HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-23; City Council; Minutes (2)0 0 MINUTES MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: April 23,1996 TIME OF MEETING 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Hall, Finnila, Kulchin, Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard and Mayor Lewis. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Robert Nanninga, Board Member, Earth Day, for EARTH DAY AND EARTH WEEK - 1996. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend and participate in the following events: The Batiquitos Lagoon Project Open House at the Public Safety Center, Thursday, April 25, 1996, from 4:OO p.m. to 7:OO p.m. The Olympic Torch Ceremony, at Magee Park, Sunday, April 28, 1996, from 12:OO noon to 2:OO p.m. The Futtsu Sister City Delegation Welcome, at Carlsbad City Hall, Tuesday, April 30, 1996, at 9:30 a.m. The Board and Commission Workshop, at the Public Safety Center, Tuesday, April 30, 1996, at 4:OO p.m. The Futtsu Delegation Visit, Wednesday, May 1, 1996, with a luncheon at 11 :00 a.m., and a Beach Party Dinner at 5:30 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Kulchin requested Item #1 be removed from the Consent Calendar. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council unanimously affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #2 through #6, as follows: 63 45 44 74 105 45 96 113 e 0 April 23, 1996 CITY COUNCIL Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Hall stated he would be voting "no" on Item #6. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #13,614 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARY RE-ROOF - CONTRACT NO. CS 96-1. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 2. AB #13,615 - APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR ENGINEERING PIANCHECK SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-137, approving the appropriation of $80,000 from the General Fund Contingency Account for Engineering plancheck services. 3. AB #13,616 - APPROVAL OF RECLASSIFICATION IN THE LIBRARY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-138, reclassifying an Account Clerk II in the Library to an Accounting Technician. 4. AB #13,617 - APPROVAL OF 1995-96 SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-139, approving a Subrecipient Agreement with Saint Clare's Home for 1995-96 Federal Community Development Block Grant funds. 5. AB #13,618 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT PASEO DEL NORTE AND CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS - PROJECT NO. 3427. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-140, approving plans and specifications for the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Paseo Del Norte and Camino De Las Ondas and authorizing the advertisement for bids. 6. AB #13,627 - DENIAL OF APPEAL FOR SP-lQ(H) - TOYOTA CARLSBAD EXPANSION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-141, denying the applicant's appeal and upholding the Planning Commission's denial of a specific plan amendment (SP-l9(H) for the Toyota Carlsbad expansion on property generally located south of Cannon Road and east of Paseo Del Norte. NOES: Hall 0 0 April 23, 1996 CITY COUNCIL Page 3 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 63 1. AB #13,614 - APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIBRARY RE-ROOF - 45 CONTRACT NO. CS 96-1. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96- 136, approving contract documents, special provisions and specifications, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Library re-roof. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 74 7. AB #13,620 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO PERS CONTRACT. 45 ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS- 353, approving an amendment to the contract with the Board of Administration of theCalifornia Public Employees Retirement System for Fire Prevention Officers I, II and Ill. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall 102 8. AB #13,628 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON FARADAY AVENUE FROM EL CAMINO REAL TO ORION STREET. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS- - 357, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the amendment of Section 10.44.320 to establish a prima facie 40 mile per hour speed limit upon Faraday Avenue from El Camino Real to its intersection with College Boulevard. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall 78 9. AB #13,629 - ESTABLISHMENT OF RESTRICTION REGARDING PARKING VEHICLES FOR SALE IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS- - 358, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the amendment of Subsection 10.40.01 5(b) prohibiting private vehicle sale advertisement on a public right-of-way and authorizing a peace officer to remove such vehicles from public lands. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Council. e e ,. April 23, 1996 CITY COUNCIL Page 4 PUBLIC HEARING: 77 IO. AB #13,619 - THIRD SELF-CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST FOR REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed Public Hearing at 6:17 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96- - 142, approving the Third Consistency Check List for the Regional Growth Management Strategy and transmitting the check list to the Regional Growth Management Review Board (San Diego Association of Governments). AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT: Council adjourned to the Municipal Water District at 6:20 p.m., and re-convened at 6:21 p.m., with all five Members present. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:21 p.m., and re-convened at 6:22 p.m., with all five Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 102 11. AB #13.621 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON PORTION OF EL CAMINO REAL. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-359, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the amendment of Section 10.44.060 to establish a prima facie 55 mile per hour speed limit upon El Camino Real from Hosp Way to the south City limit. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall 76 12. AB #13,622 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96- 143, re-appointing Kim Welshons to the Planning Commission; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-144, appointing Courtney Heineman to the Planning Commission. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall 28 13. AB #13,623 - HOUSING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. This item was continued. e 0 April 23, 1996 CITY COUNCIL Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 28 14. AB #13,624 - SISTER CITY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. This item was continued. 28 15. AB #13,625 - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. This item was continued. 28 16. AB #13,626 - CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Nygaard, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96- 154, reappointing Susan Pynes to the Arts Commission; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-155, appointing Gene Chartier to the Arts Commission; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 96-156, appointing Bill Lignante to the Arts Commission. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Finnila and Hall COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on the activities and meetings of the Committees and Subcommittees of which they are Members. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 23, 1996, was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA Ile2ikipQ- L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk