HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-28; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING DATE OF MEETING: January 28,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 8:OO a.m. - 500 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Hilton Garden Inn The Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. The Mayor Pro Tem and all Council Members were present. Also present were the City Manager, the City Attorney and the following persons: Police Chief Jim Hawks Fire Chief Kevin Crawford Public Works Director Lloyd Hubbs Community Development Director Sandra Holder Community Services Director Frank Mannen Administrative Services Director Jim Elliott Finance Director Lisa Hildabrand Economic Development Director Cynthis Haas Management Analyst Mike Arthur Management Analyst Joe Garuba Anne Marie Stuart, Facilitator In accordance with the order of adjournment, the Council continued its review and discussion from the previous special meeting of January 27, 2003 of the existing operating budget, capital improvement program and projections of future budgets and other financial forecasts through buildout with an emphasis on the next ten years. The Mayor then introduced the workshop for the day and outlined the ground rules. He then introduced Anne Marie Stuart who introduced the “Connecting Community, Place and Spirit” team who, in turn, was introduced by Mayor Pro Tern Finnila and Council Member Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila and Council Member Hall outlined the upcoming workshop scheduled for March 17 through March 19, 2003 which purpose is to engage the community in a conversation about the community, its places and community spirit. A draft design of the workshop was discussed with an emphasis that the outcome will begin to shape the City of Carlsbad for the next 50 years. It will be the first phase of a multi- phased process and commence the community vision process. The Mayor then called for a recess at 9:12 a.m. and the Council reconvened at 9:26 a.m. The Council resumed with a discussion of the projections of future budgets including a focused discussion on budget revenue retention strategies over the next ten years. Finance Director Hildabrand continued with a presentation on the financial forecasts and asked for Council input with an eye toward anticipating budget shortfalls. The Council discussed a number of strategies for maintaining fiscal health including internal efficiencies, but maintaining the standards and quality of life the citizens have come to know and expect. The Council further discussed strategies to maintain existing high standards and service levels including consideration of preparing constrained and unconstrained budgets and consideration of phasing major capital improvement projects including parks. The Mayor then called for a recess at 10:30 a.m. and the Council reconvened at 10:46 a.m. with a continued discussion of the engagement of the business community in the visioning process, the survey and review process. The Mayor emphasized the need for continued water reliability to attract and retain businesses as a continuing strategy to achieve financial health. The Council then continued its discussion of the projections of future budgets including the impact of using the General Fund to assist in the financing of capital improvement projects as authorized by the adoption by a vote of the citizens of Proposition C. There was one member of the public who addressed open space acquisition. The Council determined that it needs additional information to evaluate the impact on the General Fund of its assistance with the financing of these projects and directed the City Manager to return with additional reports defining the costs and needs of those projects, the cost to construct each of them and strategies for their maintenance and operation costs and to report on the options for obtaining regional funding and an anticipated financing and construction schedule. The Mayor requested another workshop dedicated primarily to the Proposition C projects to consider this information. The Council then recessed for lunch at 12:03 p.m. and reconvened at 1:Ol p.m. for a continued discussion on the projection of future budgets and the impact of redevelopment projects in the two project areas. Community Development Director Holder reviewed existing goals that apply to each redevelopment area and Council continued its discussion of possible future programs and strategies for projects to enhance future revenues. The Council then formed ad-hoc subcommittees to discuss and consider strategic goals for the fiscal year 2003-2004 and reconvened to receive reports from those ad hoc subcommittees with an eye toward refining and adopting, in concept, the City’s strategic Vision, Mission and Values and its 2003-2004 fiscal year strategic goals. Following reports from each ad-hoc subcommittee, the Council adopted in concept revised statements for its strategic Vision, Mission and Values and strategic goals for fiscal year 2003-2004 and directed the City Attorney to return with drafts embodying those changes to be adopted at the Council’s workshop in February 2003. Anne Marie Stuart recapped the workshop and each Council Member delivered concluding comments and the Mayor thanked the Council and staff for their full and complete participation and adjourned the workshop at 4:05 p.m. Rxectfully submitted, RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem