HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-28; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: May 28,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin, Council Members Finnila, Nygaard and Hall Absent: None 1. AB# 16,766 - NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK - PUBLIC WORKSHOP # 1. Recreation staff members Keith Beverly, Mark Steyaert and Scott Bradstreet presented the report to Council. Mr. Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, gave the background of the project and an overview of the agenda for the evening. Mr. Steyaert, Park Development Manager, discussed the guidance documents to be used in the park design: the General Plan and the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Bradstreet, Park Planner, used several maps to demonstrate the space requirements for various amenities proposed for the park. In response to Council, Mr. Bradstreet stated that the proposed park site is 7.2 acres, that Chase field is 2.3 acres, that the portion of Chestnut bordering the site is 0.5 acres, and that the recently acquired property on Madison is approximately 0.5 acres. Mr. Beverly then listed the issues that require direction from the Council acting as the Steering Committee: 1. Should the park Master Plan incorporate the recently acquired Madison Street properties within its 2. Should the park Master Plan consider incorporating the Chase Field property? 3. What form should the community facility take (Community Center/Gym, Cultural Orientation, Auditorium)? 4. Should the Centro de Infomacion be included as part of the park site? 5. In addition to providing typical recreational amenities and program opportunities should the park site include 6. Should an aquatic facility be included within this park site? boundaries? cultural and/or social services components? Council Member Nygaard inquired if staff had considered including Holiday Park. Mr. Beverly stated that this item is under discussion. In response to Council Member Nygaard, Mr. Beverly stated that there is an opportunity to use the Senior Center parking on weekends and after hours during the weekdays to supplement parking near the proposed park. In response to Council, Mr. Beverly described the boundaries of the Northwest Quadrant and gave an overview of the agreement between the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and the City regarding use of the building that houses the Senior Center. He also reported on the preliminary discussions regarding joining Chase Field and the proposed site and closing Chestnut. Regarding this scenario, Mr. Beverly pointed out that parking would be a May 28,2002 Special Council Meeting Page 2 constraint and that Public Safety has been and will be consulted. He reported that approximately 11,435 dwelling units exist in the North West Quadrant and that 24,300 people live there. Discussion ensued regarding the concept of the condominium ownership agreement that exists between the CUSD and the City regarding the property on Pine and whether the neighborhoods have been canvassed regarding the proposed closure of Chestnut. Mr. Beverly introduced the consultants from the Schmidt Design Group who would be assisting staff with the park design. Mr. Beverly stated that the consultants would record citizen comments on easel paper and post them in the Council Chambers. At this time, Mayor Lewis asked for public comment regarding this agenda item. Arthur Wood, 4770 Brookwood, spoke on behalf of the Friends of the Library regarding the Centro de Infomacion. He stated that the park site was not the best place for the Centro’s permanent home. Martha Law-Edwards, 1366 Pine Avenue, Board Member of the Friends of the Library, stated she did not believe that the proposed park site is the best location for the Centro. She suggested combining Adult Literacy and the Centro at the Harding Center. Taffy Cannon, 4430 Trieste, member of the Friends of the Library, spoke in support of more open hours and the other City Libraries. additional resources for the Centro de Infomacion. She urged Council to bring the Centro to the level of service of Bill Kamenjarin, 4430 Trieste, said that the Centro de Infomacion should have a permanent home in this neighborhood. He suggested that it be housed in combination with the Adult Literacy Program. Jim Whittaker, 4742 Invemess Court, asked Council to consider a lawn bowling green as an amenity to be planned for the Pine School property. He stated the proximity to the Senior Center is an advantage and the sport would be good for area seniors. He also suggested artificial turf for economy and efficiency. Brian Donald, 2410 Stromberg Court, stated he is active in youth baseball leagues and asked for another field on this site. He indicated that 11 and 12 year olds could use a Bronco-sized field. Mr. Donald also spoke in favor of including Chase Field in the park design and closing Chestnut. He also suggested updating the snack bar, restrooms and adding batting cages. Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt, spoke in favor of a Community Center for recreation and not social services. He stated that the center could house meeting rooms and a gym. He also stated that Chase Field is good for kids and that he does not want it removed. Mr. Sanchez said that a tot lot would be nicer on Madison. Jose Orozco, 645 Pine Avenue, stated he liked the idea of an aquatic center on the site. Tom Powers, 6160 Citracado Circle, stated his vision of an educational complex that would serve all groups using the park. He also described the use of the complex as housing a computer center, mentoring program, and a cultural center. Mark Hopper, 2945 Harding Street, #111, described issues with skateboarders in his area. He spoke in support of a skateboard park on this site. Stephani Stephenson, 3 11 1 Jefferson, suggested using part of the community facility as a place to teach and make art. May 28,2002 Special Council Meeting Page 3 Theresa J. Childs, 3331 Madison, asked if Council had considered a sand volleyball court in the park. She asked ahout where the entry to the park would he located. She also suggested teaching Spanish at the Centro. Ofelia Escobedo, 3292 Roosevelt, stated she was not in favor of closing Chestnut. She spoke in support of a community center for youth with a gym that could be used for special events. Gary Nessim, 2987 Highland, spoke in favor of a community center gym, soccer field/play area. He suggested that Council survey the Northwest Quadrant citizens and plan from those survey results. Julio Ramirez, 1298 Buena Vista Way, stated his support for building a multi-purpose community center. Mr. Ramirez described his vision of a center where children could create art projects, music and plays. He also stated that Chestnut might be used for parking. Clara Lorenzo, 3 120 Madison, spoke in strong support of the Centro de Infomacion. She asked Council to give El Centro a permanent home in the area. Melissa Kamenjarin, 4430 Trieste, stated that the Centro should stay in the area and that it should expand its services. Bill Fait, 1650 Oak, stated that there was value in evaluating Holiday Park as part of this park proposal. He said that the community center is a necessity in the Master Plan process. John Gomez, 3306 Madison, stated that his family has lived in this location since 1925. He expressed his concerns regarding the proximity of the park. He stated concerns regarding lights, parking and noise. Mario Monroy, 749 Magnolia Ave, #B, stated that he thought moving the proposed future ball field to another area may allow more acreage for facilities in this park. Joe Canales, 3447 Jefferson, stated support for the community center and keeping the Centro near. He also spoke in support of a police substation in the area and a theater. Tracy Carmichael, asked Council if they had looked at placing the community center at the base of the Senior Center or if they had considered adding another floor at the Senior Center. Ms. Carmichael also suggested placing the Centro in the (future) vacated CUSD Administrative area. She emphasized that performing arts are important to the community. The Mayor declared a recess at 750 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:OO p.m. with the Mayor and all Council Members present. Nicole Pappas, 2689 Garfield, spoke in support of the Centro and community social services such as a parent resource center. Council discussed their positions regarding the six issues outlined by Mr. Beverly. Should the park Master Plan incorporate the recently acquired Madison Street properties within its boundaries? Council Member Hall asked that the Madison properties be held as excess properties and asked that there be no burden on the neighbors. Council Member Nygaard stated that she does not want any constraints on the consultant’s ability to be creative; however, she asked that the designs be sensitive to the neighbors. May 28,2002 Special Council Meeting Page 4 Council Members Finnila and Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin stated that the properties should be considered. Mayor Lewis stated that the properties be considered, however, he was opposed to the properties being a driveway. Should the park Master Plan consider incorporating the Chase Field property? All Council Members concurred to incorporate Chase Field. Council Member Nygaard stated that the design should be sensitive to the Field’s long history in the Community. What form should the community facility take (Community CenterKym, Cultural Orientation, Auditorium)? Council Member Hall stated he needed more information on this topic to make a decision. Council Members Nygaard, Finnila, Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin and Mayor Lewis spoke in favor of a Community Center and Gym. Should the Centro de Infomacion he included as part of the park site? Council concurred that the Centro should not be part of the park. Council Member Hall stated that the Centro’s functions need to be defined and appropriate space allocations should be made. Mayor Lewis stated that the Centro should be in the Barrio. In addition to providing typical recreational amenities and program opportunities should the park site include cultural and/or social services components? Council Member Hall stated that these components should not be included. Council Member Nygaard stated that the some of these components needed more definition. Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin and Council Member Finnila agreed upon considering enrichment services that may include cultural andor social components. Should an aquatic facility he included within this park site? Council Member Hall and Mayor Lewis agreed to include this facility in the park design. Council Members Finnila, Nygaard and Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin did not think the aquatic facility should be placed in the park. Council Member Finnila stated that three more topics should be reviewed whether to vacate a portion of Chestnut, timing of the possible office space opening at the Senior Center by CUSD, and the ability of the Harding Center and Holiday Park to work as satellite parks. Council Member Nygaard asked that multi-purpose fields be designed. Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin asked if multi-storied buildings had been discussed. Mr. Beverly stated that multi- levels had been discussed. The majority of Council concurred to consider lawn bowling during the preparation of the Master Plan alternatives. Council Member Finnila asked that a summary of the Recreation survey be provided at the next workshop: June May 28,2002 Special Council Meeting 17, 2002, at 6:OO p.m., at the Senior Center Auditorium, 799 Pine. Council concurred to review the possibility of closing Chestnut. The Special meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Page 5