HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION DATE OF MEETING: January 15’ 2003 TIME OF MEETING: 11:OO a.m. - 1:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Faraday Center The Mayor called the meeting to order at I1 :08 a.m. All Council Members were present as well as the City Manager and the City Attorney. The Mayor called on the City Manager who introduced Allen J. Risley, M.A., of the Social and Behavioral Research Institute at California State University, San Marcos who presented the report entitled “City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report - 2002.” He introduced his resource team Michael Large, Ph.D., and Kimberly Brown, B.A., who assiststed with the presentation and responded to Council Member questions during the presentation. Mr. Risley presented his report with the aid of slides. The report was based on random telephone interviews of 101 9 Carlsbad residents, over the age of 18 years and the sample was a good representation of Carlsbad demographics. Overall, City services were rated good or excellent by 94.8% of the respondents. Mr. Risley then presented highlights of this report as follows: o 98.1 % of the respondents rated fire protection services as good or excellent o 95.8% of the respondents rated library services as good or excellent. Mr. Risley continued the presentation highlighting other aspects of the opinion survey including trends of the three year history of these surveys: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fire protection library police sewer services recreational programs water services arts programs traffic enforcement traffic circulation road conditions Public services which the City contracts for were also included in the survey: o trash and recycling o street sweeping o hazardous waste disposal o land use and development o familiarity with the City’s Growth Management Plan o familiarity with the City’s General Plan o access to City information Other areas were also presented: o frequency of vists to the Carlsbad village area o recycling o feelings of public safety o evaluation of City government He further explained that the three year trend represents an increase in the confidence of City government to make decisions that positively effect the lives of its community mem bers. The Council discussed the results of the report and suggested changes, modifications and additions for future surveys and thanked Mr. Risley and his team for the thorough presentation. Council Members directed the City Manager to broadly distribute it. Copies of the report and the slide presentation are on file of the office of the City Clerk. Council then continued working through lunch and entertained a discussion of Council protocol, efficiency and effectiveness including impacts on regional assignments with regard to contact with other Council Members, decision and policy making, serving the community and effective methods of feedback including a report by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila on recent SANDAG activities. There was no public comment. The Mayor thanked all for their full participation and adjourned the meeting at 1 :21 p.m. 0 ctfully submitted, "0. a" RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem 2 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report Conducted for: City of Carlsbad Conducted by: The Social and Behavioral Research Institute Study Team: Richard T. Serpe, Ph.D., Director Allen J. Risley, M.A.; Associate Director Michael D. Large, Ph.D.; Quantitative Study Director Lori Brown Large, M.A.; Survey Study Director Kimberly D. Brown, B.A.; Field Research Coordinator Im d a a City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 .. - Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1 DATA ...................................................................... 2 RESULTS .................................................................... Respondent Demographics ............................................... .4 Demographics by Region ........................................... .7 City Services and Facilities ............................................... 10 City-Provided Services ............................................ 10 City Service Ratings by Region ............................... .19 Citystreets ...................................................... 26 Maintenance Services ............................................ .29 Contracted Services .............................................. .34 LandUse ............................................................. 38 Contact with the City of Carlsbad ......................................... .43 Telephonecontact ................................................ 43 Connectivity and Exchanges .with the City by Internet ................... .46 Access ...................................................46 Payment by Internet ........................................ .47 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 Resident Behaviors and Attitudes ......................................... .51 CableTV ....................................................... 51 Visiting the Carlsbad Village Area .................................. .56 Recycling ....................................................... 59 Feelings of Safety ................................................ .61 City Information ....................................................... .64 Information Resources ............................................ .64 Rating of Infomation Dispersal .................................... .66 ProgramsandActivities .................................................. 67 Participation in a City Activity ..................................... .70 Evaluation of City Government ........................................... .72 CityFeatures .......................................................... 77 Best Liked Features of Carlsbad .................................... .78 Biggest Concerns Regarding Carlsbad ................................ .82 Improving the Quality of Life in Carlsbad ............................. .84 Reasons for Moving to Carlsbad .................................... .86 SUMMARY ................................................................. 89 I d (I APPENDIXA ............................................................... 9 2 APPENDIXB .............................................................. 100 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion 2002 Survey Report INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of the City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey. This was a telephone survey conducted with residents of the City of Carlsbad administered in the Fall of 2002. The survey was conducted for the City of Carlsbad by the Social and Behavioral Research Institute at California State University, San Marcos. The survey addressed the attitudes of city residents concerning city-provided services, facilities, and issues, and included a number of demographic questions. The report contains a description of the data, and an elaboration of the results of the survey. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - Y15/03 1 DATA The information in this report is based on 1,019 telephone interviews conducted with Carlsbad residents, 18 years of age or older. Respondent household telephone numbers were selected for contact using Random-Digit-Dial methodology. Using this methodology, all listed and unlisted residential telephone numbers within a geographic boundary have an equal chance for inclusion in the sample. Approximately 500 interviews were conducted with respondent households from two regions in the City of Carlsbad (North and South). The regions were specified as follows; North included residents in the 92008 zip code, and the South included residents in the 92009 zip code. This questionnaire used for this study is similar to a surveys conducted by the SBRI for the City of Carlsbad in 2000 and 2001. The questionnaire was designed by SBRI in consultation with City of Carlsbad staff. Within the body of the report, comparisons are made between results for these years. The interview questions can be found in Appendix A. Responses to open-ended questions were transcribed by interviewers during the come of the survey call. All open-ended responses were examined by SBRI analytical staff, who then edited and coded the responses for use in this report. Appendix B contains these open-ended responses. All interviews were conducted by paid SBRI staff members using the SBRI's state-of-the- art Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system, under the supervision of SBRI's professional staff. Interviewers participate in a general, three-day training program when hired. Additionally, a three to four hour training session was conducted at the outset of this project. During the training session, the interviewers read through the questionnaire, conducted practice interviews, and participated in a debriefing to resolve questions that arose during the training City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 2 session. SBRI's supervisory staff employs a silent monitoring system to listen to interviews real-time for quality control purposes. This monitoring system was made available for use by City of Carlsbad staff. Interviewing for this study was conducted between July 29th and September 5th, 2002, on-site at the SBRI office in San Marcos City Hall. Interviews were conducted Monday though Friday 12:OOpm to 9:OOpm, Saturday 1O:OOam to 6:00pm, and Sunday 1:OOpm to 8:OOpm, with the greatest number of interviews being conducted weekday evenings and weekends. Scheduling of the interviewing sessions was arranged to insure that a representative sample of Carlsbad households were contacted. Up to 15 call attempts were made to telephone numbers before retiring the numbers. The large number of call attempts were made in order to allow Carlsbad residents with busy schedules and lifestyles to have enough opportunities to participate in the survey. SBRI interviewers made 47,457 telephone calls during the course of the study, with an average completed interview length of 20.1 minutes. The response rate for the survey was 59.2%. This response rate was calculated using methodology supported by the Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) and the American Association of Public Opinion Researchers (AAPOR). The foxmula used was CASRO response rate formula RR4. The results presented in this report are based on a sample of Carlsbad residents, and as such should be viewed as an estimate of the opinions of Carlsbad residents. The margin of error for this sample survey is +/- 3%. SBRI conducted statistical analysis for this report using standard appropriate statistical procedures and measures, reporting statistically significant results at the 95% confidence level. Documentation of the statistical tests employed by SBRI are archived and available for client review. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 3 RESULTS Respondent DemoPraphics This section provides a description of the Carlsbad residents surveyed this year (2002). These findings are very consistent with the demographics in the previous years of the study. Consistent with most telephone surveys And the surveys conducted in 2000 and 2001,40.2 percent of those responding were male and 59.8 percent were female. These respondents had lived in Carlsbad an average of 10.55 years, and averaged 49.40 years of age, ranging from 18 to 93 years old. Table 1 shows the distribution of the racelethnicity of the respondents.’ I I I ‘The “Valid Percent” in the table represents the percent of the valid responses, as opposed to the ‘Fercent” which refers to the percent of the total sample. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 4 Table 1: Race/Ethnicity of Respondent. Cumulative FreaUenCV Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 WhiWCaucasion 842 82.6 85.9 85.9 2 African American or Black '6 .6 .6 86.5 3 Asian 45 4.4 4.6 91.1 4 American Indian, Aleut, Eskimo 5 Hispanic or Latino 6 Other Total Missing 8 Don't Know 9 Rehsed Total Total 12 1.2 1.2 92.3 55 5.4 5.6 98.0 20 2.0 2.0 100.0 980 96.2 100.0 3 .3 36 3.5 39 3.8 1019 100.0 Table 2 displays the annual household income of the respondents. Over half (54.9%) of the respondents had total household incomes of more than $75,000. Incomes from $50,000 to under $75,000 were most typical. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 5 Table 2: Total Income Previous Year Before Taxes. FrWlrnCY Percent Valid Percent Percent valid 1 Under$25,OOO 50 4.9 5.7 5.7 2 $25,000 to under $35,000 50 4.9 5.7 11.4 3 $35,000 to under $50,000 115 11.3 13.1 24.5 4 $50,000 to under $75,000 181 17.8 20.6 45.1 5 $75,000 to under $l00,OOO 166 16.3 18.9 64.0 6 $100,000 to under $125,OOO 7 $125,000 to under $150,000 8 $150,000 to under $200,000 9 $200,000 and above Total 131 72 54 12.9 14.9 78.9 7.1 8.2 87.1 5.3 6.2 59 5.8 6.7 878 86.2 100.0 93.3 100.0 Missing 98 Don’t Know 12 1.2 99 Refused 128 12.6 System 1 .1 Total 141 13.8 Total 1019 100.0 Of the respondents, 77.3 percent indicated that they owned their home, and 22.7 percent said they were renting. There was an average of 2.57 people in the households,and 34.8 percent of the households had at least on child. Of those households with children, there was an average of 1.71 children in the household. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 6 Demographics by Region Analyses were performed to determine if there were differences in the demographic Characteristics of the respondents by geographic region. The respondents did not differ by region with respect to gender. The North and South Regions did differ slightly by ethnicity.. This is seen in Table 3. Most notably, the North Region had a higher percentage of Hispanic residents than did the South Region. Table 3: Race/EWaty by Region. REGION2 Region2 QRACE 1 White(cauCasi0n count 420 422 842 Race of Respondent 9% within REGION2 Region2 84.8% 87.0% 85.9% 2 African Americanor Black Cmt 2 4 6 9% within REGION2 Region2 .4% 3% .6% 3 Asian' count 17 28 45 % within REGION2 Regid 3.4% 5.8% 4.6% 4 Amricau Indian, Aleus count 5 7 12 Eskimo 9% within REGION2 Region2 1.0% 1.4% 1.2% 5 Hispanic or Latino count 36 19 55 % within REGION2 Region2 7.3% 3.9% 5.6% 6 Other count 13 .5 20 % within REGION2 Region2 3 .O% 1 .O% 2.0% Total count 495 485 980 % within REGION2 Renion2 100.046 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 7 The North and South Regions also differed with respect to income. Residents in the Table 4 Total Household Pre-Tax Income by Region. REGION2 Reeion2 1 North 2 south Total QINCOME 1 Under$25,000 count 34 16 50 Total Income Last year 2 $25,000 to under count 26 24 50 % within REGION2 Region2 7.5% 3.8% 5.7% Before $35,000 Taxes % within REGION2 Region2 5.7% 5.7% 5.7% 3 $35,000tounder count 72 43 115 sso.000 % within REGION2 Region2 15.9% 10.1% 13.1% 4 $S0,000tounder count 102 79 181 $75,000 ~ % within REGION2 Region2 22.5% 18.6% 20.6% 5 $75.000tounder count 93 73 166 $100.000 5% witbin REGION2 Region2 20.5% 17.2% 18.9% 6 $100,000 to under count 62 69 131 $125,000 % within REGION2 Region2 13.7% 16.3% 14.9% 7 $125,000 to under count 26 .46 72 5150,000 8 5150,000 to under count 18 36 54 $200,000 % within REGION2 Region2 4.0% 8.5% 6.2% % within REGION2 Region2 5.7% 10.8% 8.2% , 9 $200.000andabove count 21 38 59 % within REGION2 Region2 4.6% 9.0% 6.7% Total count 454 424 878 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - l/15/03 8 There was a considerable difference by region in home ownership. As Table 5 shows, those in the North Region were much more likely to rent their home than were residents in the South Region. Table 5: Home Ownership by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QDEM02Orm OOwn Count 365 418 783 or Rent Home % within REGION2 Region2 72.0% 82.6% 77.3% 1 Rent Count 142 88 230 % within REGION2 Region2 28.0% 17.4% 22.7% Total Count 507 506 1013 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Additionally, as Table 6 shows, respondents in the North Region had lived in Carlsbad longer than did respondents in the South Region. In fact, those in the north reported living in Carlsbad nearly twice as long as those in the south. Table 6: Years Lived in Carlsbad by Region. Std. REGION2 Region2 N Mean Deviation QDEMOl Years Livedin City 1 North 510 13.41 13.10 2 south 509 7.68 7.92 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 9 3 Citv Services and Facilities City-Provided Services Respondents were asked about services provided by or through the City of Carlsbad. Each respondent was asked how they would rate (from poor to excellent) a number of city- provided services. As Table 7 shows, all the city-provided services addressed in the survey were rated as good or excellent by most people. Table 7: Ratings of City Services in 2002. 