HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-19; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES
COMMISSION (Joint Special Meeting)
6:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis called the Joint Special Meeting to
order at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: The following members were present:
Present: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Nygaard and Hall.
Absent: None.
Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director, Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Account and Helga Stover,
Senior Accountant, presented the staff report and made a Power Point presentation (on
file in the City Clerk’s Office). They also reviewed “Issue Statements & Other Budget
Requests” (on file in the City Clerk’s Office).
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall said he would like to consider an
1 Ifh Jazz in the Park Concert during the 2001-2002 Budget.
In response to Council/Board/Commission, Carrie Loya, Senior Civil Engineer,
explained that staff is reviewing alternative methods to drain Calavera Lake. She stated
that the options are not on this evening’s agenda.
Mayor/President/Chair Lewis opened the duly notice public hearing at 656 p.m. and
asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter is any way.
Jim Whitaker, 4742 Inverness Court, said that more space is needed for the senior
center activities and parking. He asked that lawn bowling on the Pine School property
be implemented. Mr. Whitaker also spoke in support of artificial turf and said that it
should be used on fields.
Gary Hill, 3289 Donna Drive, complemented staff on their work on the FY 2001-02
Budget. He asked that the budget be adopted as presented.
Lisa Huston, a resident of Carlsbad, expressed appreciation for the existing recreation
facilities. She also spoke in support of artificial turf and asked that it be installed in the
June 19, 200 1 Carlsbad City Council/Municipal Water District/Housing & Redevelopment Commission Page 2
soccer field at Poinsettia Park. Mrs. Huston also said that stairs going down to Field 2
at Stagecoach Park are needed.
Larry David, a resident on El Fuerte Street, concurred with the previous speakers
regarding artificial turf. He expressed concern that monies might be exhausted before
all parks can be built. Mr. David spoke of the need for another swimming pool.
In response to Mayor/President/Chair Lewis, Mr. David said he would support
community funding for additional recreation facilities.
John Strayer, 2001 Cima, said artificial turf, on-street parking and parking for the tennis
courts are needed at Stagecoach Park and a stairway is needed to Fields 2 and 3. He
expressed appreciation for proceeding with Zone 19 Park. He also said that batting
cages are needed at Stagecoach Park.
Don Jackson, 260 Normandy Lane, expressed appreciation for staff’s work on the
budget and said that the Pine School project should proceed.
Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor/President/Chair Lewis closed the public
hearing at 7:18 p.m.
Ms. Stover said that funds are being carried over to cover expense of the stairway to
Fields 2 and 3 at Stagecoach Park. Doug Duncanson, Public Works Manager, said
staff is aware of the need for the second stairway at Stagecoach Park and estimated
the cost to be approximately $160,000.00
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin asked that volunteers be used
to build the second stairway. However, Mayor/President/Chair Lewis expressed
concern for liability issues. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Nygaard
suggested that the issue be referred to staff for options.
Council/Board/Commission then discussed the following Issue Statements and Other
Budget Requests: Pal Shuttle Free Summer Shuttle; City Attorney’s Office Staffing;
Carlsbad Boulevard/Lanakai Lane Bus Turnout; Lavante Community Center Renovation
and Public Facility Fee.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Finnila asked that information regarding
lawn bowling be sent to Public Works and she stated that a field trip to look at artificial
turf is scheduled for June 28, 2001.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Finnila spoke in support of funding the
Pal Shuttle Service in an amount of $7,680. She said this would be an excellent
experiment to determine if it is appropriate to go out to bid for this service in the future.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Nygaard concurred and asked that staff
present a report to Council at the end of the summer. Council Member/Board
Member/Commissioner Kulchin and Hall concurred. Council Member/Board
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Member/Commissioner Hall said funding for this service should be allocated out the
Council Contingency Fund.
ACTION: On a motion by Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Finnila,
Council/Board/Commission approved the allocation of $7,680 for Pal
Shuttle Free Summer Shuttle and directed staff to devise a monitoring
system to determine the effectiveness; and, if there is a need for
additional monitoring funds, that those funds be allocated from the
Council Contingency.
AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Nygaard and Hall,
NOES: None.
ACTION: On a motion by Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Nygaard,
Council/Board/Commission authorized the addition of one full-time Office
Specialist II position be included in the City Attorney’s budget and that the
part time clerk position be deleted.
Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Nygaard and Hall,
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall spoke in support of referring this
issue to the North County Transit District. Council/Board/Commission concurred.
ACTION: On a motion by Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin,
Council/Board/Commission referred to North County Transit District the
project request to construct an ADA bus stop at the entrance to the
Lanakai Mobile Home Park.
Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Nygaard and Hall,
In response to Council/Board/Commission, Ken Price, Parks and Recreation Director,
explained that this is a high maintenance facility and currently needs a lot of repairs.
Currently, the school district has priority use for their music classes. Mr. Price noted
that the City of Carlsbad owns the building and sits on property owned by Encinitas
School District. He noted that the City offered to donate the building to the Encinitas
School District, but they would only accept the donation if approximately $160,000 in
improvements were completed by the City on the structure.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall and Finnila agreed that if the
building cannot be donated to a non-profit group, then it should be destroyed.
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Mayor/President/Chair Lewis noted that any change in use in the building would need to
be presented to the school board.
After discussion, Council/Board/Commission concurred to direct staff to offer to donate
the building as-is, to the Encinitas School District. If they decline, then staff is directed
to ask community organizations if they would like to receive the building as a donation,
as-is. If no group is interested, Council directed staff to demolish the building.
Mayor/President/Chair Lewis spoke in support of a ballot initiative to allocate additional
General Funds to build parks and recreational facilities in the city. He said if the
measure is defeated, then he would support proceeding with the current plans.
Council/Board/Commission discussion ensued that Proposition H limits Council’s ability
to expend no more than $1 million on a project. It was noted that more than $1 million
is needed to build the parks and recreational facilities; and, that a $1 million spending
limit on the General Fund has grown to be impractical and unrealistic.
Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said he would like to discuss Proposition H Limits during a
workshop setting, to encourage public input, and then place the issue back on a future
Council agenda. The Council/Board/Commission concurred.
Discussion was then held regarding phasing of parks. Mark Steyaert, Park
Development Coordinator, explained that it is more expensive to phase the construction
of parks, and many obstacles occur.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Finnila, said she does not support
phasing of Zone 19 and Larwin Parks.
City Manager/Secretary Patchett noted there are many issues to consider regarding
phasing or not phasing park construction. Council Member/Board Member/
Commissioner Finnila said she would like to review the pros and cons of phasing parks.
Discussion then turned to adding an 1 Ifh concert to the Jazz in the Park Program.
Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Finnila noted that right now with 10
concerts, there are difficult issues relating to scheduling, sponsorship, etc.
Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, noted that the concert program begins on June 22”d.
She said if another concert were added, the season would begin too early and conflicts
with graduations, weather, etc. would be likely to occur. She said there might be an
opportunity to add an 1 lth concert in a year where 5 Fridays occur in August. Ms.
Beardsley noted that concerts have been held on Labor Day with good attendance.
She estimated that the cost to produce each concert is approximately $5,000 and it
would not be difficult to find additional musicians.
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ACTION: On a motion by Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner
Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-176, adopting the Final Operating
Budget and Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal year 2001-02 for the
City of Carlsbad and Establishing Controls on Changes in Appropriations for the
Various Funds; and,
The Board of Directors adopted RESOLUTION NO. 1126, adopting the Water
District Final Operating Budget ‘and Capital Improvement Program for 2001-02;
The Housing and Redevelopment Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 344,
approving the Operating Budget of the Redevelopment Agency and Housing
Authority For Fiscal Year 2001-02; and,
Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-I 77, establishing the 2001-02
Appropriation Limit as Required by Article XIIIB of the California State
Constitution and State Law; and,
The Board adopted RESOLUTION NO. 1127, establishing the 2001-02
Appropriation Limit as Required by Article XIIIB of the California State
Constitution and State Law; and,
Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2001-178, adopting Changes to the Master
Fee Schedule; and,
That Council authorizes the addition of the 1 lth concert to the Jazz in the Park
Concert Program in the Fiscal Year Budget 2002-2003.
AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Nygaard and Hall,
NOES: None.
By proper motion, the Joint Special Meeting of June 19, 2001 was adjourned at 8:12
Janice Breitenfeld
Deputy City Clerk