HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-28; City Council; Minutes (2)* 0 0 b MINUTES MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: September 28,1993 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF ME€llNG: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem Stanton and Mayor Lewis. Absent: Council Members Nygaard and Finnila. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Members of the Carlsbad Lions Club for WHITE CANE DAYS. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Kulchin requested Item #5 be removed from the Consent Calendar. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items 1 through 6, with the exception of Item #5, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 35 1. AB #12,407 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR 1992-93 CURB, GUlTER AND SIDEWALK 45 REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - U/M CONTRACT NO. 93-7. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93-272, accepting bids and awarding a contract in the amount of $85,030.91 to B-1 Enterprise Corporation for the 1992-93 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Replacement Program. 63 2. AB #12,408 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FOR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93-273, accepting and appropriating a fourth year California State Library grant in the amount of $60,000 for Partnerships for Change. a6uo 0 0 . September 28, 1993 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 31 3. AB #12,409 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93274, accepting corporate and private donations totaling $17,810 for the 1993 Summer Pops Concert held September 5, 1993. 79 4. AB #12,410 -REVISION OF FACILITY USE REGULATIONS. 70 Council amended Policy Number 28 to update the Parks and Recreation Facility Use Regulations. 31 5. AB #12,411 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. '4 6. AB #12,412 - APPROVAL OF NEW EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROVIDER. 15 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93-276, approving an agreement with National Resource Consultants to provide services as the new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider. EM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: $1 5. AB #I 2,411 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- Once) Club, to be used for the purchase of special equipment at the Senior Center. - 275, accepting a donation of $729.04 from Hughes Aircraft Employees GO (Give AYES: Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin PUBLIC COMMENT: Maurice Kimball, 1623 James Drive, gave a tribute to his recently deceased friend, General James Doolittle. Kathy Fallon, 3730 Yvette Way, spoke in opposition to a Leg0 park and asked for an advisory measure on the November 1994 ballot to determine whether or not the citizens want a Leg0 theme park. Brad Becker, 1948 Swallow Lane, spoke in opposition to a Leg0 park, and re-submitted a petition with close to 4,000 signatures of people who do not want the park. He stated there would be noise, congestion, pollution, traffic jams, deterioration of roads and beaches and more crime. Peder Norby, 2630 Valewood Avenue, commented about Hughes Aircraft's plans to close their Carlsbad Facility and stated that Carlsbad needs a diversified economy. He told of the benefits to the region if a Leg0 park does come to Carlsbad and stated the jobs that would be created are needed. &?AS 0 0 September 28, 1993 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARING: .05 7. AB #12,413 - GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR THE 1992-93 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:24 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- - 2i7, approving the 1992-93 Grantee Performance Report for the Community Development Block Grant Program. AYES: Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:25 p.m., and re-convened at 6:40 p.m., with three Members present and Council Members Nygaard and Finnila absent. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: -05 8. AB #12,414 - AUTHORIZE AN APPLICATION FOR 1993 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDS. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- - 278, approving the submittal of an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development for 1993 Federal Home Investment Partnership Program funds in the amount of $1 million and authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Director to execute documents. AYES: Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin i7 9. AB #12,418 - PREPARATION OF COMMUNITY DESIGN AND LAND USE PLAN FOR BARRIO 15 CARLSBAD. Jim Oswald, Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG), Consultants, presented the scope of work to be done in the preparation of the Community Design and Land Use Plan for Barrio Carlsbad. Mario Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, spoke in favor of hiring MIG to prepare this Plan for Barrio Carlsbad. Bob Ladwig, 2642 Ocean Street, spoke in support of the staff recommendation and asked Council to authorize MIG to proceed. Tom Delgado, 370 Redwood Avenue, spoke in favor of hiring these consultants to prepare the Community Design and Land Use Plan for Barrio Carlsbad. He stated the Barrio Association is not trying to get rid of any of the businesses in the Barrio. David M. Chesny, 3235 Roosevelt Street, owner of Dave’s Radiator, spoke in opposition to spending the money for this consultant, and he presented a petition signed by property owners and business owners in opposition to rezoning the property in that area. He stated rezoning would be disastrous to the existing businesses in the area. :a2 4 0 0 September 28, 1993 Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND ClTy MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt Street, clarified the history of the area stating Dave’s Radiator was supposed to be the only automotive business in that area. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- - 281, approving an agreement with Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc., (MIG) in the amount of $50,000 for the preparation of a Community Design and Land Use Plan for Barrio Carlsbad and appropriating funds. AYES: Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7:30 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:43 p.m., with three Members present and Council Members Nygaard and Finnila absent. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS (Continued) 70 10. AB #12,415 - BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT STATUS REPORT. Council received the report from staff on the status of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. 77 11. AB #12,416 - UPDATE ON RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD (CFD NO. 2) AND APPROVAL OF 79 PREPAYMENT AGREEMENT. (Cf 8s- 9) E. Dale Gleed, 9191 Town Centre, San Diego, representing California Pacific Homes, urged approval of the prepayment agreement. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- - 262, approving the form of a prepayment agreement between the City of Carlsbad and California Pacific Homes. AYES: Lewis, Stanton amd Kulchin 84 12. AB #12,417 - EMPLOYEE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT COMMllTEE PURCHASE REQUEST. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 93- - 280, authorizing the purchase of capital equipment and appropriating funds. AYES: Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin 97 13. AB #12,419 - STREETSCAPE PHASE V UPDATE. Council received a report from staff on the status of the Streetscape Phase V construction. d2.3 0 0 September 28, 1993 Page 5 COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor Lewis announced there will be a Special Meeting of Council, Friday, October 1, 1993, at 6:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers, to discuss mobilehorne rent control. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 28, 1993, was adjourned at 855 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (22&&&ipQ* ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk -I &%x