HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-19; City Council; Minutes0 0 " MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: February 2,1993 TIME OF MEETING: 6:30 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order at 6:43 p.m., with Council Members Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tern Stanton and Mayor Lewis present. 37 1. AB #12,065 - CITY COUNCIL GOALS. The 1993 Five Year Vision Statement and 1993 Ci Council Goals were revised and approved, as follows: 1993 FIVE YEAR VISION STATEMENT CARLSBAD Has a strong, diverse and healthy economy which provides employment to the residents of Carlsbad, economic vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues to support top level City services. Provides the highest level of qualii and responsiveness in the delivery of municipal services. Provides residents with a better qualii of life by making decisions and policies which implement the General Plan, enforce the Growth Management Plan and are based on what is best for Carlsbad. Maintains a leadership role in local and regional planning issues by being actively involved and influencing decisions on issues confronting government on the local, state and national levels. Actively manages environmental concerns, including impacts on: - open space - water quality/conservation - beach erosion - air quality - resource conservation and waste reduction - wildlife habitats - offshore oil drilling Provides safe and efficient circulation and transportation systems. Maintains the pride of the residents of Carlsbad in their City, the City Council and City staff. Maintains small town community spirit--citywide. 31 0 0 ” February 2, 1993 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1993 1993 FIVE YEAR VISION STATEMENT (Continued) Carlsbad operates an open government by its Council, Boards and Commissions to ensure a non-political climate for the betterment of the community. Maintains an open City government that educates and encourages active citizen participation. ADMINISTRATION CARLSBAD Goal I: Is a government that earns the support and respect of its citizens by providing services in a responsive, open and efficient manner for citizens, Council and departments. Goal II: Will manage the finances of the City in a fiscally sound manner in light of the economy from an operation/growth/CIP perspective while balancing the needs of the community. Goal 111: Leads through involvement in intergovernmental relations regarding regional issues at Council and staff level with adjoining cities, school districts, transit districts, water and utility districts and Federal, State, County and other agencies. Goal IV: Provides continuing public information and outreach programs for quality communication between Carlsbad citizens and government as a means of gaining informed community input and understanding in City decisions. Goal V: Strives to increase the professional performance of Council and Commissioners by promoting their education. Objective: Provide training for commissioners on values, ethics and meeting procedures. Goal VI: Enhances professional growth, performance and employee excellence by providing continuing education for all employees. 30 0 0 .- February 2, 1993 Page 3 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1993 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Goal I: Maintains the highest standards for courteous service and community responsiveness, Goal II: Maintains, monitors and implements the Growth Management Plan. Goal 111: Keeps the General Plan up-to-date. Goal IV: Initiates and develops programs and procedures which contribute toward the economic development of the entire City. Goal V: Enriches and revitalizes redevelopment areas for the benefit and enjoyment of the entire community. Goal VI: Provides mixed housing citywide for all economic segments of the population, as outlined in the Housing Element. Goal VII: Improves the overall quality of field inspection, implementation of project processing and front counter operations, while maintaining safe City standards. Objective: Staff will conduct workshops on operating procedures to enhance programs and services. 29 0 0 _- February 2, 1993 Page 4 CITY COUNCIL COALS - 1993 SAFETY SERVICES CARLSBAD Goal I: Maintains a high and safe level of Police services throughout the City. Goal II: Maintains a high and safe level of Fire and Paramedic services throughout the City. Goal Ill: Maintains the highest standards for courteous service and community responsiveness. Goal IV: Continues community programs in the areas of drug awareness, juvenile diversion and gang intervention for our youths and their parents. Goal V: Provides safety personnel appropriate training in order to enhance their personal safety and the services provided to citizens. &% e e .- February 2, 1993 Page 5 CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1993 CULTURAL AND RECREATIONAL CARLSBAD Goal I: Provides a variety of quality recreational programs and faiclities, within its fiscal resources, to all Carlsbad residents. Goal II: Provides, within its fiscal resources, a variety of quality cultural programs, including all forms of visual and performing arts, to all Carlsbad residents. Goal Ill: Actively pursues the contribution of gifts and funds for arts, historical, senior, sister city and recreational/open space programs. Goal IV: Supports regional park, recreational and cultural facilities. Goal V: Continues relations with schools to provide recreational and arts facilities and opportunities. 27 0 .- February 2, 1993 Page 6 CITY COUNCIL GOALS - 1993 PUBLIC WORKS CARLSBAD Goal I: Provides for a high level of maintenance of existing and future infrastructure. Goal II: Maintains safe and efficient circulation and utility systems. Goal 111: Promotes solid waste management programs through recycling, source reduction, composting and solid waste transfer. Goal IV: Cooperates with other cities and agencies in the provision of wastewater treatment and water reclamation. Goal V: Promotes measures which increase water supply and storage and improve water quality, and promotes the Carlsbad Water Ethic, which encourages water conservation by all customers. Objective: Educate the public regarding surface water runoff. Goal VI: Maintains Carlsbad as a clean city through the removal of litter and graffiti and through educational programs. Goal VII: Provides information and education regarding the City’s infrastructure and Public Works’ programs. 7. c26 * 0 7. February 2, 1993 Page 7 COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on the activities and meetings of the various Committees and Subcommittees of which they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Special Meeting of February 2, 1993, was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I &lLz%o!w F KAREN R. KUNDTZ Assistant City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 025