HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-03; City Council; Minutes1 0 MINUTES 0 MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: September 3,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 1:30 p.m. - 530 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad Senior Center Auditorium - 799 Pine Avenue CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken as follows: Present: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council Members Nygaard, Kulchin (arrived at 1 :45 p.m.) and Hall. Also Present: City Manager Patchett, City Attorney Ball, City Engineer Hubbs, Asst. to the City Manager Lieberman, Sr. Management Analyst Fountain. Other agency participants in attendance were: SANDAG representatives Stuart Shaffer and George Franck NCTD representatives Martin Minkoff, Pete Aadland, Leslie Blanda, and Tom Lichterman 104 I. AGENDA OVERVIEW/INTRODUCTIONS - Citv Manager Rav Patchett City Manager Patchett overviewed the agenda for the Transportation Services Workshop noting that discussion from the last workshop indicated that continuing education is needed regarding transportation systems, managing continued growth, knowledge and the understanding of how everything is integrated. 11. UPDATES ON CURRENT INFORMATIONlDATA SANDAG Structure and Function: Deputy Executive Director Stuart Shaffer of SANDAG distributed a report describing SANDAG’s organization and management, the structure and responsibility of the Association’s Board of Directors, staff and committees (a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk‘s Office). Mr. Shaffer also outlined the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Schedule (FY 99 - FY 05). 1-5 Maior Investment Study: Senior Planner George Franck of SANDAG distributed a fact sheet to the committee outlining the North Coast Transportation Study, dated August 20, 1997 (a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office) and he explained the contents of same. Review of Public Transuortation: Executive Director Martin Minkoff of North County Transit District stated that NCTD is composed of representatives from each of the 8 cities in North San Diego County, along with the County Supervisor from the Sh District. He indicated that the District provides a number of services including: computer rail (Coaster), fixed bus routes, general public dial ride from remote locations, and a complimentary peri- transit service. Review of Current Issues: Pete Aadland, Marketing Officer of North County Transit District, provided the committee with an overview of number counts for the different types of transportation users along with the number of services and employees provided by the district within the 1,000 square miles of the district. He also stated NCTD provides services to 35,000 customers per day. 0 0 September 3,1997 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP-TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Page 2 UPDATES ON CURRENT INFORMATION/DATA (continued): Current and Planned Efforts: Principal Planner Leslie Blanda of NCTD, gave a brief overview of current and planned efforts by NCTD. Current efforts include the continuation of the Redevelopment Review Program which helps to ensure that property development considers public transportation as a component. She reported that planned efforts are to address the current and future development needs through a Comprehensive Transit Study. City of Carlsbad (recent traffic studies. Circulation Element of General Plan): City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs provided an overview of the City’s recent traffic studies and the Circulation Element of the General Plan. He also showed a map which depicted missing and critical links in the city’s circulation plans. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 3:20 p.m., and Council reconvened at 3:30 p.m., with all Council Members present. Update on Parking in the Village: Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain reported on the parking study she has been working on for the Redevelopment Area, stating that the numbers fi-om this year’s study are about the same as last year, which would indicate that there is adequate parking. She reported that one plan that is being considered is the parking in-lieu fee, however, this would not be implemented until it is determined that additional parking is needed. She also mentioned that the commuter rail station parking lot is to be expanded which will provide additional parking, and that a Comprehensive Parking Program will be forthcoming to the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Lewis issued the invitation to speak at 3:47 p.m. Ofelia Escobedo inquired as to whether the Tyler/Roosevelt area was being reviewed for a public parking lot. Ms. Escobedo stated that the city needs to make it easier to travel by alternate methods, and to provide a system for people without transportation (such as seniors) to get around. Larry Shear, Carlsbad Village Business Association, speaking on behalf of the Association, stated that they feel there is a great need for a shuttle service to be started before Legoland opens and that it should be closed circuit, to provide a way for tourists to get to La Costa, to Aviara, to the Village, to the mall, and to Lego, and would keep the money and the people in Carlsbad. Diana Arons, Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau, stated that the HotelMotel Committee is most interested in a shuttle to primarily be used by tourists and is needed to keep the money and the tourists within Carlsbad. She stated that the City needs to have a roundtable discussion with the tourism industry to identify tourism needs. Dan Downing, Carlsbad resident, stated that he was in favor of the shuttle system, however the committee needs to receive public comment before moving forward with this option. He also suggested that more bike paths and pedestrian bridges are needed. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, the Mayor closed the public comment session at 453 p.m. 0 0 c September 3,1997 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP-TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Page 3 CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION: ISSUES AND NEXT STEPS Mr. Patchett recommended that Council focus their dialog on the following parking lot issues that were raised: (1) timing of studies; (2) a comprehensive transportation study; (3) transportation shuttle; (4) rail corridor master plan; (5) development of a private sector partnership; (6) other stakeholder involvement - “partnering”; and (7) a follow-up meeting. Council and other participant comments included the following needs and solutions to consider: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1 1) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (1 8) (1 9) Establish a timeline immediately; The need to perfom a study to collect data in a timely manner (who will do studykow long?); Identify partners and involve them in the process; Partners willing to help the City receive hnds (schools/transportation/SDG&E) for a needs assessment; Receive a commitment from SANDAG and NCTD to continue working with stafc Consideration of a roundtable workshop with all parties involved; Needs assessment for now and in the future Who wants to ride Number of tourists to ride and where they want to go; Determine our readiness to implement strategies; Determine what the economic development is and where it is coming from; Obtain information from other cities as to how they are meeting the demands of the tourist market; Identify markets to service (tourism, industry, schools, residents); Build the foundation for what we want the transportation to look like; Prioritize where the money is to go (find the greatest need); who to serve first (touristshesidents); Seamless multi-modal plan (include roads & transit); Make ridership a choice; Freeway access; Funding for the railway; Construction of a road system within Carlsbad; Need to watch air quality. Mayor Lewis directed staff to schedule a workshop after the above data is received and to be prepared with recommendations on how to meet the needs of the City. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the City Council Workshop of September 3, 1997, was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherrie D. Worrell Deputy City Clerk