HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-04; City Council; Minutesa e MINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL DATE OF MEETING: January 4,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:17 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Assistant City Clerk, as follows: Present: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council Members Finnila, Nygaard, and Absent: None Kulchin LEGISLATIVE INVOCATION was given by Pastor Silas Krueger of the Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led my Mayor Pro Tem Hall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, the Minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 7, 1999. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 7, 1999. Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 14, 1999 Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 14, 1999. *Approved as amended, see below: (*Amended on Page 9, Paragraph 1, second sentence to clarify that the project grading should not result in the loss of any trees “at the comer of Donna Drive and Carlsbad Village Drive”, as existing trees are located outside of the area designated for future improvements.) CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council unanimously affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items # 1 through #13, with the exception of Items # 3, #8, #9, and #11 as follows: AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #15,548 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT. 3 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-01, accepting a grant fi-om the California Library Literacy Service in support of the Adult Learning Program. e 0 January 4,2000 CITY COUNCIL Page 2 2. AB #15,549 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT. 1 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-02, accepting a $19,000 Arts Education Partnership Grant fi-om the California Arts Council for development of a long-term plan for arts education in conjunction with the Encinitas Unified School District (EUSD). 3. AB #15.550 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. This item was removed fi-om the Consent Calendar. 4. AB #15,551 -WIDENING OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. WESTERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL - PROJECT NO. 3286. 5. I 6. 1 7. 1 8. 1 9. 1 10. 1 b Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-04, accepting the construction of the Widening of Palomar Airport Road, Westerly of El Camino Real, Project No. 3286, as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds in accordance with State Law and City Ordinances. AB #15,552 - GIBRALTAR STREET EMERGENCY ACCESS ROAD RECONSTRUCTION - PROJECT NO. 3626. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-05, accepting the construction of the Gibraltar Street Emergency Access Road Reconstruction, Project No. 3626, as complete and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds in accordance with State Law and City Ordinances. AB #15.553 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Council accepted the report and directed the City Clerk to file the report. AB #15.554 - REOUEST TO DESTROY FILES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-06, authorizing the destruction of certain files kept in the City Attorney’s Office. AB #15,555- CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar, and heard following the Consent Calendar as an “Ordinance for Introduction”. AB #15,556 - APPROVAL OF FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PARTIAL CUL-DE-SAC ON ALTHEA LANE. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. AB #15.536 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT PHASE 2 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD INTERNET WEB SITE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 99-527, approving an agreement with Queen K Advertising in the amount of $66,140 for the construction of Phase 2 of the City of Carlsbad Internet Web Site. e 0 January 4,2000 CITY COUNCIL Page 3 11. AB #15,557 - APPROVAL OF EXTENSION AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AG’REEMENT FOR THE OPPORTUNISTIC SAND PROGRAM - PROJECT NO. 34693. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 3. AB #15,550 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-03, accepting individual donations and in-kind services totaling six thousand one hundred and eighty dollars ($6,180) in support of the dedication of the 2 1 st. Annual Bodysurfing and Bodyboarding Championships. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None 9. AB #15,556 - APPROVAL OF FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PARTIAL CUL-DE-SAC ON ALTHEA LANE. Robert Perkins, 3877 Althea Lane, Carlsbad, stated that the condition of the cul-e-sac is not only unacceptable but is dangerous, that he has no sidewalks and that the asphalt stops in front of his house. He urged Council to approve immediate action for the completion of the cul-de-sac on Althea Lane. Michael Rodgers, 3870 Althea Lane, Carlsbad, stated his support of Mr. Perkins statements and also urged immediate action regarding the completion of the cul-de-sac. He added that the cul-de-sac is not safe and that large city vehicles, including emergency vehicles must back up to exit the street. Laura Koop, 3886 Althea Lane, Carlsbad, suggested that the Engineering Department report is inaccurate and incomplete with respect to what the Engineering Department calls “a natural drainage course”. Ms. Koop read a statement, (a coav of which is on file in the Citv Clerk’s Office), stating that the water crossing her property is not natural drainage, but diverted city water. She stated that they had to spend $30,000 to construct cement clean outs to handle the water when they built their home. She also expressed opposition to a partial cul-de-sac. Gus Gorgueiro, 3880 Althea Lane, Carlsbad, read a prepared statement, [a copy of which is on file in the Citv Clerk’s Office). As did the previous speakers, he urged the City to complete the construction of the cul-de-sac without further cost to him. He stated that the FIA that he and his wife were required to sign amounts to four times the amount of the original FIA which was recorded in 1982. Mr. Gorgueiro noted that they have already expended $27,000 for the installation of sewer, water, electricity and hydrants for his home, and that this problem has occurred because costs for street improvements were not properly estimated. He added that payment of the $26,695.00 as required by the new FIA would create a large burden on his family. John K. Fisler, 3975 Park Drive, Carlsbad, read a letter previously received by the City Council, (a couv of which is on file in the Citv Clerk’s Office.) In response to inquiry regarding dedication of necessary right-of-way for completion of the cul-de-sac, Mr. Fisler stated that he has not yet submitted the dedication to the City, because a decision has not yet been made about the street improvements. Mr. Fisler requested that the City participate with the property owners, in order to complete the construction of the cul-de-sac. Council discussion reflected the need for additional information regarding this matter prior to taking action. e 0 January 4,2000 CITY COUNCIL Page 4 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern, Hall, the matter was returned to staff. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None 11. AB #15,557 - APPROVAL, OF EXTENSION AND AMENDMENT TO NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR THE 0PPOR"NISTIC SAND PROGRAM - PROJECT NO. 34693. ACTION: -On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-07, approving Extension and Amendment No. 2 to agreement for engineering services for preparation of Carlsbad's Opportunistic Sand Program. I ) AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: 8. AI3 #15,555- CITY COUNCIL COMPENSATION. 7 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-528, to amend Section 2.04.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to increase the compensation of the Mayor and Members of the City Council to $992 per month, effective after the November 2000 Election. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 12. AB#15,558 - ESTABLISHMENT OF THREE-HOUR PARKING TIME LIMIT IN VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-525, amending various sections of Title 10, Chapter 10.40, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to establish a three-hour parking time limit on various streets and parking lots in the Village Redevelopment Area. ? AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None ABSTAIN: Hall 13. AB #15,559 - ZCA 96-04(A)/LCPA 96-01(A) - HILLSIDE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - COASTAL COMMISSION SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS. ACTION: Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-524, amending Sections L4 21.95.12O(A)(l), 21.95.120(B)(2), 21.95.130(A), 21.95.130(B), and 21.95.140(A) of the Hillside Development Chapter and Section 21.53.230(d) of the uses generally chapter of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to incorporate the California Coastal Commission suggested modifications. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None e 0 January 4,2000 CITY COUNCIL Page 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: None PUBLIC HEARING 14. AB #15,560 - CUP 99-03/CDP 99-06 - INNS OF AMERICA. ’ Eric Munoz, Senior Planner, presented the staff report, showing the location of the site at the southeast comer of Avenida Encinas and Cannon Road, and giving a description of the project. He stated that the two primary issues for this project are: 1.) concurrence with the business hotel finding; and 2.) compliance with the overlay zone. Mr. Munoz explained that the project has been designed for the business traveler in accordance with the allowed uses of the P-M zone. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed meeting at 8:OO p.m. Tim O’Connor, President of Inns of America, 755 Raintree, Suite 200, Carlsbad addressed the Council, concurring with the staff recommendation and requesting Council approval. He stated that this project will be oriented to the business community and business travelers as required by the overlay zone. Mr. O’Connor responded to Council inquiry regarding the proposed color for the building, noting that it is to be Navajo White. Council expressed concern regarding the fact that color samples were not presented for their review, and concurred that they would like to see the exact color samples before approving them. Tom Dean, 3190 El Arbol Drive, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the project. He expressed concern for the lack of adequate screening between the project and the neighboring homes and the impact on the wildlife on Cannon Lake, and suggested that larger screening landscaping be provided on the east side of Cannon Lake Park. Carol Gorbics, 5 190 El Arbol Drive, Carlsbad, referenced her letter, dated January 13, 2000, fa cuqv of which is on file in the Citv Clerk’s Office), and expressed concerns about the placement of the hotel on the property, light screening, and also about Cannon Lake with respect to hotel guests exercising their pets. She requested that once the leases in the area have expired and before more development occurs, the Council make certain that Cannon Lake is fenced off along the road between the lake and the leased area, so as to preserve the integrity the lake and it’s wildlife and to preserve the neighborhood. Ron Rouse, Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps, 600 W. Broadway, San Diego, representing the Winters Family Trust, stated that the family has had very high quality standards for the development of this property. He stated that the project as planned will be a first class structure. Responding to questions and concerns raised by the previous speakers regarding privacy issues, Mr. Rouse noted that the closest property to this project is over 600 feet away. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. In response to Council inquiry regarding the allowance of pets at the facility, Mr. O’Connor responded that pets are allowed at all of their other properties. In response to Council inquiry regarding lighting issues, Mr. Munoz stated that the lighting plans for the project will be reviewed by the Planning Director prior to issuance of permits, and will not be allowed to shine onto the adjacent properties. Council Member Finnila requested that the letter, dated January 3, 2000, from the Chamber of Commerce, be made a part of the record of this meeting. {A cum ufthe letter is on file in the Citv Clerk’s Office.) * e January 4,2000 CITY COUNCIL Page 6 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-08, approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 99-03 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 99-06, including Council’s review of the final color of the building. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchen NOES: None ADJOURNMENT TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING: Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Meeting at 8:34 p .m. CONTINUATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Council reconvened at 8:35 p.m., with all Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 15. AB #15,561 -FLOWER FIELDS GRANTS NO. 1 AND 2. 13 ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-09, approving two grants requests by the Carltas Company for a total of $70,374 to provide aid to the flower growing operations on the Carlsbad Ranch and authorizing the appropriation of funds. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Lewis and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub- committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 4,2000, was adjourned in memory of Frank Aleshire, former Carlsbad City Manager, at 8:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, d$& Assistant City Clerk