HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-31; City Council; Minutes, e 0
Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeking)
Date of Meeting: July 31, 1990
Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m.
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m.
ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows:
Present: Council Members Pettine, Mamaux, Larson,
Kulchin and Mayor Lewis.
Absent : None.
Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation signifying the beginning
of the 1990 United WayjCHAD campaign. The Proclamation
was accepted by Stu Gary and Sherry Freisinger.
Ruth Lewis, 2001 Avenue of the Trees, President,
League of Women Voters, North Coast San Diego
Comty, spoke in favor of the Program Application
for this Community Library Service Grant.
Gloria Valencia-Cothran, 122 Acacia Boulevard,
representing the Coalition of Citizens who worked
on this project, spoke in favor of the proposed
application for a grant.
Margarita Acosta, State Certified Interpreter,
spoke for Ermelinda Cobian, 768 Magnolia, spoke in
favor of the grant application and proposed
Xargarita Acosta, State Certified Interpreter,
spoke for Luis Maldonado, 3316 Harding #17, in
support of ':he application and proposed program.
Rosalind Belmont, 2757 Arland Road, a retired
Public Health Nurse, spoke in favor of the grant
application and proposed program.
Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, representing
Caring Residents of Carlsbad, read into the record
a letter dated July 31, 1990, signed by Kathleen
Wellman, President, in support of the application
and proposed program.
Council adopted the following Resolution:
RESOLUTION 153. 30-254, authorizing a Partnerships
for Change Grant Application to the California
St-ate Library ts support Enhanced Information
Services to Carlsbad's Hispanic Zommunity.
COUNCIL /\I\ ?& y$q$
MEMBERS Z. (s, Z. (s,
X Larson
X Mamaux
X Pettine
xx Kuichin
0 0
July 31, 1990 Page 2
Mayor Lewis called a brief recess at 6:43 p.m., and
Council re-convened at 6:47 p.m., with all Members
149(O)/MP 88-1/GPA/LU 88-1/ZC 88-3/CT 88-3/PUD 88-
4/HDP 88-8/SDP 89-ll/SUP 89-3/SUP 90-8/LFMP 89-
12(A)/EIR 86-2.
Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director, referred
to a sheet distributed to Council prior to the
meeting titled "Santa Fe Ridge Wall Condition
Amendment to TM CT 88-3" and explained same. He
noted staff supports the condition and both the
residents and property owner also agree, and it is
recommended as an added condition.
Council Member Pettine questioned approving an
additional 1,076 residential units when the County
is in a Stage I1 Water Alert.
City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated no facts have
been presented to Council at any time that would
warrant a hookup moratorium.
Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing
at 8:06 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Doug Avis, 6670 El Camino Real, Fieldstone Company,
owner of the property and the applicant, gave the
history of the project and asked for approval for
1,076 units. He stated they concurred with the
Santa Fe Ridge Wall condition proposed by staff.
Bryce Willett, 2404 La Tinada Court, spoke in
opposition to the opening of El Bosque because of
the safety to the children.
Patty Wencel, 7911 Las Nueces Place, spoke on the
placement of the junior high school, stating the
school was needed, but in a different place. She
objected to the school being placed among the
homes, as it would cause noise, pollution and
traffic. She also objected to the opening of El
Mike Fenton, 2908 Corte Jardin, referred to pages
258 and 259 of the EIR, parsgraph 3, and questioned
how cert.ain road segments currently operating at
unacceptable conditions, based on the City of
Carlsbad standards, could become acceptable in this
kci, /
COUNCIL /\I\ %?$x%+
MEMBERS s 6 Z. 6
0 e
July 31, 1990 Page 3
John Cotter, 7905 Corte Felipe, representing the
Santa Fe Ridge Homeowners Association, spoke; in
opposition to the opening of Corte Carolina. He
also requested a pedestrian bridge over Rancho
Santa Fe to connect Calle Barcelona, and stated the
City needs to work with Encinitas to correct the
problems of Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain.
Mike Vaughan, 2611 Sombrosa, President of the
Ponderosa Homeowners Association, spoke in
opposition to the opening of El Bosque and Corte
Carolina and spoke of 370 signatures given to the
Planning Commission in opposition to the opening of
the streets.
Eleanor Batterson, 7970 La Gacha Lane, spoke on the
water crisis, and requested that Fieldstone be
required to use secondary water in grading and all
stages of the construction, using drinking water
only where needed. Staff indicated this is already
a condition in construction.
Jeff Stein, 2923 Via Ipanema, spoke of the danger
of a right turn in and out on Olivenhain and the
failure of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real at
the intersection. He inquired about access to a
parcel of land owned by Northwestern Railroad and
the curb cut.
Hilbert Mercado, 2815 Sombrosa, expressed concern
about the safety of the children and said that most
of the intersections of the streets are blind and
Inez Yoder, 7738 Madrilena Way, requested the
mitigation measures in the EIR be made conditions
on this project. She also requested that the trail
system be improved with decomposed granite rather
than blacktop.
Mrs. Yoder showed photographs showing California
quail in their yard, and stated that wildlife and
certain plants, such as Coastal Sage Scrub, should
be protected and not ignored by this project.
Richard Yoder, 7738 Madrilena Way, stated that many
comments on the draft EIR were given standardized
replies, and he hoped Council had read the one
hundred comments. Mr. Yoder expressed concern
because of the increased population this one
project would cause and the increased water use.
Jeff Noble, 2904 Corta Jardin, stated the homes
around his property sit higher than his home and
are to be two-story structures. His concern was
that consideration should be given to houses
fronting the subdivision to make them all one story
COUNCIL /\I\ 3 %' %
MEMBERS % %% %
e 0
July 31, 1990
Page 4
- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
Debby Wright, 7966 Los Pinos Circle, representing
Rancho Ponderosa, spoke in opposition to the
opening of El Bosque and was concerned about Calle
Mary Elliott, 2942 Sombrosa, spoke in opposition to
the opening of El Bosque and Corte Carolina.
Gail Sabo, 2940 Sombrosa, spoke in opposition to
the opening of Corte Carolina. She said there
should be stop signs and crosswalks at the corners-
-especially at the park. Ms. Sabo said that all
landscaping should be required to be drought-
Alexa Pallas, 2927 Via Ipanems, representing the
Santa Fe Ridge Homeowners Association, referred to
a copy of a letter from the Animal Protection
Institute, and requested delay of this project
until the EIR issues can be addressed more
thoroughly by Council and outside consultants. She
said that the EIR did not address the impact of
additional traffic flow onto streets such as Rancho
Santa Fe Road and Manchester, as well as the
freeways. She also said that there was no
guarantee that water could be supplied to this
project, and the IR did not address the impact on
habitat on the site.
Leslie Gelles, 7972 Amargosa Drive, spoke on her
concern on the water shortage. She also stated
that Calle Barcelona should be completed prior to
Phase I and El Bosque should not be opened.
Randy Wing, 7964 Represa Circle, spoke in
opposition to opening El Bosque.
Roger Dresnin, 2949 Sombrosa Street, questioned the
possibility of low-income housing being placed in
Phase I11 of the project.
Jim Pierce, 7919 Arbusto Court, spoke in favor of
placing crash gates on El Bonsque and Corte
Jesse Havard, 7932 La Capela Place, opposed the
opening of El Bosque and Corte Carolina.
Bob MacKay, 2608 La Duela Lane, stated his concern
with the layout of the proposed junior high school.
Mr. Avis, in rebuttal, stated that Condition 46, 3e
of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3032, should
include colnsideration of a switch between the open
space lot and the one story lot--with 508 and 509
COUNCIL I\/\ 3 QJ)\ %
MEMBERS % %% %
0 e
July 31, 1990
Page 5 -
- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
He requested revision to Condition No. 80 of
Planning Commission Resolution No. 3032 for the
Arroyo La Costa Tentative Map. This condition
requires the interim improvement of the
intersection of Olivenhain Road and El Camino Real
to four lanes within the first phase of the
project. The requested revision is to simply
delete the phrase “along its present alignment”
from the condition. The condition would read:
“Olivenhain Road shall be improved to a four lane
interim from El Camino Real to Rancho Santa Fe
Road, including any necessary offsite transition.
The developer/owner may be eligible for partial
reimbursement from adjacent property owners. A
reimbursement agreement must be approved by the
City prior to approval of the final map for this
phase. ’’
Since no one else wished to speak on this item,
Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 9:48 p.m.
Mayor Lewis stated that the School Board dictates
where a school site will be and the City has no
control over that. He advised the citizens to take
the issue of the school location to the School
Council determined that the project be conditioned
to extend Street “A” to Olivenhain Road, with a
right turn in and out at the intersection, with the
configuration to be determined by the Engineering
Department regarding grade, and the amendment be
considered a minor adjustment subject to approval
of the City Engineer; that crash gates be installed
at the end of El Bosque and Corte Carolina; with
the provision that the streets will be opened when
Calle Barcelona is built from El Camino Real to
Rancho Santa Fe to four full lanes; provided such
opening is preceded by public notice and hearing.
Council approved inclusion of a condition stating
the zone changes and the Arroyo La Costa Master
Plan are approved on the condition that the
developer form an assessment district, Mello-Roos
District or other financing mechanism to fund the
Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement; and
Council also directed staff to condition the
tentative map approval to provide that within 180
days from the date of the Arroyo La Costa tentative
map approval, a financial guarantee acceptable to
the City Council for construction of Rancho Santa
Fe Road improvements will be provided. Unless the
guarantee is approved by the City Council within
the 180-day period, all processing on the Arroyo La
Costa final map will cease until such time as it is
approved. The time limit may be extended at the
discretion of the City Council.
COUNCIL \$ %PA /o A+ %
X Kulchin
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Pettine
xx Mamaux
Pett ine
X Kulchin
X Larson
0 0
July 31, 1990
Page 6 -
- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
A motion was made to add a supplemental condition
to the Tentative Map approval requiring the
improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road concurrent with
need. The motion died for lack of a second.
Council amended Condition No. 80 of Planning
Commission Resolution No. 3032 for the Arroyo La
Costa Tentative Map by deleting the words "along
its present alignment" following the word "interim"
in the first sentence.
.. Council approved reversing lots 508 and.509,
Condition 46 3e of Commission Resolution No. 3032,
providing for the exchanging of lots 508 and 509,
the open space lot and the one story structure lot.
Council approved the Santa Fe Ridge Wall Condition
Amendment to TM CT 88-3, adding, "unless waived by
the Planning Director."
Exhibit U-U shall be amended to show placement of
the solid village wall on the south side of
proposed Street N-N, which is existing Calle
Barcelona and hereafter called Calle Barcelona,
next to Santa Fe Ridge, as follows:
1. The wall on the east side of Corte Carolina
shall be placed within the public right-of-way
of Calle Barcelona and Corte Carolina, or on
private property, if applicable. The wall
shall be extended from Calle Barcelona south
along Corte Carolina to a point approximately
one-half of the side lot distance of 2920 Via
2. For those portions of the wall along Calle
Barcelona and located west of Corte Carolina,
different conditions shall apply along the
adjacent homes of Santa Fe Ridge:
a. 2912 Corte Jardin: the wall shall be
entirely within the public right-of-
way of Calle Barcelona and Corte
Carolina; the wall shall be extended
from Calle Barcelona south along
Corte Carolina to a point
approximately one-half of the side
lot distance of 2912 Corte Jardin.
b. 2910 Corte Jardin: the wall
shall be located both within the
public right-of-way and on 2910
Corte Jardin.
c. 2908 Corte Jardin: the wall
shall be located entirely on 2908
Corte Jardin.
1 ./\I\
COUNCIL % ?&%+ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. 8
Pett ine X
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Pett ine
X Kulchin
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Pett ine
X Kulchin
Lewis X
Kulchin X
Pett ine X
Mamaux xx
Larson X
July 31, 1990 Page 7 r PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
d. 2906 Corte Jardin: the wall shall be
located entirely on 2906 Corte
Jardin. The wall shall further
extend southwest to the property line
between 2906 Corte Jardin and 2904
Corte Jardin at the discretion of the
owner of 2906 Corte Jardin.
All portions of the wall within the public right-
of-way are subject to the applicant obtaining a
right-of-way encroachment permit from the City.
Prior to constructing any portion of the wall
within private property, the applicant and the
property owner must enter into an agreement
providing for the wall's construction and
maintenance. All structural maintenance shall be
the responsibility of the Arroyo La Costa
Homeowners' association. All other maintenance,
for example, periodic painting, shall be shared,
with the Arroyo La Costa Homeowners' Association
maintaining those portions of the wall facing
Arroyo La Costa, and individual Santa Fe Ridge
property owners agreeing with the City and
maintaining those portions of the wall facing their
properties. Final plans for all wall construction
are subject to approval of the Planning Director.
Council approved an amendment providing for trails
of decomposed granite rather than asphalt.
Council adopted the following Resolution:
- RIESOLUTION NO. 90-255, approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration for an amendment to the La Costa Master Plan
to delete references to the area know as La Costa
Council Member Pettine stated his opposition is based on
t:he water issues discussed earlier.
Council adopted the following Resolutions, with
a:ppropriate amendments to incorporate previous Council
actions :
- RESOLUTION NO. 90-256, Certifying Environmental Impact Rleport, EIR 86-2, for a project generally including
1,076 single-family dwellings, a recreation/daycare
clenter, two school sites and two potential church sites
on property located east of El Camino Real, north of
Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
i I56
c -
COUNCIL /\iJ % %% %
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Pett ine
X Kulchin
Lewis X
Kulchin X
Pett ine
Mamaux X
Larson xx
* See Page 3
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Kulchin
I) a
July 31, 1990 Page 8
- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
BSOLUTION NO. 90-257, amending the Land Use Element of
the General Plan (GPA/LU 88-1, Arroyo La Costa) to
change land use designations on property located east of
E:L Camino Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of
Rancho Santa Fe Road.
- RIESOLUTION NO. 90-258, approving a Tentative Tract Map
for 1,0706 single-family dwellings on property generally
located east of El Camino Real, north of Olivenhain Road
and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
- RIESOLUTION NO. 90-259, approving a planned-unit
development on property generally located east of El
Camino Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho
Santa Fe Road.
- RIESOLUTION NO. 90-260, approving a Hillside Development
Permit on property generally located east of El Camino
Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho Santa
Fe Road.
NESOLUTION NO. 90-261, approving Site Development Plan
No. SDP 89-18 on property generally located east of El
C,amino Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho
Santa Fe Road.
- RESOLUTION NO. 90-262, approving a Special Use Permit flor a floodplain encroachment for property within
Carlsbad Tract 88-3, Arroyo La Costa.
- RESOLUTION NO. 90-263, approving a Special Use Permit to allow development within the El Camino Real Scenic
C'orridor on property generally located east of El Camino
Real, north of Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho Santa
Fe Road.
Council, by one motion, introduced the following
Ordinances, with appropriate amendments to incorporate
previous Council actions:
QRDINANCE NO. NS-123, for a Master Plan Amendment,
MPA-149(0), Arroyo La Costa, on property located east of
El Camino Real, north of Olivenhain Road, and west of
Rancho Santa Fe Road and generally south of Palomar
Airport Road.
- ORDINANCE NO. NS-124, approving Master Plan 88-1, Arroyo La Costa, a Master Plan Community generally located on
property east of El Camino Real, north of Olivenhain
Road and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
QRDINANCE NO. NS-125, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad
Municipal Code by the zoning map to grant a zone change,
ZC 88-3, Arroyo La Costa, from R-1-7500 to PC on
property generally located est of El Camino Real, north
of Olivenhain Road and west of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
I, 5s
COUNCIL I\/\ % %% %
MEMBERS % $% $
X Larson
xx Mamaux
X Pett ine
X Kulchin
1) 0
July 31, 1990
Page 9 -
- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued)
This item was continued one week.
By proper motion, the Meeting of July 31, 1990, was
adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk
Hiarriett Babbitt
M.inutes Clerk
* Council amended the Minutes to include Council Member
Pettine's statement that his opposition was also based
o:n the fact that the project did not meet the Growth
Management 10-day water storage requirements.
Ctouncil also added a statement that the rest of Council
did not agree with Mr. Pettine and noted there was no
legal evidence presented to support that position.
COUNCIL /\I\ % %' %
MEMBERS % $% $