HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-03-26; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: March 26,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, and Hall. Absent: Nygaard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Representatives of the Girl Scout Troop 1094 led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Girl Scout Pledge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Minutes of the following meeting were unanimously approved as presented: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 19, 2002 Special Meeting of February 20, 2002 Joint Special Meeting of February 20, 2002 PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to the Girl Scouts in recognition of Girl Scout Week, March 10 - 16, 2002. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #I5 with the exception of items #4 and # 5 as follows: AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, and Hall. ABSENT: Nygaard. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. March 26,2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page I 1. AB #16,688 - LANDSCAPE PIAN CHECK CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-085, approving a contract for landscape and irrigation plan checking, inspection and miscellaneous Planning inspection services for current development. 2. AB #16,689 -AGREEMENT WITH SEROLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-086, authorizing the City to execute a contract with Serological Research Institute (SRI) to provide DNA Analysis Services, and ratifying and services performed by the company for the City on or after November 1,2002. 3. AB #16,690 -APPLICATION TO PURCHASE AFFORDABLE CREDITS IN THE VILLA LOMA HOUSING PROJECT FOR THE CARLSBAD PROMENADE PROJECT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-087, approving a request by Carlsbad Promenade Partners, LLC, to purchase 6 Affordable Housing Credits in the Villa Loma combined housing project. 4. AB #16,691 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 2002-2003 CDBGlHOME PROGRAM. This item was pulled for discussion, 5. AB #16.692 - RECEIPT OF DONATION. This item was pulled for discussion, 6. AB #16.693 - REQUEST TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) FUNDING FROM SANDAG FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-090, authorizing staff to pursue Transportation Development Act (TDA) funding from SANDAG for construction of bicycle and pedestrian facilities on Rancho Santa Fe Road. 7. AB # 16,694 -ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW ROOF AT FIRE STATION NO. 5 - CONTRACT NO. FAC02-04. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-091, accepting the work in accordance with Contract No. FAC02-04 as complete, and directing the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded and to release the bonds thirty- five (35) days after recordation. 8. AB # 16,695 -ACCEPTANCE OF THE EMERGENCY CHLORINE SCRUBBER SYSTEM AT THE CARLSBAD SWIM COMPLEX. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-092, accepting the work of manufacture and installation of an emergency chlorine scrubber system at the Carlsbad Swim Complex as complete, and directing the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded and to release the bonds thirty-five (35) days after recordation. March 26,2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 3 9. AB # 16,696 - SUMMARY VACATION OF FOUR IRREVOCABLE OFFERS OF DEDICATION RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REALIGNMENT Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-099, summarily vacating two irrevocable offers of dedication for street and utility purposes, and two irrevocable offers of dedication for temporary construction related to the construction of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road (STV 01-10), CT 99- 04. OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD - STV 01-10, CT 99-04. 10.AB # 16,697- APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH MOBILE MINI, INC. FOR THE LEASE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-093, authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement for the Lease of Personal Property with Mobile Mini, Inc. for the lease-of two modular facilities. 11 .AB # 16,698 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Council accepted the report from the City Treasurer on the status of the City’s investment portfolio as of Februaly 28, 2002. 12.AB # 16,699 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES, A PORTION OF LOT 112, MAP NO. 9959. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO.. 2002-094 accepting a portion of Lot 112, Map No. 9959, for public street purposes. 13.AB # 16,700 - FINAL MAP CARLSBAD TRACT 99-04-01 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-095, approving the final map for Carlsbad Tract 99-04-01, Villages of La Costa - La Costa Oaks South, and authorizing the City Clerk to process the map for recordation, 14.AB # 16.701 -AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A SEPARATION INCENTIVE PLAN (SIP) THROUGH THE PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-096, authorizing the establishment of a Separation Incentive Plan (SIP) through the Public Agency Retirement System (PARS), which would provide the City with the flexibility to offer both voluntary retirement incentive plans and customized severance packages as option for eligible employees. 