HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-13; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: March 13,200l TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as follows: Present: Absent: Lewis, Finnila, and Hall. Kulchin and Nygaard. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Special Meeting held February 13, 2001. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held February 13, 2001. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 13, 2001. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 20, 2001. Minutes of the Special Meeting held February 27, 2001. PRESENTATIONS: Connie Beardsley, Art Manager, read the proclamation co-signed by Mayor Lewis and Bud Schlehuber, President, Carlsbad Unified School District Board of Trustees, declaring March 2001 “Arts Education Month”. (Council concurred to take the agenda out of order.) PUBLIC HEARING: 10. AB #16,110 - PP 24(l) - PLAZA CAMINO REAL TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENTS. Mayor Lewis announced that this item would be continued to a future meeting and would be renoticed. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #7, as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Lewis, Finnila, and Hall. None. Kulchin and Nygaard. March 13,200l CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Page 2 This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AB #16,106 -APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT FOR ONE SURPLUS POLICE VEHICLE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76, approving a lease agreement with Palomar College for one surplus police vehicle a year for five years for use in Palomar College’s Criminal Justice Program. AB #16,088 -AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR TECHNOLOGY TRAINING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-66, approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Lienhard Consulting Group to provide training and technology services. AB #I 6,107 - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENTS ASSIGNING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-77, approving the assignment of agreements with John Powell & Associates, Inc. to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. and agreements with O’Rourke Engineering to RBF Consulting, Inc. AB #16.108 -AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR REVISION OF THE CITY’S EMERGENCYMANAGEMENTPROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-78, approving Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with Emergency Planning Consultants to update and revise the Emergency Management Program. AB #I 6.109 - REQUEST FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-79, approving out-of-state travel for the Assistant City Clerk to attend the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) Annual Exposition and Conference in New York City. AB #16,113 - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-83, approving Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement Letter of Understanding, dated November 21, 1996, with the City Attorney. AB #16,114 -APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY MANAGER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-84, approving Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement Letter of Understanding, dated November 21, 1996, with the City Manager. March 13,200l CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Page 3 8. AB #16,115 - ZC 99-08/LCPA 00-01 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD/TAMARACK AVENUE ZONE CHANGE. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-577 amending Section 21.0.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by an amendment to the zoning map to grant a zone change, ZC 99-08, from C-l and C-2 to R-3 and Beach Area Overlay Zone on two properties located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard and south of Redwood avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 1 AYES: Lewis, Finnila, and Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin and Nygaard. 9. AB #16,116 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON COLLEGE BOULEVARD. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-578 amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.44.350 to establish a prima facie 50 mile per hour speed limit upon College Boulevard from Palomar Airport Road to its intersection with El Camino Real. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, and Hall. NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin and Nygaard. PUBLIC COMMENT: Cyrus Grimshaw, 4916 Tilos Way, Oceanside, distributed and reviewed his correspondence Council (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) regarding the North County Modular Railroad Society relocating to Carlsbad. Michele Levy, 3021 Highland, expressed concern for the empty shelves at the Cole Library. She also expressed frustration that the Cole Library landscaping is occurring during the rainy season. Gene Huber, 7407 El Pato Court, said it would be more appropriate to install new equipment at the Encina Power Plant rather than installing pollution control devices. Council Member Finnila noted that the Air Control Pollution District would hold a meeting on March 15, 2001 to discuss the Encino Power Plant. In response to Council, Ron Ball, City Attorney, said Item No. 12 (Consulting Services Related to Encina Power Plant Air Pollution Issues) on tonight’s agenda would need to March 13,200l CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 4 be continued, as there are only 3 Council Members present tonight and Council Member Hall would be abstaining due to a conflict of interest. In response to Council, Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, explained the City’s position regarding the retrofitting program. ADJOURNMENT TO A JOINT MEETING THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER BOARD: Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Joint Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board at 6:25 p.m. with Chair Lewis, Board Member Finnila and Board Member Hall present. RECONVENE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Chair Lewis adjourned the Joint Special Meeting of the City Council and Municipal Water District at 6:26 p.m. and reconvened to the City Council meeting with Mayor Lewis, Council Member Finnila and Council Member Hall present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 12. AB #I631 12 - CONSULTING SERVICES RELATED TO ENCINA POWER PLANT AIR POLLUTION ISSUES. Ron Ball, City Attorney, announced that due to Council Member Hall’s conflict of interest on this issue, this item would be continued to March 20th. Council concurred. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Council Member Finnila encouraged everyone to visit the new, free exhibit at the Cannon Art Gallery through April 28’h. Council Member Finnila announced that the Environmental Trust Agency and Americor are currently developing the Calavera Nature Preserve. She asked that an item be placed on a future Council agenda to provide an update on the program. Council Member Finnila announced that Daniels Cablevision recently received a “Cable Ace Award”. Mayor Lewis discussed recent proposed legislation regarding the Metropolitan Water District. March 13,200l CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Lewis announced that City Council Members have been invited and may be participating in the upcoming event: Friday, March 16, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. - Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Annual Installation Dinner Dance, Four Seasons Resort Aviara, 7100 Four Seasons Point, Carlsbad. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: Ron Ball, City Attorney, expressed appreciation to Council for adopting Resolution No. 2001-83 and Resolution No. 2001-84 (Item Nos. 6 and 7). ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 13, 2001, was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. p.m. Respectfully submitted, DEPUTY CITY CLERK