HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-18; City Council; Minutes0 0
February 18,1998
7:30 - 500 p.m.
Santa Fe Room/Raintree Conference Center
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lewis at 7:45 a.m. with all Council members
present. Also present were Ray Patchett, City Manager, Ronald R. Ball, City Attorney,
James Elliott, Administrative Services Director, Marty Orenyak, Community
Development Director, Lloyd Hubbs, Public Works Director, Robert Vales, Police Chief,
Dennis Van Der Maaten, Fire Chief, and Ann Marie Spraul, Facilitator.
Ann Marie Spraul reviewed the outcomes from the last City Council workshop and
continued with a participative discussion of the community vision and organization and
its Mission, Vision, and Values along with the process of operationalizing these items
annually. She introduced the process to establish the 1998-99 fiscal year Strategic
Goals and Target InitiativedPriorities.
Kathy Burns, consultant with Watson World Wide arrived and reviewed the performance
management plans and the connection with Strategic Goals. She explained the
concept with the aid of charts and slides and explained “Connecting Strategic Goals
and Performance Management Plans” (Exhibit 1). She explained the concept of the
Strategic Goals which is generally broad, applicable to several major service areas,
when necessary and appropriate, sets boundaries regarding the intent of the Strategic
Goals and is an inspirational one. It is also enduring but flexible and achieves
compliance with efficiency within existing rules, regulations and laws. She passed out
the “Draft City Council Strategic Goals” (Exhibit 2) and the City Council used this as an
example to practice the process. She explained that one Council Strategic Goal must
be counter balanced against a number of other competing relevant Council Strategic
Goals. The City Council then developed a draft Strategic Goal from its draft Vision
The Council then considered and revised its 1998 Five-Year Vision Statements (Exhibit
3). The Council then considered and revised its Strategic Values (Exhibit 4). Council
then expressed its focus for four Five-Year Vision Statements for the next fiscal year.
This does not mean that any of the Five-Year Vision Statements are deleted but
represents the Council’s intent to have its staff focus on four Vision Statements for the
1998-99 fiscal year, namely:
0 Diverse and healthy economic base provides opportunities for
employment to the residents of Carlsbad, economic vitality to the
community, and the necessary revenues to support City services.
0 Delivers top-quality public services.
Provides a safe and integrated transportation system.
0 0
0 Encourages a community where continuous and life-long learning are
supported and embraced for people of all ages.
Council then convened for lunch at the Raintree Conference Center dining room from
11 50 a.m. to 1255 p.m.
The Mayor and Council then reassembled in the Sonora Room. Council continued
working on its Strategic Goals. Individual Council members then presented draft
Strategic Goals which were reviewed and considered by the full Council and expressed
as follows:
Stratesic Goal number '1 represents the vision that Carlsbad provides a safe and
inteqrated transoortation svstem.
Stratesic Goal No.1 - a comprehensive efficient transportation system which moves
people, goods and services and results in:
0 Integration of multi-mobil components; examples: sidewalks, rail, bus, air, trail
systems, bike lanes, private vehicles, and parking
0 Partnerships with transportation authoritieslagencies
Phased-in improvements with leveraged funding
Strateuic Goal number 2 represents the vision where Carlsbad efficientlv and effectivelv
delivers top-qualitv public services as follows:
Strateuic Goal No. 2 - Carlsbad ensures the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality
services. From this goal follows the following themes:
The best service for the best value
0 Timely response
0 Citizen/employee ownership and pride
0 Thoughtful provision of services including their expansion or deletion
0 Citizen confidence that excellent services are provided
Stratesic Goal number 3 represents the vision that Carlsbad's diverse and healthv
economic base orovides opportunities for emolovment to the residents of Carlsbad,
economic vitalitv to the communitv and the necessary revenues to su~~0t-t Citv
Stratesic Goals No. 3 - Create diverse, broad-based and a healthy range of economic
opportunities which results in a full spectrum of secure job opportunities at buildout
which attracts target businesses/industries that provide a strong revenue base to the
City and which positions the City appropriately with appropriate land use and retention
of businesses and adequate revenues at buildout for top-quality services.
0 0
Strateqic Goal 4 embodies the vision that Carlsbad efficientlv and effectivelv
encourages a communitv where continuous and life-Ions learnina are supported and
embraced for Deople of all aues.