1 Poor 2Fair 3Good 4 Excellent GoodlExcellent Counr 9% count 5% CMlnt % count % count % Recreational hF- 11 1.3% 86 9.8% 463 52.7% 318 36.2% 781 89.0% IibrarySwices . 2 .2% 38 4.0% 341 35.9% 568 59.9% 909 95.8% Fire protection Swices 4 5% 12 1.5% 395 48.2% 409 49.9% 804 98.0% Police swices 15 1.6% 66 7.0% 470 50.1% 388 41.3% 858 91.4% Traffic 69 7.5% EDfOrCCJDCllt 192 20.9% 504 54.8% 155 16.8% 659 71.6% Wata Sewices 21 2.1% 92 9.3% 615 62.1% 262 26.5% 877 88.6% 29 3.3% 155 17.6% 427 48.4% 272 30.8% 699 79.2% Sewer Swim 15 1.6% 74 7.8% 642 67.9% 214 22.6% 856 90.6% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - YW03 10 \ Table 8 shows the ratings of the recreation programs by year of administration. This table shows that the ratings are favorable, and that there has been no significant change during the three years of this study. Table 8: Recreational Programs Ratings by Year. YEAR YearofStudv 1 2000 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSERVl 1 Poor Count 15 11 11 37 ReCreatiOnal 1.4% ZwithinYEAR YearafStUdy 1.8% 1.3% 1.3% programs Rating 2 Fair Count 81 73 86 240 % within YEAR Year of Study , 9.6% 8.5% 9.8% 9.3% 3Good count 468 495 463 1426 % within YEAR Year of Study 55.3% 57.8% 52.7% 55.2% 4 Excellent Count 282 278 318 878 % within YEAR Year of Study 33.3% 32.4% 36.2% 34.0% Total Count 846 857 , 878 2581 % within YEAR Year of Study 100.096 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 11 Table 9 shows the library services ratings. The table shows that about 60 percent of the respondents rate the library services as excellent. These ratings have not changed significantly from 2000. Table 9: Library Services Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of study 1 2000 2 2001 3 2002 Tntal QSERV2 1 Pool count 6 7 2 15 Iibrary scnices .6% 3% .2% .5% mg 2Fair cormt 31 31 38 100 % within YEAR Year of study %withinYEAR Yearofstudy 3.3% 3.3% 4.0% 3.6% 3od count 335 317 341 993 % within YEAR Year of study 36.1 % 34.1% 35.9% 35.4% 4 Exceht count 556 575 568 1699 %withinYEAR Yearofstudy 59.9% 61.8% 59.9% 60.5% Total Count 928 930 949 28W 5% within YEAR Year of study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 12 r, The fire protection services received particularly good ratings. About half of the m * respondents rated the fire protection services as excellent. This is seen in Table 10, which shows m r, that in general the distribution of ratings of fire protection services were higher in 2001 than they Table 10 Fire Protection Services Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Study 1 2000 2 2001 32002 Total QSERV3 Fire 1 Poor Count 7 5 4 16 Protection savices Rating % within YEAR Year of Study 3% .6% .5% .6% 2 Fair Count 26 17 12 55 % within YEAR Year of study 3.1% 2.1% 1.5% 2.2% 3Good count 395 337 395 1127 % within YEAR Year of Study 47.4% 41.3% 48.2% 45.7% 4Excellent count 405 456 409 1270 % with YEAR Year of Study 48.6% 56.0% 49.9% 515% Total count 833 815 820 2468 %withinYEAR Yearofstudy 100.0% 100.046 100.0% 100.0% Q c City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 13 Police service ratings followed a pattern similar to that of fire protection services. That is, the ratings were higher in 2001 than they were in 2000 or 2002. This is seen in Table 11. As with the fire protection services, over 90 percent of the respondents rated these services as good or excellent. Table 11: Police Services Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Study 1 2000 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSERV4 1 Poor Count 24 16 I5 55 Police Services 2.6% 1.7% 1.6% 2.0% %withinYEAR yearofstudy Rating 2w Count 64 45 66 175 % within YEAR Year of study 7.0% 4.8% 7.0% 6.3% 3Good count 445 408 470 1323 % within YEAR Year of Study 48.7% 43.7% 50.1 9% 47.5% 4 Excellent count 380 465 388 1233 % within YEAR Year of Study 41.6% 49.8% 41.3% 44.3% Total count 913 934 939 2786 9bwithinYEAR Yearofstudy 100.0% 100.0% 100.096 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 14 The enforcement of traffic regulations was also rated by Carlsbad residents. The ratings of traffic regulations enforcement were typically rated as good or excellent. This is shown in Table 12. These ratings were highest in 2001. Table 12: TWIC Enforcement Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Study 12OOO 2 2001 3 2002 TOtd , QSERV5 lpoor Count 123 74 69 266 Traffic EIlforceIImt %withinYEAR YearofShldy 12.9% 8.2% 7.5% 9.6% 2Fair Count 205 160 192 557 % within YEAR Year of Study 215%. 17.6% 20.9% 20.0% -g 3Good Count 492 494 504 1490 %withinYEAR Yearofstudy 515% 54.5% 54.8% 53.6% 4Excellmt Count 135 179 155 4459 % within YEAR Year of study 14.1% . 19.7% 16.8% 16.9% Total Count 955 907 920 2782 5% within YEAR Year of Study 100.08 100.0% 100.096 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 15 Residents were asked about water services in 2001 and 2002. These ratings are summarized in Table 13, which shows that over 60 percent of the respondents rated the water services as good, and about 90 percent of the respondents rated these services as good or excellent. The ratings did not differ between 2001 and 2002. Table W: Water Services Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Study 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSERV6 1 Poor count 22 21 43 Water 96 within YEAR Year of Study services 2.3% 2.1% 2.2% Rating Fair count 63 92 155 % within YEAR Year of stuay 6.5% 9.3% 7.9% 3 Good Count 612 615 1227 96 within YEAR Year of Study 63.0% 62.1% 62.5% 4 Excellent Count 275 262 537 % within YEAR Year of Study 28.3% 26.5% 27.4% Total count 972 990 1962 9% within YEAR Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% 100.056 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 16 Q II) il) responses are displayed in Table 14. Three quarters of the respondents indicated that they Residents were asked about cultural arts programs in 2001 and 2002 as well. Their -. thought the cultural arts programs in Carlsbad were good or excellent. The ratings did not differ Table 14: Cultural Arts Programs Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Studv 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSERW 1 Poor count 42 29 71 cultural Arts programs % within YEAR Year of Study 4.8% 3.3% 4.1% Rating 2 Fair count 152 155 307 % withinYEAR Year of Study 17.6% 17.6% 17.6% 3 Good Count 414 427 841 % within YEAR Year of Study 47.8% 48.4% 48.1% 4 Excellent Count 258 272 530 % within YEAR Year of Study 29.8% 30.8% 30.3% Total count 866 883 1 749 % within YEAR Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% @ City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 17 Table 15 shows the ratings of the city's sewer services. Over 90 percent of Carlsbad residents said they thought the sewer services were good or excellent. These ratings did not vary by year of administration. Table 15: Sewer Services Ratings by Year. 'YEAR Year of study 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSERV8 1 Poor count 15 15 30 Sewer Services Rating % within YEAR Year of Study 1.8% 1.6% 1.7% 2 Fair count 50 74 124 % within YEAR Year of Study . 6.1% 7.8% 7.0% 3Good count 554 642 1196 % within YEAR Year of Study 67.2% 67.9% 67.6% 4 Excellent Count 206 214 420 % wiihin YEAR Year of Study 25.0% 22.6% 23.7% Total count % within YEAR Year of study . 825 945 1770 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 18 City Service Ratings by Region Generally, city-provided service ratings were similar in the North and South-regions. They did, however, differ with respect to recreational and cultural arts programs. Table 16 shows the ratings of recreational programs by region. While most people in both regions were likely to rate 'the recreational programs as good or excellent, those in the North were more likely than residents in the south to rate the city's recreational programs as excellent. Table 16: Recreational Programs Ratings by Region. REGION2 Reeion2 1 North 2 south Total QSERVl 1 Poor Count 3 8 11 Recreational % within REGION2 Region2 .7% 1.9% 1.3% Rating 2 Fair count 41 45 86 % within REGION2 Region2 9.0% 10.7% 9.8% 3Good count 227 236 463 % within REGION2 Region2 49.8% 55.9% 52.7% 4 Excellent Count 185 133 318 % within REGION2 Region2 40.6% 31.5% 36.2% Total count 456 422 878 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% programs ~~ City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 19 Table 17 also reveals a regional difference. It shows that residents in the North region were more likely than those in the South region to rate Carlsbad's cultural arts programs as excellent. Table 17: Cultural Arts Programs Ratings by Region. QSFRW 1 Poor count 8 21 29 CultUralArts % within REGION2 Region2 programs 1.8% 4.8% 3.3% Rating 2 Fair count 70 85 155 ab within REGION2 Region2 15.7% 19.5% 17.6% 3Good count 213 214 427 76 within REGION2 Region2 47.8% 49.0% 48.4% 4 Excellent Count 155 117 272 % within REGION2 Region2 34.8% 26.8% 30.8% Total count 446 437 883 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 20 As mentioned above, for each of the city services the majority of the respondents rated the service favorably. When a respondent rated a service as poor, however, they were asked why they rated the service as poor. Their reasons for the poor ratings were coded, and are found in Tables Ma-h. The most frequent complaint, shown in Table 18e, was the under-enforcement of traffk regulations. This lead to a poor rating of traffic enforcement by 42 of the respondents. The original statements from the respondents are found in Appendix B. Table Ma: Reason for Poor Recreational Programs Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 LackofFacilities/Rograms 6 .6 60.0 60.0 2 Slow in Developing programs 3 NeedMoreEveninflamily Rograms 3 .3 30.0 90.0 1 .1 10.0 Total 10 1 .o 100.0 Missing 8 Don’t Know 1 .1 system 1008 98.9 Total 1009 99.0 Total 1019 100.0 100.0 Table 18b: Reason for Poor Library Services Rating. Cumulative Fkquency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Lack of Selection 2 .2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 1017 99.8 Total 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - Y15/03 21 Table 18c: Reason for Poor Fire Protection Services Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent ValidPercent Percent Valid 1 Inaction During Fire 3 .3 75.0 75 .O 2 Overuseof Siren 1 .1 25.0 100.0 Total 4 .4 100.0 Missing System Total 1015 99.6 1019 100.0 Table 18d: Reason for Poor Police Services Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent PKCat Valid 1 No Positive Dealings with Polid DONOtFeelprotected 7 .7 50.0 50.0 2 No Police Presence in NUghborhoods 3 3 21.4 71.4 3 SlowtoAniveatSceneofcrim 1 .1 7.1 78.6 4 Focus Is on Minor Violations 2 .2 14.3 92.9 5 other 1 -1 7.1 100.0 Total ,. 14 1.4 100.0 Missing 9 Refwed system Total Total 1 .1 1004 98.5 1005 98.6 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - Y15/03 22 Table 1%: Reason for Poor Traffic Enforcement Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Under Enforcement of Traffic Regulations 42 4.1 61.8 61.8 2 Over Enforcement 7 .7 10.3 72.1 3 Poor Traffic Flow 13 1.3 19.1 91.2 4 Other 6 .6 8.8 100.0 Total 68 6.7 100.0 Missing 8 Don't Know 1 .1 System 950 93.2 Total 95 1 93.3 Total 1019 100.0 Table 1W Reason for Poor Water Services Rating. Cumulative Fresuency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 PoorWakrQuahty 8 .8 38.1 38.1 2 Low Water Pressure 2 .2 9.5 47.6 3 Too Expensive 2 .2 ' 9.5 57.1 4 Poor Customer ServicdProblems with Billing 8 .8 38.1 95.2 5other 1 .1 4.8 100.0 Total 21 2.1 100.0 Missing System 998 97.9 Total 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 23 Table 18g: Reason for Poor Cultural Arts Programs Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Few Activities Offered/Neexi More Variety 11 1.1 37.9 37.9 2 Activities Not Well Publicized 3 Need Better Quality Activities . Total Missing System Total 10 1 .o 34.5 72.4 8 .8 27.6 100.0 29 2.8 100.0 990 97.2 1019 100.0 Table 18h: Reason for Poor Sewer Services Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Frequent Sewage BlockageBackup 5 .5 33.3 33.3 2 Too Expensive 2 .2 13.3 46.7 3 Can Smell Sewer 2 .2 13.3 60.0 4 Environment Effects of Sewage Spills 3 .3 20.0 80.0 5 Poor Service 3 .3 20.0 100.0 Total Missing System Total 15 1.5 100.0 1004 98.5 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 24 Respondents also provided a general, overall rating of the city services. Most often, residents' overall rating of the city services was good. The overall city services were rated as good or excellent by over 90 percent of the respondents,'as illustrated in Table 19. The ratings Table 19: Overall City Services Ratings by Year. YEAR Year 0fStudy 12000 . 2 2001 3 2002 Total QGENSRV 1 Pa count 9 3 7 19 ovaall city SerViCCS Rating 2 Fair Count 9% within YEAR Ycar of Study .9% .3% .7% .6% 74 41 45 160 % within YEAR Year of Study 7.5% 4.1% 4.5% 5.4% 3 Good . count 614 612 618 1844 % within YEAR Year of study. 62.5% 61.4% 61.1% 61.7% 4 Excellent count 285 341 341 %7 5% within YEAR Year of study 29.0% 34.2% 33.7% 32.3% ~~ Total Couot 982 997 101 1 2990 % within YEAR Year of Study 100.096 100.0% ioo.o% . 100.0% were higher in 2001 and 2002 than they were in 2000. These ratings did not vary by region. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 25 City Streets Carlsbad residents were asked about the city street conditions in the city. Overall road conditions were rated quite positively. Most of the respondents rated the overall road conditions as good or excellent, as indicated in Table 20. Table 20 Overall Road Condition Ram by Year. YEAR Year of studv 1 2000 2 2001 3 2002 Total QSTREETl POO OX count 26 21 32 79 Overall Rosd % within YEAR Year of study condition 2.6% 2.1% 3.1% 2.6% Rating 2 Fair count 170 138 141 449 %withinYEAR Yearofstudy 17.0% 13.7% 13.9% 14.8% 3Good count 585 595 628 1808 % witbin YEAR Year of Study 58.5% 59.0% 61.8% 59.7% 4Excellent count 219 255 216 690 SbWithinYEAR Yearofstudy 21.9% 25.3% 21.2% 22.8% Total count IOOO 1009 1017 3026 SbwithinYEAR Yearofstudy lqO.0% 100.046 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 26 Table 21 shows the ratings of the traffic circulation in the city. A little less than half of the respondents offered a good or excellent rating of the traffic circulation in the city. These ratings varied by year of administration. Specifically, the ratings were a little higher in 2001 and 2002 than they were in 2000. Table 21: Traffic Circulation Efficiency Ratings by Year. YEAR Year of Smdv 1uMo 2 2001 3 2002 Total Q-5 1 Poor count 252 171 186 609 TrafticCion Efficiency Rating % within YEAR Year of study 25.3% 17.0% 18.4% 20.2% 2 Fair count 338 377 363 1078 % within YEAR Year of Study 33.9% 37.5% 35.8% 35.8% 3Good count xi 384 393 1138 % within YEAR Year of study 36.2% 38.2% 38.8% 37.8% a Excellent count 46 72 71 189 % within YEAR Year of Study 4.6% 7.2% 7.0% 6.3% Total count 997 1004 1013 3014 % within YEAR Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.046 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 27 There was a regional difference in the ratings of traffic circulation efficiency. This is seen in Table 22, which shows that residents in the North region rated traffic circulation lower than did South region residents. Table 22 Traffic Circulation Efficiency Rathgs by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QSTREET5 1 Poor Count 119 67 186 Traffic Circulation % within REGION2 Region2 23.4% 13.3% 18.4% Efficiency Rating 2 Fair Count 180 183 363 % within REGION2 Region2 35.4% 36.2% 35.8% 3Good Cwnt 179 214 393 % within REGION2 Region2 35.2% 42.4% 38.8% 4 Excellent count 30 41 71 ’ 46withinREGION2 Region2 5.9% 8.1% 7.0% Total Count 508 505 1013 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.096 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 28 Maintenance Services City residents gave their opinions about the maintenance services provided by the city. Their responses are summarized in Table 23. The table shows that all services were rated as good or excellent by at least 80 percent of the respondents. The most favorable ratings were for the maintenance of the seawall walkway along Carlsbad Boulevard; 44.4 percent rated it as excellent and 45.3 percent rated it as good. Table 23: Ratings of City Maintenance Services. Poor Fair Good Excellent Maintenance of Streets Count 39 138 561 276 and Landscaping Tree Maintenance Park Maintenance Litter Clean Up Maintenance of Sidewalks Maintenance of Seawall Walkway % Count 96 Count 96 Count 96 Count % count % 3.8% 46 4.6% 10 1 .O% 30 3 .O% 34 3.4% 22 2.3% 13.6% 137 13.8% 74 7.7% 128 12.7% 150 15.1% 76 8.0% 553% 582 58.8% 525 54.6% 582 57.7% 601 60.6% 430 45.3% 27.2% 225 22.7% 353 36.7% 269 26.7% 207 20.9% 42 1 44.4% ii P City of Carlsbad hblic Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 29 The maintenance of the seawall walkway along Carlsbad Boulevard was the only maintenance service which was rated differentially by region. That is, those in the north were much more likely to rate the maintenance of the seawall walkway as excellent than were residents of the South Region. This is seen in Table 24. Table 24: Rating of the Seawall Walkway Maintenance by Region. Region2 North south Total Maintenance Poor count .14 8 22 of Seawall % within Region2 2.8% 1.8% 2.3% Walkway Fair count 37 39 76 % within Region2 7.5% 8.5% 8.0% Good count 191 239 430 96 within Region2 38.8% 52.3% 45.3% Excellent Count 250 171 42 1 96 within Region2 50.8% 37.4% 44.4% Total count 492 457 949 8 within Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 30 After residents rated the maintenance services, they were asked how confident they were I? 19 i P i fairly high level of confidence. The distribution of responses is displayed in Figure 1. These in the city to resolve any public maintenance issues that they might have. On a scale of zero to ten, with higher numbem indicating greater confidence, the average rating was 7.08, indicating a a b i i P b ratings did not differ by region. 