HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-17; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: DECEMBER 17,2002 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. Absent: None. LEGISLATIVE INVOCATION: Mayor Lewis offered the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Finnila led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION: The Carlsbad High School Chamber Singers sang holiday songs. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, described the City Stuff Pilot Elementary School Curriculum. Mayor Lewis and Council distributed Certificates of Appreciation to the teachers and sponsors. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item #5 was pulled for discussion. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #I 1, as follows: AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. NOES: None. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 1. AB #17,010- AWARD OF AGREEMENT FOR TREE TRIMMING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-359, accepting the bid of Aztec Landscaping, Inc. and authorizing the execution of an agreement for tree trimming services. 2. AB #17,011 -AWARD OF BID FOR LANDSCAPING, GROUNDS & PARKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-360, accepting the bid proposal of TruGreen Landcare, LLC, and authorizing the execution of an agreement for landscape, grounds, and parks maintenance services. 3. AB #17,012 - REVISED SALARY SCHEDULE FOR CLASSIFICATIONS REPRESENTED BY THE CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS’ ASSOCIATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-361, amending the Salary Schedule effective January 1 , 2003, for classifications represented by the Carlsbad Firefighters’ Association. 4. AB #I 7.01 3 - AMENDING THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN TO INCORPORATE RECENT TAX LAW CHANGES AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT FUTURE MANDATORY LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-362, amending the City of Carlsbad’s Deferred Compensation Plan to incorporate recent tax law changes and authorizing the City Manager or a designee to make any future Plan amendments necessary to implement any mandatory legal requirements. 5. AB #17,014 -ALLOCATE FUNDING TO THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION. This item was pulled for discussion. 6. AB #17,015 - REPORTING OUT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SETTLEMENT AS REQUIRED BY THE BROWN ACT IN PERSONNEL ACTION: IN RE MCCOY. Council accepted the report of the terms and conditions of the settlement as required by the Brown Act in personnel action: in Re: McCoy. 7. AB #17,016 -AWARD OF AGREEMENT FOR WILDLAND FIRE PROTECTIVE GARMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-364, accepting the bid of Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc. authorizing the execution of an agreement for Wildland Fire Protective Garments. 8. AB #17,025 - EXCESS DWELLING UNIT BANK - REVISED COUNCIL POLICY 43. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-350, revising City Council Policy 43, regarding the number and allocation of dwelling units. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 9. AB #17,017 -AGREEMENT WITH DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, INC., AND TESTING ENGINEERS - SAN DIEGO, INC.. FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NORTH REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-365, authorizing the execution of professional service agreements with Dudek & Associates, Inc., and Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. for construction management and material testing services on Rancho Santa Fe Road North Realignment and Widening, Project No. 3190/HP21STPL - 5308(014) & STPLF - 5308(007). IO. AB #17,026 - REVISED UNCLASSIFED SALARY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-373, approving a revised unclassified salary schedule. 11. AB #17,021 - REVISIONS TO COUNCIL POLICIES NO. 33 AND 38 REGARDING THE FINANCING OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-369, approving a new Council Policy No. 33 regarding financing of Public Improvements, and repealing existing Council Policies No. 33 and 38. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM: 5. AB #17,014 -ALLOCATE FUNDING TO THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Pamela Lipper, Executive Director of the Carlsbad Village Business Association, said she was present to answer any questions. Council Member Hall expressed appreciation to Ms. Lipper for providing Council with a budget to accompany their request of $25,000. Council Member Finnila said she would like to see the Tourism Alliance’s complete tourism plan prior to voting on this agenda item. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-363, transferring $25,000 from the General Fund to the Community activity Grant Fund to fund the Carlsbad Village Business Association. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. NOES: Finnila. PUBLIC COMMENT: Michele Levy, 3021 Highland Avenue, expressed concern for code violations at 3016 Highland. Jean Gonzales, 1015 Buena Vista, distributed a petition (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) signed by residents of the Northwest Quadrant who oppose the proposed Villa Francesca Project. Ms. Gonzales spoke in opposition to the project. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 Chris Baker, President, Car Country Carlsbad Dealers Association, 5555 Car Country Drive, reviewed and submitted correspondence (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) regarding the need for additional parking, storage and directional signage in the Car Country Carlsbad area. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 12. AB #17,018 - SMITH PROPERTY LAND USE CHANGE: GPA 02-021ZC 02-03/LCPA 02-05. Jennifer Coon, Associate Planner, made a Power Point presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) and reviewed the staff report. In response to Council, Ron Ball, City Attorney, explained zoning laws as they apply to the Smith Property. Mr. Ball recommended that this agenda item be returned to staff, if Council chose to do something other than approve the zone change. Mayor Lewis opened the duly notice public hearing at 7:04 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Eleanor Wojcik, 71 32 Lantana Terrace, representing the Seacliff Homeowners’ Association, said their association supports a residential land use designation, with medium density, on the Smith Property. Pete Walsh, 2885 Sanford Lane, said he was representing his mother, Caroline Smith, the owner of the property. He gave a brief history of the property and noted that an escrow on this property has been opened for four years. Mr. Walsh said that they have complied with all requirements to rezone the property from residential to commercial, including the payment of fees and financial contributions to the desilting basin and overpass across the railroad tracks west of the freeway. Mr. Walsh asked Council to leave this property zoned commercial. However, if this property is to be rezoned back to residential, Mr. Walsh asked Council to urge the California Coastal Commission to act expeditiously so that it is clearly known what type of development can occur on the property. Seeing no one else wishing to address Council, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 7:11 p.m. In response to Council, Mr. Ball said that Page 78 of the staff report references correspondence from the California Coastal Commission regarding the unlikelihood that the California Coastal Commission would support any zone change that decreases commercialhisitor-serving use on the property. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said she could not support the zone change from commercial back to residential. She spoke in opposition to approving residential land uses next to the 1-5 corridor. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila noted that Mr. Walsh withheld his project, per Council’s request, in order that the city-wide commercial study could be completed. Council Member Kulchin spoke in support of staffs recommendation to rezone the Smith Property to residential. Council Member Hall concurred. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 Council Member Packard concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Finnila and said he could not support staff‘s recommendation. Mayor Lewis spoke in support of staffs recommendation. He said that this property is too small for commercial use. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council introduced ORDINANCE NO. NS-654, amending Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by an amendment to the Zoning Map and the Local Coastal Program Zoning Map to grant a Zone Change from C-1-Q to RDM-Q, and to remove the Commercial Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone on property located on the southeast corner of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane in Local Facilities Management Zone 4, and amending the text of Section 2 ”Occidental Land, Inc.” Policy 1 of the Mello 1 Segment of the Local Coastal Program; and, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-366, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Local Coastal Program Amendment, and Approving said General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the General Pian and Local Coastal Program Land Use Maps by changing the Land Use Designation from “N” to “RM” on property located on the southeast corner of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane in Local Facilities Management Zone 4. AYES: Lewis, Kulchin and Hall. NOES: Finnila and Packard. ABSENT: None. 13. AB #17,019 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE U: CT 01-04/CP 01-02 Mike Grim, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. In response to Council, he described the noise mitigation measures on this project. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 7:27 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Brian Milich, Corky McMillin Companies, 2727 Hoover Avenue, National City, (the developer) said that each unit would have direct access to a two-car garage. Seeing no one else wishing to speak on this matter, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. Each Council Member spoke in support of this project. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-367, adopting a Negative Declaration and approving a Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit for the Calavera Hills Village U Multifamily Condominium Development, located on the East Side of the future extension of College Boulevard, South of Carlsbad Village Drive, in the Northeast Quadrant. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. NOES: None. 14. AB #17,020 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGE X: CT 01-06/PUD 01-07 Eric Munoz, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. He also made a Power Point presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). He explained for clarification that the emergency access point to Village Y would not be gated or restricted. In response to Council, Mr. Munoz described the deed disclosures for Village X. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 7:39 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Brian Milich, Corky McMillin Companies, 2727 Hoover Avenue, National City, (the developer), said that this project is conditioned to require that the affordable housing units (Village Y) are to be built concurrently with the market units. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Council Member Hall said he would like this project conditioned to require signage in the neighborhood stating that a pump station is planned for the future and that Village Y will be built in the future. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila spoke in support of the project and concurred with Council Member Hall recommendations for signage. Council Member Kulchin and Council Member Packard concurred. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-368, adopting a negative declaration and approving a tentative tract map and planned unit development for the Calavera Hills Village X Single-Family Project, located west of future College Boulevard, south of the intersection of College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive, in the northeast quadrant; and, That prior to occupancy, permanent on-site signage will be posted identifying the CMWD lot adjacent to College Boulevard as the site of a future pump station and identifying the internal road connection to Village “Y, to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. NOES: None. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 7 ADJOURNMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT MEETING: Mayor Lewis adjourned the City Council Meeting at 7:42 p.m. to the Municipal Water District Meeting with all Members present. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: President Lewis adjourned the Municipal Water District Meeting at 7:43 p.m. and reconvened the City Council Meeting with all members present. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7:43 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:49 p.m. with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT: 15. AB #17,022 - NORTHWEST QUADRANT COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN. Mark Steyaed, Park Development Manager, and Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner, made a Power Point Presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) and presented the staff report. Mr. Bradstreet described the public input process and said that four public workshops were held. Glen Schmidt, Schmidt Design Group, 2655 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, (Landscape Architect), presented a brief overview of the Master Plan. Kim Emerson, Artist, 3634 Alexia Place, San Diego, described the public art component. Pedro Garcia, Architect, Manuel Oncina Architects, Inc., 571 1 La Jolla Boulevard, La Jolla, described the Community Center building design. Mr. Steyaert discussed the project’s budget. In response to Council, Mr. Schmidt said that the proposed skate park would be approximately 8,000 square feet. He said that community input would be important in designing the actual features of the skate park. The design team answered specific questions from Council regarding materials and colors that would be used in the design elements. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said she would like to see a flower garden rather than a community garden in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. In response to Council Member Kulchin, Mr. Garcia described the aesthetic connection between the Community Center and the Senior Center. He explained that both Centers would have separate entrances. Mr. Garcia noted that the seniors have indicated that they would not support a physical connection between the Community Center and Senior Center. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 8 Council Member Hall and Packard discussed future concepts for a greenbelt, extending the streetscape to the freeway underpass and connecting Holiday Park with the Northwest Quadrant Community Park with a meandering parkway. In response to Council Member Hall, Mr. Steyaert explained the need for a combined passive and active park and said that balanced amenities would be provided. Mr. Bradstreet described some of the activities that could be provided in the Community Center. Council Member Hall expressed concern that the large amount of glass in the building design would require extensive maintenance. He also expressed concern for the cost of eradicating vandalism. In response to Council, Mr. Steyaert said that the Arts Commission would review the artwork proposed for the park, followed by a public review period. Mr. Steyaert said that Council would have final approval of the specific artwork that would be placed in this park. Mr. Steyaert responded to Council and said that the size of the park dictates the scale of uses. Council Member Packard expressed concern regarding the appearance of a community garden and said that the location of the basketball courts in this park should be reviewed. He also said that the Centro de lnfomacion should be located in this park. Mayor Lewis explained that the Council had previously concurred to place the Centro de lnfomacion in a more convenient location. Mayor Lewis noted that correspondence had been received via electronic mail from the following: Randall Benson, Kathryn Antonacci and, Steven Burke (on file in the City Clerk’s Off ice). Jill McManigal, 3303 James Drive, said that Holiday Park is very noisy and expressed concern that the Northwest Quadrant Community Park would also be noisy. She noted that users of the proposed skate park would create noise. Margie Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue, #B, said she is excited about having a park in her neighborhood. She read correspondence from Thelma Hayes (not on file in the City Clerk’s Office) requesting that the Community Center be changed to a two-story building in order to provide a quiet activity room. Socorro Anderson, 3222 Roosevelt, spoke in support of the proposed park. She said the proposed artwork does not appropriately represent the history of the community. Ms. Anderson explained that the Centro de lnfomacion is needed in this park. She asked that the community garden be replaced with the Centro de Infomacion. Ofelia Escobedo, 161 I James Drive, said that the Centro de lnfomacion is needed at this park site. She said that open and quiet spaces are needed at this location. Thomas Powers, 6160 Citracado Circle, expressed appreciation to Council for allowing public input into the park’s design. He spoke of the need for a theatrical venue in the park and December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 9 suggested a rose garden instead of a community garden. Mr. Powers also suggested that Tony Hawks be asked to provide input in to the skate park design. Mr. Powers spoke of the need to include educational and cultural events in the park. Julio Ramirez, 1298 Buena Vista Way, said that a stage for theatrical arts is needed. He suggested that children participate in the creation of this park by planting vegetation, etc. Antonio Vrena, 3675 Roosevelt, said that handball has become very popular with youth and asked that a handball court be placed in this park. Anne Barker, 3308 James Drive, said that this park should be a quiet, passive park. She felt that the proposed parking lot is too large and that diagonal parking should be placed on the street. Ms. Barker said this would create room for an amphitheater. She expressed concern that a skate park in this park would be too small. She expressed concern that the garden will be expensive to maintain. She recommended that the seat around the tot lot not be made of concrete because skateboarders would destroy them. Ms. Barker expressed concern that the skateboarders would also destroy raised planter boxes. She said that two ball fields are needed in this park. James Whittaker, 4742 lnverness Court, spoke in support of multi-use fields. He asked that the skate park be eliminated because it is inappropriate for it to be near a Senior Center. He asked if the Police Department’s input has been provided regarding the large amount of glass in the building design. Brian Donald, 2410 Stromberg Circle, expressed concern that the proposed park design displaces the high school baseball team and that baseball fields are needed in this park. He said that this park is an inappropriate location for a skate park, and suggested that the skate park be replaced with lawn bowling. Javier Oreta, 3280 Roosevelt Street, said that walking and jogging areas are needed in this park. He also said that outdoor basketball courts with coin-operated lights are needed in this park. Brett Souza, 2061 Laurie Circle, said that artificial turf and the skate park should not be used in this park. He spoke of the need for baseball fields and suggested that the skate park be placed at Holiday Park. Mr. Souza asked Council to send the proposed park plan back to staff for further evaluation. Randall Benson, 3554 Ames Place, said there is too much parking proposed for this park. He said that the parking lot should be replaced with baseball fields. Frank Sorino, 3528 Madison, distributed the open play schedule for Calavera Hills Community Center and said not enough time is allowed for free play. He said the Northwest Quadrant should be a more active community park. Mr. Sorino asked that the proposed basketball courts be replaced with handball courts. Mr. Sorino said that the Centro de lnfomacion is needed in this park. He suggested that below ground parking be placed under the Community Center. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 10 Scott Pieratt, 7201 Manzanita Street, explained that there is inadequate space in this park to create baseball fields for high school use. He suggested that the school districts partner with the leagues for baseball field use. Council Member Hall expressed concern for potential conflict between skate boarders and seniors in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. In response to Council Member Hall, Mr. Steyaert said that skate boarding would be allowed only in the designated skate park. Skating in all other areas of the Northwest Quadrant Community Park would be prohibited. Council Member Hall said he was concerned that Police Officers on patrol would not be able to see directly into the skate park area. Council Member Kulchin concurred. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila asked if diagonal parking on the street was explored. Mr. Steyaert explained that diagonal parking on Chestnut Avenue was not recommended due to safety concerns. Council Member Hall asked if consideration were given to having a skate park in Holiday Park. Mr. Steyaert explained that potential users of the skate park said they would like the skate park to be located in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. In response to Council Member Packard, Mr. Bradstreet explained that the proposed parking at the Northwest Quadrant Community Park has been reduced by 25 percent. Mayor Lewis noted that parking was a challenge even when Chase Field was first built. He spoke of the importance of a parking lot so that park users do not park on neighborhood streets. Mayor Lewis expressed concern for the location of a skate park in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. Mayor Lewis spoke of the need for handball courts instead of a skate park at this location. In response to Council, Mr. Steyaert explained that the design for this park would return to Council after the final drawings had been completed. He explained that at this meeting, staff is seeking Council direction regarding the elements that Council would like to have in this park. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said the skate park element should be deleted from the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan. She suggested that perhaps Holiday Park might be a more appropriate location for a skate park. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said that the raised planter boxes should be eliminated. She also said that this park is not the right location for high school baseball fields. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila spoke of the importance of a community center. Council Member Kulchin said she did not support a skateboard park in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. She said that the Senior Center and Community Center should be separate entities and not be physically connected. Council Member Kulchin said she would like to see more playground equipment installed than has been proposed. She spoke in support of children becoming involved in the creation of the park through appropriate activities. Council Members Kulchin spoke of the importance of programs and activities being held in the Community Center. She said that she did not support installing lights in this park. Council Member Hall expressed concern that the design for this park is being rushed through tonight. He said that Holiday Park has a stage area and a stage in this new park is not necessary. Council Member Hall said that Holiday Park should be considered with this new December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 11 park. He said that a skateboard park use is not appropriate in the new Northwest Quadrant Community Park. Council Member Hall said he could support handball or basketball courts in this park. Council Member Hall said he would like to see the tot lot expanded. In response to Council, Ron Ball, City Attorney, explained that the recommendation is to approve, in concept, the design of the Northwest Quadrant Community Park and direct staff to proceed with project entitlements. He explained that if staffs recommendation is approved tonight, the Master Plan would not return to Council. Mr. Ball explained that if Council desires to review the Master Plan prior to the entitlements, such direction should be made clear tonight at this meeting. He noted that one of the entitlements is a Conditional Use Permit. Ray Patchett, City Manager, suggested that Council complete their comments tonight and then determine the next step. Council Member Packard said he would like to see the proposed community garden fronting Madison Avenue removed from the Master Plan. He spoke of the need for an expanded tot lot. Council Member Hall said the glass on the Community Center building should not be at ground level. He said that the skate park should be eliminated and replaced with handball and basketball courts. Council Member Kulchin said the skate park should be eliminated, a larger tot lot is needed, and, the garden area and glass on the Community Center should be reviewed. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said that the Centro de lnformacion should not be located in the Northwest Quadrant Community Park. She noted that prior to the creation of the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan, Council had previously decided that the Centro de lnformacion should be placed at another location. Mr. Patch& suggested that Council refer the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan back to staff so that Council’s points can be addressed and alternatives identified. Council concurred. In response to Mr. Patchett, Council concurred that the skate park element should be removed from the Northwest Quadrant Community Park Master Plan. In response to Mr. Patchett, Mayor Lewis said that discussions regarding Holiday Park should be a separate issue. Mr. Patchett asked for direction regarding the connection between the Senior Center and the Community Center. Mr. Steyaert explained that a trellis landscape feature is proposed to connect the two buildings. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said that she liked the trellis idea. Mr. Patchett said that staff would return with more information regarding the trellis concept. Council concurred to refer this item back to staff for further evaluation. December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 12 16. AB #17,023 -ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN. Mayor Lewis noted that the hour was past 1O:OO p.m. He said that public comment would be accepted and Council’s discussion and action would be continued to January 14, 2003. Lisa Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, spoke in support of a three-pool configuration for the swimming complex in the Alga Norte Community Park Master Plan and that Council consider the swimming complex a high priority. Jeff Gross, 2756 Highland Avenue, said he is a competitive Master Swimmer and spoke in support of a three-pool complex. Larry David, 2042 El Fuerte Street, said that a study should be conducted to ensure that the swimming complex does not fall short of the community’s needs. He said that the swimming complex should be built as soon as possible. Scott Pieratt, 7201 Manzanita Street, spoke of the need for a three-pool swimming complex. He said the entire complex should be built simultaneously instead of being built in phases. Council concurred to continue this agenda item to January 14, 2003. 17. AB #17,024 -APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Council concurred to continue this agenda item to January 14, 2003. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Lewis announced that Council Members have been invited to attend, and may be participating in the following events: Wednesday, December 18,2002 - 8:OO a.m. to 1 :00 p.m. City Council Study Session Beach Terrace Inn 2775 Ocean Street Carlsbad, California Wednesday, December 18, 2002 - 5:OO p.m. Planning Commission Farewell Event for Commissioner Trigas and Assistant Planning Director Gary Wayne Carlsbad City Hall Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California December 17,2002 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 13 COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Council Members Hall and Kulchin wished everyone Happy Holidays. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila noted that the next Council meeting would be held on January 14, 2003. She wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mayor Lewis announced that discussion of the following Closed Session Item would be continued tomorrow during the City Council Study Session at the Beach Terrace Inn, 2775 Ocean Street, Carlsbad: 3. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) - To discuss pending litigation as follows: AT&T Wireless Service v. Citv of Carlsbad, Case No. 01 CV 2045 JM (JFS). CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Lewis adjourned the meeting in memory of Police Sergeant Larry Moore. By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2002 was adjourned at 10:27 p.m. Deputy City Clerk