HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-17; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION DATE OF MEETING: January 17,200l TIME OF MEETING: 1l:OO a.m. - I:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Faraday Administration Center F173A The Mayor called the special meeting to order at II :05 a.m. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin and Council Members Hall, Finnila, and Nygaard were in attendance. Also in attendance was City Manager, Ray Patchett, and City Attorney, Ron Ball, who acted as Clerk Pro Tern. The Council received a presentation on growth in the City of Carlsbad and held a discussion of other related community development land use matters including a discussion of the on-going commercial study and other land use regulations regulating the size, intensity and coverage of residential dwellings. Andrienne Landers, Principal Planner, introduced this item including a discussion of large houses on small lot issues with the assistance of Chris DeCerbo, Principal Planner, and presented the information with the aid of slides and handouts (on file in the office of the City Clerk). Council members asked questions during and after the presentation. The Planning Department’s recommendations will be presented to the City Council at a regular meeting. The Council then continued through a working lunch and Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, discussed the status of the on-going commercial study and informed the Council that it will be presented to it at a regular Council meeting in February. The City Manager distributed the “Goal Project and Tracking Report” which is on file in the office of the City Manager. There was no public comment. The Mayor thanked the other Council members for their participation and the staff for its presentations and information. There being no further business, the special meeting was adjourned at I:16 p.m. 7=+? &fully submitted, /J-R.& RONALD R. BALL 2 City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tern The Snout Is Out! E c 0 , u s 3 0 UJ x c) cd m a > ca c cn ‘E; a E 0 s 0 CD a, E 0 c > .- s s E E 0 0 u s cd .- c) s s 0 c> cn a s 3 > E 0 0 CJI 5 A c) a > .- ;I ca s 73 .- > e s .- Q 0 c u> x 5 3 :. S - .- c) s ‘1 0 c> % .- 0 5 u a, cn (3 c> cn .- 17 % m 0 0 u 0 c . a > c c) a a, co a, u u a II cn = cd cl s r c> \ cd a cn a u a .- LL 0, - c E’ 0 .- mu 5: .- 3 3 ‘- a, - T s 0 w .- ul cn 5 5 cn *cn O+ =O 30 gz a cco7 I a, s s 0 -cd EP E ?ij QL 00 -LI a, >2 as na .- v, 8 LI) v 1 I CD c k co t .- [r 3 t” ccl Q cb 5 c t” s U a a 0 0 a Q U 3 0 c cn cn 0 S 'CI .- s Tii S S .- ;i3 v 0 a, u a, a II .- s 03 a U cn ti a, S 0 a 5 0” Q .- s 0 n - co I co .- cd a, N a - > .- CD cn 0 0 S 5 a r; 4 s 0 c> cl3 c 0 I- a > a cn a 0 5 a, =z 0 E a 8 Q E .- co u .-e! 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Dubbed “snout houses,” the designs are being titicizedfmlimiting contact between neighbots. the‘snout % Homes that lead with their garages are coming under critical scrutiny Bylhothy Egan, \lw,olsh ,,\,,:~v‘EHs~,~R\‘,(‘~ ORTlAND. Ore. -They have seen the enc my creep into the settled. earth-toned neigh- borhoods of this city -the boxy transplants from the suburban nether land. Houses that turn their backs to the sneer Houses that em brace a nesting pair of monster-size sport utility vehi- cles and little else. Houses that give no idea where the front door might be. Snout houses, they call them, all gatage and muscled front facades. And for the last eight months, Portland has made the snout house illegal. going to a frontier of design dictate where no other big American city has gone before. Tou can still build an ugly house in Portland.” said Charlie Hates. the city commissioner who led the ef- fort to ban houses that do not fit into this city’s neigh- borhood fabric. “But now you just have to work at it a lot harder.” art at the keg party of Amerian cities. While other cities fPortlandem mention Houston with particular horror) Over the years. Portland has been like Martha Stew- haveproudlyresistedevenekmentltzoning.Portland has decreed a perpetual self-improvement binge. Nearly 30 yeam ago, in what seemed a radical step against sprawl, the Portland metropolitan area drew a line over which the city could not spill. ‘Ihe city ripped up a freeway near downtown and re- pked it with a grassy river&ont pa&z pedestrians and bicycks only. please! lhen uacks were laid Ix a light- railsystem.Max,whichktsPordandcbimacertain motaihighgroundinnanspartationcircks.evenLfit hasnotmadetmf6conthefmewaysmovemorequic~. IAerary quotations are embedded in the streets downtown. where the code protects views of Mount Hood and the Wiitte River and entire blocks of his- toric neighborhoods. and it prohibits blank wags or “WI- inviting” entxances at the ground floor of