400. Confidence Figure 1: Confidence in the City to Resolve Maintenance Issues (2002). J) b i -- I) I, b' i lib b City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 31 i Those offering a rating of less than 4 were asked what the city could do to raise the respondent's confidence level regarding public maintenance issues. Their responses are found in Table 25. Of the 43 people giving a response, the most common was for the city to be more proactive about maintenance. Table 25: How to Raise Confidence Level Regarcling Public Maintenance Issues. - Cumulative FresuenCY Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid More Responsive 7 .7 16.3 16.3 Listen to and Obtain conrmunity Input 6 .6 14.0 30.2 -Roads 4 .4 9.3 39.5 Mare Proactive 19 1.9 44.2 83.7 New City Officials 5 .5 11.6 95.3 other 2 .2 4.7 100.0 Total 43 4.2 100.0 Missing Dop't Know 6 .6 System Total Total 970 95.2 976 95.8 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 32 Residents were also asked if they would be willing to pay an additional tax to maintain street medians. Specifically, they were asked if they would be willing to pay an additional $2 to $5 per year to maintain the current quality of street medians in Carlsbad. As Table 26 shows, over two-thirds (68.9%) of the respondents indicated that they were willing to pay that much to maintain the street medians. Table 26: Willingness to Pay Additional Tax to Maintain Street Medians. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid No 311 30.5 31.1 31.1 Yes 689 67.6 68.9 100.0 Total lo00 98.1 100.0 Missing Don't Know 18 1.8 Refused 1 .1 Total 19 1.9 Total 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - l/15/03 33 Contracted Services In addition to the city-provided services, respondents were also asked about services contracted from outside agencies. All of these services were rated as good or excellent by most people, and the ratings of these services did not differ by region. Table 27 shows the ratings of the trash and recycling services contracted by the city. This table reveals a slight difference in the distribution of ratings by year, with a drop-off in the rating of the trash and recycling collection service in 2002. ' Table 27: Trash and Recycling Collection Rating by Year. Year of Study 2Ooo 2001 2002 Total Trashand Poor Count 35 43 63 141 Recycling collection % within Year of study 3.5% 4.3% 6.3% 4.7% Rating Fair Count 131 142 142 415 % within Year of Study 13.2% 14.2% 14.2% 13.9% Good Count 502 474 508 1484 % within Year of Study 50.896 47.3% 50.7% 49.6% Excellent Count 321 343 289 953 % within Year of study 32.5% 34.2% 28.8% 31.8% Total Count 989 1002 1002 2993 % within Year of Study 100.0% 100.01 100.046 100.096 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 -. SBFU - 1/15/03 34 The street-sweeping service was generally rated favorable, as can be seen in Table 28. There was a difference in ratings by year of the survey. That is, ratings of the street-sweeping service were a little lower in ZOO0 than they were in 2001 and 2002. In 2000,71.4 percent of the respondents rated this service as good or excellent, while in 2001 and 2002,75.0 percent and 74.0 percent of respondents (respectively) rated street sweeping as good or excellent. Additionally, the percentage of excellent ratings dropped from 22.5 percent in 2001 to 17.0 percent in 2002. Table 28: Street Sweeping Rating by Year. lB ab a, t * Ish II) B 4B * b @ !B @ 0 ig P I) b B -. P b Ib I) @ 1) B b b City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 35 Year of study 2000 2001 2002 Total Street Poor Count 67 58 66 191 sweeping Rating % within Yeat of Study - 7.1% 6.1% 6.9% 6.796 Fair count 202 179 184 565 % witbin Year of study 21.5% 18.9% 19.1% 19.8% Good count 484 498 549 1531 96 within Year of Study 51.5% 52.5% 57.0% 53.7% Excellent Count 187 213 164 564 % within Year of Study 19.9% 22.5% 17.0% 19.8% Total count 940 948 963 285 1 % within Year of Study 100.096 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Hazardous waste disposal was also rated positively. In 2002, about half (52.0%) of the respondents offered a good rating, and another 13.5 percent gave excellent ratings to the hazardous waste disposal service contracted by the city. This is seen in Table 29. These ratings did not differ by year or region. Table 29: Hazardous Waste Disposal Rating by Year. Year of Study 2000 2001 2002 Total Hazardous Poor count 81 83 79 243 Waste Disposal Rating Fair count 139 % within Year of Study 13.5% 14.4% 12.7% 13.5% 117 135 391 % within Year of Study 23.2% 20.3% 21.7% 21.8% Good count 294 287 323 904 % within Year of Study 49.1% 49.7% 52.0% . 50.3% ' Excellent Count 85 90 84 259 % within Year of Study 14.2% 15.6% 13.5% 14.4% Total Count 599 577 62 1 1797 % within Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 36 In 2002 respondents were asked about another contracted service, animal control. The ratings of this service are found in Table 30. .Most (80.4%) of the respondents rated this service as good or excellent. The animal control ratings did not differ by region. Table 30: Animal Control Rating in 2002. Year of Study 2002 Total Animal Poor Count 44 44 Conml % within Year of Study 5.1% 5.1% Rating Fair Count 126 126 % within Year of Study 14.5% 14.5% Good Count 549 549 % within Year of Study 63.3% 63.3% Excellent Count 148 148 % within Year of Study 17.1% 17.1% Total Count 867 867 % within Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - YW03 37 Land Use 4 4 II Residents’ attitudes were assessed regarding land use and development in the City of Carlsbad. They were asked to rate how well they thought the City of Carlsbad was doing balancing various land uses in the city such as residential, commercial, industrial, and 1 4 4 recreational. Respondents answered on a scale of zero to ten, where zero indicated very poor and ten indicated excellent. The average rating was 6.17, and did not vary by region. Figure 2 1 displays the distribution of responses. 30c Poor 2 4 6 8 Excellent 1 3 5 7 9 Land Use Balance Figure 2: Rating of City Balancing Land Uses - 2002. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 38 Those offering ratings below four on the zero-to-ten scale were asked what the city could do to improve their rating on the issue. The suggestions residents gave are found in Table 3 1, the most common of which was to set limits on growth. Table 31: How to Improve Land Use Rating. Cumulative FresuenCY Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 ImproveTraffcFlow/Roads 8 .8 6.3 6.3 2 Set Limits on Growth 54 5.3 42.2 48.4 3 Create More Recreation FacilitiedGolf Courses 6 .6 4.7 53.1 4 Preserve Open Spaces/Large Areas for Habitat 16 1.6 12.5 65.6 5 More Parks/Skateboard Park3 9 .9 6 ‘More Thoughtful Planning 26 2.6 7 other 9 .9 Total 128 12.6 Missing 8 Don’t Know 2 .2 System 889 87.2 Total 891- 87.4 Total 1019 100.0 7.0 72.7 20.3 93.0 7.0 100.0 100.0 * 19 @ b were asked how familiar they were with Carlsbad’s growth management plan. The average b !ID Familiarity of residents with Carlsbad’s growth management plan and general plan was assessed. On a zero-to-ten scale with higher numbers indicating greater familiarity, respondents . - familiarity score, as shown in Table 32, was 4.06, suggesting residents are not very familiar with the plan. Figure 3 shows the distribution of responses. Q B B City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 39 Table 32: Familiarity with Carlsbad's Growth Management Program and General Plan. QCGMP Familiarity with Carlsbad Growth lo09 0 10 4.06 2.991 Management Program QCGP Familiarity with Carlsbad's General Plan 1012 0 10 Valid N (listwise) 1006 3.58 2.902 30m Poor 2 4 6 8 Excellent 1 3 5 7 9 Familiarity Figure 3: Familiarity with Carlsbads Growth Management Plan. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - YW03 ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ 40 b B b varied by region. This is illustrated in Table 33. Those in the North region indicated a higher The degree to which residents were familiar with Carlsbad's growth management plan B P degree of familiarity than did residents in the South region. b b B REGION2 Region2 N Mean Std. Deviation b QCGMP Familiarity 1 North 503 4.28 3.016 Table 33: Familiarity with Carlsbad's Growth Management Program. b- b b b b D c L D 1 1 I I with Carlsbad Growth Management Program 506 3.84 2.952 , City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 41 Residents were also asked about their familiarity with the city’s general plan. The ratings of residents’ familiarity with the city’s general plan averaged 3.58 on the zero-to-ten familiarity scale. Figure 4 shows the distribution of responses. This rating did not vary by region. Poor 2 4 6 8 Excellent 1 3 5 7 9 Familiarity Figure 4: Familiarity with Carlsbad’s General Plan - 2002. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 42 Contact with the Citv of Carlsbad Telephone Contact Resident contact with the city was given attention in the survey in 2001 and 2002. Respondents were asked if they had any telephone contact with the City of Carlsbad by telephone in the last year. Almost half (47.6%) of the respondents in 2002 reported having phone contact with the City of Carlsbad in the past year. This represents an increase over the percentage having contact with the city by phone last year (37.2%), as illustrated in Table 34. Table 34: Contact with City Via Telephone in Past Year by Year. YEAR Year of Study 2 2001 3 2002 Total QCALL5 Contactwith 0 No Count 632 532 1164 City Via Telephone in % within YEAR Year of Study 62.8% 52.4% 57.6% Past Year 1 Yes count 374 484 858 % within YEAR Year of Study 37.2% 47.6% 42.4% Total Count 1006 1016 2022 % within YEAR Year of Study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - l/15/03 43 clii 4 e There was a difference in the likelihood that someone had contact with the city depending ilEi on region. As Table 35 indicates, those in the north were considerable more likely to call the city fi than were residents in the south. Table 35: Contact with City Via Telephone in Past Year by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QCALLS Contactwith 0 No Count 236 296 532 City Via Telephone in % within REGION2 Region2 46.5% 58.2% 52.4% Past Year 1 Yes Count 27 1 213 484 % within REGION2 Region2 53.5% 41.8% 47.6% Total count 507 509 1016 % within REGION2 Region2 100.096 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 44 The respondents who had telephone contact with the city were asked how they would rate that contact. Their responses in 2001 and 2002 are summarized in Table 36. Only about five percent rated their contact with the city as poor, while four out of five rated their contact as good or excellent. There was a small difference in ratings by year. That is, the ratings were a little higher in 2001 than they were in 2002. They did not differ by region. Table 36: Overall Rating of Telephone Contact with City by Year. ~ YEAR Year of Study 2 2001 3 2002 Total QCALL6 Overall 1 Paor Count 21 25 46 Rating of % within YEAR Year of Study 5.6% 5.2% 5.4% Telephone Contactwithcity 2 Fair count 41 78 119 % within YEAR Year of Study 11.0% 16.3% 14.0% 3 Good count 133 193 326 % within YEAR Year of Study 35.7% 40.2% 38.2% ~~ ~ 4 Excellent count 178 184 362 % within YEAR Year of Study 47.7% 38.3% 42.4% Total Count 373 480 853 % within YEAR Year of study 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Those that did rate their telephone contact with the city as poor were asked why they did so. The responses of the 25 people giving a poor rating in 2002 are summarized in Table 37. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - YW03 45 .. Table 37: Reason Respondent Rated Contact with City as Poor. Cumulative Frequency Percent ValidPercent Percent Valid 1 City Was Non-Responsive to Phone Calls 10 1 .o 40.0 40.0 2 Problem Was Not Resolved 11 1.1 44.0 84.0 3 mer 4 .4 16.0 100.0 Total 25 2.5 100.0 Missing System 994 91.5 Total 1019 100.0 Connectivity and Exchanges with the City by Internet Access In 2002, residents were asked about Internet access. Most (80.2%) of the respondents said they go online to access the Internet, World Wide Web, or to send and receive e-mail. This is seen in Table 38. Of those that reported going online, 94.7 percent said they had Internet access at home. Those with Internet access at home were asked if they had a high-speed connection. Half (50.1%) of the residents indicated that they did have a high-speed connection such as a cable modem, ISDN, DSL, or a T1 line. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 46 Table 38: Internet Access. 0 No 1 Yes count % count % Accesses Internet, WWW, or SendlReceive E-mail 202 19.8% 817 80.2% Has Home Internet Access 43 5.3% 774 94.7% Uses High Speed Internet Connection 383 49.9% 384 50.1% Payment by Internet Those reporting that they go online were asked if they would use the Internet to (1) register and pay for recreation programs and classes, and (2) pay their water or trash bill. Table 39 shows that three quarters of the respondents who go online would pay for recreation programs and classes over the Internet, and over half (56.5%) would pay their water or trash bill over the Internet. Table 39: Interest in Internet Transactions with the City. 0 Nn 1 Yes count % Count % Would Use Inmet to Register/ Pay for 200 24.9% 603 75.1% Recreational Programs Would Use Internet to Pay Water or Trash Bill 345 43.5% 449 56.5% 5) !b City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 47 b r) b There was a regional difference in the willingness to register for and pay for recreation programs and classes, but no effect of region on the willingness to pay their water or trash bill. Table 40 shows that those in the South were a little more likely to say they would register for and pay for recreation programs and classes on the Internet. Table 40: Would Use Internet for City Transactions. REGION2’ Region2 1 North 2 south Total QWEBREC WouldUse 0 No Count 110 90 200 Internet to Register1 96 witbin REGION2 Region2 28.1% 21.8% 24.9% Pay for Recreational programs 1 Yes Count 281 322 603 % within REGION2 Region2 71.9% 78.2% 75.1% Total Count 391 412 803 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 48 1 Residents who indicated that they would not register for and pay for recreation programs and classes on the Internet were asked what the main reason was that would keep them from using the Internet to register for and pay for recreation programs and classes. The reasons they offered are listed in Table 41. Concerns about security and privacy were the most common. Table 41: Main Reason for Not Using Internet to Register and Pay for Classes. Cumulative Freuuencv Percent Valid Percent Percent ” Valid 1 Concernsabout SecurityPrivacy on Internet 60 5.9 30.3 30.3 2 Not Interested in Recreation Programs and Classes 23 2.3 11.6 41.9 3 Like Paying the Old Way 18 1.8 9.1 51.0 4 Refer Face to Face InteractiodSee Facilities and 18 Area 5 Not Computer and htemet LiteraWb Not Have computer 6 Does Not Like Using Computerhtemet for That Purpose 23 1.8 9.1 60.1 2.3 11.6 71.7 24 2.4 12.1 83.8 7 other 32 3.1 16.2 100.0 Total 198 19.4 100.0 Missing 8 Don’t Know 3 .3 System 818 80.3 Total 82 1 80.6 Total 1019 100.0 The reasons residents gave for saying they would not pay for water or trash over the Internet are displayed in Table 42. The most common reason given was the same as for the City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 49 registration and payment of recreation programs and classes, that is, concerns about security and privacy. Table 42: Main Reason for Not Using Internet to Pay Water or Trash Bill. cumulative Freauencv Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Concernsabout Security/Privacy on' Internet ~ ~~~~ 111 10.9 33.4 33.4 2 Concerns about Reliability with Billing over Internet 3 Not Computer or Internet Literate/Do Not Have 17 1.7 5.1 42.5 13 1.3 3.9 37.3 CompUkT 4 Like Paying the Old Way 52 5.1 15.7 58.1 5 Wants Hard Copy of Bill and Check for Records 6 Does Not Pay Water and Trash 7 Prefers Electronic Services/Convenience of Current System 8 Does Not Like Using Computerkternet for That purpose 17 1.7 5.1 63.3 21 2.1 6.3 69.6 38 3.7 11.4 81.0 46 4.5 . 13.9 94.9 9 other 17 1.7 5.1 100.0 Total 332 32.6 100.0 Missing 98 Don't Know 12 1.2 99 Refused 1 .1 System 674 66.1 Total 687 67.4 Total 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 50 Resident Behaviors and Attitudes Cable TV Cable television subscription and satisfaction was investigated. Most (85.7%) residents report subscribing to cable television. The likelihood of subscribing to cable TV is slightly higher in the South than it is in the North, as illustrated in Table 43. Table 43: Cable TV Subscription by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QCBLW 0 No Count 84 62 146 Currently % within REGION2 Region2 16.5% 12.2% 14.3% Subscribes to Cable TV 1 Yes Count 425 447 872 % within REGION2 Region2 83.5% 87.8% 85.7% Total Count 509 509 1018 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% b b a City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 51 The reasons people gave for not subscribing to cable TV are enumerated in Table 44. Many of those not subscribing to cable TV were satellite TV subscribers, but the expense of cable and not watching much TV were also common reasons given by Carlsbad residents for not subscribing to cable TV. Table 44: Main Reason for Not Subscribing to Cable TV. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Rates Are TooHigh 30 . 2.9 21 .o 21 .o 2 Don't Like Programming Options Offered 10 1 .o 7.0 28.0 3 Subscribe to Satellite or 44 4.3 30.8 58.7 Other Programming Service 4 Don't Watch TV Much 32 3.1 22.4 81.1 5 Satisfied with Local Broadcast TV 6 Cable Customer Service Is Poor 7 Other Total Missing 8 Don't Know 9 Refused System Total Total 4 .4 2.8 83.9 11 1.1 7.7 91.6 12 1.2 8.4 100.0 143 14.0 100.0 1 .1 1 .1 874 85.8 876 86.0 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 52 Those subscribing to cable TV were asked about their satisfaction with their cable television service. On a zero-to-ten scale with higher numbers indicating greater satisfaction, the average rating was 6.17, suggesting that satisfaction moderate. The distribution of responses to this question is displayed in Figure 5. People offering a low rating (less than four) were asked why they rated the cable TV service so low. Their responses are in Table 45. 30 - 1 1 3 5 7 9 Satisfaction Figure 5: Satisfaction with Cable TV Service - 2002. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 53 Table 45: Reason for Low Cable Service Rating. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Dislikes the Programming 50 4.9 23.1 23.1 2 High cost 58 5.7 26.9 50.0 3 Poor Customer Service 27 2.6 12.5 62.5 4 Poor Qualityof cannection/Equipment ServiceJProblems with 5 Poor ReceptionflrJoise 6 No Other Cable TV Service Options 13 1.3 6.0 84.7 7 Other 33 3.2 15.3 100.0 Total 216 21.2 100.0 Missing 8 Don't Know 2 .2 9 Refused System Total 1 .1 800 78.5 803 78.8 Total 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 54 I!. la !Q b b inform them about changes in services, channel line-ups, and rates. As Table 46 shows, 59.9 b B I) Cable TV subscribers also rated their satisfaction with their cable company’s ability to percent of the respondents said their cable company’s service was good or excellent in this Table 46: Ability of Cable Company to Inform about Changes in Services, Channels, and Rates. Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Poor 119 11.7 13.9 13.9 2 Fair 224 22.0 26.2 40.1 3Good 4 Excellent Total 387 38.0 45.2 85.3 126 12.4 14.7 100.0 856 84.0 100.0 b regard. These ratings did not differ by region. ab b b b b b B b b b b b b b b D D D b B 1 b b B B 1 Missing 8 Don’t Know 16 1.6 9 Refused 1 .1 System Total Total 146 14.3 163 . 16.0 1019 100.0 I 1 1 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 55 Visiting the Carlsbad Viage Area Not surprisingly, the frequency of visiting the downtown Carlsbad Village area depended on where the residents lived. That is, residents in north Carlsbad were more than twice as likely as south Carlsbad residents to report going to the downtown Carlsbad Village area at least once a week. This is illustrated in Table 47. Table 47: Frequency of Visits to Downtown- Village Area by Region. REGION2 Reeion2 1 Nrnih 2 Smth Total QVISVIL. 1 AtLeastOncea Week Count 442 204 646 of Visits to hwntown 2 AtLeastOncea count 52 181 233 Fresuency 5% within REGION2 Region2 86.7% 40.1% 63.4% village Month Area % within REGION2 Region2 10.2% 35.6% 22.9% 3 ThqarMoreTimes Count 9 92 101 a Year % within REGION2 Region2 1.8% 18.1% 9.9% ' 4 At Least Once a Year Count 1 21 22 5% within REGION2 Region2 .2% 4.1% 2.2% 5 LessThanOncea count 1 6 7 Year % within REGION2 Region2 .2% 1.2% .7% 6 Never count 5 5 10 5% within REGION2 Region2 1 .O% 1 .O% 1.0% Total count 510 509 1019 96 within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 56 .. . There were 10 respondents that indicated that they never visit the downtown Carlsbad Village area. These people were asked why they haven’t visited the Village. Their responses in Table 48. Table 48: Reason Respondent Does Not Visit Downtown Village Area. Cumulative Fi-equency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 other Stares Closer 2 .2 22.2 22.2 2 No Need to Shop in Village 5 .5 55.6 77.8 3 Do Not Go out Much 2 .2 22.2 100.0 Total 9 -9 100.0 Missing 8 Don’t Know 1 .1 System 1009 99.0 Total 1010 99.1 Total 1019 100.0 are City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 57 .. . Respondents were also asked about what they thought would improve the quality of their experience when visiting the Village area. Table 49 shows their suggestions. More public parking was the most common response. Table 49: Suggestions to Improve the Carlsbad Village Area. % ~~ ~ More Public Parking Nothin@ine the Way It Is Improve Traffic J?low/Reduced Traffic Better Mix of Stores More and Different Restaurants Pedestrian Friendly Area Less People/Less Tourists Remodel )4rea/Aesthetic and Maintenance Improvements Greater Variety of Entertainment and Recreation Opportunities Improved Standard of Cleanliness Evening Shopping Better Marketing and Advertisement of Downtown Events and Stores More Nightlife and Music Keep Old-Fashioned Charm Other 21.6% 11.3% 14.9% 6.0% 5.4% 3.2% 3.1% 2.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 6.1% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 58 Recycling Respondents in 2001 and 2002 were asked about the amount of recycling they do. They were asked to estimate the percentage of the waste items that their household disposes of via recycling. The percentage that Carlsbad residents reported recycling in 2002 was 65.95 percent, which does not differ significantly ikom the 63.34 percent recycled in 2001. Figure 6 shows the 3 00 200 - 100 - 0 0 20 40 60 SO 100 Percentage Recycled Figure 6: Percentage of Recyclable Materials Respondent Recycles (200 distribution of responses to this question. This distribution reveals that there are many (38.6%) respondents recycling over 80 percent of their recyclable waste. The percentage of recyclable materials recycled did not differ between the north and south of the city. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRl - 1/15/03 59 Those that reported recycling less than 50 percent of their recyclable waste were asked what kept them from recycling more. As Table 50 shows, the most common reason residents gave for not recycling more was that they did not have curbside recycling service for all items. Table 50: Reason Respondent Does Not Recycle More. Cumulative Fi-equency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 OtherMaterial Not Accepted at Curbside Pickup 45 4.4 19.9 19.9 2 Lack of Storage Space 10 1.0 4.4 24.3 3 Containem Too Small 21 2.1 9.3 33.6 4 Lack of Knowledge of What to Recycle 5 Recycling Not Offered at Residence 6 Laziness 7 Hassle/lnconvenience 8 Lack of Knowledge of Recycling Centers 9 No Delivery of Requested BilldPiCk-up Service but NO Bill 10 Disillusioned 11 Other Total Missing 97 Nothing 98 Don't Know System Total Total 25 30 28 31 4 9 5 18 226 23 7 763 793 1019 2.5 2.9 2.7 3.0 .4 .9 .5 1.8 22.2 2.3 .7 74.9 77.8 100.0 11.1 13.3 12.4 13.7 1.8 4.0 2.2 8.0 100.0 44.7 58.0 70.4 84.1 85.8 89.8 92.0 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 60 Feelings of Safety Residents were asked about how safe they felt walking alone in their neighborhood. The residents answered using a zero-to-ten scale where zero means not at all safe and ten means very safe. The results are shown in Table 51. When asked how safe they felt walking alone in their neighborhood during the day, respondents gave an average rating of 9.55 in 2002, suggesting that they felt very safe. Figure 6 shows the distribution of ratings for 2002. These ratings did not differ by year or region. Table 51: Feelings of Safety Walking Alone During the Day. QSAFEl Safety of Walking Alone in Neighborhood During Day N Ma Std.Deviation Minimum Maximum 1 2000 1001 9.46 1.196 0 10 2 2001 1010 9.56 1.038 0 10 3 2002 1009 9.55 ; .943 3 10 Total 3020 9.53 1.064 0 10 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 61 3 5 6 i 8 9 Very safe Feelings of Safety Figure 7: Feelings of Safety Walking During the Day - 2002. Residents were also asked about how safe they felt walking in their neighborhood at night. On the zero-to-ten scale, residents provided an average response of 7.63 in 2002, suggesting that they felt safe at night as well. This is shown in Table 52. The distribution of these ratings for 2002 is shown in Figure 7. These ratings did not differ by year or region. However, residents did feel significantly more safe during the day than they did at night. 4 4 rl 1 City of Carlsbad Public'Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 62 1 Y 8 8 & Table 52: Feelings of Safety Walking Alone at Night. QSAFE2 Safety of Walking Alone in Neighborhood After Dark r N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 1 2000 lo00 7.54 2.548 0 10 2 2001 1007 7.63 2.600 0 10 3 2002 999 7.63 2.358 0 10 Total 3006 7.60 2.504 0 10 20 - 10 - 0- I Not at all safe 2 4 6 8 Very safe 1 3 5 7 9 Feelings of Safety Figure 7: Feelings of Safety Walking at Night - 2002. b b City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 63 Citv Information Information Resources Respondents were asked what resources they used to get information about the City of Carlsbad. Table 53 shows their responses. The most common source of information about Carlsbad reported was the Community Services and Recreation Guide. The use of the Community Services and Recreation Guide increase from 2001 to 2002, as did the number of people gaining information about the city from the city web page, city desktop calendar, fliers, citizen forums and city council meetings. 1 t 4 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 64 4 4 Table 53: Source of Information about Carlsbad. 2001 2002 communityseNices RecreatiolrGuide City Web page The New City Desktop calcndar Flyers in City Billing Statement citizen Forums Calling City 011 Telephone City Council Meetings carkwcommunityupdate Video chambtrofcommrce City offices Library SdM fhlw Newspaper Word of Mouth Visiton Bureau Other count % Count 9% count 96 count 96 count 8 count % count 96 count 96 count % count % cwnt % count 4% Count 5% count % count 46 count % count % 555 655 55.0% 64.3% 329 381 32.6% 37.4% 225 333 22.3% 32.7% 330 456 32.7% 44.7% 71 110 7.0% 10.8% 412 440 40.8% 43.2% 178 230 17.6% 22.6% 75 7.4% 7 .7% 13 1.3% 34 3.3% 7 .7% 17 1.7% 8 3% 10 1 .O% 5 5% 5 18 .5% 1.8% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 65 There were also regional differences in the likelihood of gaining city information from a few sources. That is, those in the North were more likely than those in the South to obtain information about Carlsbad from the Community Services and Recreation Guide, citizen forums and city council meetings. Rating of Information Dispersal Residents were asked to rate the job the city does in providing residents with infomation about important issues. Respondents answered using a zero-to-ten scale where zero means poor and ten means excellent. Table 54 shows their average ratings by year. The table shows that the average rating in 2002 (6.27) was higher than the average rating in 2001 (5.95). The distribution of ratings is shown in Figure 8. Table 54: Rating of City's Provision of Information to Residents. YEAR Year of Study N Mean Std. Deviation CITYINF;! Rating of City's 2 2001 Ability to Provide Information about Important Issues 3 2002 967 5.95 2.490 976 6.27 2.405 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 66 10 - Y Poor 2 4 6 8 Excellent 1 3 5 7 9 Ability to Provide Infomation Figure 8: Rating of City's Provision of Information to Residents - 21 Progl.ams and Activities Residents were asked what types of programs or activities they would like to see the Carlsbad Recreation Department offer for teens. Their open-ended responses are summarized in Table 55. Sports programs and cultural activities were commonly mentioned. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 67 Table 55: Programs and Activities Residents Would Like to See for Teens. 1 Yes count % More Sports ProgramsRacilities Teen Center Dances Outdoor Field Sports After School Programs Mentoring/Academic Programs Life Skills Classes Music Activities Art Activities Cultural Activities Surfing ClassedOther Water-Related Sports Skate Park court sports Weekend TripdSocial Activities Swimming Activities Swimming Pool Other 114 - 11.2% 71 64 54 . 51 48 46 46 44 40 36 34 31 31 26 24 78 7.0% 6.3% 5.3% 5.0% 4.7% 4.5% 4.5% 4.3% 3.9% 3.5% 3.3% 3.0% 3.0% 2.6% 2.4% 7.7% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 68 The interest in these Recreation Department activities was consistent across regions, with one exception. Residents in the South were more likely to suggest more art activities for teens than were residents in the North. ,This is seen in Table 56. Table 56 Residents Would Like to See Art Activities for Teens by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total Art Activities 0 No Count 495 480 975 for Teens % within REGION2 Region2 97.1% 94.3% 95.7% 1 Yes Count 15 29 44 96 within REGION2 Region2 2.9% 5.7% 4.3% Total count 510 509 1019 % within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 69 Participation in a City Activity The extent to which residents were interested in increasing their participation in the City of Carlsbad activities and issues is indicated in Table 57. Overall, just under half (47.9%) of the respondents indicated they would like to increase their participation. The likelihood that a respondent expressed interest in increasing their participation in city activities and issues was qualified by region. That is, those in the South were more likely to say they wanted to increase their level of participation. Table 57: Interest in Increasing Participation in City Activities and Issues by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QPARTIC Interest in ON0 Count 276 243 519 Increasing Participation in 96 within REGION2 Region2 55.3% 48.8% 52.1% City Activities and Issues 1 Yes Count 223 255 478 9% within REGION2 Region2 44.7% 5 1.2% 47.9% 997 Total Count 499 498 5% within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 70 m Residents were asked what would they most likely become involved if they were to b rn involve themselves in a city activity or issue. The responses are found in Table 58. Growth, s) @ planning, and development was the issue most commonly cited. Table 58: Activity or Issue Residents Would Most Likely be involved with. 1 Yes Growth/PlanninglDevelopment 194 19.0% ParksfRecreation 131 12.9% Youth Issues 106 10.4% Environmental Issues Education City Government Arts/Enter&ainment 93 9.1% 84 8.2% 76 7.5% 58 5.7% Traffic Issues 47 4.6% Social IssuedServices 32 3.1% Elderly Issues 30 2.9% b a, P Library Issues 29 2.8% Public Safety 28 2.78 Aesthetic Improvements 9 .9% b Other 61 6.0% !B b R D b 5 1 b b b b li 6 lr ,'? City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 71 Evaluation of City Government Respondents were asked the extent to which they were confident in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions that positively af€ect the lives of its community members. Respondents answered on a scale of zero-to-ten, where zero means not at all confident and ten means very confident. On average, residents offered a confidence rating of 6.61 in 2002, suggesting confidence in city govenunent. The extent to which residents expressed confidence in the city government to make decisions that positively impacted Carlsbad residents was higher in 2001 and 2002 than it was in 2OOO. This is illustrated in Table 59. Figure 8 contains the distribution of confidence ratings for 2002. Residents’ confidence in the city government did not differ by region in the 2002. Table 59: Confidence in City Government to Make Decisions That Positively Affect Residents. QCONFID3 Confidence in Carlsbad City Government to Make Decisions That Positively Affect Lives of Commupity Members . N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 1 2000 958 6.04 2.535 0 10 2 2001 952 6.52 2.402 0 10 3 2002 971. 6.61 2.186 0 10 Total 2881 6.39 2.390 0 10 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 72 1 r .. . 30 - 10- CII Not at all confident 2 4 6 8 Very confident 1 3 5 7 9 Confidence in City Government Figure 9: Confidence in Carlsbad City Government to Make Decisions that Positively Affect Residents - 2002. The relationship between ratings of confidence in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions that positively affect the lives of its community members and familiarity with Carlsbad’s growth management plan and general plan was assessed. Table 60a shows the correlations2 between these variables. These correlations reveal no relationship between confidence in the Carlsbad city government and familiarity with Carlsbad’s growth management plan and general plan. 2A correlation coefficient indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between variables. It can range from -1 to 1, with 0 indicating no relationship between the variables. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - l/l5/03 73 Table 6Oa: Relationship between Confidence in City Government and Other Factors. CITYINF2 Rating of City's QCGW Ability to Familiarity with QCGP Provide Carlsbad Growth Familiarity with Information Management Carlsbad's about Important program General Plan Issues QCONFID3 Confidence in Pearson Correlation .020 .032 .490** Carlsbad City Government to Make Decisions 'Ihat Sig. (2-tailed) .528 .319 .Ooo Positively Affect Lives of Community Members N 964 967 942 **- Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-ta.i~). I 1 I Table 60a also shows the correlation between confidence in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions that positively affect the lives of its community members and the respondents' I rating of the job the city does providing information about issues important to them. There was a 1 significant positive correlation between these ratings, indicating that the more positively I I respondents rated the job the city does providing information about issues important to them, the I greater the confidence they have in the city government to make decisions that positively affect I I residents. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 74 The relationship between confidence they have in the city government to make decisions that positively affect residents and total household income was also examined. Table 60b reveals that there was a limited relationship between income and confidence in the city to make positive decisions, Specifically, those residents with total household incomes from $125,000 to under $150,000 expressed less confidence in the city than did residents with incomes less than $35,000. Table 60b: Confidence in City Government by Total Household Income. QCONFID3 Confidence in Carlsbad City Government to Make Decisions That Positively Affect Lives of N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 1 Under $25,000 44 7.18 2.490 0 10 2 $25,OOo to under $35,000 48 7.31 2.054 2 10 3 $35,000 to under $50,000 112 6.88 2.324 0 10 4 $50,000 to under $75,000 172 6.69 2.139 0 , IO 5 $75,000 to under $100,000 161 6.70 2.109 0 10 6 $100,000 to under $125,OOo 7 $125,000 to under $150,000 8 $150,000 to under $200,000 9 $200,000 and above TOtaI 129 6.80 2.005 1 10 69 5.84 2.266 0 10 52 5.98 2.183 0 10 57 6.28 2.111 0 10 844 6.66 2.188 0 10 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 75 In the 2002 survey, those residents whose confidence in the city government was low were asked why that was the case. Their responses are summarized in Table 61. A third of these 121 respondents indicated that their low confidence rating arose from concerns about growth. Table 61: Reason for Low Confidence in City Government. ~~ Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Not Limiting GrowWAlignment yith 40 3.9 33.1 33.1 Developers 2 Need New City Officials 6 .6 5.0 38.0 3 Lack of Communication Regarding Decisions 8 .8 6.6 44.6 4 Lack of Interest in Public Input 18 1.8 14.9 59.5 5 Lack of Trust of City OfficialdGovernment 28 2.7 23.1 82.6 6 Emptypromises/poor Project Completion 8 .8 6.6 89.3 7 dther 13 1.3 10.7 100.0 Total Missing 8 Don't Know 121 11.9 100.0 1 .I 9 Refused 4 .4 System 893 87.6 Total 898 88.1 Total 1019 100.0 ! . doing a good job. Table 62 contains the responses to this question. Though growth was commonly cited among those laclang confidence in the city, many (12.1%) residents reported 4 that growth management was the best indcator that the city was doing a good job. a B City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 76 Table 62: Best Indicator City Is Doing a Good Job. Cumulative FresuenCY Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 PositiveCommunity FeedbacwNo Complaints'Happy Residents 155 15.2 18.1 18.1 2 Low Crim RateJSafety 89 8.7 10.4 28.6 3 Increasedpropertyvalue 11 1.1 1.3 29.9 4 IncreasedPopulationlDesire to Live in Carlsbad 54 5.3 6.3 36.2 5 Cleanliness 46 4.5 5.4 41.6 6 LowerTaxes 7 conmlled GrowGrowth Management 8 Better Traffic ControVFlow 9 More Proactive aht communityconcerns 10 Public Maintenance Projects ,ll Other Total Missing 98 Don't Know 99 Refused System Total Total 25 103 52 41 64 214 854 155 8 2 165 1019 2.5 10.1 5.1 4.0 6.3 21.0 83.8 15.2 .8 .2 16.2 100.0 2.9 44.5 12.1 56.6 6.1 62.6 4.8 67.4 7.5 74.9 25.1 100.0 100.0 City Features 11) ra, .. I$) 9 such as what they liked most about Carlsbad, and what their biggest concerns about Carlsbad b b 9 9 B 04) Respondents were asked a number of questions about features of the City of Carlsbad were. This section describes the responses to these questions. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 77 Best Liked Features of Carlsbad Residents were given an open-ended opportunity to say what they liked best about living in the City of Carlsbad. The respondents in 2002 offered a variety of different answers, which are summarized in Table 63. The most commonly cited feature in response to this question was proximity to the beach. Over a third (34.2%) of the respondents mentioned this as what they like most about living in Carlsbad. The weather or climate (24.7%) was also frequently cited as the thing people liked best about living in Carlsbad. The number of people indicating the weather as the best liked feature of living in Carlsbad was higher in 2002 compared to previous years. Many (14.3%) of the respondents suggested the city's beauty and cleanliness were the thing they liked best. The community and people of Carlsbad was the thing liked best by 14.2 percent of the respondents, which is a return to the level from the 2000 survey after 18.7 percent of respondents listed the community and people as the best liked thing about living in Carlsbad in 2001. Additionally, 11.8 percent of the respondents said the small town feel of Carlsbad is what they liked best. As with the community and people, the small town feel of Carlsbad was reported as the thing liked best more often in 2001 than in 2000 or 2002. Location was offered as the thing residents liked best about living in Carlsbad by 10.4 percent of the 'respondents. This is a . statistically significant drop from 2000 and 2001. I I City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 78 Table 63: Best Liked Features of Carlsbad. 2000 2001 2002 count % cmt % count % The BeacWClose to Ocean 308 30.8% 322 31.9%- 349 34.2% Weather/climate 201 20.1% 202 20.0% 252 24.7% Beautiful/Clean 121 12.1% 133 13.2% 146 14.3% Like the Communityme People 153 15.3% 189 18.7% 145 14.2% Like That It's a Small Town 122 12.2% 156 15.4% 120 11.8% Location 189 18.9% 201 19.9% 106 10.4% Armosphere/Ambiance 11 1.1% 34 3.4% 94 9.2% Safe 74 7.4% 84 8.3% 83 8.1% Convenience of storem-t 88 8.8% 80 7.9% City Government/PauninglSwices 99 9.9% 116 11.5% 68 6.7% Trails/ParlcdRecreation 53 5.2% 60 5.9% The Village The Schools Not Crowded or overdwelaped/No Traffk Problems Quiet/PeaceN The Housing Everything/Nothing I Don't Like NotbinglDon't Like Carlsbad Other 31 50 5.0% 42 37 86 8.6% 65 16 46 3 97 3.1% 4.2% 3.7% 6.4% 1.6% 4.6% -3% 9.6% 59 49 48 47 11 24 5 70 5.8% 4.8% 4.7% 4.6% 1.1% 2.4% .5% 6.9% There were some differences in what residents said was the thing they liked most about living in Carlsbad by region. Table 64a shows that those in the South (16.7%) were more likely than those in the North (12.0%) to list the beauty and cleanliness of Carlsbad as the thing they liked most about living in Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 79 Table 64a: Beauty and Cleanliness is the Best Liked Feature of Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QBAD1-6 LikeMost 0 Not Chosen Count 449 424 873 about Living in Carlsbad: % within Region2 88.0% 83.3% 85.7% BeautifullClem 1 Chosen count 61 85 146 % within Region2 12.0% 16.7% 14.3% Total Count 510 509 1019 % within Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Residents also differed by region in the likelihood that they indicated that what they liked most about living in Carlsbad is its small town feel. Not surprisingly, residents in the North (15.7%) were almost twice as likely as those in the South (7.9%) to say that what they liked most about living in Carlsbad is its small town feel. This is seen in Table 64b. Table ab: Small Town Feel is the Best Liked Feature of Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QBADl-4 Like Most about 0 Not Chosen Count 430 469 899 Living in Carlsbad: Like That It’s a Small Town % within Region2 84.3% 92.1% 88.2% 1 Chosen Count 80 40 1 20 % within Region2 15.7% 7.9% 11.8% ~ Total Count 510 509 1019 % within Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% ~~~ ~ The likelihood that a resident said trails and parks were the thing they liked best about living in Carlsbad differed by region. Table 64c shows that 7.7 percent of residents in the South, City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 80 Table 64c: Trails and Parks is the Best Liked Feature of Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QBAD1-13 LikeMost 0 Not Chosen Count 489 470 959 about Living in Carlsbd TrailsParkdRecreation % within Region2 95.9% 92.3% 94.1% 1 Chosen Count 21 39 60 % within Region2 4.1% 7.7% 5.9% Total Count 510 509 1019 8 within Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Table 64d shows the expected effect of region on reporting the Carlsbad village area as the thing most liked about living in Carlsbad. In the North, 9.4 percent said that the village was the thing they liked best about living in Carlsbad compared to 2.2 percent in the South. Table 64d: The Vige is the Best Liked Feature of Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Reejon2 1 North 2 south Total QBAD1-14 Like Most 0 Not Chosen Count 462 498 960 about Living in Carlsbad: % within Region2 90.6% 97.8% 94.2% The Village 1 Chosen Count 48 11 59 % within Region2 9.4% 2.2% 5.8% Total Count 510 509 1019 96 within Region2 100.08 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 81 Biggest Concerns Regarding Carlsbad Respondents indicated what concerns they had about Carlsbad. Specifically, they were asked an open-ended question about what their biggest concern is regarding the City of Carlsbad. These concerns are displayed in Table 65. Similar to previous years, traffic was the most common complaint; 30.0 percent of the respondents said traffic was their biggest concern regarding the City of Carlsbad. Related are the concerns with growth, expressed by 23.3 percent; and over-development, expressed by 16.7 percent. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 82 Table 65: Biggest Concern Kegarding Carlsbad. 2000 2001 2002 count % count % count 8 ~~ Traffic GrowthlGrowing Too Fast overdevelopingloverbuilding Ovmwdin@Overpopulation City StreeWmway Access The City GovemmmtPlanningl Responsiveness Cost of LivingRiousing Ovmw&d Schools/Bussing to San Marcos Losing Open Spacedconservation of Land Quality of Schools Crime Increasing Cost of Living (property taxes, gas, electric. etc.) Lack of/poor City Services PollutionlAir Quality No Concerns Other 364 316 193 116 22 51 10 27 30 36.4% 310 31.6% 266 19.3% 184 11.6% 84 2.2% 35 5.1% 50 1.0% 26 2.7% 25 3.0% 16 34 3.4% 42 4.2% 36 30 66 96 30.7% 306 26.3% 237 18.2% 170 8.3% 146 3.5% 58 51 5.0% 38 2.6% 33 2.5% 29 27 1.6% 19 10 3.6% 10 3.0% 4 6.5% 43 9.5% 152 30.0% 23.3% 16.7% 14.3% 5.7% 5.096 3.7% 3.2% 2.8% 2.6% 1.9% 1 .o% 1.0% .4% 4.2% 14.9% Some differences by year of survey administration should be noted. Concern about traffic was lower in 2001 and 2002 than it was in 2000. Concern about growth has diminished over the years of the study. On the other hand, overcrowding has become more of a concern in 2002 that it had been in previous years. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 83 There was variation in residents biggest concern with the City of Carlsbad by region. Most notably, residents in the South wek the more likely (21.2%) to mention over-development as their biggest concern than were those in the North (12.2%). This is revealed in Table 66. Table 66: Overdevelopment is Resident's Biggest Concern €or Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Region2 1 North 2 south Total QBAD2-3 Biggest 0 Not Chosen Count 448 401 849 Concern Regarding 5% within REZION2 Region2 87.8% 78.8% 83.3% Carlsbad: Overdevelopingl 1 Chosen count 62 108 170 Overbuilding % within REGION2 Region2 12.2% 21.2% 16.7% Total count 510 509 1019 5% within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Improving the Quality of Life in Carlsbad Residents were asked about improving the quality of life in the community. They were given the opportunity to offer suggestions regarding what the City of Carlsbad could do to improve the quality of life. Their responses are summarized in Table 67. Similar to 2001, there were two issues that were more commonly mentioned by respondents: setting limits on growth and development, and improving traffic circulation. Setting growth and development limits was suggested by 23.7 percent of the respondents, and improving traffic circulation was offered by 12.3 percent. Both of these suggestions were made less frequently in 2002 than they were in '. 2001. There were no regional differences in the likelihood that the respondent suggested improving traffic circulation or set limits on growth as a means to improve the quality of life in Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 84 b m a m a Table 67: Improving the Quality of Life in Carlsbad. 1) 1) 2001 2002 count % Count 5% Set Limits on Growth & Development 283 28.0% 242 23.7% Improve Traffic CirculationlEffciency sports center/Golf CourseJRecreation Facilities m More Conscientious of w community concerns Save Open Space More/Better Parks FinisWOpen Roads Under Construction Better Inform Carlsbad City Residents (general) 170 16.8% 125 12.3% 53 5.2% 60 5.9% 52 5.1% 52 5.1% 69 6.8% 49 4.8% 69 6.8% 46 4.5% 30 3.0% 39 3.8% b More Police 26 2.6% 31 3.0% m Road Maintenance 29 rn More Affordable/Low Income 20 2.0% 28 2.7% J) 6 b b @ m !B @. @ 1) ’ Unemployed/Poor/Homeless . @ Keep City & City Streets Clean 43 4.3% 11 1.1% 2.8% Housing More Community Event&Special Events (concerts, fairs, festivals) Programs, Activities, Facilities for Childrefleexu 15 1.5% 28 2.7% More Schools 16 1.6% 21 2.1% Improve/Expand Parking 16 1.6% 18 1.8% Bener Safety (rid of gangs, drugs 13 1.3% 17 1.7% More Entertainment Venues 23 2.3% 15 1.5% More Policy & Relief for 11 1.1% 12 1.2% 23 2.3% 28 2.7% & Criminal activity) MoreJBetter Public Transportation Content with How It Is 18 1.8% 9 .9% 48 4.7% e a B B City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 85 Reasons for Moving to Carlsbad Respondents were asked for the main reason they moved to Carlsbad. Table 68 shows that the most common reason offered related to employment. That is, many people (19.4%) moved to Carlsbad for a job opportunity or to be closer to work. Additionally, 14.9 percent of the respondents said they moved to Carlsbad for the availability of -good value in housing. Table 68: Reason for Moving to Carlsbad. Cumulative Freuuencv Percent Valid Percent Percent Valid 1 Job 196 19.2 19.4 19.4 2 Retirement 3 ocean 4 L.ocation/Area 5 Weather/Climate 6 Schools/Education 7 Close to Family 8 Good Value in Housing 9 Change in Marital Status 10 Quality of Life&ifestyle 11 Born/Raised in Carlsbad 29 2.8 2.9 22.3 75 7.4 7.4 29.7 90 8.8 8.9 38.6 90 49 100 150 8.8 8.9 47.5 4.8 4.9 52.4 9.8 9.9 62.3 14.7 14.9 77.1 20 2.0 2.0 79.1 34 3.3 3.4 82.5 38 3.7 3.8 86.2 12 mer 139 13.6 13.8 100.0 Total 1010 99.1 100.0 Missing 98 Don't Know 3 .3 99 Refused 3 .3 System Total Total 3 .3 9 .9 1019 100.0 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 86 b rb 0 a e lived. This is illustrated in Table 69, which shows that residents in the South were more likely I) 0 B housing. Residents in the North were more likely to indicate that they had been born or raised in The main reason offered by the residents for moving to Carlsbad depended on where they than those in the North to report moving to Carlsbad for the location or for quality or affordable m a Carlsbad. D B I) b a City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 87 Table 69: Reason for Moving to Carlsbad by Region. REGION2 Reion2 1 Nd 2 south Total QDEMOlA 1 Job count 101 95 196 Reason for % within REGION2 Region2 20.0% 18.8% 19.4% Moving to 2 Retirement count 11 18 29 9% within REGION2 Region2 2.2% 3.6% 2.9% 3ocean count 44 31 75 city % within REGION2 Region2 8.7% 6.2% 7.4% 4 LocationlArca count 31 59 90 5% within REGION2 Region2 6.1% 11.7% 8.9% 5 weatha/Qimate count 44 46 90 . 96 within REGION2 Region2 8.7% 9.1% 8.9% 6 SchoolsMucation Count 35 14 49 % within REGION2 Region2 6.9% 2.8% 4.9% ~ ~~ 7 QosetoFamily count 56 44 100 5% within REGION2 Region2 11.1% 8.7% 9.9% 8 Good Value in Housing cormt 57 93 150 5% within REGION2 Region2 11.3% 18.5% 14.9% 9 Change in Marital Status count 11 9 20 9% within REGION2 Region2 2.2% 1.8% 2.0% 10 Quality of IifelLifestyle count 19 15 34 % within REGION2 Region2 3.8% 3.0% 3.4% 11 BornlRaisedinCarlsbad cormt 30 8 38 96 within RF,GION2 Region2 5.9% 1.6% 3.8% 12 mer count 67 72 139 % within REGION2 Region2 13.2% 14.3% 13.8% Total Count 506 504 1010 46 within REGION2 Region2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 88 SUMMARY The data reported here present a very favorable view of the City of Carlsbad. The consistency in the demographic characteristics of those surveyed is worth noting. There was also generally a good deal of consistency in attitudes across regions. Some key findings are noted below. All the city-provided services addressed in the survey were rated as good or excellent by most people. Ratings of fire protection and police services, as well as enforcement of traffic regulations was rated higher in 2001 than in 2000 or 2002. The overall city services were rated as good or excellent by over 90 percent of the respondents. Most (83.0%) of the respondents rated the overall road conditions as good or excellent. A little less than half of the respondents offered a good or excellent rating of the traffic circulation in the city. All maintenance services were rated as good or excellent by at least 80 percent of the respondents. All of the services contracted from outside agencies were rated as good or excellent by most (at least 65%) of the respondents. Residents indicated that they thought the City of Carlsbad was doing fairly well balancing various land uses in the city such as residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 89 0 Four out of five respondents who had telephone contact with the city rated their contact as good or excellent. 0 Most (80.2%) respondents said they go online, and of those, 94.7 percent said they had 0 Internet access at home. Half of these residents have a high-speed connection. Three quarters of the respondents with Internet access said they would pay for recreation programs and classes over the Internet, and over half (56.5%) would pay their water or trash bill over the Internet. Most (85.7%) residents report subscribing to cable television, and these people indicated that they were moderately satisfied with their cable TV service. More public parking was the most common response when respondents were asked what they thought would improve the quality of their experience when visiting the Village area. Respondents indicated that they recycle 65.95 percent of the waste items in their household that are recyclable. Residents said that they felt very safe walking alone in their neighborhood during the day, and also felt quite safe walking in their neighborhood at night. The most common source of information about Carlsbad that residents reported was the Community Services and Recreation Guide. Residents rated the job the city does in providing residents with information about important issues higher in 2002 (6.27) than in 2001 (5.95). Sports programs and cultural activities were common types of programs or activities residents said they would like to see the Carlsbad Recreation Department offer for teens. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 90 0 0 0 0 Residents expressed moderate confidence in the city government to make decisions that positively impacted residents, and this rating was higher in 2001 and 2002 than it was in 2000. The feature of Carlsbad residents most commonly cited as what they liked best about living in Carlsbad was proximity to the beach, mentioned by over a third (34.2%) of the respondents. Residents’ biggest concerns about the city of Carlsbad revolved around growth and over- development. The most common (19.4%) reason residents offered as the main reason they moved to Carlsbad was for a job opportunity or to be closer to work. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 91 QAREA1. QAREA2. QAREA3. APPENDIX A City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey 2002 Are you currently a resident of Carlsbad? 0. No 1. Yes First, to be sure that you live in our study area, what is your zip code? 1.92008 2.92009 3. Other To be sure we talk to people from all areas of Carlsbad, do you live east or west of El Camino Real? 1. East 2. West QCBADl . What do you like most about living in the City of Carlsbad? (Open-end) QCBAD2. What is your biggest concern regarding the City of Carlsbad? (Open-end) QSERVl-8. I am going to read a list of services provided by the City of Carlsbad. Please rate each one as excellent, good, fair, or poor. 1. Recreational programs 2. Library services 3. Fire protection 4. Police services 5. Enforcement of traffic regulations 6. Water services 7. Cultural arts programs (gallery, jazz concerts, art camps, etc) 8. Sewer services City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 92 B B B B D B B m D B b D QSERV1-8P. [If “poor”] is there a specific reason why you rated this service as poor? (Open- end) QGENSERV. In general how would you rate the overall services provided by the City? Excellent, good, fair or poor? QSTREETl. Overall road condition QSTREET5. Traffic circulation efficiency, excluding freeways b b B B a, 0 b B QMAINl-6. HOW would YOU rate the following maintenance services provided by the City? Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor. 1. Maintenance of street landscaping and medians 2. Tree maintenance 3. Park maintenance 4. Litter clean up 5. Maintenance of sidewalks 6. Seawall walkway along Carlsbad Blvd (aka Pacific Coast Hwy) B P QPUBMAI Using a scale of 0 to 10 where zero means not at all confident and ten means very confident, how confident are you in the City to resolve any public maintenance issues that you may have? B B D QPUBMA2 (If QPUBMAI e 4) What could the city do to raise your confidence level B regarding public maintenance issues? (Open-end) D b B QTM Would you be willing to pay an additional $2 to $5 per year to maintain the B D b D D b b b City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBFU - 1/15/03 b current quality of the street medians in Carlsbad? 0. No 1. Yes 93 QOUTSRVl-3. The City of Carlsbad contracts with outside companies for a variety of services. Please rate each of the following services as excellent, good, fair, or poor. 1. Trash and recycling collection 2. Street sweeping 3. Hazardous waste disposal 4. Animal Control Q- QLAND2 QCGMP QCGP QWO One of the tasks of city government is to balance various land uses in the city - uses such as residential, commercial, industrial and recreational. On a scale from zero to 10, where zero means very poor and ten means excellent, how would you rate the job the City of Carlsbad is doing in balancing the various land uses in the city? (If QLAND < 4) What could the city do to improve your rating on this issue? (Open-end) On a scale from zero to 10, where zero means not at all familiar and ten means very familiar, how familiar are you with Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan? On a scale from zero to 10, where zero means not'at all familiar and ten means very familiar, how familiar are you with Carlsbad's General Plan? In the past year, have you used any of the following to gain infomation about the City? [READ OPTIONS, CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Community services recreation guide City web page (www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us) The City desktop calendar Flyer in City billing statement (combination water/trash bill for some homes). Citizen forums Calling the City on the telephone City council meetings Carlsbad Community Update Video Other: City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 94 1) 1) would you rate the job the city does in providing you with information about I) issues that are important to you? II) cmm Using a scale of 0 to 10 where zero means poor and ten means excellent, how I@ QCU Have you had any contact with the City of Carlsbad via telephone in the past year? Q 0. No - skip to QINTACC 1. Yes - ask QCALL6 b b QCATL6. Overall, how would you rate that telephone contact with the city? Excellent, Q Good, Fair, or Poor? I) QCUB (If QCALL = Poor) Why would you rate your telephone contact with the city as Ib “poor”? b m b b QINTACC Do you ever go online to access the Internet or World Wide Web or to send and receive email? Q Ib 0. No - skip to QCBLW I. Yes I) 16 QINTHOM Do you have Internet access at home? 0. No - skip to QWEBREC 1. Yes B b 1) QINTCON (If QINTHOM = 1) Is your home access a high speed Internet connection? (Such as Cable Modem, ISDN, DSL, or a T1 line) 0. No 1) b 1. Yes b b b b b b b “ QWEBREC Would you use the Internet to register and pay for recreation programs and classes? 0. No 1. Yes - skip to QWEBWTR City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 95 QWEBRNO (If No to QWEBREC) What is the main reason why you would not use the Internet to register and pay for recreation programs and classes? (Open-end) QWEBWTR (IF WEBPAY=l, ask) Would you use the Internet to pay your water or trash bill? 0. No 1. Yes - skip to QCBLTV QWEBWNO (If No to QWEBWTR) What is the main reason why you would not use the Internet to pay your water or trash bill? (Open-end) QCBLTV Do you currently subscribe to Cable TV? 0. No 1. Yes (SKIPTO QCBLSAT) QNOS~ What is the main reason that you do not subscribe to cable TV? (Open-end) (SKIPTOTVILL) QCBLSAT On a zero to 10 scale how would you rate your satisfaction with your cable television service? (Adelphia Cable Television) QSATLOW (If rating is less than a 4) Is there a specific reason why you rated the cable TV service so low? (Open-end) QCBLRAT How would you rate your cable company on their ability to let you know about changes in services, channel line-ups and rates? Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Don't Know, Refused I City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 96 QWSVIL, How often do you visit the downtown Village area? Would you say ... 1. At least once a week 2. At least once a month 3. Three or more times a year 4. At least once a year 5. Less than once a year 6. Never (IF c 6 SKP QIMPQAL) QNOVlL Why have you not visited the downtown Village area? (Open-end) (SKP TSAFE) QlMPQAL What would help to improve the quality of your experience when visiting the Village area? (Open-end) TSAFE The next few questions have to do with neighborhood safety. For each question, please use a scale of 0 to 10 where zero means not at all safe and ten means very safe. QSAFEl How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood during the day? QSAFE2 How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighborhood after dark? QPROGR What types of programdactivities would you like to see offered by the Recreation Department for Carlsbad teens? (Open-end) ALLRECYC If you had to estimate the percentage of waste items that your household disposes of via recycling, where 0% would be recycling nothing and 100% would be recycling everythmg you can recycle, what would you say your percentage would be? RECYC2 (If ALLRECYC c 50%) What keeps you from recycling a greater percentage of these items? (Open-end) City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 97 QCTYOP QCONFD3 QCONLOW LIFEQUAL In your opinion, what do you think would be the best indicator that the city is doing a good job? (Open-end) On a scale of 0 to 10, where ten means very confident and zero means not at all confident, how confident are you in the Carlsbad City government to make decisions which positively affect the lives of its community members? (If rating is less than a 4) Is there a specific reason why your rating for confidence in city government was so low? (Open-end) What could the City of Carlsbad do to improve the quality of life in the community? ( open end) QPARTIC Would you like to increase your participation in City activities and issues? 0. No 1. Yes QPARISS If you were to involve yourself in a city activity or issue, what would you most likely be involved with? (Open-end) QDOB QDEMO1 QDEMOlA QDEMO2 In order to make sure that we speak with people of all age groups, could you please tell me in what year were you born? How many years have you lived in Carlsbad? What was the main reason why you moved to Carlsbad? (Open-end) Do you own or rent your home? 1. Rent 2. own City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 98 I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I QDEM03 How many people currently reside in your household including yourself and any children? (IF = 1, SKlPTO QRACE) QDEM04 How many children are there in your household are under the age of 18? QRACE What race do you consider yourself to be? 1. WhitelCaucasian 2. African American or Black 3. Asian 4. American Indian, Aleut, Eskimo 5. Hispanic or Latino 6. OTHER [SPECIFY] QINCOME Please stop me when I reach the category that best describes your household’s total income last year (2001) before taxes? 1. Under $25,000 2. $25,000 to under $35,000 3. $35,000 to under $50,000 4. $SO,oOO to under $75,000 5. $75,000 to under $100,000 6. $l00,OOO to under $125,000 7. $125,000 to under $150,000 8. $150,000 to under $2OO,OOO 9. $200,000 and above GENDER 1. Male 2. Female City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 99 APPENDIX B Open-Ended Responses to Low-Rating Follow-up Questions QSERVlP Reason for Poor Recreational Programs Rating There seems to be few evening class activities. Don't see many. No facilities. The only recreation program that exists is the boys and girls club, and I had an incident with the boys and girls club where they had no security. That and the only other recreational thing is the skate park. There are none in her area. They are badly organized. Most of the stuff seems club driven, I haven't seen a lot with the city of Carlsbad, and we don't have our own Y. It just seems like we don't have a lot of recreation, and it seems weak. It just seems like a lot of the services near La Costa Canyon High seem to go to Encinitas. They enjoy that facility more than Carlsbad does. I work for the city of Carlsbad and it takes a long time to get recreational programs active. They broke their promise in giving us 12 tennis courts in Poinsettia Park, and that was part of the plan. Instead they use the money for other projects, and now we only have 3 courts. They live on Aviara and there are no playgrounds to take kids to. QSERVZP Reason for Poor Library Services Rating I come from a city from where the libraries are 9 stories so these are small. 