HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-08-21; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AUGUST 21,2002 11:OO a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Faraday Administration Center F173B The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:ll a.m. The meeting was held in the Faraday Administration Center F 1738, next to Faraday Administration Center Room 173A, which was occupied and had not been prepared for this meeting. A notice of the revised room was placed at the meeting location and a staff member personally informed any member of the public who wished to attend of this new location. All Council members were present. Also in attendance were the City Manager and the City Attorney. In view of the length of the scheduled agenda, the Mayor re-prioritized it and called for a discussion of Item No. 2. The Mayor then began the discussion of production, distribution and delivery of water and water related services by public or private entities and informed the Council that the Metropolitan Rebate Program was underway and that a decision on qualifying projects was expected in September 2002. The City Manager indicated that tours by individual Council members to the desalination plants in Tampa Bay, Florida have been scheduled. The Mayor then called for a discussion of Council Policy Statement No. 54, entitled “Procedures for refund of appeal fees when appeals are granted by City Council”. After a discussion, the Council directed the City Attorney to return with suggested amendments to this policy statement to: Provide that the Council shall specify the basis on which significant relief was granted, and If the appeal is denied, but significant relief granted, the maximum refund shall be one-half of the total appeal fees. The City Manager then discussed Item No. 11 regarding the community space planning process and requested a Special Ad Hoc Council Sub-committee to assist in processing near-term future needs. The Mayor will specify to Council members to assist with this process. Periodic reports and recommendations will be made to the City Council at regular City Council meetings. The Mayor then called for a discussion on the status of library operations in a request by the Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees to increase hours of operation at the Central De lnformacion. After a discussion, the City Manager was directed to respond to the Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees advising as to the Council’s position and future processing of this request. The Mayor then entertained Council reports. Council Member Matt Hall reported that on the Buena Vista Lagoon JPA and the vector problems that must be controlled and further requested frequent briefings on the status of this issue. The Mayor then called for a discussion of ex parte contacts on pending applications and the proposed Planning Commission policy regarding ex parte contacts. Assistant City Attorney Jane Mobaldi explained the proposed Planning Commission policy and will forward the Planning Commission minutes discussing this proposal to the City Council for its information. She will relay Council member comments that it should not be interpreted to be overly restrictive. The Mayor then called for further Council reports and Council Member Finnila reported that she will be travelling to Sacramento tomorrow to attend hearings on the Regional Governance Bill (SB 1703 (Peace).) She further updated the Council on its status and substance at this time. She further reported on the requirements of Proposition 40 for consideration of voluntary grants for parks, habitat and water ways . The City Manager then discussed the "City of Carlsbad Priority Project Schedules" (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). There being no public comment, the Mayor thanked everyone for their thoughtful participation and adjourned the meeting at 1:02 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, A RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem 2