HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-12; City Council; Minutes (2)0 0 MINUTES Meeting of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: November- 12, 1991 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Nygaard, Stanton, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent : None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented a Retirement Proclamation amd a City plaque to Marilyn Muritz, upon her retirement from the Purchasing Department. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Meeting held October 22, 1991, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item #1 was amended to correct the contract amount to $284,755; Item 82 was removed from the Consent Calendar and Item #8 was continued. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the excepti.on of Item $2 and Item #8, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. ABa #11,429 - kWARD OF CONTRACT FOR 1991-92 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM - CONTRACT NO. U/M 92-2. Council adopted amended _RESOLUTION NO. 91-364, accepting bids and awa.rcling the contrazt to Sim J. Harris Company in the amount of $284,755 for the 1991-92 Streets Overlay Program. 2. AB #11,430 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION FROM PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 3. AB #11,431 - APPRO?RIATION FROM POLICE ASSE1’ ” FORFFITURE FUND. Council adopted RESCLUTION NO. 91-;&63, approprj ating funds in the a:nGunt of $189,000 from the Police Forfeiture Fund for the acquisition, maintenance and support of police activities. 233 c COUNCIL I\/\ % ?&%+ MEMBERS Z. tp Z. tp Lewis Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X X Nygaard X Lewis Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X X Nygaard X - 0 0 MINUTES November 12, 1991 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4. AB #11,432 - ACCEPTANCE OF CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL GRANTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-367, accepting grants from the California Arts Council in the amount of $7,180, for artists-in-residence, Mother Lode Musical Theatre, African-American Drama Company and Isaacs, McCaleb and Dancers. 5. AB #11,433 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - MONARCH VILLAS - CT 83-01. Council accepted improvements, akthorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public street, sewer and storm drain improvements constructed at Lcvante Street and El Camino Real. 6. AB #11,434 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 91-368, accepting a $1,500 donation from the Herrick Community Fund in support of the Annual Halloween Carnival. 7. AB #11,435 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUPION NO. 91-369, accepting a $1,500 donation from the Fieldstone Company in support of youth basketball and volleyball camps. 8. AB #11,436 - RESOLUTION OF LAWSUIT - KEL-CAL, ET AL V. CITY OF CARLSBAD, CASE NO. N49825. This item was continued. " ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CON41 CALENDAR: 2. &B_$11,430 - ACCEPTANCE_= DONATION FROEl-PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. Mayor Lewis accepted a check for $750 from Janie Phillips, Area Manager, Pacific Bell, to assist in the establishment of the Centro de Information. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 91-365, accepting a donation from Pacific Bell Telephone Company to assist in the establishment of the Centro de Informacion. PUBLIC COMMENT : There were no requests to address Council at this time. 2.3 2d MEMBERS COUNCIL \$ ?&?$,% .;t %A (2, Z. % Lewis X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X 1 0 0 November 12, 1991 MINUTES Page 3 ORDINANCES FOR ADQPTION: 9. AB #11,442 - SPECIFIC PLAN 208, AMENDMENT TO ZONING MAP AND AMENDMENT TO RU ZONE - SP208/ZC 90,-5/ZCA - 91-4. Council adopted the following Ordinances: (one mot ion) ORDINANCE NO. NS-184, approving Specific Plan 208 establishing development standards on property generally located on the northwest corner of La Costa Avenue and Levante Street. ORDINANCENO. NS-185, amending 'Title 21 of the Carlsbad Elunicipal Code by ar. aaendment to the zoning map to grant a zone change from RD-M to RD- M-Q on 3.Ci5 acres of property generally located on the northwest corner of La Couza Avenue and Levante Street. ORDINANCE NO. NS-186, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.24, by addition of Section 21.24.160 (to allow the decision-making body to impcse special conditions or requirements when reviewing discretionary permits on lots in the RC-M Zofie thaz adjoin R-1 zoned properties. MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT: Council adjourned to the Municipal Water District at 6:18 p.m., and re-zcnvened at 6:19 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 10. &B #11,437 - ESTAELISHMTNT OF PRIXA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON CANNON EIOhD. " Council introduced the following Ordinart :+: ORDINANCE NO. NS-187, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition. of Section 10.44.380 to establish a prima facie 35 mile per hour speed limit upon Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to Car Country Drive. 11. AB #11,439 - REOUEST BY PANUAL JUAREZ TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL. Bill Toth, 1540 Harbor Drive f15, Oceanside, representing M. Juarez Construction, addressed Council regarding the matter of ongoing harassment and discri nixlation against mi.nority businfisses by the City. The matter was referred to the City Manager. A3 1 I - COUNCIL I\/\ % %' % MEMBERS % $% $ Lewis X Nygaard X Stanton xx Larson X Kulchin X Lewis X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson xx Kulchin X e a November 12, 1991 MINUTES Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL ANJQ, CITY MANAGER REPORTS : ( Cont i nued ) 12. AB #11,440 - CARLSBAD HIRING CENTER UPD%I'E. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 91-371, accepting the staff report €or the Carlsbad Hiring Center, authorizing an extension to the Employment Services Contract and modifying the hours of operation. 13. AB #11,441 - HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE-APPOINTMENTS. This itau was continued one week. 14. AB #11,356 - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOIKTi4ENTS. Council adoptad the fol loving Resolution: RESOLUTlj,NHO. 91-312, appointing Tom Erwin, Bailey Noble, Peggy Savary from the.lanning Commission, and Belyrin Gonzales and Witt Rowlett: from the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Comtittee, to the Design Review Board. 15.. AB #11,412_ -- APPOINTMl3NT TO SISTER CITl_u_ COMMITTEE. Thio item FXS continued. COUNCIL REPORT-s: -.. Couilcil Members rsported on meetings and activlcies of the Subcommittees and Committees of ahich they are Members. mOUNCEMENT : Ksyor Lewis annourced all Council 14ernbers h3VU &e11 invited to attend the Senior Commission Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.-, E'rida/.-, November 15, 1991, 5: 3C p.n. ,. at the Kaintraa Grill & Bar. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of November 12, 1991, was adjourned at 6: 50 p .n.. Respectfully submitted, lL!.d& &- Ry ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harrictt Babbitt Minutes CLcrk 230 T COUNCIL /\I\ 3 %' % MEMBERS % $% $ Lewis xx Kulchin X X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson ?,;awis X Nygaard X Stanton X Larson X Kulchin x x.