0 0 Lack of selection. But it is a nice facility.. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 100 I I I I QSERV3P Reason for Poor Fire Protection Services Rating 0 My best friend's house burned down. 0 When we had a major fire they didn't do anythmg, but watched it. 0 Because they turn on the siren by my house, even though there isn't a use for the siren, there aren't any emergencies. 0 Because my house burned down. It was during the harmony grove fire. QSERV4P Reason for Poor Police Services Rating They don't look at us as individuals; they look at us as a group. Because I have a problem on my street with speeders and I have to call the police for speeders and I have had no positive results. They lag and they take time when they get to the scene of the crime. They are the highest paid cops in the state, but yet they sit on their ass. They are also really rude, attitude wise. Because he has never seen a police car in his area. It's because they're all crooked. All they're interested in doing is giving tickets to kids. They're bullies. They like to pick on my kids. My son has 14 friends who have suspended licenses for little traffic violations. One police man even told me kids shouldn't drive by the school because the police are instructed to give tickets there. I can't stand them. And there are about 120 people getting together to file a law suit against the police department. And they're big people too, like lawyers and doctors. Their primary service is increasing revenue by minor citations. No specific reason, just don't feel like they are doing a great job. They just need to lighten up. It seems to me that the law used to be innocent before proven guilty. Now you are guilty and have to prove yourself innocent. You shouldn't have to be afraid of the police. Last time I was pulled over by Carlsbad police they weren't nice at all. Basically you should feel like cops are older brothers looking out for you, not like yard duties. Rarely see them. Don't know where they are. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 101 e In 2000, (I've had a woman harass me for 3 years), I filed a police report with a detective and he did not file it. There's no record. It has taken me well over a year to get to the point where I'm at now, which is nowhere. He could care less, he didn't follow through on anyhng, he got his facts mixed up several times, and I believe he retired last week and I feel that is why he did not wish to pursue this case at all. I feel that I have been victimized by a department that was supposed to be protecting me. I don't feel that I am protected. There were other detectives that were extremely helpful, but not my detective. e I have never had any positive dealings with the Carlsbad police department. All my dealings with them have been unsatisfymg and unfulfilling. I don't think the people in the department are very adept at dealing with the public. e I've never seen them out in my area. They don't go up and down my street and I think that's a deterrent if they do. e Lack of funding in the police department. QSERVsP Reason for Poor Traff~c Enforcement Rating It's ridiculous. I think they take advantage of giving more parking tickets than they should be giving and they should be concentrating on speeding tickets. They give a lot of people tickets that don't concentrate on speed. They should be giving more tickets for speed than for parking tickets. The traffic; nobody goes by the rules. They're like speed traps, they don't serve a purpose. It's selective harassment. They need to redirect efforts to other areas. There are so many people who speed. Individual'people in their cars tend to use the carpool lanes which are for more than 2 people and they also don't respect red lights and tend to run yellow lights. We have a lot of fast and radical drivers and I walk a lot. Police don't do their jobs and drivers always run red lights. Skateboarders in the village. Because the traffic is tenible. Somebody should take a look at El Camino Real between Chestnut and Highway 78. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 102 a yes, because I see the speed limit constantly being exceeded, and I never see anyone b, e e 0 doing mwng about it. I try to drive the speed limit, but when I do I get run over. Because the police have not given positive results when speeders on my street are-here. 0. They do not enforce traffic speed on residential streets. I see a great deal of parking in red areas and handicapped spaces, even though cops pass by there all the time. And even though the cops often get their drinks comp. they seem to look the other way and I have never seen one ticketing. And traffic lights don't sense motorcycles. They don't give people tickets for speeding or not stopping on stop signs, except on the freeway. Drives a lot and sees a lot of people doing bad things. There is never a policeman to correct. 0 There's not enough police enforcement. They don't watch the MIC or the stop lights or signs. Poor drivers are never caught. 0 Yes, because I live in a neighborhood that has a speed limit of 25 and people are breaking the speed limit there all the time. .. We see many red lights being run and no one to enforce the law. 0 They're one sided, racial, and done by incredibly incompetent people. The 1-5 is totally poorly planned to begin with, and'the police dept. has tuned corrupt in giving people tickets. '. 0 They aren't concerned about individual's safety; they spend time on petty manners, but wouldn't be involved in an accident. In major accidents they stay away since they're concerned about their own safety in dangerous areas. They don't get involved in dangerous situations. 0 There is too much speeding and not enough police. 0 They don't have the lights timed. The lights will change, one light, stop, another light, stop. They are open during the day, but not rush hour- staggered lights. We need a few stop signs in Calavera hills. The officer a while back failed to look at the no U-turn sign. They need to be more knowledgeable of their locations and what they do before they pull people over. 0 The street we live on, we have traffk that goes about 50 mph and it's a 25 mile an hour zone. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 103 b D a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 0 e e e We have so many people running red lights, and that's a real concern. I wish there were more police officers out there. Traftic is a mess; it's always a bottleneck on El Camino Real and the 78.. I don't see anyone getting tickets for illegal things. Timers are bad and too much traffic. Too many cars and it is sometimes out of control. Yes. Because I know of an officer filing false reports. I know of an officer who has filed at least one false report. I ride a bike and am very sensitive to people who don't obey traffk laws. They don't stop at the stop signs, red lights and they are very busy. They have many things to do rather than paying attention when driving. Yes, because I live by the high school and its not just students. Please put a police officer at the comer of Magnolia and Monroe. Yes, because people keep going through red lights and the police don't do anything about it. By the business and homes on Palomar Airport Road people run reds all the time in high speeds. Over crowding and too much traffic. There's so much building that they can't accommodate the traffic. Can't move, can't go anywhere. My office Is close to accidents and traffic enforcement is poor. I often drive along the coast hghway and observe many people breaking all kinds of speed limits including city vehicles. My wife received an unfair ticket about 8 months ago. Because I've never been stopped. Overall, in the areas I drive, they don't seem to be stopping. I observe a general disregard for all signs and limits on the road and no one seems to take notice. I've called in about speeding drivers and I haven't seen any enforcement action. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 104 They've got the facilities to open up the traffk and they won't do it. Well there are no regulations. I never see police, well I see them, but going different places and ways. I frequently witness people running red lights and there is no police to enforce it. They put up all the traffic lights to regulate the traffk and then they don't enforce them, so this is a waste of money and it impedes the flow of traffk. There's too much speeding on my street. They don't stop on red lights, especially when the light is yellow. I've never seen the police patrol the street that I live on, Paseo Del Norte. Because it seem like there are a lot of cops around and it seems like they try and nab a lot of people - they are out at high-volume times - a lot of speed traps or other speed-belt traps. They are only visible at high-volume times. The over population and the traffic. They do not enforce the speed limit. I live off of Alga and they are doing road construction. We are down to one lane, and in a construction area you are supposed drive 25, and nobody does. Too many traffk tickets. They are never on the streets as much as they shouldbe and are not much on the freeway to control speeding and reckless driving. They monitor the residential streets more than the busy areas. Because I am afraid of getting hit by a car when I cross the street, on Carlsbad Village Drive and Harding. Because people are speeding excessively and running stop lights. Because I have been pulled over 3 times in Carlsbad. A lot of people running red lights and not enough police. There are no regulations where I live up by El Camino, right by the mall. Because I know that many people get tickets that ignore them. And somehow the enforcement has to do with warrants which the police are involved with. Because the traffk is terrible; over crowded freeways and subdivisions. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The cross walks on Carlsbad Blvd should be monitored by the police: people speed too much. It is over-enforced. People run red lights all the time. It is not enforced. Traffic lights are not enforced. Not sure where the cops are. I've had problems where they'll just give tickets for silly things just to collect money. I just see the traffic and they don't manage the streets very well, they're crowded. There aren't enough cops on the streets. I've seen a police officer and have seen something illegal happen right in front of them. I've seen this happen like 10 to 15 times now. There are many incidents of infractions on my daily commute. Just some things aren't enforced like they should be. Such as stop signs, people not stopping making right Nms, red lights from El Camino to going west on La Costa Avenue and the police don't do anything about it. QSERV6P Reason for Poor Water Services Rating 0 Because it smells and stains clothing and bathrooms and we can't drink it. Very bad lately. 0 I get grit in my water. 0 It taste terrible and smells also. 0 They're too expensive. 0 They're redoing the billing and I haven't received a bill in six weeks. 0 They hire all the cheapest contractors they can find. It just sucks, their whole utilities is crap. 0 The city council is stopping their billing, and for people like me who are retired, I had one bill July 1 and another one in July- that's hard on people's finances. But the quality of the water is good. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 106 Poor planning. Because the water received in San Diego is bad, they get most Colorado River water through the Metropolitan Water District. Construction said that water would be off at certain times and didn't stick to the schedules at all....like 4 or five hours with no water, and there wasn't a number to call and it wasn't regulated at all by the city. Sometimes they wouldn't even give a notice and they would turn off the water. Yeah, I was late on a bill and they wouldn't work with me like the other services did. I am a single mom with two children. I had a hardship and they wouldn't even work with me, they just shut the water off. The water is getting less and pure. Water quality is poor and we don't drink it. Too much housing development. We just had some bad customer service with the water department on the phone. Because overdevelopment has decreased my water pressure and the price has become high. The water services are provided adequately but the water tastes terrible, and I can't drink it. Yes, she thinks that their billing issues are poor. They require a deposit and keep the money there if you are late with your payment. They did not respect her by turning off the water and she has been a regular paying customer the whole time she had lived there. Because my water pressure is very low, there should be a building requirement for water pressure that has to be met. I shouldn't knock the city so much for the problem because the builder has some of the responsibility too. I think they charge too much. The water taste terrible- I can't drink it. The reports that they send out on water quality, in my opinion they are not informative enough on the important things. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 107 QSERV7P Reason for Poor Cultural Arts Programs Rating People don't move here for cultural arts. We are from New York and we came from the best cultural arts but the weather here is great. There doesn't seem to be any. 0 0 0 Because I don't hear much about them, I know there's a library museum in the library, but I don't really hear much about any concerts by the sea or park. 0 0 0 0 0 Knows that the Carlsbad cultural arts program is under-funded. In the last 8 years, the equipment has worn down but it there is no budget to replace it. Could spend more money on theatre stuff. That's not what they're after. Their cultural thing is good enough to get by, but the interest is in permits for building homes and running people out of town. That's what it's all about. It's not the type of things and music we care for and we would like to have something like Oceanside or Vista Moonlight Theater. Not being marketed to me, I don't know about them. I have a daughter going to college who is interested in art, but we don't know about them, maybe it's just the marketing. I have been aware of an art show. Think they could do more. Compared to other cities, they don't do as well in art programs and events. I'm not trying to be racist or anything, but this city is mainly about white people. . It's cool, it's their city and I understand. I don't think that the programs are the best use of tax dollars. Not too many people like anytlung else besides the jazz stuff. There is really no where to go in Carlsbad, it's lacking in the arts. I see very few and the ones that are out are embarrassing. 0 Because they don't have much. 0 I don't see very much of it, and I don't think they are that culturally enriched, they only have a jazz program. 0 Don't see a lot of these activities. Better Downtown. Not many of them in Carlsbad. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRT - 1/15/03 108 0 I don't think they have enough programs for a community this size. Lack of galleries. Where are they? I do not know of any cultural arts programs. Other than the annual street fair. Well there is not any. There is no theater. I I think there's a lot more museums in downtown than in Carlsbad. They're better marketed. I don't know about it, or that it even exists, so it must be poor. "here are not a lot of cultural programs. There are not a lot of art peifonnances. There are not enough of them and not promoted very well. Because I guess there isnL much awareness in the city. Not aware of any cultural art programs. I never really see anything else other than for the Hispanic culture. There aren't any that I know of. 0 I don't think there are enough and the ones that are done aren't publicized enough. I think it's a lack of funding, not a lack of the public wanting to go. 0 They don"t have any playhouse or art center like the one in Escondido. A city like this should have one. QSERVSP Reason for Poor Sewer Services Rating 0 Yes, the water pressure for flushing the toilet is low. 0 We had drainage coming down our street for the past 2 years and now I have algae growing. You can smell the sewer all around where I live. 0 It goes along with all of the rest of the utilities. They hire the cheapest contractor they can get. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - 1/15/03 109 Because not too long ago there was a huge sewage clog, and we didn't know, and we couldn't flush our toilets for quite some time. Because they never see anybody clean them. The sewage spills, I know that all of them haven't occd in Carlsbad but some have and they don't notify people. I am a surfer and it worries me. The whole city of San Diego has old sewers and we have to close beaches. A lot of blockage in OUT block. Some places smell, like Vons parking lot on La Costa. Because we have problems with sewer stops. Expensive. Because it backs up all the time and modification to the city line did not require home owners to modify connections and our landlord did not do this. So it backs all the time. When I first moved into my house, there was a problem with the sewer line, and it cracked my driveway. I think they charge too much. City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report, 2002 - SBRI - l/15/03 110 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report - 2002 Presented by: Social & Behavioral Research Institute California State University San Marcos City of Carlsbad Sample The data come from 1,019 telephone interviews conducted between July 2gth and September Shy 2002. The respondents were Carlsbad residents, 18 years of age or older. Telephone numbers were randomly generated for two separate North and South regions in the city of Carlsbad. The dividing line for the regions was Palomar Airport Road. See pgs. 2-3 of Report 1 Respondent Demographics Survey respondents were 40.2% male and 59.8% female. Respondent ages ranged from 18 to 93 years old, with an average age of 49. 54.9% of the respondents have total household incomes over $75,000. 20.6% of the respondents have total household incomes between $50,000 and $75,000. See pgs. 4-6 of Report Respondent Demographics Respondents have lived in Carlsbad an average of 10.6 years. 77.3% own their home; 22.7% of respondents are renting. There is an average of 2.6 people per household. 34.8% of households have children present. See pgs. 4-6 of Repod 2 , Demographics by Region The Respondents Did Not Differ By Region With Respect To Gender Or Household Structure. Households in the South and North Regions differ in the following’ways: - Households in the South report higher HouseholdIncornes. More households in the South of Carlsbad report incomes over $100,000. - Average Length of Residence for North Carlsbad residents is 13.4 years, compared to 7.7 years for South Carlsbad residents. - Home Ownership is more prevalent in the South (82.6%) than in the North (72.0%). - North Carlsbad has larger proportion of Hispanic households than South Carlsbad (7.3% to 3.9%) See pgs. 7-9 of Report The Survey Addressed Citizen Opinions on the Following Topics: Overall City Evaluation Evaluation of City Services, Programs and Facilities City Information Sources and Contact with City “Special Topics” - Land Use and Development - Public Safety - Public Involvement - Recycling Offices 3 City Features What Residents Like the Most Oceanfiont setting, Weather and Beauty or Cleanliness of the city are the things that were mentioned most often when respondents were asked what they liked best about living in Carlsbad. These responses have been at the top of the list since 2000. Table 63: Beat Liked Features of Carlsbad. Cmt ./. The BeacWCloss to Ocean 349 34.2% WsathdClimnte 2S2 24.1% BeautifuUCIern 146 14.3% Like the CommunityIThe People 145 14.2./. Like That It's B Small Town 120 11.8% Location 106 10.4% See pg. 79 of Report 4 What Residents Like the Most 2000 - 2002 Comparison Table 63: Best Liked Features of Carlsbad. 2000 200 I 2w2 Count % Count % Count % The BcachlCloac to Ocean 308 30.8% 322 31.9% 349 34.2% Wealhcr/Climate 201 20.1% 202 20.0% 252 24.1% BcautifuVClcan 121 12.1% 133 13.2% 146 14.3% Like the CommunityfThc People 153 15.3% 189 18.7% 145 14.2% Like That It's a Small Town 122 I2.2% 156 15.4% 120 11.8% Location 189 18.5% 201 19.9% 106 10.4% AtmosphcrclAmbimcc II 1.1% 34 3.4% 94 9.2% Safe 14 7.4% 84 8.3% 83 8.1% Convenience of StodEntcrtainment 88 8.8% 80 1.9% See pg. 79 of Report What Concerns Residents the Most About one third of respondents said that their biggest concern regarding the city of Carlsbad was Traffk. Roughly one-quarter mentioned Growth or the Pace of Growthas their biggest concern. Table 65: Bireert Concern Reeardine Carlsbad. 2w2 Trnffc 306 30.0% GmwWGrnwing Tw Fast 231 23.3% Ovcrdcveloping/Overbuilding 110 16.7% OvcrcrowdinglOvcQopulation 146 14.3% City SlrceIdFrccway Access 58 5.7% The CiQ GovernrncnUPlanningl 51 5.0% Reapnsivencsr See pgs. 82-83 of Report 5 What Concerns Residents the Most 2000 - 2001 Comparison Table 65: Biggest Concern Regarding Carlabad. 2000 200 I 2002 count % caun x count % Traflic 364 36.4% 310 30.7% 306 30.0.7 GrowWGmwing Too Fast 316 31.6% 266 26.3% 237 23.3% OverdcvclopingOvcrbuilding 193 19.3% 184 182% I70 , 16.7% ,Ovmmwdingt'Ovcrpopulation 116 11.6% 84 8.3% 146 14.3% City StrectsiFreeway Acccss 22 2.2% 35 3.5% 58 5.7% See pgs. 82-83 of Report Why Residents Moved to Carlsbad Moving to be close to a new job was the reason mentioned most often when respondents were asked why they moved to Carlsbad. Quality Housing or Good Housing Value was the next most frequent reason given. See pg. 86 of Report 6 Evaluation of City Services City Services When asked to give an Overall Rating to city services, 94.8% of respondents rated services provided by the city as Good or Excellent. Among individual services, 98.1% of the respondents rated Fire Protection as Good or Excellent, while 95.8% rated Library Services as Good or Excellent. All city services provided through outside agencies were rated as Good or Excellent by most people. The ratings of the services provided by or through the City of Carlsbad were generally consistent across regions. See pgs. 10-26 of Report 7 Overall City Evaluation: 2000 - 2002 Comparison Nearly all residents give City Services either a “Good ’’ or “Excellent” rating. Ratings for 2002 are higher than those received in 2000, do not differ from 2001. 2002 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 (s Poor OFair 0 Good Excellent] See pg. 25 of Report Ratings of City-Provided Services 0 ./. 20Y. 40% 60% 80% 100% I See pg. 10 of Report 8 Ratings of City-Provided Services Tnffi Enforcemen 0 Yo 20% 40Y. 60% 80% 100% II Poor OFair BGood or Excellent See pg. 10 of Report Ratings of City-Provided Services 2000 - 2002 Comparison (Slidel) Traftic Emf. 2000 Traffic Emf. ZOO1 Trnfllr Enf. ZOO1 0 % 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% IPoor OF& 0- =Excellent See pgs. 1 1 -1 8 of Report 9 Ratings of City-Provided Services 2000 - 2002 Comparison (Slide2) 10 Regional Differences: Recreational Programs Ratings North Carlsbad residents were more likely to rate Recreational Programs as “Excellent ” See pg. 19 of Report Regional Differences: Cultural Arts Programs Ratings North Carlsbad residents were more likely to rate Cultural Arts Programs as “Excellent ” See pg. 20 of Report 11 Evaluation of City Streets and Road Conditions City Streets Traf$c circulation was rated less favorably than overall road conditions See pgs. 27-28 of Report 12 Regional Differences: Traffic Circulation Ratings North Carlsbad residents were more likely to rate Traffic Circulation as “Poor ” - Additional 0% 10% 40% 60% 80% loo-/. I EPoor OF& DGood QExcellcnI I See pg. 29 of Report Road Conditions 2000 - 2002 Comparison Tramc Circulation 2000 TraIficClrculntion 2001 TrvIfic Circulation 2002 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% IsPoarOFaiQCmd BExcellent1 See pgs. 27-28 of Report 13 Evaluation of City Maintenance Ratings of City Maintenance Services Tree Mminknaaee Sidrwslk hlnlntcnnncc / , 0 %e 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% I Poor OFair 0 Good eExcellent I See pg. 30 of Report 14 Regional Differences: Seawall Maintenance Ratings North Carlsbad residents were more likely to rate Seawall Maintenance as “Excellent ” See pg. 3 1 of Report Confidence Regarding Maintenance Issues Khen rated on a scale of 0 to 10, residents reported a relatively high level of conjidence in the city to be able to resolve uublic maintenance issues. ”_ . . 012345670910 IF4 Number Giving Rating I See pg. 32 of Report 15 Opinion on Tax to Pay for Street Median Maintenance Residents were asked if they would be willing to pay an additional $2 to $5 per year to maintain the current quality of street medians. Two-thirds said “Yes.” Yes IP No Don’t Know (3 Refused I See pg. 34 of Report Evaluation of Contracted Services 16 Ratings of Contracted Services Hazardous Waste Dlspasal See pgs. 35-38 of Report Ratings of Agency-Provided Services 2000 - 2001 Comparison See pgs. 35-38 of Report 17 Land Use and Development Issues Rating of Land Use Balance Residents were asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 (O=Very Poor, 10 = Excellent) how well the City of Carlsbad balances various land uses in the city. ". IF8 Number Giving Rating 1 I See pg. 38 of Reporl 18 How to Improve Land Use Rating? Residents who gave low land use ratings were asked what the City could do to improve their rating. Setting Limits on Growth was the most common response. Table 31: How to Improve Land Use Rating. Valid Percent Set Limits on Growth 42.2 More Thoughtful Planning 20.3 Preserve Open SpacedLarge Areas for Habitat 12.5 More ParkdSkatcboard Parks 7.0 Improve Traffic FlowiRoads 6.3 Create More Recreation FacilitiesiGolfCourses 4.1 Other 7.0 See pg. 39 of Report Familiarity with Growth Management Plan Residents were asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 their familiarity with Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan. North Carlsbad residents gave themselves higher ratings (4.28 to 3.84). ".... ....... Olf3456789lO IQ Number Giving Rating I See pgs. 39-41 of Report 19 Familiarity with City’s General Plan Residents were asked to rate on a scale of 0 to IO (O=Not at all Familiar, IO = Very Familiar) how familiar they were with Carlsbad’s General Plan. QNumber Giving Rating I See pg. 42 of Report Access to City Information 20 Contact with the City: Telephone Contact 2001 vs. 2002 The percentage of residents who report contacting the City by telephone increased significantly between 2001 and 2002. Residents in North Carlsbad were more likely to report contacting the City by telephone (53.5% vs. 41.8%). I 0 No 0Yes I See pgs. 43 -44 of Report Ratings of Telephone Contact: 2001 vs. 2002 Ratings for the quality of telephone contact with City staff were slightly lower in 2002 than in 2001. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 10 Poor OFnir 0 Good OExcellent I See pg. 45 of Report 21 City Information Nearly two-thirds of the survey respondents said that they used the Community Services Recreation Guide as a common source of information about the City of Carlsbad. This percentage is up slightly from 2001. Four out of ten also cited flyers in billing statements and the City’s telephone operator as a source for information about the City. One-third mentioned the City’s Web Page and the Desktop Calendar provided by the City. Rating of City Information Dispersal 2001 - 2002 Comparison Residents were asked to rate the job the city does providing information on a 0 to IO scale (0 =poor, IO = excellent). Ratings increasedjrom 2001 to 2002. See pg. 66 of Report 22 Internet Access Most Carlsbad residents report being able to go on-line to access the Internet or send and receive e-mail. See pg. 46 of Report Internet Access: Details Regarding Access Nearly all Carlsbad residents with Internet access have access at home. Halfof those with home Internet access have high- ~~ 0 No 0 Yes See pg. 46 of Report 23 Payment via Internet: Payment for City Services Most Carlsbad residents with Internet access would register andpay for Recreational Programs on-line. About half would Dav Water or Trash bills on-line. 0% 10% 40% 60% 80% 100% I No B Yes I See pg. 47 of Report Other Carlsbad City Issues 24 Carlsbad Village Area: Frequency of Visit North Carlsbad residents visit the Village area much more often. Most North Carlsbad residents report visiting the Village more than once a week. Never <I .Year Once# 3+Times Once. >Once. Year a Yeu Month Week [ElNorth E! South See pg. 56 of Report How to Improve the Village? Residents were asked Table 49 Suggestions to Improve the Csrlsbad Village Area. for suggestions on Pcrccn1 Village area. how to improve the Mors Public Parkmng A 27 6% NothmgiFmc Ls Way I1 11 17 3% lmpmvs Traitic FlowlRsdussd TraWc 14 9% Bellcr M8x of Stores 6.0% Mars and DiWmm Rcsuurmu 5.4% Pedestrian Friendly Arcs 3.2% Less PeopWLers Touriru l.I% Remodcl AmdACSlheIIc and Maintenrnsc Impravcmlnls 2.9% Greater Variety of Entsrtrinment and Recrcslion Increased parking was the most common response. oppenun,t,rr I .9% See pg. 58 of Report 25 1 Recycling Residents report recycling an average of 66.0% of their recyclable waste. The average percentage reported in 2001 was 63.3% Those who reported recycling less than 50% of their materials were asked what kept them from recycling. The most common response was that materials were not accepted at curbside pickup. Table 50: Reason Respondent Does Not Recycle More. Percent Other Material Not Accepted at Curbside Pickup 19.9 Hassldlnmvenimce 13.7 Recycling Not Offered at Residence 13.3 Laziness 12.4 Lack of Knowledge of What to Recycle Conlainen Too Small Lack of Storage Space 11.1 9.3 4.4 See pgs. 59-60 of Report J Feelings of Safety Residents were asked to rate how safe they felt walking alone in their neighborhood on a 0 to 10 scale (0 = not at all safe, 10 = very safe)). Residents report feeling very safe during the day, less so at night. Ratings have not changed over time. 2000 2001 2002 I Day Night I See pgs. 61 -63 of Reporl 26 Programs and Activities Participation in City Activities Nearly halj”(47.9%) of residents indicated that they would like to increase theirparticipation in City activities. Residents in South Carlsbad were more likely to report this type of interest (51.2% vs. 44.7%). 0 a/. 20% 40% 60% XI*/. 100% I .NO @Yes I See pg. 70 of Report 27 . Activity or Issue for Increased Involvement Residents were asked what types of activities or issues they would like to become involved in. Issues involving Growth, Planning, or Development was mentioned most often. Parks and Recreation and Teen Issues were mentioned by more than ten percent of those asked. Table 58: Activity or Issue Residents Would Most Likely be involved with. comt x GrowrNPlanning/Devclopmenl 194 19.0% PsrkdRecnalion youth Issues Envimnmsnlsl lasucs Education City Government AdEnteNinment Traffic Issuer 131 12.9% IC4 10.4% 93 9.1% 84 8.2% 76 7.5% 58 5.7% 41 4.6% See pg. 7 1 of Report Evaluation of City Government 28 Confidence in City Government When rated on a scale of 0 to 10, residents reported a relatively high level of confidence in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions thatpositively affect the lives of its community members. 01234567.8910 Confidence Rating] See pg. 72 of Report Confidence in City Government 2000 - 2002 Comparison I Confidence remained high in 2002, signijkantly higher than 2000. 2000 2001 I 2000 81 2001 0 2002 I I See pg. 72 of Report 29 Reasons for Low Confidence in City Government Confidence in Government rating was positively correlated with ratings of the City's Information Provision. Knowledge of the Growth Management Plan or General Plan were not correlated with the Confidence in Government rating. Some higher income groups ($125K to $200K) gave lower Confidence ratings. Not Limiting Growth was most cited reason for low ratings. able 61: Reason lor Low confidence in City Governmen1 paeca 33.1 Nol Limiting &OV&'~gnmCnldh De" Otl~PWOovmuna* kt of Tnul of Ci 23.1 kt of lntcrcrt in Public lnpul 14.9 See pgs. 73 -76 of Report J Improving Quality of Life Survey respondents were asked to suggest different ways to improve the quality of life in Carlsbad. Setting Limits on Growth and Development, and Improving Traffic Circulation were mentioned most often by Carlsbad residents, as they were in 2001 , count % CDUDt ,4 Set Limits on Orowlh & Development 283 28.0% 242 23.7% See pgs. 84-85 of Report J 30