HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-17; City Council; Minutes (3)‘ , . * MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: October 17,200O TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Council Members were present: Present: Absent: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard and Kulchin. None. INVOCATION: Mayor Lewis offered the invocation PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The flag salute was led by Mayor Pro Tern Hall. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PROCLAMATIONS Luz Gonzales, Chair, Palomar Corridor Transportation Pilot Program Committee and Jan Sobel, Chief Executive Office of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, accepted a proclamation from Mayor Lewis declaring October 23-27, 2000 “Ride, Don’t Drive Week”. Marva Bledsoe, Executive Director, Women’s Resource Center, accepted a proclamation from Mayor Lewis declaring October 2000 “Domestic Violence Awareness Month”. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items # 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10 were pulled from the Consent Calendar. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items # 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, and 11 as follows: AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. None. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 2 81 84 45 74 45 97 45 74 46 45 93 68 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AB #I 5,926 - ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRIBUTIONS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-315, accepting contributed funds for the Carlsbad Sister City Cultural Ambassador Program for the related airfare and travel expenses of Cultural Ambassador Priti Gandhi, who will compete in Karlovy Vary’s Dvorak Vocal Contest in November, 2000. AB #I 5,927 - APPROVAL OF A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE MAINTENANCE FOR THE SAFETY CENTER’S COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCH (CAD) SYSTEM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-316, approving a Master Maintenance Agreement with PRC Public Sector, Inc., for software and hardware maintenance for the Safety Center’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. AB #15,928 - APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION (CFA) This item was pulled for discussion. AB #15,929 - AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH P&D CONSULTANTS INC. FOR ORION STREET FROM EL CAMINO REAL TO FARADAY - PROJECT NO. 3603 This item was pulled for discussion. AB #15,930 -APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-319, approving the modifications to the Management Compensation and Benefits Plan to formalize the transition of the management employees to the CalPERS Health Program, to revise the schedule of paid holidays for general management employees, to clarify the holiday schedule for employees represented by the Carlsbad Police Management Association (CPMA) and to make minor language changes to bring the Management Compensation and Benefits Plan into compliance with current practice. AB #15,931- CONTRACT FOR SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-320, accepting the bid and awarding a contract to Westaff (USA) Inc., for school crossing guard services. AB #15,932 - APPROVAL OF GRANT DEED OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACH SAHTI E - CITY PROJECT NOS. 35821135831, AND 38281 This item was pulled for discussion. AB #15,933 - CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU REPORT. Council accepted the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau report for the period ending July 31, 2000. . * October 17,200O h Carlsbad City Council Page 3 99 9. AB #15,934 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 98-17 - HADLEY PROPERTY This item was pulled for discussion. 43 10. AB #15.935 - GRANT OF APPEAL - GTE WIRELESS LA COSTA - CUP 00-13 This item was pulled for discussion. 68 45 11. AB #15,936 -APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU FOR COMMUNITY PROMOTION SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-324, approving an agreement with the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to provide professional services related to the promotion of the community, from November I, 2000, to October 31, 2001. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 74 3. AB #15,928 -APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE 45 CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION (CFA). Dr. Jack Debes, 4055 Park Drive, asked for a description of the nature of the Memorandum of Understanding. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, presented the staff report. ACTION : On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTUION NO. 2000-217 adopting a Memorandum of Understanding between representatives of management and the Carlsbad Firefighters’ association and making an appropriation therefore. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. NOES: None. 4. AB #15,929 -AMENDMENT TO THE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH P&D CONSULTANTS INC. FOR ORION STREET FROM EL CAMINO REAL TO FARADAY - PROJECT NO. 3603. Dr. Jack Debes, 4055 Park Drive, asked that the funding source be identified. Bill Plummer, Deputy City Engineer, said the primary sources of funds for this project would be derived from the City, Water District and County. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-318 approving Amendment No. 6 to Consultant Agreement with P&D Consultants and appropriating additional funds for Orion Street from El Camino Real to Faraday Project No. 3603. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. NOES: None. . October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 4 93 7. AB #15,932 -APPROVAL OF GRANT DEED OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACH SAHTIE - CITY PROJECT NOS. 35821,35831, AND 38281. Ron Ball, City Attorney explained that staff is recommending this item be continued to a future Council meeting to allow for proper processing of the documents. Dr. Jack Debes, 4055 Park Drive, asked how this proposed sewer reach would affect the overall flow of the sewer plant. He said it is important to ensure that there is adequate capacity in the plant. Bill Plummer, Deputy City Engineer, briefly described the treatment process and said that the Encina Waste Water Treatment Plan has enough capacity for Carlsbad’s build out. Mayor Pro Tern Hall, noted that the Encina Waste Water Treatment Plant recently received a national award for maintenance and operation. He said that public tours are available. Council concurred to continue this item, per staffs request. 9. AB #15,934 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 98-17 - HADLEY PROPERTY. Jim King, 4156 Highland Avenue, read his written comments into the record requesting clarification (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Michele Levy, 3021 Highland, asked how many units are involved in this project. Council Member Finnila said that there are 37 units involved with one open space lot. Mayor Lewis explained that the Planning Commission reviews all projects consisting of 50 units or less and the Planning Commission holds public hearings. He noted that Council receives copies of Planning Commission minutes and is briefed by staff. In response to Council, Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, explained the procedure for final maps. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. None. 43 10. AB #15,935 - GRANT OF APPEAL - GTE WIRELESS LA COSTA - CUP 00-13. John Hopp, 3327 Fosca Street, representing his neighbors, expressed appreciation to Council for supporting the neighbors’ quality of life and listening to their concerns. He read a letter to the editor of the North County Times Newspaper published on October 13, 2000 (not on file in the City Clerk’s Office). October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 5 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-323, granting the appeal and denying without prejudice a conditional use permit for a cellular communications facility on property generally located between Esfera Street and Piragua Street, North of Cabo Court in Local Facilities Management Zone 6. AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. None. PUBLIC COMMENT: John Jones, 630 Walnut, expressed appreciation to staff and Council for their support during his recent illness. Larry Stapleton, 920 Rosemary Avenue, said he was not supportive of additional commercial development along the beach area. Jim King, 4156 Highland Avenue, said that more detailed information relating to each agenda item should be more readily available to the public. Dr. Jack Debes, 4055 Park Drive, announced that on October 23, the North County Sierra Club will hold a candidates forum at 7:00 p.m. at the Aviara Oaks School Auditorium. He spoke of the importance of traffic calming and expressed concern for the trees removed on the right-of-way on Highland Avenue. He also expressed concern that the road has been graded to add another lane on Hillside and the asphalt pedestrian pathway has been damaged. Dr. Debes also expressed concern that on-street parking in the Ponto Beach area has been eliminated and that the flower field’s overall size has been reduced. William Blaylock, a resident of Carlsbad, asked when College Boulevard would be opened. Michele Levy, 3021 Highland, expressed concern that trees had been removed near James Canyon and asked that large, mature trees be planted. She expressed concern that those not visiting the library are using the parking lot at the library and suggested that signs be posted. Mayor Lewis said he has sent correspondence to Mrs. Levy answering her questions and provided copies to Council. Mayor Lewis explained why he felt that College Boulevard should not be opened at this time. Council Member Kulchin asked staff to address the comments made about the flower fields being reduced in size. Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, explained that the Carlsbad Ranch Project was conditioned that the flower fields not be reduced in size. He noted that the total size of the flower fields was increased at that time. He also addressed Mrs. Levy’s concerns regarding the trees and explained how boxed trees are measured. . . . . October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 6 PUBLIC HEARING: 30 12. AB #15,937 - MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM CODES FOR BUILDING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING TO ALLOW FOR THE RECORDING OF CERTIFICATES OF NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE COUNTY RECORDER. Pat Kelley, Principal Building Inspector, presented the staff report. Mayor Lewis opened the duly notice public hearing at 7:02 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to address this matter. Jim King, 4156 Highland Avenue, explained his interpretation of this item and asked if his understanding was correct. Mr. Kelley concurred with Mr. King’s comments. Seeing no one else wishing to speak to this matter, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted ORDINNACNE NO. NS-559 amending Chapters 18.04 (Building Code), 18.08 (Mechanical Code), 18.12 (Electrical Code), and 18.16 (Plumbing Code) by adding Sections 18.04.315, 18.08.040, 18.12.227 and 18.16.125, respectively, to allow for the recording, with the County Recorder, of Certificates of Noncompliance and Certificates of Compliance. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. NOES: None. ADJOURNMENT TO JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Municipal Water District Board Meeting at 7:05 p.m. with all members present. ADJOURNMENT TO CONTINUATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING President Lewis adjourned to the continuation of the City Council Meeting at 7:12 p.m. with all members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 14. 36 AB #15,939 - CITYWIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE. Karen Kundtz, Assistant City Clerk, presented the staff report. I- _. A October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 7 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-326 establishing a Records Management Program for the City of Carlsbad AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. None. 63 15. AB #I 5,925 - AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY - CITY PROJECT NO. 33841. John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, presented the staff report. Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator, described the proposed landscape design. Council Member Nygaard said she anticipated that flowers would be used in the design to provide color. Council Member Finnila spoke of the need for the project to be skateboard proof. She also suggested that the mailbox be changed out to have a pull down slot for drive-up service. Mr. Steyaert said these concerns would be addressed. Mr. Cahill noted that the Cole Library would be open during construction. Dr. Jack Debes, 4055 Park Drive, suggested that the needs regarding the library’s contents be addressed prior to aesthetics. Jim King, 4156 Highland Avenue, read his correspondence into the record (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) regarding the need to fully stock the shelves before spending money on the cosmetics. He also stated that he had heard nothing concerning the demolition of the city hall trailers until this evening. Ken Baldwin, 701 B Street, San Diego, Consultant, discussed the thermal capacity. Geoffrey Armour, Assistant Library Director, said that funds are available in the General Fund and from the Friends of the Library to purchase books, videos, etc. He noted that the long-range goal is to provide almost total parity between the Cole and Dove Libraries. However, at the current time, the Cole Library is not large enough to achieve this long-range goal. He said that a courier transports special requests between both libraries twice a day. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2000-314, approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the exterior improvements to the Georgina Cole Library. AYES: NOES: Lewis, Hall, Finnila, Nygaard, and Kulchin. None. . ’ . October 17,200O Carlsbad City Council Page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Lewis announced that City Council Members have been invited and may be participating in the upcoming events: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 - 3:00 p.m., La Costa Resort Employees/City Council Introduction Event, La Costa Resort and Spa, 2100 Costa Del Mar Road. Wednesday, October 18,200O - 5:00 p.m., Four Seasons Resort Aviara Employees/City Council Introduction Event, Argyle Restaurant, 7100 Four Seasons Point. Thursday, October 19, 2000 - II:30 a.m., North County Mayors/Managers Meeting, Grand Pacific Palisades Resort, 5805 Armada Drive. Thursday, October 19, 2000 - 5:30 p.m., Hilton Garden Inn Grand Opening Event, 6450 Carlsbad Boulevard. Friday, October 20,200O - 5:00 p.m., Carlsbad By the Sea Open House Event, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard. COUNCIL REPORTS Council Member Nygaard asked for Council to think about their position regarding the circulation from l-5 into the City of Carlsbad. Mayor Lewis said he was not sure if he supported expanding lanes on Aviara Parkway, Palomar Airport Road and Ranch0 Sante Fe Road. He suggested that other cities provide east/west connectors. Council Member Finnila said that she recently met with Elizabeth Hill and discussed future transportation needs in the region. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Lewis adjourned the meeting in memory of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan. By proper motion, the Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Janice Breitenfeld Deputy City Clerk