HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-05; City Council; Minutes0 e MINUTES OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: Map 5, 1992 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Nygaard, Stanton, Larson, Kulchin and Mayor Lewis. Absent : None. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Lewis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Nygaard. PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Bob Greaney, General Manager of the Carlsbad Water Department, proclaiming May as WATER AWARENESS MONTH. Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Police Chief Bob Vales declaring May 5, 1992, as PEACE OFFICERS MEMORIAL DAY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council approved the following: Minutes of the Special Meetings held April 21, 1992. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 21, 1992. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis announced that Item #5 would be continued one week. Chris Calkins, Carltas Company, asked Council to not delay this project any longer, and approve it tonight. The City Manager stated there were issues to be resolved, and staff recommended a continuance of the item. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as f 01 lows : AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1 1. AB 811,665 - QUITCLAIM OF STORM DRAIN EASEMENT - PRICE CLUB - PR 3.7.54. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-120, quitclaiming a storm drain easement over Lot H of Map 823 (south of Palomar Airport Road) to the Price Company. IPY 0 0 May 5, 1992 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4 2. AB #11,666 - REVISED AGREEMENT FOR POLICE COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH 5 TERMINAL REPLACEMENT. Council approved a revised agreement with PRC Public Management Services, Inc., to provide for the required software changes in conjunction with the installation of the replacement terminals. 8 3. AB P11.667 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISPOSAL OF ASSETS SEIZED UNDER THE 5 ASSET FORFEITURE LAW. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-121, approving a contract with Roger Ernst and Associates, Auctioneers, for the disposal of assets seized by the Police Department under the Asset Forfeiture Law. 4 4. 5 AB #11,668 - AMENDMENT OF CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-122, approving an updated agreement with Whitmore, Johnson and Bolanos for the provision of legal services relating to employer/employee relations issues for FY 1991-92. 13 5. AB #11,669 - AGREEMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5 REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN - EIR 91-3. This item was continued one week. (See subsequent reconsideration and action on the item on pages 2 and 3) PUBLIC COMMENT : Jane Stimmel, 772 Ann's Way, stated there are no trash receptacles inside the Split Pavilion and this is creating a problem. She asked for them to be returned. Ms. Stimmel also asked why the 110 feet of bars to be installed in front of the Harbor Fish House were not installed; who authorized their deletion from the plans, and she also requested that the remainder of the bars be removed. Jim Watson, 3283 Lincoln, asked whether the City viewed Ocean Street south of Oak Avenue as a parking lot or public street. He stated the parking in that area is a hazard. He also asked about the dumping of dirt on the bluff in that area, as there is nothing wrong with the bluff. He stated suggestions by Andrea Blum were not acceptable and hoped they would not be acceptable to the Arts Commission and the subcommittee. He stated he would present another 1,200 names for the petition, bringing the total to over 10,700. Roger Peterson, spoke in opposition to the Split Pavilion, stating the City had entered into an operating agreement with the State of California to have the rights to the land for 20 years, but had given that land to Ms. Blum for her lifetime plus 50 years. 13 5. AB #11,669 - AGREEMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5 REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN - EIR 91-3. City Manager Ray Patchett announced that staff met with the representative from Carltas Company and they submitted a letter which resolves staff's concerns. He asked Council to re-consider Item #5 on the Consent Calendar. 103 0 e May 5, 1992 Page 3 AB #11,669 - AGREEMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN - EIR 91-3. (Continued) ACTION: On motion by Council Member Larson, Council agreed to re- consider Item #5 on the Consent Calendar. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-123, approving an agreement with P&D Technologies for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, and an agreement with Carltas Company to provide funding for the Environmental Impact Report for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard PUBLIC HEARINGS: L4 6. AB #11,670 - OFF-SITE REAL ESTATE SIGNAGE - ZCA 90-2. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:31 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-124, approving a Negative Declaration for a Zone Code Amendment to amend Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.41, regarding off-site real estate signage; and, Introduced ORDINANCE NS-199, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by amendment Chapter 21.41 regarding off-site real estate signage. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard 14 7* AB #11,671 - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS - ZCA 91-8. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-125, approving a Negative Declaration for a Zone Code Amendment to amend Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21,43.110, to establish specific time limitations for the adult entertainment permit review process and to change reference in the code to reflect staff titles currently in use; and, Introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-200, amending Title 21, Chapter 21.43 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the amendment of Section 21.43.110 to add time limits for processing adult entertainment permits. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard loa, 0 0 May 5, 1992 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) 15 8. AB #11,67q - 1991-96 COhPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY ( CHAS 1 . Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-127, approving the 1991-96 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy for the City's Community Development Block Grant Program. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard HOUSING AND'REDEVELOPMEEPT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:40 p.m., and re-convened at 6:42 p.m., with all Members present. MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT: Council adjourned to the Municipal Water District at 6:42 p.m., and re- convened at 7:24 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CIm MANAGER REPORTS: 15 9. AB #11,664 - PROJECT SELECTION FOR 1992-93 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Manny Valdez,3603 Ames Place, Director of the Carlsbad Boys and Girls Club, stated he had met with Frank Sorino, and they had not been able to come to an -agreement as to the direction of the boxing program. At this time, Mr. Sorino is on his own with that program, and Mr. Valdez stated he would help him organize a non-profit organization. Frank Sorino stated .his group has no funds, and his understanding was that the boys in the boxing program were to use the Boys and Girls Club. As it stands now, they have no place to practice. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 8:05 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:16 p.m., with all Members present. AB #11,664 - PROJECT SELECTION FOR 1992-93 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Each Council Member stated their recommendations for use of the funds and trailed the item so staff could calculate averaged totals. ACTION: By consensus, Council requested staff to return with a report to expand Item #3 in the Carlsbad Community Development Plan-and to state projects "should" instead of "must" meet at least one of the City' s Primary Community Development Objectives. 10 1 0 0 May 5, 1992 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 7 10. AB #11,672 - STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A NEWSLETTER, TOWN HALL MEETING AND COMMUNITY FORUMS - GENERAL PLAN UPDATE. Council Member Stanton recommended sending out a flyer to all residents and a mini-newsletter, and Council Members concurred. Mayor.Lewis referenced a letter dated May 5, 1992, from Ann Mauch, PROJECT FUTURE, with comments about the program. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council authorized staff to prepare a citizens' newsletter, conduct a Town Hall Meeting and four Community Forums and send out a flyer to all residents with information about the forums, including dates, times and location; also, to have Daniels Cablevision televise all the meetings. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard Council returned to Item #9 at this time. 15 9. AB #11,664 - PROJECT SELECTION FOR 1992-93 FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. 3 ACTION: On motion by Council Member Larson, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-119, selecting specific projects for funding under the i992-93 Community Development Block. Grant Program, as follows: HIV Resource/Rec Center $ Carlsbad Hiring Center/SER CMS for Seniors Child Abuse Prevention Comm. Serv.Ctr.for Disab. Alcohol Rec. Center Armed Serv. Y Youth Program Computer Lab for School Boys and Girls Club S.D. Mental Health Good Samaritan Shelter W.I.F. Day Care-Alzheimers Lifeline-Emerg.Shelter Fraternity House-AIDS Shelter Comm.Res.Ctr.-Homeless Prevention Caring Residents Shelter Boys & Girls Club-Park Boys & Girls Club-Refurbish Facility Affordable Housing Reserv. Casa de Amparo Rehabilitation & Preservation Paint-a-thon Program Proqram Admin. Activity City CDBG Program North Coast Housing-Forum Public FacilitiesIReh. Activities I' 'I (New Clubhouse) 400 7,400 800 3,200 800 2,900 700 2 00 14,000 (Matching) 3,500 10 , 400 7,250 7,750 2 , 800 12,900 (Matching) 23,100 (Matching) 25,000 (Matching) 25,000 (Matching) 12,400 (Matching) 2,000 163 , 955 3,000 73 , 000 5,000 AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard loo a 8 May 5, 1992 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council stated that a full report on the scope of North Coast Housing Foundation should be provided to Council and approved prior to funding the project. 11. AB #11,673 - FORMATION OF REGIONAL AUTO THEFT TEAM (RATT). ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-126, approving the formation of the San Diego County Vehicle Theft Task Force and authorizing the Police Chief to sign the Memorandum of Understanding forming such task force. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard 12. AB #11,661 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-198, amending Title 18 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Chapter 18.07 entitled "Unreinforced Masonry Buildings"; and set a public hearing for June 9, 1992. AYES : Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard COUNCIL REPORTS : Council Members reported on the activities and meetings of the Committees and Subcommittees of which they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1992, was adjourned at 9:14 p.m., to 11:OO a.m., Wednesday, May 6, 1992,in the Council Chambers, in the event a quorum of Council Members is in attendance at the presentation on the Gnatcatcher Habitat Mitigation Program. Respectfully submitted, aeibS.2- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 99