HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-11; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: February 11,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Nygaard and Mayor Lewis. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Finnila ANNOUNCEMENT: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend and participate in the following event: Lunch hosted by General Reinke, to be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 13, 1997, at Camp Pendleton. PRESENTATIONS: Division Fire Chiemire Marshall Mike Smith presented Proclamations to Lt. Eugene Carl and Division Chief William Clayton, of the California Division of Forestry and Fire Protection, Rainbow Conservation Camp, in gratitude for their department's recent efforts during the Harmony Fire Disaster. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion of Council Member Nygaard, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 2 1, 1997, were unanimously approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis removed Items #9 and # 10 fiom the Consent Calendar. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Nygaard, Council unanimously affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items # 1 through # 1 1, with the exception of Items #9 and # 10, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall ABSTAIN: Council Member Hall on Item #4 February 1 1, 1997 CITY COUNCIL Page 2 WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 74 . 1. AB #14,040 - SETTLEMENT OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION CLAIM OF DEAN SPINOS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-57, authorizing the payment of $80,000 for settlement of the Workers7 Compensation Claims of Dean Spinos. 50 2. AB #14,041- REQUEST FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-58, approving out-of-state travel for the Senior Accountant to attend the GFOA Intermediate Governmental Accounting Seminar. 24 3. AB #14,042 - AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF MITIGATION CREDITS FOR CANNON ROAD 54 WEST. PROJECT NO. 3 184. 45 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-59, authorizing the purchase of 20 acres of mitigation credits for Cannon Road West, Project No. 3 184, and reserves for future projects. 107 4. AB # 14.043 - APPROVAL OF SUMMARY VACATION OF PORTION OF PINE AVENLTE - PR 6.129. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-60, summarily vacating a portion of Pine Avenue between Roosevelt Street and Tyler Street, PR 6.129. 99 5. AB #14,044 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND PREPAYMENT AGREEMENT - CARLSBAD TRACT 94-1 1 - MAR VISTA. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-61, approving a prepayment agreement with UDC Homes, Inc., and approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract No. 94-1 1, Mar Vista. 99 6. AB #14.045 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP AND PREPAYMENT AGREEMENT - CARLSBAD TRACT 95-3 - EMERALD RIDGE WEST. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-62, approving a prepayment agreement with UDC Homes, Inc., and approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract No. 95-3, Emerald Ridge West. 99 7. AB #14.046 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP CARLSBAD TRACT 95-4, LOT 40 - HOMES FOR INDUSTRY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-63, approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract Number 95-4, Homes for Industry, Lot 40. February 1 1, 1997 CITY COUNCIL Page 3 74 8. AB #14.047 - AMENDING JOB DESCIUPTIONS. CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-64, revising the class specifications of Senior Police Officer, Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant; establishing Community Service Offlcers I, 11, and 111, replacing the Police Services Aide; reclassifying positions and transferring incumbents; and amending the police salary schedule. 68 9. AB # 14,048 - ACCEPTANCE OF CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU REPORT. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 98 10. AB #14,049 - ADDITION OF "AVIARA PARKWAY" TO POINSETTIA LANE FREEWAY EXIT SIGNS. This item was removed fiom the Consent Calendar. 105 1 1. AB # 14.050 - 1996-97 SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT WITH THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB FOR 45 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 97-66, approving a subrecipient agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad for the City of Carlsbad's 1996-97 Federal Community Development Block Grant Program. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: 68 9. AB # 14,048 - ACCEPTANCE OF CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR'S BUREAU REPORT. ConVis Executive Director Steve Link, 16 16 Avenida Guillermo, Oceanside, CA., spoke regarding the activities of ConVis. Norine Sigafoose, Chairman of the Board, 2805 Ocean St., Carlsbad, CA., reported on the Bureau's web page on the Internet. Ms. Sigafoose briefly outlined the Bureau's "Marketing Partnership Program". ACTION: On motion by Council Member Nygaard, Council accepted the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor's Bureau report for the period ended October 3 1, 1996. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall 98 10. AB #14.049 - ADDITION OF "AVLARA PARKWAY" TO POINSETTIA LANE FREEWAY EXIT SIGNS. Richard Coward, District Traffic Engineer for Caltrans, P.O. Box 25406, San Diego, CA., stated that while he is not against the addition of "Aviara Parkway" to the freeway exit signs, he felt the need to clarify the February 1 1, 1997 CITY COUNCIL Page 4 requirements for the proposed addition. He stated that it was his understanding that a portion of Poinsettia Lane was going to be re-named Aviara Parkway because, according to the Caltrans regulations, they cannot add a street name to a fieeway sign unless it is an officially named street that intersects the freeway. Mayor Lewis referenced meetings with Mr. Gallegos, of Caltrans, wherein the City was informed that Caltrans needed only the City's resolution supporting the signage. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Lewis, this item was withdrawn from the agenda and returned to staff. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall PUBLIC COMMENT: Thomas J. Dempsey, 3641 Esplanade St., Oceanside, CA., spoke in reference to the mining and reclamation activities by South Coast Material at 3701 Haymar Dr., Oceanside. He stated that brush and small trees cleared from the mining areas have been placed on the boundary between Oceanside and Carlsbad, creating a fire hazard. Norma Estes, 3363 Tyler St., Apt. #3 16, Carlsbad, CA., requested that the City build a foot bridge or ramp over the railroad tracks at Chestnut Street. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 105 12. AB #14,05 1 - REQUEST FROM BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB FOR CHANGES TO USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS AND WAIVER OF PARKING REQUIREMENT FOR FUTURE EmANSION. Council Member Hall stated he would not participate in the discussion or action on this item due to a conflict of interest, and he left the dais. Carmen Cedola, Director of the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad, concurred with Staffs report and stated that they are looking for direction from Council. In response to a question from the Mayor, Mr. Cedola stated that even if it were possible for the City to mitigate the parking requirements, the Board would not agree to pay "in-lieu" parking fees. However, he did say that the club would continue to be responsible for the pool maintenance. Mary Ellen Gregg, 2235 Nob Hill Dr., Carlsbad, CA., gave testimony in favor of keeping the Boys and Girls Club pool available to senior citizen aquatic activities, as it has been for the past seven or eight years. She pointed out that users, other than the club members, pay for the use of the pool, creating revenue for the club. Ms. Gregg suggested that the City buy the building, that currently houses the Boys and Girls Club, and turn it into a downtown indoor aquatic center. By doing so, she pointed out, the Boys and Girls Club would be in a position to build an entirely new facility in another location. Steve Eastwood, 3677 Maria Lane, Carlsbad, CA., urged the Council to keep the pool open. He stated there are two city parking lots within two blocks of the facility. February 1 1, 1997 CITY COUNCIL Page 5 Council indicated they could not support a waiver of parking requirements. ACTION: On motion of Council Member Nygaard, Council approved a request for the elimination of all Council approved restrictions on the use of CDBG fhds, previously allocated for the renovatiodexpansion project for this time only; and Council approved the Boys and Girls Club use of $160,000 in previously allocated CDBG hds for pool and locker room repairs and $140,000 for remodeling and renovation of other program areas within the facility. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, and Kulchin ACTION: On motion of Council Member Nygaard, Council directed Staff to examine the parking issue as a part of the project review during the normal redevelopment permitting process. AYES: - Lewis, Nygaard, and Kulchin Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7:27 p.m., and reconvened at 7:30 p.m., with four Council Members present and Mayor Pro Tern Finnila absent. 102 13. AB #14,052 - DESIGNATION OF WASHINGTON STREET AS A ONE-WAY STREET. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Nygaard, Council introduced Ordinance No. NS- 395, amending Title 10, Section 10.24 of the Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 10.24.021 to establish a one-way street on Washington Street, from Grand Avenue to Beech Avenue. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall 59 14. AB #14,053 - STATUS OF THE CARLSBAD GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIs). ACTION: On motion by Council Member Nygaard, Council accepted the staff report on the current status of the GIs. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin and Hall COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Members reported on the activities and meetings of the committees and sub-committees of which they are members. San Diego Countv Water Authority Mayor Lewis distributed sheets showing alternate voting methods, and noted that San Diego currently February 1 1, 1997 CITY COUNCIL Page 6 controls 48% of the vote, but purchases 33% of the water. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 11,1997, was adjourned at 753 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk