HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-25; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF : CIN COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: MARCH 25,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the regular meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Lewis, Finnila, Hall and Packard. Absent: Kulchin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, minutes of the following meetings were unanimously approved as presented (Mayor Pro Tem Finnila abstained from approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of March 11, 2003 and Regular Meeting of March 11 , 2003 due to her absence. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila stated that she and Council Member Packard arrived late to the Special Meeting of February 6, 2003 and asked that the minutes reflect that arrival.) Special Meeting of February 4, 2003 Regular Meeting of February 4, 2003 Special Meeting of February 6, 2003 Special Meeting of February 1 I, 2003 Regular Meeting of February 11, 2003 Special Meeting of February 18, 2003 Regular Meeting of February 18, 2003 Special Meeting of February 19, 2003 Special Meeting of March 4, 2003 Regular Meeting of March 4, 2003 Joint Special Meeting of March 4, 2003 Special Meeting of March 1 I, 2003 Regular Meeting of March 11, 2003 CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #8, as follows: - AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Hall and Packard NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 1. AB #17,105 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Council accepted the report from the City Treasurer on the status of the City’s investment portfolio as of February 28, 2003. 2. AB #17,106 - APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR THE CARLSBAD MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-072, approving Amendment No. 1 to Agreement for Engineering Services for a Master Drainage Plan and Prototype Water Quality Master Plan. 3. AB #17,107 - REVISE COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER Ill CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-073, approving the revised Community Service Officer Ill classification specification to reflect changes to accommodate special events coordination. 4. AB #17,108 -APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF FORD TRUCKS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-074, approving the purchase of five Ford pickup trucks from Raceway Ford. 5. AB #17,109 -AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-075, awarding the bid for fire hose for the period April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004, with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods to Fire Service Specification and Supply, Allstar Fire Equipment Inc., and KMP Fire. 6. AB #17,110 -AMEND THE BUDGET TO ADD A RECREATION AREA MANAGER POSITION FOR CARRILLO RANCH PARK. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-076, amending the Fiscal Year 2002- 2003 Budget to add a Recreation Area Manager position in the Recreation Department for Carrillo Ranch Park. 7. AB #17,111 - REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-077, approving out-of-state travel for the Video Production Manager to attend the National Association of Broadcasters Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. 8. AB #17,112 -APPROVAL OF FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 2003-2004 CDBGIHOME PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-078, approving the projects and funding allocations for the City of Carlsbad’s 2003-2004 Community Development Block GrantlHOME Program. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: Page 3 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. NS-658, amending Chapter 8.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code pertaining to parental responsibility and juvenile crime and victimization prevention. AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Hall and Packard NOES None. ABSENT: Kulchin. PUBLIC COMMENT: Ron Oliver, Director of Community Affairs for the San Diego Workforce Partnership, described their services to the community. Michele Levy, 3021 Highland Avenue, expressed concern that vehicles are parking in the Cole Library parking lot for over 72 hours. PUBLIC HEARING: IO. AB #17.114 - REALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS. Frank Boensch, Management Analyst, presented the staff report. He also made a Power Point presentation on file in the City Clerk’s Office. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding HUD’s rules and regulations for the use of CDBG funds. In response to Council, Donna Montegna, Executive Director, Community Resource Center, 650 Second Street, explained their proposed post transitional housing program. She also explained that the site of their current thrift store is too small, the rent is too high, and more storage space is needed. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 6:26 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Lisa Lipsey, 20702 Elfin Forest Road, Escondido, representing the Fraternity House, requested that Council reopen the application period so that they could apply for the unused CDBG funds. Frank Sorino, 3528 Madison Avenue, representing Join-Hands-Save-A-Life, spoke in support of funding for his organization. Ruth Lewis, 2001 Avenue of the Trees, said she is a volunteer at the Community Resource Center and described their future goals. She requested that the Community Resource Center use the relocated CDBG funds. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 Gary Nessim, 2987 Highland Drive, requested that the unused CDBG funds be reallocated to the Community Resource Center. Seeing no one else wishing to address Council, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the Community Resource Center, El Centro de lnformacion and Council’s desire to encourage the matching fund concept. Mr. Boensch explained the timi,ng issues associated with the reallocated CDBG funds. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila said she would not support reopening the application period for the reallocated CDBG funds. She expressed concern that if the application period were reopened, agencies would be too much in a hurry to put projects together for funding consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila noted that Council previously made a commitment to find a place and purpose for the relocation of The Centro de Informacion. She suggested that Council earmark the reallocated funds for The Centro de lnformacion and direct staff to return to Council with a report regarding purchasing or renting property. She said if there are any remaining CDBG funds after funding The Centro de Infomacion, the remaining funds should be placed in the housing reserve fund. Council Member Hall said that the request to reopen the application period should be honored. Council Member Packard disagreed. He said there already has been an opportunity for public input and only three applications had been received for CDBG funding under the public facility category. Council Member Packard spoke in support of allocating $500,00 to the Community Resource Center and earmarking $200,000 for The Centro de Informacion. Mr. Boensch explained that if staff were directed to return with a report, the City would not meet the CDBG timely expenditure requirement. