HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-19; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION June 19.2002 11 :00 a.m. - 1 :00 p.m. Faraday Administration Center F173A The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:04 a.m. All Council Members were present with the exception of Council Member Finnila who was on City business on legislative affairs in Sacramento. Also in attendance were the City Manager and City Attorney. The Mayor called for regional reports and Council Member Hall reported on vector control in the Buena Vista Lagoon which is a county responsibility. The City Manager will investigate and report on the status of this issue. Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin reported on the status of SAFE activities including potential helicopter use, Council Member Nygaard reported on the status and progress of discussions with neighboring cities on the provision of housing for emergency and transitional uses. The Mayor then called for a discussion of and a draft response to the Grand Jury report on Juvenile Curfew ordinances in cities throughout San Diego County. Deputy City Attorney Cindie McMahon and Police Captain Dale Stockton presented the information, report and draft responses on behalf of the Council. After a discussion and consideration of this information, the Council directed the Mayor to send the draft response to the Grand Jury. The Mayor then called for a discussion of and a draft response to the Grand Jury report on Charter Cities. After consideration of the report, information and a discussion of the proposed draft response, the Council directed the Mayor to send a draft response to the Grand Jury thanking it for its consideration of the issue but declining to implement the recommendation. Council made this determination because the matter had been considered previously, was considered again at this meeting but no clear showing that further consideration of forming a general law city would: 1) result in any tangible benefits to the citizens of Carlsbad; 2) require a lengthy and exhaustive process; and 3) require the expenditure of funds, staff time and resources and community discussions all of which are not necessary or appropriate at this time. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the San Diego Regional Governance Legislation and Poway Mayor Cafagna, Vice-Chair of SANDAG, and Bob Parrot, SANDAG Deputy Director, joined the Council for this discussion. This dialogue continued through a working lunch and Mayor Cafagna and Mr. Parrot updated the Council on the status of the San Diego Regional Agency Legislation now pending before the state legislature in two bills, SB 1703 (Peace) and AB 2095 (Kehoe) with the aid of a handout explaining this as a proposal to streamline government decision making and planning (attached). Council Memberrs engaged in a thorough discussion of the issues presented in these legislative proposals and the Mayor thanked Mayor Cafagna and Bob Parrot for their thoughtful presentations. The Mayor then called for a recess at 1254 p.m. and the meeting resumed at 1:Ol p.m. The Mayor requested Council Members to consider the issues presented by these legislative proposals and to consider expressing the City's position on them prior to the conclusion of the state legislative process. The Mayor called for public comment and there being none, thanked everyone for their thoughtful participation and adjourned the meeting at 1:06 p.m. @".PL Resp R ALD clfully R. sub BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem San Diego Regional Agency SB 1703 (Peace) AB 2095 (Kehoe) A proposal to streamline government decision-making and planning Improves coordination among the 18 cities, county government and other agencies Provides a 'Regional Plan' to make local plans work more effectively and efficiently Builds on the foundation of the cities' and county's general plans Offers a 'big picture' perspective to better maintain our quality of life Links land use and transportation public policy decisions Consolidates transportation planning, programming, and project development Provides for more and better commuter and other travel choices Gets regional transportation projects completed across jurisdictional boundaries Enhances opportunities for additional state and federal funding Protects and preserves open space and habitat for people's enjoyment Addresses the need for a comprehensive vision and plan for the border region Offers a governance model inclusive of all 19 local city and county governments Provides permanence ### , . San Diego Regional Agency Better Regional Decisions 1 Consolidation/ I 7 Collaboration Regional Building on the SANDAG model for governance establishes Permanency of the Regional Agency and accountability to the public for implementing needed regional transportation projects and the establishment of coordinated land use and transportation plans protecting public investments. Establishes a Regional Plan to address regional issues as well as interregional issues with surrounding counties and Mexico, and provides guidance and enhanced financial opportunities for local agencies to develop in a mannerthat recognizes, at a minimum, land use and transportation compatibility and jobs- housing balance. Insures expeditious implementation of Regionally Significant Transportation Projects (RSTP), such as freeways, regional transit service, and the regionally significant arterial system, through a tiered process that could potentially lead to a regional agency override of a member agency objection. Provides for Consolidation of agencies and responsibilities, and the establishment of Collaborations that integrates transportation and land use decision-making that helps insure a higher return on public infrastructure investments. Addresses the need for a comprehensive vision and plan for Border Region Planning and Development through the identification of border infrastructure needs and financing mechanisms that insure timely implementation and the coordination with other infrastructure needs identified in the Regional Plan. Think Globally, Act Regionally, Respect Locally AS of 211 2/02 .4 , -, SANDAG (all functions) MTDB & NCTD (Planning, Programming, Project Development & Construction) Infrastructure Financing Districts in Border Zone :-{ Cakrans (Planning) i i Housing Element Self Certification I ."""""""""""""""""". I i : Regional Plan i Border Region Planning and Development ! I Habitat Financing Regionally Significant Transportation Projects I I : Port District (Planning, A/P Operations, MTDB (Operations) NCTD (Operations) Caltrans (Programming, Construction, Operations) Airport Authority (Planning) Maritime, Real Estate) + Caltrans (Planning) I ."""""""""'""""""". .""""""""".""""""". As of 4/23/02 One Appointment to Each Committee from the Six Geographic Areas L. - As of 6/14/02