HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-02; City Council; Minutes.i, ?, 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: October 2, 1990 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Pettine, Mamaux, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent : None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation declaring the week of October 1 - 7, 1990, as DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WEEK. The Proclamation was accepted by Marva Bledsoe Chriss, Executive Director of the Women's Resource Center. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 4, 1990, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 11, 1990, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held September 11, 1990, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #10,845 - ABOVE-GROUND ENCROACHMENT ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF CADENCIA STREET - PR 4.33. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-357, approving an above-ground encroachment for a six-foot high chain link fence along the northerly side of Cadencia Street from Piragua Street to 214 feet southeasterly of Perdiz Street. 2. AB #10,846 - APPROVAL OF A 108-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND TWO STANDARDS VARIANCES FOR AVIARA PLANNING AREA 12 - CT 89-39/PUD 89-19/SV 90-3/SV " 90-4. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-358, approving a mitigated Negative Declaration, tentative map, planned unit development permit, and two standards variances for a 108-unit condominium project on 26 acres located at the southeast corner of Alga Road and Black Rail Court. c;i 13 COUNCIL I\! %P /o %.9/ )r MEMIBERS + tp g Lewis Kulchin X Mamaux X Pettine xx Larson X Pettine Pettine Lewis xx Kulchin X X Larson X Mamaux X Pett ine 4 & X X X I. 1 0 0 I MINUTES October 2, 1990 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 3. AB #10,851 - AUTHORIZATION TO BID CONSTRUCTION OF JAMES DRIVE STORM DRAIN PROJECT NO. 3224. Council Member Mamaux stated that due to the location of his property, he would abstain on this item. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 90-362, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the James Drive Storm Drain between Basswood and Tamarack Avenue. PUBLIC COMMENT : There were no requests to address Council at this time. MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT: Council adjourned to the Municipal Water District at 6:03 p.m., and re-convened at 6:05 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMEWAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 4. AB #10,848 - REOUEST FOR PROPOSALS - SCREENING AGENCY. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 90-360, approving a request for proposals to acquire the services of a screening agency for the homeless. 5. AB #10,849 - PROPOSED POLICY REGARDING SPONSORSHIP OF CITYWIDE RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS. Council Member Larson stated he could support the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission if it were modified to add the following words after "firearms": "unless for conducting gun safety courses". Council Member Pettine stated he would support the motion, but felt that the original request for a policy prohibiting sponsorship or donations for youth recreational programs by alcohol beverage companies would have been sufficient, without including all the other items. 8)L -T COUNCIL /\I\ % %% % MEMBERS % Q% $ Mamaux X Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pett ine X Kulchin X * 0 MINUTES October 2, 1990 Page 3 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council adopted the following policy: In order to provide wholesome recreational opportunities, the City of Carlsbad will neither solicit nor accept donations for youth programs; open to anyone under the age of 21 years, that may be detrimental to the health, safety or well-being of the youth involved. This exclusion will include, but not be limited to, alcohol beverage or distribution companies, tobacco product companies and businesses engaged in the sale or manufacture of drug paraphernalia, pornographic materials or firearms, unless for conducting gun safety courses. 6. AB #10,850 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 84-43, CP 302 - CASA LOMA CONDOMINIUM. This item was withdrawn from the Agenda. 7. AB #10,852 - REIMBURSEMENT TO DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR ASSET SEIZURE LITIGATION. Council Member Pettine stated that due to the fact that he is employed in the District Attorney's Office, he would abstain on this item. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 90-363, authorizing reimbursement to San Diego County District Attorney's Office for asset seizure litigation and appropriating funds. COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on recent meetings and activities of the Committees and Subcommittees of which they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 2, 1990, was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA LLa%d?R- L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk cd // COUNCIL \! %77 "0 %7t/ A MEMBERS Z. 6 .Z Lewis xx Larson X Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin X Lewis Mamaux Pettine xx Kulchin X X Larson X b X