HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-03; City Council; Minutese 0 MINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: March 3,1998 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Nygaard, Mayor Lewis Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Finnila LEGISLATIVE INVOCATICDB was given by Mayor Lewis. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Nygaard. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: On motion by Council Member Nygaard, the Minutes of the following meetings were approved as presented: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 10, 1998 Minutes of the Special Meeting (Council Workshop) held February 18, 1998 AYES: Lewis, :Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila CONSENT CALENDAR: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council affirmed the actions of the Consent Calendar, Items #1- 6, as follows: AYES: Lewis, :Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None ABSTAIN: Hall on Item #2 ABSENT: Finnila WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 0 CITY COUNCIL March 3,1998 Page 2 0 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued): 1. AB #14,567 - REQUEST FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-48, approving out-of-state travel for the Management Analyst, Programmer/A.nalyst and either the Assistant Finance Director or Accounting Supervisor to attend the BiTech Software National User Group Western Region Conference in Seattle, Washington. 2. AB #14,575 - AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES VC5B TO VC8, CMWD 91- 403, CONTRACT NO. 3 1821. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-56, approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Malcom-Pirnie, Incorporated, to provide additional design services for VistdCarlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches VC5B to VC8, CMWD Project No. 91-403, Contract No. 31821. 3. AB #14.568 - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION (OF BEACH ACCESS STAIRS AT OCEAN STREET AND CHERRY AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 35 1 1. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-49, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the reconstruction of beach access stairs at Ocean Street and Cherry Avenue, Project No. 351 1, and approving the transferring of $100,000 from the General Fund to the project account. 4. AB #14,569 - APPROVAL OF CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR ACOUISITION SERVICES FOR THE IPOINSE'ITIA LANE EXTENSION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-50, approving a consultant agreement with JANMAC, Inc., for acquisition services for the Poinsettia Lane extension from Aviara Parkway to Black Rail Road. 5. AB #14,576 - REQUEST TO DESTROY RECORDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-57, authorizing the destruction of certain records kept by the Department of Public WorksEngineering. 6. AB #14,570 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR MACARIO CANYON WETLAND MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM AND EXOTIC SPECIES REMOVAL - PROJECT NO. 3 184. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-51, approving a services agreement with Native Landscape, Inc., to perform the biological monitoring of the wetlands creation and the exotic species removal for Macario Canyon, Project No. 3 184. March 3,1998 a CITY COUNCIL 0 Page 3 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 7. AB #14,577 - HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE - ZCA 96-4/LCPA 96-1. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-446,, amending Title 21, Chapters 21.95 and 21.53, Section 21.53.230 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to streamline the Hillside Development Permit process, clarify and simplify the Hillside Development Chapter to make it more user friendly, and add new development standards to the Hillside Development Chapter to address ordinance issue areas. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Council. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 8. AB #14,562 - LCPA 96-2(AYLCPA 96-13(A)/MP-l77(Y) - AVIARA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:05 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Alan Croll, 6965 El Camino Real, Suite 105-520, Carlsbad, owner of a home on Rockrose Terrace with a back yard directly facing the proposed Lot 308 development,. stated he was opposed to the site being utilized for anything other than open space. He stated that his objections from the July 15, 1997 Council meeting still stood. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:09 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-445,, amending the Aviara Master Plan by the amendment of various sections, incorporating the California Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications; and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-43, incorporating the Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications into the Aviara Master Plan and City’s Local Coastal Program for Aviara Planning Area 23, Lot 308 and the Azure Cove Annexation, located in the southwest quadrant. AYES: Lewis, ‘Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila March 3 , 1998 4D CITY COUNCIL 0 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARJNGS (continud: 9. AB #14,571 - CT 97-2PUD 97-2 - RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGES A, B, C, AND D. Council Member Nygaard introduced a letter into the record dated March 3, 1998 from Continental Homes which includes the San Marcos Unified School District’s tentative calendar of events for the financing and issuance of bonds under the Community Facilities District along with a construction schedule of the school facilities.. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6: 15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Chris Chambers, 12636 High Bluff Drive, San Diego, representing Continental Homes, stated that all of the combined actions before the Council are significant in that Council is considering approval of a project that contains everything from a village containing affordable housing to a village which will have some of the largest lots in it. Mk. Chambers stated they have been working with the San Marcos Unified School District to assure that the new school will be built and have an opening date for the summer of 1999. He said it was also important to note their efforts at forming an Assessment District which will help finance the construction of Melrose Avenue as well as having a Community Facility District to pay for the construction of the school. City Attorney Ronald Ball introduced a letter into the record dated March 3, 1998 from Bowie, Ameson, Wiles & Giannone, attorneys for the San Marcos Unified School District. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:24 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98- (PUD 97-02) to subdivide the property into 210 lots to include 4 multi-family lots, 114 duplex lots, 87 single family lots and 5 open space lots all on property generally located on the southeast comer of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive, north of future Poinsettia Lane, and east of Bressi Ranch. - 52, approving a Tentative Map (CT 97-02) and Planned Development Permit AYES: Lewis, :Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila 10. AB #14,572 - CT 97-1/PUD 97-1 - RANCHO CARRILLO VILLAGE H. Senior Planner Brian Hunter gave the staff report and referenced a memorandum dated March 3, 1998, recommending that Condition No. 3 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 4230 be amended to indicate that no more than four lnomes, off of the private street, may have a five foot front yard setback. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 629 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Chris Chambers, 12636 High Bluff Drive, San Diego, representing Continental Homes, stated they were in agreement with the recommended amendment to Condition No. 3 of the Planning Commission Resolution. 4D March 3, 1998 CITY COUNCIL 0 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued): AB #14,572 (continued’) Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:3 1 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98- (PUD 97-1) to subdivide the property into 77 lots of which 73 lots would be for the purpose of single family development, 3 lots would be for open space, and 1 lot would be used as a private street all on property generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, west of Melrose Drive, north of future Poinsettia Lane, and east of Bressi Ranch, as amended to reflect an amendment of Condition No. 3 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 4230, to read as follows: - 53, approving a Tentative Map (CT 97-1) and Planned Development Permit “Elevations, floor plans, and building layouts shall be submitted in compliance with the standards contained within the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan, and shall comply with the Village “H” Design Guidelines. The Village “H’ Design Guidelines shall be modified to indicate no more than four homes may have a 5 foot front yard setback.” AYES: Lewis, :Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila 11. AB #14,573 - SDP 97-15 - RANCHO CARRILLO FAMILY HOUSING. Senior Planner Brian Hunter gave the staff report and referenced a memorandum dated March 2, 1998 from Housing and Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain which contains the correct Affordable Housing Agreement that was approved by Council on February 10,1998. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Chris Chambers, 12636 High 13luff Drive, San Diego, representing Continental Homes, acknowledged staff for their assistance in processing this application. Mr. Chambers stated that the developer, Barone, Galasso and Associates, will not only be developing the project but will be interviewing all of the families applying for the affordable housing units. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:38 p.m. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98- 54, approving a Site Development Plan (SDP 97-15) to construct 12 one bedroom, 48 two bedroom, and 56 three bedroom affordable apartment units and a standards modifications to allow carports within the 50’ setback on property generally located on the southeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive, north of future Poinsettia Lane, and east of Bressi Ranch. AYES: Lewis, Iygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila March 3,1998 4D CITY COUNCIL a Page 6 RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 6:40 p.m., and Council reconvened at 6:48 p.m., with all Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 12. AB #14.574 - 1998 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY. Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the agenda bill. Patricia Lowenstam, 2292 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, representing Isis Pharmaceuticals, stated that the intersection at Faraday Avenue and Priestly Drive is an area of high traffic and is known for having at least one accident every week. Ms. Lowenstam requested that Council fund the signal for this intersection. Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson stated that staff is recommending this intersection be funded in the CIP Budget for FY 98-99. Mr. Johnson also stated that it will be recommended in the CIP that an additional right turn lane be constructed to facilitate and improve the traffic capacity at this intersection. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98- - 55, approving the 1998 City of Carlsbad Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila 13. AB #14,578 - SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - SPLIT PAVILION. City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz gave the staff report as contained in the agenda bill. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98- 58, calling and giving notice of the holding of the Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of Carlsbad on Tuesday, June 2, 1998, for the purpose of submitting the Split Pavilion advisory measure to the qualified electors; and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-59, requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego to consolidate a Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of Carlsbad on Tuesday, June 2, 1998, with the statewide primary election to be held on that date pursuant to Section 10400 of the Elections Code; and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-60, transferring $10,000 from the Contingency Account to pay for the Special Municipal Election to be held on June 2, 1998; and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 98-61, directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis of the Split Pavilion advisory measure. AYES: Lewis, Nygaard, Kulchin, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Finnila March 3,1998 r) CITY COUNCIL 0 Page 7 COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Council Members reported on the activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following events: Arts Commissioner Laurie Batter Appreciation Event, Saturday, March 7, 1998, 6:OO p.m., at 4770 Brookwood Court, Carlsbad. Carlsbad Ranch Overlay Zone City Council Workshop, Wednesday, March 11, 1998, 2:OO-5:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 3, 1998, was adjourned at 7: 11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA k4%+ L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Sherrie D. Worrell Deputy City Clerk