HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-08; City Council; Minutes0 e MINUTES MEETING OF : CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: February 8,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin. Absent: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following event: Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 500 p.m. - Chamber of Commerce Welcome Event for Brian Parmalee and Mark Germyn , Gemological Institute of America, 5345 Armada Drive, Carlsbad. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held January 11, 2000. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 18, 2000. Minutes of the Special Meeting held January 19, 2000. Minutes of the Special Meeting held January 25, 2000. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 25, 2000. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held January 25, 2000. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items #I, #7 and #9 were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #1 through #9, with the exception of Items #1, #7 and #9, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: The Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #15,607- ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. (Removed from Consent Calendar for Council discussion.) 2. AB #I5608 - POINSETTIA PARK PHASE l-A IMPROVEMENTS - Proiect No. 3348. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-43, accepting the construction of the Poinsettia Park Phase l-A Improvements as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. 0 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 2 3. AB #15.609 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 97-14 - MARIANO UNIT 2. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-44, approving the final map for Mariano Unit No. 2. 4. AB #15,610 - RATIFICATION OF SECOND EXTENSION AND AMENDMENT NO. 2 OF AGREEMENT FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES (MOON MAYORAS ARCHITECTS). Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-45, approving ratification of Second Extension and Amendment No. 2 to agreement with Moon Mayoras Architects to perform architectural and engineering services for City facilities for compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act standards. 5. AB #15.61 I - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT OF REVISED BASIC AGREEMENT FOR FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS OF THE JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-46, approving an amendment of the Revised Basic Agreement for the Encina Wastewater Authority regarding the frequency of regular meetings of the Joint Advisory Committee. 6. AB #15,612- REVISED HOURLY SALARY SCHEDULE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-47, approving the revised Salary Schedule for hourly positions. 7. AB #15.613 - APPROVAL OF PREPARATION/AMENDMENT OF LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS 87-1 0 AND 87-1 1 (B) FOR ZONES 10 AND 1 1. (Removed from Consent Calendar for Council discussion.) 8. AB #15.614 -APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION CONSULTING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-50, approving an agreement with The Write Touch to perform public information services and to assist in developing a long-term plan and program. 9. AB #15.615 - APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY WINDOW GLAZING FOR THE COLE LIBRARY - CITY PROJECT NUMBER 33841. (Removed from Consent Calendar for Council discussion.) ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB #15,607- ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, introduced Barbara Noder, President of the Carlsbad Arts Associates, and Linda Trumane who presented Mayor Lewis with check in the amount of $12,000.00 from the Carlsbad Arts Associates for the TGIF Jazz in the Parks concert series. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000- - 42, accepting a donation from the Carlsbad Arts Associates for the TGIF Jazz in the Parks concert series. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 0 a February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 3 7. AB #I 5.61 3 - APPROVAL OF PREPARATION/AMENDMENT OF LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLANS 87-10 AND 87-1 1 (B) FOR ZONES 10 AND I 1. Inez Yoder, 7304 Borla Place, spoke in opposition to development in the Oak Ridge area. She also expressed concern for the extensive grading and loss of coastal sage scrub that would result from this project by the Villages of La Costa. Tom Lyon, 3174 Calle Arroyo, said that Zone 11, (under the HMP), contains the largest, least fragmented biological corridor in the City. He expressed concern that the widening and relocation of Rancho Sante Fe Road will sever that corridor which is the linkage to areas in the south eastern part of the City. In response to Council inquiry, Don Rideout, Principal Planner, explained that the item before Council is simply a request by the applicant to proceed with preparation of the Local Facilities Management Plan. He noted that habitat issues have been fully addressed and the wildlife agencies have issued permits. The project will have 850 acres on-site of conserved land and the developer is in the process of acquiring an additional 300 acres adjacent to their project for additional open space. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000- - 48, approving a request to prepare a Local Facilities Management Plan for zone IO; and, Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-49, approving a request to prepare an amendment to the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 11. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 9. AB #I5615 -APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY WINDOW GLAZING FOR THE COLE LIBRARY - CITY PROJECT NUMBER 33841. Patricia Dresselhaus, 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, representing the North San Diego County Genealogy Society, expressed appreciation for the use of the Council Chambers and Internet. She spoke of the importance of the Cole Library remodel being completed as soon as possible. In response to Council, Ray Patchett, City Manager, estimated that the Cole Library remodel would be completed by the end of April. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000- - 51, authorizing the purchase of computer equipment, task chairs, drive-up book drops, enhanced lighting and window safety glazing as part of the Cole Library Remodel Project. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE: 10. AB #15,616 - MUNICIPAL CODE UPDATE REPLACING REFERENCE TO “ELM AVENUE WITH “CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS- - 534 amending various sections of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by replacing references to “Elm Avenue” with “Carlsbad Village Drive.” AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. PUBLIC COMMENT - None e 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 4 PUBLIC HEARING: 11. AB #15.617 - REPEAL AND RE-ENACTMENT OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 21.85 - INCLUSIONARY HOUSING ORDINANCE. Mayor Lewis announced that this item would be continued to February 15”. He opened the duly noticed public hearing at 6:21 p.m. and asked if anyone would like to speak who could not return on February ISth. No one asked to be heard. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council continued the public hearing to February 15,2000. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. ADJOURNMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Carlsbad Municipal Water Board Meeting at 6:22 p.m. with President Lewis and all four Board Members present. Council reconvened at 6:32 p.m. with the Mayor and all four Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 12. AB #15,618 - PRESENTATION ON MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT OPERATIONS. In response to Council inquiry, Ron Ball, City Attorney, explained that the city’s role is of limited jurisdiction in this matter. He noted that the airport is owned and controlled by the County of San Diego and the air space is controlled by the F.A.A. The City of Carlsbad’s role with the surrounding land is to ensure that the General Plan and land use policies are followed. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, explained that when the General Plan was updated, the surrounding area that would be impacted by noise contours and activities of the airport was identified and residential land uses were removed from the influence impact area. With respect to the noise, the General Plan indicates that no residential uses shall be allowed where the noise exceed 65 decibels. In the area between 60-65 decibels, the General Plan requires there be certain mitigation done in terms of noise impacts. As a result of the mitigation, there are some residential homes located within the 60 decibel impact area. He noted that disclosure statements are required for every new home sale within 3 miles of the airport. Gary Wayne, Assistant Planning Director, explained how noise measurements are taken and how the County produces noise contours. He noted that the noise measurements are a weighted average over a twenty-four hour period. Mary Sea, 6423 Merlin Drive, Founder of the Palomar Airport Citizens’ Action Group (PACAG), spoke in support of mandatory noise enforcement and flight patterns because the voluntary procedures are not being followed. She felt that the procedures and policies of the airport are no longer appropriate and that FAA violations are not being policed. She stated that planes should not be flying over homes but should be following the 250 degree rule heading to the west where there are no homes. Mrs. Sea said that the pilots should respect the quality of life of the residents. Janet Abrams, 1019 Turnstone, read the language of a petition signed by over 900 Carlsbad residents concerned about low-flying aircraft, a large number of pilots ignoring the noise abatement procedures and curfew, and other health and safety issues such as pollution. Ms. Abrams submitted the petitions to the Assistant City Clerk. Bob Gates, representing the Mariner’s Point community, said they are outside the established noise impact area but planes fly over their homes. He said the curfew hours are ignored and mandatory requirements should be implemented for all planes. 0 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 5 Ken Sadoian, 6438 Topmast Drive, in the Saltaire Community, stated that low flying planes frequently fly over their homes creating excessive noise. He expressed concern that there are no established mandatory rules to minimize noise, take-off and landings, and curfew. Mr. Sadoian there has been a flight pattern shift that has occurred since 1998. Brad Lunn, a resident of the Mariner’s Point community, said he is a local homeowner, a pilot and a former manager at Boeing. He noted that Boeing had several restrictions placed on them, which helped them become better neighbors. Mr. Lunn also noted that Orange County residents have found a way to balance their existence with the nearby airport and suggested that reasonable restrictions are needed. Ron Sea, 6424 Merlin Drive, expressed concern that the pilots do not follow the appropriate heading and fly too low. He noted that small prop planes do not fly out to the ocean as they should and instead fly over the homes. Mr. Sea said the take-offs at night are also a problem. He asked Council to support the efforts of PACAG with the County of San Diego and the FAA. Mary Sea, 6423 Merlin Drive, stated that the airport noise is a quality of life issue and suggested that a committee be formed with staff and members of PACAG to study problems and possible solutions. She also suggested that the City explore what actions Council alone can take or can ask the County or the F.A.A. to take. Fritz Koolhof, 3425 Don Carlos, said he was representing Rancho Carlsbad and has been a pilot. He said that pilots should maintain the 250 degree heading and supported mandatory regulations. Ron Lukasiewicz, 6730 Lonicera Street, said they live 1.5 miles from the runway and concurred with the previous speakers. He described the 700 foot rule and said if it is followed, most of the concerns would be addressed. He expressed concerns for safety and said the planes fly as low as 200 feet over their home, and said that enforcing restrictions will not result in an adverse economic impact to the airport. Mr. Lukasiewicz said the residents are not trying to close the airport or reduce the number of flights, but would simply like to have reasonable restrictions enforced. Michael Lauver, 221 0 Palomar Airport Road, explained that standard approved FAA sanctioned departure patterns must be followed. He said that volunteer procedures have not failed and noted that Palomar Airport has been at the same location for a long time. Robert McMillian, 3710 Catalina Drive, said he is an Angel Flight pilot and sometimes it is necessary to fly after curfew hours. He expressed concern that placing mandatory curfew requirements on the pilots will result in adverse economic impacts and impact his emergency flights. Nelson Carrick, 7009 El Fuerte, suggested that PACAG, Palomar Airport Representatives and Pilots meet together to explain their concerns. He explained that pilots receive instructions from the air traffic controllers regarding their flying patterns. Dominique Babcock, 63780 Topmast Drive, said she is a new homeowner in Saltaire, and has been disturbed by the airplanes flying over her home. She described a conversation she had when she called the airport to complain about the noise and explained she was told that if faster planes take off behind smaller ones, the smaller planes are ordered to turn and fly over Topmast Drive. . Kate Lister, Barnstorming Adventures, 6743 Montia Court, explained the extra measures her sightseeing company has taken to be sensitive to the residents’ quality of life. She also explained that the offset tends to be to the south because there are other issues, such as helicopters, to the north. Ms. Lister said they are doing everything they can to be good neighbors and only a few new homeowners are complaining. Charles Collins, 6377 Ebb Tide, said his home is the most northerly and easterly and closest to the 60 decibel noise footprint. He expressed concern that inaccurate information that has been presented by a limited and active group whose goal is to put the airport out of business. Mr. Collins said more noise is generated from Palomar Airport Road than Palomar Airport. He said a noise study is not necessary as it is commonly known that there is noise near an airport. George Mechims, 2016 Palomar Airport Road, owner of Pinnacle Aviation Academy, described their noise abatement efforts to be good neighbors. He explained the procedures taught to students, to take off at 250 degrees west when possible, unless they are told to deviate from that by the controller. a 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 6 Arthur Webster, 7032 Partridge Place, Avocet, Aviara, said he is a pupil at Penical Aviation and the students are taught to be very conscientious of noise abatement. Tyson McDowell, 4232 Corte Favor, San Diego, said he is a pilot and lives under the flight pattern of the Miramar military base. He explained that there are FAA rules that need to be followed by pilots and it may appear to the residents that the planes are unreasonably flying over their homes. He expressed concern that mandatory curfews would have negative economic impacts on the many companies that require late night flight departures. Russ Erickson, a resident of Telescope Avenue, said he is a pilot and pilot instructor. He noted that the location of the airport is disclosed during escrow of new homes. He explained that corporate jets are on an instrumental