Strateqic Goal No. 4: Education opportunities for all. This goal contains within it the
following contemplated outcomes which result in:
A capable, informed and involved public
Enhancing educational opportunities for its citizens on the functioning of local
0 Providing educational programs on a variety of topics,
0 Developing educational programs informing citizens,
0 Contemplating a closer working relationship with- school districts ensuring that
schools are built to meet current and future needs,
0 Expanding education lprograms in the Library, Parks and Recreation Department,
Fire Department, and Police Department.
Ann Marie Spraul then summarized the workshop learnings and outcomes and
reviewed the priorities from previous workshops.
The Council then directed the Leadership Team to "operationalize" the Council's
Strategic Goals, to define the process enabling the City Council to review Operational
Goals with the Leadership Team and to link them with the budget, and to return with
documents memorializing those Strategic and Operational Goals as appropriate.
The Mayor then adjourned the workshop at 4:48 p.m.
R spectfully submitted, h
City Attorney
as Clerk Pro Tem
rm h
0 0
0 0
Each of the following draft strategic goals were developed by small groups at the City
CouncilLeadership Team workshops.
Council Vision Statement #g
Has a diverse and healthy eclonomic base that provides opportunities for employment to the
residents of Carlsbad, econolmic vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues to support
City services.
Strate& Goal: Draft Opti.ons
0 Develop programs and policies which will create long term economic health for the City.
0 Develop programs that improve private sector employment opportunities and enhance City
0 Develop a high quality economic base (long term economic health).
4B 0
Council Vision Statement ;B
Enact policies and make decisions that implement the General Plan, enforce the Growth
Management Plan, maintain the safety and security of its citizens, and that are based on what is
best for Carkbad.
Stratepic Goal: Draft ODtm
Develop, maintain and enhance programs that implement the objectives of the General Plan
and Growth Management Plan.
0 Develop and implement programs that enhance the quality of life in Carlsbad.
Develop an implementation plan to ensure compliance with the Growth Management Plan.
@ 0
Council Vision Statement #&
Proactively manage environmental concerns, including: + open space + water quality/con!servation + beach erosion + air quality + resource conservation and waste reduction + wildlife habitats
Strategic Goal: Draft O~tib
0 Ensure that all City services are proactively engaged in managing environmental issues.
0 Develop a comprehensive environmental plan to “build-out” of the City.
Develop a City-wide environmental plan that addresses.. .
4B 0
Council Vision Statement ig
Has a safe and efficient integrated transportation system.
Strategic Goal: Draft Opt@
0 Establish an integrated transportation plan for the City. (Note: This was one small group’s
ID 0
Council Vision Statement (New--for continued discussion)
Stratepic Goal: Draft ODtim
0 Develop a strategy for improving educational needs/opportunities for the community.
0 Develop programs and p'artnerships which support life long learning and education in
Provide educational opportunity for all segments of the community.
e 0
Carlsbad City Council
... a contirwing process that leads to a vision of Carlsbad
that reflects the pride and quality of life for all who live, work, and play here.
Carlsbad’s. . .
e Diverse and healthy economic base provides opportunities for employment to the
residents of Carlsbatl, economic vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues
to support City services.
e Policies and decisions implement the General Plan, enforce the Growth Management
Plan, maintain the safety and security of its citizens, and that are based on what is best
for Carlsbad.
e Leadership role in local and regional planning issues actively involves confronting
governmental issues at the local, state and national levels.
e Operates an open government for the betterment of the community in a non-partisan
manner while encouraging active citizen participation and involvement with the City
Council, and the City’s Boards and Commissions.
And Carlsbad efficiently and effectively. ....
0 Delivers top-quality public services.
e Manages environmental concerns proactively, including:
0 open space
0 water qualitykonservation
0 beach erosion
0 air quality
0 resource conservation and waste reduction
0 wildlife habitats
e Provides a safe and integrated transportation system.
e Maintains citywide “small town” community spirit.
0 Encourages a community where continuous and life-long learning are supported
and embraced for people of all ages.
t 4b 0
City of Carlsbad
lmportanlt to the Future Success of Carlsbad
A. Financial Health
Promoting sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base.
B. Quality of Life Concerns
Creating a living environment which is safe and environmentally sensitive, non-
congested, aesthetically and architecturally pleasing, and offering well-rounded
cultural, recreational, and educational opportunities.
C. lop Quality Services
Delivering top-qual~ity public safety, community services, community
development, public works and administrative services.
D. Timely Response to Citizens/Customers
Providing timely and reasonable responses to the citizens.
E. Employee Excerllence
Promoting the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness and
professionalism in iits employees.
F. Dynamic
Engaging citizens to assist, shape, and manage their community in an ever-
changing and complex world.