HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: MAY I$2001 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall. Absent: Kulchin. LEGISLATIVE INVOCATION: Pastor Jim Boyd offered the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Nygaard led the Pledge of Allegiance, PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation in Recognition of National Public Works Week, May 20-26, 2001, to Public Works Director Lloyd Hubbs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER: At the request of Mayor Lewis, and with the concurrence of the Council, Item No. 12 was taken out of order and heard prior to consideration of the Consent Calendar. 12. AB #16,194 - PRESENTATION ON ART AND CALIFORNIA HISTORY BY THE FRIENDS OF CARRILLO RANCH. Council received a presentation by Gene Char-tier, the School Program Coordinator for the Friends of Carrillo Ranch. Mr. Chattier spoke regarding the Art and California History Program that has been presented in 31 fourth grade classes, from 10 elementary schools in Carlsbad Mr. Char-tier then introduced Wendy Woolf, who has conducted the art instruction portion of the program in the classrooms. Ms. Woolf read the list of winners of the art contest, showing samples to the Council, and acknowledging those students who were present in the audience. May l&2001 Carlsbad City Council Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #8, with the exception of Item #5, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall, NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB #16,184 - CERTIFICATION AND ADDITION OF PROPERTY TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. OO/Ol-01 - TABATA PROPERTY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-140, certifying and adding property known as the Tabata Property to the existing Community Facilities District No. 1. 2. AB #16,185 - 2001-2002 CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-141, approving the submittal of the 2001-2002 Consolidated Plan for the City’s Community Development Block Grant Program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 3. AB #16,186 -AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR BANKING AND CUSTODY SERVICES FOR CITY INVESTMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-142, approving a’contract with Wells Fargo Bank for banking services; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-143, approving a contract with Union Bank of California for custody services for City investments. 4. AB #16,187 -APPROVAL OF PROPERTY, AND BOILER AND MACHINERY INSURANCE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-144, authorizing the renewal of property insurance under the Public Entity Property Insurance Program. 5. AB #16,188 - APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF ARTWORK. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 6. AB #16,157 - DENIAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP FOR THE CHARLES JACOBS PROPERTY - CT 00-09. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-I 17, denying a five-lot Tentative Tract Map with grading, street improvements and utilities on a 1.3 acre site located west of Ridgecrest Drive and east of Seacrest Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. 2 May 15,200l Carlsbad City Council Page 3 7. AB #16,189 - REPORT ON SETTLEMENT OF LAWSUIT DEWHURST AND JOHNSTON V. CITY OF CARLSBAD, ET.AL. Council accepted the reporting of the terms and conditions of the settlement, as required by the Brown Act, in Dewhurst and Johnston V. City of Carlsbad, et.al. Case No. OOcv0863-H (RBB). 8. AB #16,190 -APPROVAL OF TWO ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENTS TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SLOPE ON CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY - PR 01-050 AND PR 01-051. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-146, approving and authorizing the execution of two encroachment agreements with LB/L-Concordia Carlsbad-19 LLC, that allow for the construction of a slope in an existing City right-of-way at the southeast intersection of El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village Drive. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 5. AB #I 6,188 - APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF ARTWORK. Mayor Lewis stated that he had requested this item be removed from the consent calendar so that he could view the artwork, and so that the public could view it also. He also inquired if the purchase agreement provides the city all rights to the artwork, and staff indicated that it does. Council Member Hall stated that he would vote against the purchase due to his belief that public funds should not be spent on artwork. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-145, approving the purchase of the artwork “Contemplation” created by artists T. J. Dixon and James Nelson for placement at the Cole Library. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, and Nygaard NOES: Hall ABSENT: Kulchin ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: 9. AB #16,191 -AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM SAFETY CONTRACT. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANNCE NO. NS-582, authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City Council and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, to provide the 3% at 50 retirement benefit for all sworn police employees. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Kulchin 3 May 15,200l Carlsbad City Council Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: John Mamaux, 1393 Basswood Avenue, stated that overhead utilities in the City should be placed underground. He requested that Council establish a four year program to underground the remaining overhead utilities in the City by the year 2005. In order to fund the program, Mr. Mamaux suggested either issuing bonds or using monies advanced from the general fund. Michele Levy, 3021 Highland, expressed concern that there are too many lights incorporated into the new landscape at the Cole Library and questioned the expenditure of funds to light the trees. She also requested that additional funds be expended to fill the empty bookshelves in the Cole Library. Lisa Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, spoke regarding the need for another pool in the City. She requested that funding be placed in the Capital Improvement Program, and that staff be directed to begin the design of the 50 meter pool. ADJOURN TO JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Mayor Lewis adjourned to the Joint City Council and Municipal Water District Board Meeting at 6:33 p.m. with four members present, and Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin absent. ADJOURN TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARD MEETING Mayor/President Lewis adjourned to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting at 6:34 p.m. with four members present, and Council/Board Member Kulchin absent. ADJOURN TO CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING President Lewis adjourned to the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting at 6:35 p.m. with four members present, and Commissioner Kulchin absent. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Chair Lewis adjourned to the continuation of the Carlsbad City Council Meeting at 7:08 p.m. with four members present, and Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin absent. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7:09 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:14 p.m., with four members present, and Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin absent. May 15,200l Carlsbad City Council Page 5 Mayor Lewis announced that City Council Members have been invited to, and may participate in, the following upcoming events: Wednesday, May 16,200l - 11 a.m. Carlsbad City Council Study Session City of Carlsbad Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad Friday, May 18, 2001 - 5:30 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Hourly Employees Appreciation Event Carlsbad Senior Center 799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 11. AB #16,193 - PROPOSED 2001-2002 TO BUILD-OUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. The staff report was presented by Helga Stover, Senior Accountant and Carrie Loya, Senior Civil Engineer. They reported that during the CIP review process staff looked closely at the construction schedules for City facilities and staff workloads, and prioritized major projects using growth management related criteria. Staff reviewed the CIP totals and estimated revenues, and summarized the major projects in the 2001-2002 CIP as follows: Street & Traffic Signal Proiects 9 Ranch0 Santa Fe Road Improvements 9 Cannon Road West extension to El Camino Real 9 Pavement Management and Reconstruction Projects Park Proiects 9 Zone 19 Park, Including Community Center 9 Larwin Park Development 9 N/E Quadrant Land Acquisition 9 Pine School Park Preliminary Design Civic Proiects 9 Public Works Center 9 Coastal Rail Train Development ($750,000 grant received for this project) Water Proiects 9 Water and Recycled Water Projects 9 New Recycled Water Plant 9 Lake Calavera Reservoir Improvements 9 Debt Service on Previous Potable and Recycled Water Projects 5 May 15,200l Carlsbad City Council Page 6 Sewer Proiects 9 Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (Carlsbad share of projects) 9 Encina Flow Equalization Project Staff then reviewed the CIP totals and estimated revenues, and summarized the major projects in the 2001-2002 to Buildout CIP as follows: Street & Traffic Signal Proiects - To Buildout 9 Faraday Avenue Extension east of El Camino Real 9 Melrose Drive Extension east of El Camino Real 9 Poinsettia Lane to El Camino Real 9 Cannon Road to El Camino Real 9 Canon Road and College Blvd east of El Camino Real 9 Ranch0 Santa Fe Rd to San Marcos and Encinitas Park Proiects - To Buildout 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pine School Park and Community Facility Cannon Lake Park Hosp Grove-Buena Vista Lagoon Recreational improvements Larwin Park Poinsettia Park Phase II Zone 19 Park Alga Norte Park and Swimming Pool Leo Carrillo Park Veterans’ Memorial Park Business Park Recreational Facility (Industrial Area) Sewer Proiects - To Buildout 9 South Agua Hedionda Interceptor 9 Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor 9 Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (Bond Repayment) Water Proiects - To Buildout 9 Reservoir Construction and Improvements 9 Recycled and Potable Pipelines (College Blvd, El Fuerte, El Camino Real) 9 Recycled Water Facility Construction Civic Proiects - To Buildout 9 Cole Library Reconstruction and Expansion 9 Public Works Center 9 Police and Fire Facilities 9 Administrative Facilities Staff also presented information regarding the request to increase Park-In-Lieu Fees. Senior Management Analyst Keith Beverly reported that the fees, which are based on the acquisition cost of park land, have not been adjusted since 1992. He also reported that staff’s recommendation, to increase the fee to $300,000 per acre in the Northeast, 6 May 15,200l Carlsbad City Council Page 7 Southwest, and Southeast quadrants, and to $400,000 per acre in the Northwest quadrant had been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on April 16, 2001. In addition, staff presented the following three (3) Issue Statements: 1. 2. 3. Carlsbad BoulevardILanakai Lane Bus Turnout - This resulted from a citizen request for construction of a permanent, ADA compliant bus turnout at the entrance to Lanakai Mobile Home Park, at a projected cost of $80,000. Options include: build the project as described; build sidewalk to new bus stop at south end of Lanakai ($40,000); construct ADA ramp to relocated bus stop ($15,000); or refer this matter to North County Transit District. Levante Community Center Renovation - This resulted from a request from the Recreation Department for upgrades to the facility which was originally intended for temporary use. The building is utilized by community groups which are not able to hold their meetings at facilities in Stagecoach Park. Options include: renovation of the building ($97,500); turning over the building to a community group; or demolishing the building ($30,000). Public Facilities Fees - Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director reported that staff estimates that PFF will be short of funds by approximately $1 million in FY 2003-2004. She explained possible financing options : refinance Faraday Building (must be completed by May 2002); utilize a loan from the general fund balance to pay costs (which would require a vote under Proposition H); or phase park construction. Jim Cornstock, 2755 Jefferson, speaking on behalf of youth soccer and baseball, expressed support for installation of artificial turf at Poinsettia Park. He also stated that Pine Field is very important to the groups he represents, and that more fields are needed in the northwest quadrant of the City. Mr. Comstock also expressed support for the proposed Park-In-Lieu Fee increase. Council Member Finnila requested that staff provide information regarding proposed projects, specifically costs for ongoing maintenance and operation. Council Member Nygaard suggested, and Council concurred, that the request for the bus turnout at the entrance to Lanakai Mobile Home Park be referred to the North County Transit District. Council Member Hall expressed concern about safety issues related to the use of artificial turf on playing fields. Council Member Nygaard inquired if the funding for design of Alga Norte Park also included design of the pool. Staff responded that pool design is included in the request. Mayor Lewis and Council Member Finnila both expressed concern that the State may take action that will reduce funding to the City. May 15,200l ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Carlsbad City Council Page 8 On a motion by Council Member Finnila, Council accepted the report on the Proposed 2001-2002 to Build-Out Capital Improvement Program and directed staff to schedule a public hearing for June 19, 2001. Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall, None. Kulchin 12. AB #16,194 - PRESENTATION ON ART AND CALIFORNIA HISTORY BY THE FRIENDS OF CARRILLO RANCH. This item was taken out of order and heard at the beginning of the meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: None CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, Mayor Lewis adjourned the Meeting at 8:ll p.m. Respectfully submitted, Assistant City Clerk