku I ch i'n X xx Mamaux X Pett 1 ne X Larson Lew ts xx Kulchin X X Mamaux X Pett 1 ne X Larson 0 a MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 10 I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Contllnued) (50) 35. AB #10,356 - FIRST QUARTER REVIEW OF CITY FINANCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90. I Sandra Schm?dt, AssTstant FSnance DHrector, gave the staff report as contafned In the Agenda 81111. I Counct I fl led the report. ( 28 ) 36. AB #lo, 357 - APPO I NTMENT OF ONE MEMBER AND ONE ALTERNATE TO THE CULTURAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE. This ttem was contlnued for one week. (40) 37. AB #10,358 - APPOINTMENT TO CARLSBAD BUILDING AUTHORITY. This Item was contfnued for one week. (62) 38. AB #10,359 - OZONE-DEPLETING COMPOUNDS. Counci 1 Member Petttne referred to hfs Memorandum dated October 26, 1989, I PstFng the three afternatlve actions Counct 1 could take. Councf1 Member Mamaux stated appropriate actions are beBng taken natl'onal ly and state-wide. He expressed the oplnfon that thls was merel y an attempt to get head I fnes, and he dfd not feel Clty staff should be asked to spend the time that wou Id be requQred i f the recommendattons are approved. Mayor LewFs suggested the Chamber of Commerce be contacted to see Tf they are Bnterested In pursulng a voluntary program. Council Members Larson and KulchTn stated they supported Alternattves 2 and 3 of Mr. PettTne's Memorand um . Counctl Member Mamaux stated he would oppose thPs recommendatFon as 1"t does not go far enough and I's tokenfsm to the real problem. Councf I approved the fol lowlng recomendatlons: Adopt a program of voluntary complfance whlch would encourage local busPnesses to use projects that are not ozone-deplettng In nature. Staff could asslst by provid'fng a t 1st of commonly used projects which are ozone-defetlng; and Pass a resolutlon supportlng speedy actton on leglslatlon currently under consfderatlon tn the State Legislature and Fn Congress which addresses this Pssue. ~ I j I < A9 - *% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ ?&9$%$ .;t 8 .;t d Lew i s xx Larson X Mamaux X PettFne X Kulchln X * 0 MINUTES November 7, 1989 Page 11 'COUNCIL REPORTS: CouncJ 1 Members reported on recent meettngs and actrvftfes of the Commfttees and Sub-CommTttees of whlch i-hey are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meetlng of November 7, 1989, was adjourned at 8:48 p.m., to Monday, November 13, 1989, at 4:OO p.m., the Safety Center, for the Flre Department Graduatfon Ceremony. Respectf u 1 1 y subm f tted , WdRZ- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ C%ty Clerk Harrtett Babbltt Mlnutes Clerk sr713 S% MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % % 5% %% *Lo 9