HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-22; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL DATE OF MEETING: June 22,1999 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6.00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Assistant City Clerk, as follows: Present: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council Members Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented proclamations to Debbie Blow, Principal of La Costa Heights Elementary School and Jim Boone, Principal of Magnolia Elementary School in recognition of their schools being chosen as United States Department of Education 1999 Blue Ribbon Schools. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall , Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items # 1 through #8, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 6 4 1. AB #15.267 - STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 1 - 1999-2000. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-222, initiating proceedings for the annual levy of assessments and ordering the preparation of an Engineer's Report for a Special Maintenance District; and, adopted RESOULTION NO. 99-223, approving the Engineer's Report for the proceedings for the annual levy of assessments within a Special Maintenance District; and, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-224, declaring Council's intention to provide for the annual levy and collection of assessments in a Special Maintenance District, and setting a time and place for a public hearing. 9 6 2. AB #15,268 - AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE. 45 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-225, accepting a bid and approving an agreement with Signal Maintenance Inc. for traffic signal maintenance services. June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL Page 2 3. AB #15,269 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL TAX FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-226, approving the amount of the special tax to pay for the costs and expenses for the next fiscal year (1999-2000) for Community Facilities District No. 1 4. AB #15.270 - ANNEXATION OF LINCOLN NORTHPOINTE AND LOHF SUBDIVISION TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1 - ANNEXATION NOS. 98/99-02 AND 98199- 03. - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-227, certifying and adding property known as Lincoln Northpointe to the existing Community Facilities District No. 1; and, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-228, certifying and adding property known as the Lohf Subdivision to the existing Community Facilities District No. 1. 5. AB #15.271- AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE 1999 PAVEMENT OVERLAY PROJECT - PROJECT NO. 3667-2. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-229, accepting bids and awarding a contract to Silva Construction, Inc. for the construction of the 1999 Pavement Overlay Project. 6. AB #15.272 - APPROVAL OF LEAD EOUIPMENT TECHNICIAN CLASSIFICATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-230, approving the classification of Lead Equipment Technician and amending the General Employees' Salary Schedule and Conflict of Interest Code. 7. AB #15,273 - APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-231, appropriating funds for additional contract plan checking services costs for the remainder of the 1998-99 fiscal year. 8. AB #15,274 - AGREEMENTS FOR ENGINEERING PLANCHECKING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-232, approving agreements with Berryrnan &Henigar, Ellorin Consulting Engineers, Helming Engineering, and John Powell and Associates for engineering planchecking services. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 9. AB #15.275 - ADOPTION OF THE 1998 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-494, adopting the 1998 Edition of the California Fire Code with amendments, as the Fire Prevention Code for the City of Carlsbad. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL Page 3 102 10. AB #1$,276 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON ADAMS STREET. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-493, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 10.44.590, establishing a 25 mile per hour speed limit on Adams Street from Chinquapin Avenue to Park Drive. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 114 1 1. AB #15.277 - ZCA 99-01/LCPA 99-01 - INCIDENTAL OUTDOOR DINING AREAS. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-492, a Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend Title 2 1, Chapters, 21.04,2 1.26,2 1.27,21.28, 21.29,21.30,21.32, and 21.34 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to Incidental Outdoor Dining Areas on property located citywide outside of the Redevelopment Area and outside of the Commercial/Visitor- Serving Overlay Zone. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT TO CARLSBAD MUMCIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD: Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board at 6:20 p.m. Council reconvened at 6:22 p.m. with Mayor Lewis and all four Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 8 4 12. AB #I 5.278 - AMENDMENTS TO PURCHASING REGULATIONS . ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-495, amending Title 3, Chapter 3.28, Sections 3.28.090 and 3.28.172 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to revise the purchasing procedures, to revise the bidding procedures and the approval of agreement extensions by the City Manager. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL Page 4 92 13. AB #15.279 - 1999-2000 OPERATING AND CAPITAL PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORTTY . ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-233, approving the Encina Wastewater Authority FY 1999-2000 Operating Budget; and, adopting RESOLUTION NO. 99-234, approving the Encina Wastewater Authority FY 1999-2000 Capital Budget. AYIES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 9 6 14. AB #15.280 - REOUEST TO CONTROL SPEEDING ON AVENIDA DE ANITA. The staff report was presented by Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer and Police Sergeant Kelly Cain. Mr. Johnson discussed the analysis of the traffic patterns and speeding in the Avenida de Anita area, and described the three methods of slowing traffic requested by the citizens: ALL WAY STOP signs at several intersections, construction of a cul de sac at Calle Susana, and speed humps. Sergeant Cain presented information regarding the accident history of the area and the number of citations issued. Mr. Johnson then explained the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission regarding establishment of a Traffic Calming Program, and how it would address problems on individual streets. Bob Breckinridge, 3 110 Via Sorbete, Treasurer of the Tiburon Homeowners Association, spoke in support of the installation of ALL WAY STOP signs on Avenida de Anita at the intersections of Calle Hacienda, Calle Susana and Avenida De Louisa. He stated that Avenida de Anita is used by 5000 vehicles per day and that he is concerned for pedestrians. He referenced a letter from Teny McCabe of Rancho Santa Fe Protective Services, Inc., dated June 4,1999, confirming the increase in traffic in the Tanglewood community. (This letter is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon inquiry from Council, Mr. Breckinridge stated that he and others in the community would be interested in participating in a Traffic Calming Program. John Cortus, 2999 Via de Paz, stated that he believes the number of people who use Avenida de Anita as a bypass is greater than 30% of the daily total trips and urged the placement of stops at Via Naranja at Calle Susana. Dan Kramb, 25 18 Via Naranja, stated that Avenida de Anita is used as a shortcut by traffic coming west from Carlsbad Village Drive and suggested the placement of IS-rails on the north side of Calle Susana at Avenida de Anita as a way to slow traffic and discourage commuter use. Ken Eppler, 2520 Via Astuto, a member of the Board of Directors of Tanglewood, spoke about the number of residents and cars in the units that border Avenida de Anita and the difficulties of merging onto the street with traffic exceeding the speed limits. Gayla Cowan, 4870 Hillside Drive, a member of the California Highway Patrol, stated that she understands the problems of the Tanglewood area and indicated that she is a proponent of Traffic Calming because it allows citizen input into the matter is a more realistic and unemotional way to evaluate problems and develop solutions. Council discussion expressed support for establishment of a Citywide Traffic Calming Program. June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL Page 5 ACTION: Council directed staff to look at the placement of ALL WAY STOPS on Avenida de Anita and to return with recommendations on location and number. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:00 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:08 p.m. with Mayor Lewis and all four Council Members present. 96 15. AB #15.281- INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS ON STREETS THAT INTERSECT LEVANTE STREET. The staff report was presented by Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer and Police Sergeant Kelly Cain. David Roberts, 2704 Levante Street, stated he agreed with the proposed stops for street intersecting Levante but indicated that he would like to see additional ALL WAY STOPS on Levante. He also stated his support for a timely Traffic Calming Program and offered to survey homeowners along Levante. Upon Council inquiry Mr. Roberts answered that he had no objection to paying, through a Maintenance District, for raised medians but could not speak for his neighbors. Sergio Messina, 2714 Levante Street, agreed that improvements along the street have discouraged speeding but indicated that ALL WAY STOPS are still needed on Levante. He stated that at least 70% of the Levante residents could be polled for their input and he asked for traffic solutions in a reasonable amount of time. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-496, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 10.28.460 requiring stops for streets intersecting Levante Street; and directed staff to look at the placement of two additional ALL-WAY STOPS on Levante, and to return with a recommendation and directed staff to establish a Traffic Calming Program as part of the 1999-2000 Stategic Goals. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 96 16. AB #15.282 - ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ALL WAY STOP SIGN AT POINSETTIA LANE AND PASEO ESCUELA . ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-497, amending Title 10, Chapter 10.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 10.28.470 requiring ALL-WAY STOPS on Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Escuela. AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin None. June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL Page 6 28 17. AB #15.283 - APPOINTMENT TO THE HOUSING COMMISSION . ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Lewis, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-235, appointing Doris Ritchie to the Housing Commission. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 6 3 18. AW15.284 - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTMENT. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Lewis, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-180, appointing Laurie Page to the Library Board of Trustees. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following events: City of Carlsbad Transit Planning Objectives and Issues Workshop, Wednesday, June 23, 1999, from 1 :30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad. TGIF Jazz in the Parks Concert, Friday, June 25,1999, at 6 p.m., Stagecoach Park, 3420 Camino de 10s Coches, Carlsbad. TGIF Jazz in the Parks Concert, Friday, July 2, 1999, at 6 p.m., Stagecoach Park, 3420 Camino de 10s Coches, Carlsbad. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Lewis and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub- committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: June 22,1999 CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 22, 1999 was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Assistant City ~lery Page 7 Lorraine M. Wood Deputy City Clerk