HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-23; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES T Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 23, 1991 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Assistant City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Nygaard, Stanton, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS : Mayor Lewis announced that all Council Member3 have been invited to the following: North Comty Mayors/Managers monthly meeting, Thllrsday, July 25, 1991, at the Aviara Club House. Retirement party for Beryl Philp, Thursday, July 25, 1991, at the Raintree Grill, 5:30 p.m. Carrillo Days Bar-B-Que, Saturday, August 3, 1991, 11:OO a.m., at the Public Safety Center. PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation and Plaque to Beryl Philp upon her retirement from the Parks and Recreation Department. Mayor Lewis presented an award for the Finance Department to Jim Elliott, Financial Manager, and Cheryl Allen, Assistant Finance Director. Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to the City from Robert Frazee in honor of the establishment of tho hiring hall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 9, 1991, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held.July 9, 1991, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Nygaard removed Item #4.from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception cf Item #4, as fOllOWS: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at thic Meeting. 152 c COUNCIL /\I\ %?&$, MEMBERS 5 tp Z. tp Lew i. s X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X Lewis X Nygaara X Stantcn X Larson xx Kulchin X 0 0 MINUTES 7 July 23, 1991 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 1. AB #11,263 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-236, accepting a $900 donation from the Southern California Tennis Association in support of Youth4lay Camp .Programs. 2. AB #11,264 - ACCEPTANCE OF WORK - 1990-91 WATER METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM. Council accepted the work, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion,.and authorized release of the retention payment. 3. AB #11,265 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Council accepted the City Treasurer's. report on City investments as of June 30, 1991. 4. AB #11,266 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP - CT NO. 89-15 - JEREZ COURT CONDOMINIUMS. This item was removed from the Consent'Calendar. 5. AB #11,272 - OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL REQUEST TO ATTEND INVESTMENT IN EXCELLENCE FACILITATOR PROGRM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-240, authorizing one staff member to travel to Bellevue, Washington, to attend the Investment i.n Excellence,Facilitators Program August 1 - 2, 1991. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB #11,266 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP - CT NO. 89-15 - JEREZ COJRT CONDOMINIUMS. Council. adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTI'3N NO. 91-237, approving a final map for Carlsbad Tract 89-15. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council at this time. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 6. AB #11,267 - APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GAS STATION/MINI MART AND SELF-SERVE CAR WASH - CUP 90-2lSDP 90-4. Lee Bohlmann, 541 Avenida Encincls, representing the Carlsbad Chamber of Coinmerce, spoke in support of an extension to 25 years for this permit, with a yearly review. 1cLJ COUNCIL I\/\ % ?&$ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. 6 Lewis xx Nygaard X Stanton X Larsori X Kulchin X e e MINUTES r July 23, 1991 Page 3 DEPARTMENTAL AM) CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Ken Huepper, Professional Real Estate Representative, Mobil Oil Corporation, 18634 Lancashire Way, San Diego, stated the. t.en years recommended by staff was not acceptable, and he asked Council to grant the 25-year extension requested. Mr. Huepper also asked for a modification of Condition #9 to change the date for the one year limit for building permits. Council directed that Condition #9 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3203 be amended to commence the one-year time limit for building permits from the date of approval. by the City Council. Council Lirectsd the City Attorney to prepare documents upholding Planning Commission Resolution No. 3203, .amending Condition #11 as outlined in Exhibit A, and including the approved amendment to Condition 59. 7. AB #11,268 - REVIEW OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO OAK AVENUE, GRAND AVENUE SIDEWALKS AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS - PROJECT NOS. 3731, 3732 AND 3739. Robert Bichowsky, Certified Arbor.ist, 3341 Carlin Place, La Mesa, stated the eucalyptus tree at the Tyler Alley and Oak Avenue is a well-maintained, well-pruned, very healthy tree and he recommended leaving the tree in place. He also recommended the tree be given extra water and two.or three cables be put in the tree to ensure the two major trunks would not move away from each other and weaken the tree. Cciuncil adopted the following Resolut-ion: RESOLUTION NO. 91-238, rejecting all bids and directing staff to revise plans and specifications and re-advertise for bids fcr the construction of the CDBG street, sidewalk and handicap access ramp improvements . 8. AB #11,273 - MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, THE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AND THE FIELDSTONE COMPANY. Staff indicated a letter haa been'received.today from the State Fish and Game indicating they would like to become a party to this agreement. '. 'The agreement will need some changes to include the State, and staff will returrl EO Council with either an amended ayreexent or a separate agreement. Doug Avis, 6670 El Camino Real,-representing zhe Fieldstone Company,, spoke in favor of the agreement, stating Fieldstone' .would be one of the signers representing a number of property owners. - COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' 3 MEMBERS % %% Lewis X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X Lewis X Kulchin xx Larson X Stanton X Nygaard X' Lewis X Nygaard X St ant on xx Larson X Kulchin X I 5/ Ill h r- 0 July 23, 1991 MINUTES Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 91-241, authorizing the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Agreement between the City, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Fieldstone Company. 9. AB #11,269 - ESTABLISHMENT OF ANNUAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. Staff requested Council authorize them to research any parcels that may be designated agriculture under the Local Coastal Plan and to exclude them from the tax rolls for Community Facilities District No. 1. Jack Henthorn, 5431 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 6, representing property owners Sammis, Abada, Kelly, P&R, McReynolds, Oceanbluff Partners and Sunbelt Development, requested the parcels listed for these owners in his letter dated July 22, 1991, be excluded from the tax rolls for the Community Facilities District No. 1. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO 91-239, establishing annual tax for a Community Facilities District; and instructed staff to research and remove all properties that may fall under the MelloPZ agriculture land use designat ion. 10. AB #11,274 - 1991 CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. Council received and filed the Second Quarter update. 11. AB #11,270 - YEAR-END FINANCIAL REPORT. Council received the report. No action was taken. 12. AB #11,271 - ADOPTION OF 1990 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE WITH MODIFICATIONS. Council introduced the following Ordinance and set a public hearing on the matter for Acyust'20, 1991: ORDINANCE NO. US-165, .amendi-ng 'Tit-le' 18, Chapzer 18.12 to adopt by reference the National Electrical Code (1990 Edition). I4n I COUNCIL /\I\ % %' % MEMBERS % %% % Lewis X Kulchin X xx Nygaard X Stanton X Larson Lewis X Kulchin X X Nygaard X Stanton xx Larson Lewis xx Kulchin X X Nygaard X Stantorr X Larson e e MINUTES c July 23, 1991 Page 5 ~~ COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on activities and meetings of the Committees and Subcommittees of which they are members. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of July 23, 1991, was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I 1 ~ Y** Assistant City lerk I Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk i I .. lq9 - COUNCIL I\/\ 3 %' % MEMBERS % $% $