flight plan and mandated, unless the FAA instructs them otherwise. Mr. Erickson explained that the air traffic controllers will ask pilots to go another direction because they are trying to balance air flights from Lindbergh Field, Miramar and Palomar Airports. Leland Ayers, 1472 Sapphire Drive, said he lives closer to the airport than any one else and was told of the airport when he bought his home. He expressed concern that PACAG had not indicated their desire to meet with the pilots. Mr. Ayers spoke of the importance of homeowners, pilots, colleagues at the airport and all interested groups meeting together to discuss their concerns. Terry Davies, 1021 Goldeneye View, said he is a pilot and always follows the noise abatement guidelines. However, he said there are pilots who ignore the guidelines and fly carelessly, which will lead to accidents. He felt that some of the noise is generated from older aircraft. Mr. Davies said he has never been directed by the air traffic controller to fly in another direction. Perry Kagen, 2435 Sacata Circle, a flight instructor at Palomar Airport, said the FAA states the rules, the tower tells the pilot where to fly and the pilots have no choice. He explained that if an engine is lost while flying over the airport, it will be possible to attempt a safe landing. Mr. Kagen said the tower is trying to keep everyone safe and will reprimand a pilot who flies low out of the pattern. He noted that sometimes it is necessary to fly over the homes because of the heavy marine layer. Walt Mann, 671 12 Point Drive, said planes fly over his house all day, everyday. He said he stopped flying because it is too dangerous. Mr. Mann explained that adhesion contracts can allow the omission during escrow that an airport is nearby. Tom Harnish, 6743 Montia Court, Chief Pilot for Barnstorming Adventures, said flying is not dangerous and they have flown over 50,000 people without ever having an accident. However, he stated that some of their customers have not kept their appointment because they had a car accident on the way to the airport. He said they go to great lengths to be good neighbors and be safe. Mr. Harnish said that the lack of information is the main cause for concern. John Traughber, 1651 Leora Lane, Leucadia, said he is a pilot, and pilots do not fly wherever they desire. He explained that planes use full power at take off in order to get the fastest climb and are controlled by the tower. Stacy Goodwin, 4619 Buckingham, representing Palomar Chapter 993, said they educate pilots and non- pilots about aviation and volunteered to assist in the education process. Mark Calkins, said he is a pilot and had conducted a noise study years ago. He said that that there always be people who complain about noise, but that a compromise needs to be found. Cindy Lamont, 123 Jasper, Encinitas, a pilot explained that that the tower needs to redirect slower planes to make room for faster jets and a majority of pilots are given directions by the tower. Cynthia Trevino, 1069 Golden Eye View, said the busiest airport is Montgomery Field and they have mandatory restrictions. She stated that in order to avoid those restrictions, pilots come to Palomar Airport. John Merrill, 2334 Kests Place, said weekend pilots may not be familiar with the area and should be made aware of the noise abatement guidelines. 4 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 7 RECESS Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:26 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:34 p.m. with the Mayor and all four Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (CONTINUED) 12. AB #15.618 - PRESENTATION ON MCCLELLAN-PALOMAR AIRPORT OPERATIONS. (Continued) In response to Council, Ray Patchett, City Manager, explained that staff met with representatives from the FAA and County of San Diego on January 20th. He explained that three directional items resulted from that meeting, which resulted in an approach to address the airport noise complaints as follows: 1. The County of San Diego will apply to the FAA for an update of the currently approved Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. 2. The County and FAA will conduct roundtable discussions with all interested stakeholders. 3. The County be directed to approach the airports definition of the FAA and ask for assistance on how to deal with Palomar-McClellan Airport operations. Bob Durrant, County Department of Public Works Manager for Airports, explained how the County will address each of the three items above. He said they would like to create the stakeholders group and then coordinate a trip to Torrance or Santa Monica to see how those airports work. Council Member Kulchin referenced correspondence dated February 1" to Herman Bliss, at the FAA, from Chandra Waller, Assistant Director County Department of Public Works (a copy of which is on file in the Clerk's Office.) Mr. Patchett recommended that City staff hold local roundtable discussions. Mayor Lewis asked that Council be represented on the trip to other airports coordinated by Mr. Durrant. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council supported the following actions as contained in the memo from the City Manager, dated February 8, 2000: 1. The County of San Diego will apply to the FAA for an update of the currently approved Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. 