HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-10; City Council; Minutes (2)0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regul ar Meeti ng) Date of Meeting: September 10, 1991 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. k\iJ P1 ace of Meeting: City Counci 1 Chambers COUNCIL 39 0 A@ A 3 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: MEMBERS % $% Present: Counci 1 Members Nygaard, Stanton, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : (One motion) The Minutes of the Special Meeting held September 3, Lewi s X Nygaard 1991 were approved as presented. X Stanton The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 3, X Larson xx Kul chin 1991 were approved as presented. X PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented a proclamation to Ofie Escobeda and Connie Trejo in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Week and the first Fiesta en El Barrio to be held September 15, 1991. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis removed items #4 and #7 from the consent cal endar . Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X with the exception of Items #4 and #7, as follows: Kul chi n xx Larson X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Stanton X Nygaard X Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #11,331 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR A TELEPHONE REFUND SURVEY. Council authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Telecommunication Resources to perform a Telephone Refund Survey for the City of Carlsbad. 2. AB #11,332 - DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS KEPT BY THE CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-294, authorizing the destruction of certain records in the City Attorney’s office. 3. AB #11,333 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS AT ELM AVENUE AND ROOSEVELT STREET PROJECT NO. 3291. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-295, xcepting the parking lot improvements at the corner of Elm Avenue and Roosevcl t Street as complete, md directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. 18% b 0 0 MINUTES September 10, 1991 Page 2 y$ii COUNCIL % %' 3 MEMBERS % %% 4. AB #11,334 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PUBLIC STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS JAMES DRIVE, PROJECT NO. 3224. This item was removed form the Consent Calendar. 5. AB #11,335 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON, PROJECT NO. 3303. Council adopted RESOLUTION 91-297, accepting the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Pump Station improvements as compelte, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. 6. AB #11,336 - ACCEPTANCE OF A SECOND YEAR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-298, accepting the second year Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $92,502 from the California State Library, and appropriating accumulated interest. 7. AB #11,337 - AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. I 8. AB #11,338 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE HOME PLANT PUMP STATION AND FORCE MAIN, PROJECT NO. 3299. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-300, accepting bids, awarding the construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Cdrporati on, and approving an amendment to the existing engineering consultant agreement with Almgren & Koptionak, Inc.; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-301, approving the dedication of an open space easement to the State of California, Department of Fish and Game for the area adjacent to the Home Plant pump station site which parallels the Buena Vista Lagoon. 9. AB #11-339 SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT CLEARY V. CITY OF CARLSBAD CASE NO. 60080. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-302, authorizing the expenditure of funds for settlement of the lawsuit entitled Cleary v. City of Carlsbad Case No. 60080. 181 b 0 e MINUTES September 10, 1991 Page 3 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB #11,334 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PUBLIC STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS JAMES DRIVE, PROJECT NO. 3224. Mayor Lewis stated he had received a call from a resident who indicated the contractor removed his fence and did not rep1 ace it after completion of the project . Staff responded that the matter would be resolved. 7. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 91-296, accepting the James Drive storm drain improvements as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. AB# 11,337 - AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. After query by Council, staff indicated that Attachment A should be corrected to reflect $115,000 for salaries and expenses to operate the Bureau rather than $114,000. - MEMBERS COUNCIL \p %?$, + %A+ t$ p/ + Lewis Kul chin Larson Stanton Nygaard i i xx X X X X Council adopted the following resolution: X Nygaard Commerce to provide professional services related X Stanton execute an agreement with Carlsbad Chamber of X Larson RESOLUTION NO. 91-299, authorizing the Mayor to xx Kulchin X Lewis to the promotion of the City of Carlsbad. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Robert Broughton, 2992 Lexington Circle, Carlsbad,addressed Council concerning the free-standing signs on sidewalks in the Village area and the City's enforcement effort after a complaint from just one person. Hope Wrisley, 2080 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, addressed Council regarding the free-standing signs on the sidewalks in the Village area. She requested that the Council implement an interim policy allowing such signs until a new ordinance can be adopted or until the Redevelopment Master Plan is revised. MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT: Council adjourned to the Municipal Water District at 6:17 p.m., and reconvened at 6:18 p.m., with all members present. I80 4 @ 0 0 MINUTES I September 10, 1991 Page 4 I\/\ COUNCIL %9+%%+ MEMBERS .rt 0 + 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 10. AB #11,285 - APPEAL OF THE DENIAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A BUSINESS LICENSE FOR OCEANQUEST KAYAK CENTRE: Mr. Larry Stevens, 1740 Sorrel Court, Carl sbad, representing OceanQuest Kayak Centre, addressed Council. Mr. Stevens stated that the leasing agent had informed him there would be no problem conducting his business in that area. He explained the various operations of the business, and requested that he be allowed to conduct retail sales. By consensus, Council continued the item to the meeting of October 1, 1991, to give the appellant an opportunity to work out the problem with his 1 easing agent. 11. AB #11.340 - APPEAL OF TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AT THE RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/QUESTHAVEN ROAD INTERSECTION: City Manager indicated that the appellant had requested a one-month continuance. Council granted the request and continued the item. Lewis X Kul chin xx Larson X Stanton X Nygaard X 12. AB# 11,341 - PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING SKATEBOARDING: Mr. Don Schempp, 2602 El Camino Real, representing Capital Bank, addressed Council. Mr. Schempp indicated he would support some restrictions on skateboarding, particularly in the commercial sectors of the City. Lee Bohlmann, 1535 Sunrise Circle, representing the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council. Ms. Bohlmann stated the Chamber would appreciate an opportunity to participate with the City in the development of any ordinance restricting skateboarding. Mr. John Jones, 3044 State Street, addressed Council. Mr. Jones indicated there was a serious problem with skateboarders in his area and he urged Council to adopt some restrictions. By consensus, Council directed staff to return with an ordinance prohibiting skateboarding in the downtown Village area, on sidewalks in commercial and industri a1 areas, and in parking lots where posted. I19 r J 0 0 MINUTES September 10, 1991 Page 5 13. AB# 11,342 - AMENDMENT OF TITLE 20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON MAPS: Council introduced the following ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-172, amending Title 20, Chapters 20.20 and 20.32 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Sections 22.20.060(8) and 22.32.40(9) to require additional information on final maps. 14. AB #11,343 - COUNTY SUPERVISORI&L--QISTRICT BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS: - By consensus, Council directed staff to prepare a letter to the $an Diego Board of Supervisors expressing Carlsbad's support for the redistricting boundaries shown on Maps C-A or A-2 leaving Carlsbad in Supervisorial District, k5. 15. AB #11,329 - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT: Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 91-276, re-appointing Cindy Ward to the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Commission. COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Lewis announced that all Council members had been invited to the following events: A reception for the new Chancellor of California State University, San Marcos, to be held at the Aviara Go1 f Club on Thursday, September 12 between the hours of 5:OO and 7:OO p.m.; COUNCIL I\\ % %% 9 MEMBERS % %% Lewi s xx Kulchin X X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson The Women's Resource Center fund raiser to be held at the home of Russell Gross on Friday, September 13 between the hours of 6:OO and 9:00 p.m.; and The Fiesta en El Barrio to be held September 15, between the hours of 11:OO a.m. and 6:OO p.m. Council members reported on recent activities and meetings of subcommittees of which they are members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of September 10, 1991, was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lewi s Kul chi n Larson Stanton Nygaard X X X X X X ~ ag*kbQev ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk 138 E