buildings. See ‘SNOUT’ on Page N-14 9 Sniffing. out.. thi Uefilist’iiwr Out brdc m &PC One at the Rose Arbor development at Rolling Hills Ranch in Chub Vista features a detached garage tucked into the backyard. Tke design, which won a recent awardJ5vm the Building Industry Association of Southern Califimiafor homes under 1,8oOsqnarefeet, is a creation of San Diego’s David T. LorimerArchitects & Associates, and is an exampie of a growing movement to removegaragesfrom thetints of new homes. Snout Garageheavy houses are banned in Portland ComtiwdfrmnH-I And now comes the next front in of builders who said that the city govemment had no right to enforce home designs, the Portland City Council voted, in effect to outhw the “snout house” - unanimously. lhe%idcortre8ttesr In this everquirky city of just un der half a million people. the term “snout house” has since been shmnedasofknsivetopopkwho live in snout houses. But the offending structaue has been clearly de6ned in the city code: the garage cannot dominate the front of the house or probude; the mainentrancehastobecloaetothe streetandckarIyidenti6abkfrom the sidewallc and the side of the hwaethatfacesthesbwetmust haveacer?ainminimumofwindow uld door space. Thecityhadconai~regukt- ngthepitchofroofaandthestykof tidings. But after some coum5l membel?4wamdaboutgeainginro unchartedwaters.thecitysettkdon regulationathatapuifyagafageam bcnowiderUIlrsopacmtofa house front and that a 6ont door lnustk-nomofe~ eightfeettAindthe&ontwall.?he code gave incentives for porches, bakoniesandbvingspaceabovea softereffortins8n~ Whikthe&&$&&gohaa notgonesofarastos&tlyregulate rnisnedes&tnandhouse&adeait : -. IS edgmg in-&at direction. 1uPpprosdrsorsrQmugkb beentocajokandMggtiPtCtather than made. Citypbmnemoverthelastseveral years have come up with what they call”WWW~$~ produce livelkr neighborhooddesignsthatare more sensitive to the neds of p desnians. For exampk, in cases where dt velopers of larger projects are seek- ing some fladbiity in the land-use regulations. city planners &td they haveabargaininechiptoexact some tradeoffs. explained City Plan- ner Gail Goldberg. Andthat’swheregsuagedesign enters the picture. -l-he city of Carl&ad also has tak- enakeeninterestinimprovingthe appavrnccofthegarageandhowit relates to the street Like San Diego. thecityisaskingbuilderstotake stepato&e&velyhidethegarage intheirdevelopmentsinex&nge for giving them some concessions ygF- mstamxmsomecasesthe citywillaskthatthegaragehavea aidecnayasoppJ&dtoscnbyin tint On a coupk of projects plan- nerspemdedthebddastopiax thegamgeinthebackofthekt withthedriwwaygoingfromthe streetaUthewaytotherearofthe house. AtthispoinfdesignisstricUya matter of negotiadon but Carl&ad is considering codifying it. said Plan- ning Dkctor Michael Holanilkr. ~Tl3ecityPkumingDepPmnmtn+~ cently held a workshop with build. erstodiscussitsideasforimptwmg the design of housing subdivisions. It could be six months. though, be fore a formal proposal goes before the phning commission. he said. We can deal with v andhowgamgesdominatethe stitscape. For instance, Sorrento His in the North City area used this process and we were able to get dc Gens that eet away &om the domi- ‘?hm’s a bii m ovementtomove toward more livabk or walkabk communitks.” Hohilkr added We~vebeentzyingtogetprokctsto do some of these new iivabk, wa& bkthingsl~saretumtothepast whefeyoutrynottomakerhe~ mm the main focus.” - _ See SNOUTonPugcH-15 nance of the garages,” said Gold- krg. Wekokatpullingthegatages ’ back. We look at designmg garages thataretumedsoyouonlysecthe iide of thKgatage ham the front” AndinpaatsofSanDkgo’sMid- Cfamapknnemarelwkingatin slituting~enragoveHdng the placement of gmages. ‘Ihey woukleithshavetobepkcedoffan alley, if there is one. or designed so thatonlyhalfofatgatage would be visible from the street Yet another tool the city is using to diminish the prmninence of the garageisanewfycreatedtown house zone. which is meant to en- comagerowhouseswhikrequiring ~tobepbcedinthebackotf Sofartherehavebeennotakers. srill.cityplannersrrmainpersis tent in their efforts to promote ftkndlierdesign. ‘Ihyrecentiywentonatourof Otay Ranch, a master-planned corn munity in Chubs &ta that is tryipg to emphasise pedestrian-tiendly de signTheylookedatthe ditferent ways home builders dealt with p tages in hopes of getting some ideas whenrheynegoriatewithbuildmin San Diego. Wehaven’tgonesofarastoreg- ukte all new housing development inthecitybutthere’salotofdis sion going on right now. especk& withdiaadonaIypfojrcrsgoing forward now.” said Goldberg. “Ihis iacwtakdy~wellbepay- ing a lot of attention to and I’m inter- es?dinseeingwhatrheydoinPoft- fz==--==- . ” pmudonincarlsbad /-.p 1 f . . . . ,, “1 ;.+ . p I ,s i’; ic \ l!v$ 1!, ,, j ! z, 1’: ‘2 ,‘q i ;I 1. i- 1 -L 1 i I L- / I I * : i. --I i ! 1 ; ! -L--