2. The County and FAA will conduct roundtable discussions with all interested stakeholders. 3. The County be directed to approach the airports definition of the FAA and ask for assistance on how to deal with Palomar-McClellan Airport operations. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. RECESS Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 850 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:51 p.m. with the Mayor and all Council Members present, except for Council Member Kulchin, who left the meeting at 855 p.m. 13. AB #15.619 - INTENTION TO FORM AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT. DIRECTION TO CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING PLAN, AND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE REQUIRED FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE FORMATION OF AN INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICT. Erin Letsch, Risk Manager, reviewed the staff report. In response to Council inquiry, Glenn Wasserman, representing the law firm of Kane, Ballmer and Berkman, answered questions regarding the legality of the proposed infrastructure financing district (IFD). He explained that the IFD only applies to the additional development and acts as an incentive to move forward with the expansion of the project and hotel, and 0 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council Page 8 that the only revenues that will be committed by this district are the future incremental taxes. Bob Montgomery, Vice President of Operations, Legoland, spoke in support of the IFD. Council Member Finnila said Council has made a commitment to proceed with the IFD. She said it is important for the City to pay for its fair share and keep its commitment. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000- - 53 a Resolution of Intention to establish an infrastructure financing district for parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area; and, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-54 designating and directing the City Manager to prepare an infrastructure financing plan pursuant to California Government Code Section 53395.14 for a proposed infrastructure financing district for parcels 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch Amended Specific Plan Area; and, adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-55 approving an amendment to the agreement with Keyser Marston Associates (KMA) to cover any additional charges from KMA as the City moves through the IFD formation process; and, Council noted that the City and the County should each pay their fair share as previously agreed. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin 14. AB #15.620 - 1999-00 SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT, BUDGET AMENDMENTS. Kevin Branca, Assistant Finance Director, and Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Accountant, reviewed the staff report. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the aquatic fees. Council concurred that the same formula should be used for the aquatic fees for families and for individuals and directed that those fees be returned to staff. Brian Watson, Fire Division Chief, also answered Council questions regarding ambulance fees and said that the goal is to charge the amount as allowed by Medicare. He also explained emergency response procedures. Bill Plummer, Deputy Director of Public Works, responded to Council inquiry regarding the request to increase funding for the Foxes Landing Sewer Lift Station by explaining reasons for the revisions to the cost estimate. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council accepted the Second Quarter Financial Status Report for 1999-00, and directed that the aquatic fees be returned to staff; and, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-56 increasing the revenue estimates and appropriations for Fiscal Year 1999-00; and, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-57 adopting changes to the Fee schedule for city services with the exception of the aquatic fees which were returned to staff. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. 0 February 8,2000 Carlsbad City Council a Page 9 15. AB #15,621 - SENIOR COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Lewis that Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-58 reappointing Arthur Serrin to the Carlsbad Senior Commission; and, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-59 appointing George Weber to the Carlsbad Senior Commission. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, Kulchin NOES: None. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Member Nygaard reminded everyone that the Census will begin April I". Council Member Finnila said tomorrow night from 690 p.m. to 8:OO p.m. at the Oceanside Public Library, there will be a talk given by two of the Tuskogee Airmen. Mayor Lewis said there will be an official dedication of the diamond Valley Reservoir on March It$h and encouraged all Council Members to attend. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 8, 2000, was adjourned at 957 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &g& / / KU DT Assistant CI y Cler Janice Breitenfeld Deputy City Clerk