15.AB # 16.702 - APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE Id/CAR COUNTRY RE-LANDSCAPE PROJECT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-097, appropriating funds from the Council Contingency Fund for the I-WCar County Re-Landscape, Project No. 38355. March 26,2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL page 4 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB #16,691 - APPROVAL OF FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 2002-2003 CDBGlHOME PROGRAM. Council Member Finnila discussed how, if Council so desired, to provide funding for the Fraternity House. She stated that from 1989 to date the City had provided $30,300 in operating funds and $20,000 in Facility Improvements. Council Member Finnila pointed out that the funding could come from three sources: the Council Contingency Fund, the Community Activity Grants or by diminishing funds proposed for CDBG recipients to form a pool of funding. Council Member Finnila suggested that proposed funding for Fraternity House come from diminishing funds proposed for CDBG recipients. She explained that the Community Activity Grants are not set up for organizations that reside outside of Carlsbad yet service those living in Carlsbad. Council Member Kulchin suggested that funding for Fraternity House come from the Community Activity Grants fund rather than diminishing CDBG recipient funds. Council Member Hall asked if Fraternity House could qualify under the qualification guidelines of the community Activity Grants. Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director, stated that Fraternity House would meet the qualification criteria of the community Activity Grants. She also stated that to qualify for these Grants an organization cannot receive monies from any other City source of funding. ACTION: On a minute motion by Mayor Lewis Council concurred to provide $5000 in funding from the Council Contingency Fund for the Fraternity House Organization. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall NOES: Finnila ABSENT: Nygaard Mayor Lewis indicated that Council needs to discuss, in a future workktudy session, how to handle those projects that are not funded through CDBG. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council approved RESOLUTION NO. 2002-088, thereby approving the projects and funding allocations for the City of Carlsbad’s 2002-2003 Community Development Block GranffHOME Program. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall NOES: None ABSENT: Nygaard March 26, 2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 5 5. AB #16,692 - RECEIPT OF DONATION Joan Kindle, 2622 El Aguila Lane, Volunteer Curator of the Carrillo Ranch, made a short presentation to the Council regarding the donated pieces of furniture. Ms. Kindle described and showed slides of the Monterey bedroom pieces made of Oregon Alder. She thanked the donors: Lennar Communities and Elizabeth Wiegand. Mayor Lewis inquired about the status of the Carrillo automobile. Tony Carter, 7797 Caminito Monarca, member of the Board of Directors for the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, expressed his thanks for the gift of the Carrillo furniture and his interest in acquiring more donations of Mr. Carrillo’s personal items. He indicated that many are being housed by the State in a warehouse in Sacramento. He stated if anyone had knowledge of Mr. Carrillo’s personal items which could be donated they may contact the City Recreation Department or the Volunteer Curator, Joan Kindle. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-089, accepting a donation of Leo Carrillo’s furniture from Lennar Communities and Elizabeth Wiegand of Carlsbad. B: Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, Hall “ NOES. None ABSENT: Nygaard PUBLIC COMMENTS: Paul Webber, 2448 Dunstan Street, Oceanside, stated he would like to approve the area for the exhibit of his work “AMERICA. He stated that he hopes that the sculpture could be placed north of Tamerack near the beach on a temporary basis lasting approximately one year. He stated that it would be a nice area for photography with the beach and the sunsets in the background. Council concurred to place this item on a future agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 6. AB #16,703 - STREET VACATION: RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD CSTV 01-09) CT 99-04. The staff report was given by Bob Wojcik, Deputy City Engineer Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 6:32 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Seeing no one wishing to address Council, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. March 26,2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Page 6 ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council approved RESOLUTION NO. 2002-098, vacating portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road. m: Lewis, Kulchin, Finnila, and Hall. NOES: Nygaard. ADJOURNMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING Mayor Lewis adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting at 6:33 p.m. to the Special Meeting of the Municipal Water District Meeting, with all Board Members present, except Board Member Nygaard. RECONVENE TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING President Lewis adjourned the Municipal Water District Meeting at 6:35 p.m. and reconvened to the City Council Meeting with all Council Members present, except Council Member Nygaard. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Council Member Finnila noted that there will be a meeting held, Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at the Kelly Elementary School, regarding Caulerpa taxifolia and the Agua Hedionda use plan. Council Member Finnila also stated that there would be meeting of the California Department of Transportation and the Federal Railroad Administration to discuss an EIR and Impact Statement for the passenger rail corridor improvements extending from Los Angeles to San Diego, also known as the LOSSAN Rail Corridor. She noted that the meeting was to be held at the Senior Center Auditorium, 799 Pine, Wednesday, April 3, 2002, from 6 to 8 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Lewis announced that City Council Members will be participating in the upcoming event: City of Carlsbad Study Session, City of Carlsbad Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173A, Carlsbad, California, on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 11:OO a.m. March 26,2002 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 26,2002, was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I &&%d INE M. WOOD CITY CLERK