HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-10; City Council; MinutesT- o 0 P MINUTES Meeting of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 10, 1990 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Pettine, Mamaux, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by the Members of the Flaming Arrows Troop #747. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 27, 1990, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #10,573 - REVISED INSURANCE AND SURETY BOND UNDERWRITING STANDARDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-96, revising standards for reviewing insurance and surety bonds. 2. AB #10,574 - SELECTION OF UNDERWRITER FOR ALGA ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 88- L1- Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-97, appointing Smith Barney to act as the City's underwriter on the Alga Road Assessment District. 3. AB #10,575 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION FROM TARGET STORES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-98, accepting a donation of $3,000 from Target Stores to help fund the Make-A-Circus performance on Sunday, July 22, 1990. 4. AB #10,576 - ACCEPTAIICE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CALAVERA HILLS - PD 261. Council accepted improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public street, sewer and storm drain improvements constructed at Harwich Drive, Glasgow Drive and Elm Avance. ")y -.- COUNCIL I\/\ %A 4 LB % MEMBERS % s% % Lewis Mamaux X Pett ine xx Kulchin X X Larson X Lewis Mamaux X Pettine xx Kulchin X X Larson X r 0 0 #- MINUTES April 10, 1990 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 5. AB 810,580 - APPROVAL OF OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE OCEAN STREET SCULPTURE PARK. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-99, approving an operating and maintenance agreement with the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, for the development of the Phase IV Downtown Streetscape Program (Ocean Street Sculpture Park). PUBLI c COMMENT : There were no requests to address Council. PUBLIC HEARING: 6. AB #10,577 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 15. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:20 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Lisa King, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday, Suite 120, preparers of the plan, requested approval. Mayor Lewis referenced a letter from Ann Mauch, Secretary of PROJECT FUTURE, dated April 10, 1990, asking the City Council to postpone further consideration of this plan until a legally adequate general plan is adopted; and an environmental impact report is prepared for the project. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 90-100, approving a Negative Declaration for Local Facilities Management Plan 15. RESOLUTION NO. 90-101, approving a Local Facilities Management Plan for Local Facilities Management Zone 15; amended to include the statement that "Connection to Oceanside shall not be made until Cannon Road is built to four-lane major arterial standards between the eastern subdivision boundary and 1-5". HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:23 p.m., and re-convened at 6:30 p.m., with all Members present. 7. AB #10,549 - SUPPLEMENTAL CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR THE LEO CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 90-76, authorizing the execution of a supplemental consultant agreement for architectural services for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Stabilization Project. 13 - COUNCIL I\/\ % ?$%%+ MEMBERS Z. rl, Z. rl, Lewis xx Kulchin X X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine Lewis X Kulchin X X Larson xx Mamaux X Pettine I 0 0 MINUTES April 10, 1990 Page 3 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY WWAGER REPORTS: 8. AB #10,578 - ARCHITECT AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY DESIGN SERVICES AND INCREASED PROGRAM SPACE FOR CARLSBAD LIBRARY PROJECT - PROJECT NO. 3244. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 90-102, approving an architectural consultant agreement for library design services, project no. 3244. 9. AB #10,579 - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS - ALGA ROAD/POINSETTIA LANE IMPROVEMENTS (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 88-1) - PROJECT NO. 3305. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 90-103, referencing prevailing wage scale and directing call for construction bids. 10. AB #10,570 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT. 11. AB #10,530 - APPOINTMENT TO CARLSBAD SISTER CITY COMMITTEE. 12. AB #10,572 - APPOINTMENT TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Council continued the appointment to the Carlsbad Sister City Committee, and adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 90-93, appointing Carl Miller to the Carlsbad Parking Authority. RESOLUTION NO. 90-94, appointing Pamela Crisman to the Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission. 13. AB #10,581 - PRESENTATION BY THE UTILITIES/ MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT STREET MAINTENANCE DIVISION. Excerpts from a video produced by the Department were shown. CLOSED SESSION: 14. CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION. This item was withdrawn. COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and activities of the Committees and Subcommittees of which they are Members. 3cst I COUNCIL /\I\ 3 %' % MEMBERS % $% $ Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pett ine xx Kulchin X Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett ine X Kulchin X Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin xx e e c MINUTES r April 10, 1990 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 10, 1990, was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &9&k&BQ" ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Ti)/ T COUNCIL /\I\ %9&% % MEMBERS % $% $