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall that Council reopen the application period for the public facility category of CDBG funding. - AYES: Lewis and Hall. NOES: Finnila and Packard. ABSENT: Kulchin. MOTION FAILS. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila made a motion to earmark the reallocated CDBG funds for The Centro de lnformacion and direct staff to return to Council with a report on an appropriate site for The Centro de lnformacion in the Northwest Quadrant. Motion failed due to the lack of a second. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 Council concurred to continue this agenda item to April 1, 2003 when a full Council could be present. Council Member Hall requested that Council make a final decision tonight. He expressed concern that even with a full Council present, reaching a consensus on expenditure of the funds might not be possible. 11. AB #I 7,115 - VILLA FRANCESCA CT 02-1 O/CP 02-05/SDP 02-04KDP 02-1 5. Barbara Kennedy, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. She also made a Power Point Presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). In response to Council, she described the zoning in the area and said that all parking for this proposed project would be on-site. Bob Wojcik, Deputy City Engineer, said that although Jefferson Avenue is not shown as a collector street in the circulation element, Jefferson Avenue does carry collector street volumes. He said that the City’s Traffic Engineer did a traffic study that checked issues such as volumes, speeds, pedestrian movement, site distances, etc. As a result, Jefferson Avenue was judged to be adequate to handle the current amount of traffic. Mr. Wojcik said that staff believes that the current amount of traffic carried on Jefferson Avenue will probably be as much, if not more, than the ultimate traffic volume. Mr. Wojcik said this is mainly because of the new additional northbound to eastbound lane from 1-5 to Highway 78. He explained that when there was just one northbound to eastbound lane from 1-5 to Highway 78, there was a lot of cut-through traffic on Jefferson Avenue. Mr. Wojcik said that the average daily trips of the project would translate to peak morning trips of approximately 15 vehicles. In response to Council, Mr. Wojcik described the general tendencies of driving habits of senior citizens found in traffic studies. In response to Council, Ms. Kennedy described the landscaping on the proposed project. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 7:16 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Anthony DeLeonardis, (the applicant) 1005 State Street, spoke in support of this proposed project and said that affordable senior housing is needed. Doreen Mason, 6989 Sandcastle Drive, spoke of the need for affordable senior housing and asked Council to approve this project. Erin Neil, 2616 Cabrillo Place, distributed correspondence from her neighbor at 2612 Cabrillo Place (not on file in the City Clerk’s Office). She expressed concern regarding the loss of her privacy due to the height of this proposed project and devaluation of her home. She also expressed concern that the landscaping of the proposed project will block the sun from her yard. Ms. Neil said she was concerned about the increase of traffic in the neighborhood and inadequate parking on the project site. Ms. Neil said that many people in the neighborhood are opposed to this project because too many March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting units are being proposed on the property. Page 6 Yvonne Beeson, 1018 Knowles Avenue, said she has collected 250 signatures on a petition (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) of people opposed to this high-density project. She felt that there are already too many condominiums and apartments in the neighborhood. Ms. Beeson said the on-street parking is always taken. She said the parked cars create a dangerous situation because drivers cannot see other vehicles coming as they pull out of driveways onto Jefferson. Jan Costa, 973 Knowles Avenue, said she owns property behind the proposed project. She expressed concern that there is not enough on-site parking on the proposed project because each resident in the units will have a vehicle. She said that there is never any parking available on the street and the neighborhood does not need another condominium or apartment complex. Ms. Costa said that the traffic study for the project is not accurate. Art Serrin, 4423 Salisbury, a member of the Senior Commission, explained that affordable senior owned housing is needed. He read correspondence submitted to Council by the Senior Commission (not on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Mike O’Connell, 1044 Laguna Drive, #I 8, expressed concern that drivers leaving the proposed project and trying to pull out onto Jefferson will have their line of site impacted by the cars parking on Jefferson. He said that a current traffic study should be done. He expressed concern that emergency vehicle access will be difficult due to the increased traffic created by this proposed project. Linda Russell, 972 Knowles Avenue, said that current apartment dwellers park their vehicles on Jefferson. She expressed concern that the proposed project’s driveway would be too close to the proposed bus stop and eliminate on-street parking spaces. Ms. Russell said that the traffic study is outdated and said that each unit in the proposed project will have two vehicles. She said there are already too many apartments and condominiums in the neighborhood and parking and traffic would be impacted by this proposed project. Ms. Russell said that the proposed project’s parcel of land is too small for the number of units proposed. Barry Chase, 22564 Navarra Street, said that this proposed project has been reviewed and approved by several agencies, including the Planning Commission. He asked why people did not express their concerns for this proposed project prior to this evening. Arthur Wood, 4707 Brook Wood, spoke in support of this project. He said traffic is already heavy everywhere and this proposed project would not have an impact on existing traffic. Robert Hanlin, 16981 Acena, San Diego, said he would like to purchase a unit in the proposed project and spoke in support of the project. He said that residents living in this project probably would not be working and would not be driving during peak traffic hours . Marsh Weller, 2613 Cabrillo Place, expressed concern that this project will invade existing residences’ privacy. He said that the density on this project is excessive and March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 7 that an outdated traffic study was used. He said this project would be more appropriate on a larger parcel. Claire Schlegel, 2049 Caraway Street, Escondido, spoke in support of the project and said she would like to purchase a unit in the project. Agnes Kepacz, 17547 Fairlie Road, San Diego, said many of her senior friends do not drive or have one vehicle per family. Peggy Veray, 17978 Avenida La Lasdra, San Diego, spoke in support of this project. Norma Estes, a resident of Carlsbad, said there is a need for senior housing that can be purchased. She said there is already too much traffic on Jefferson Avenue, and suggested that this project be built in another location, perhaps by the railroad tracks. Lavonna Amabile, said she is purchasing a home on Rancho Cortez in Carlsbad and said that she is a senior citizen. She spoke in support of the project and said that affordable senior housing that can be purchased is needed in Carlsbad. Seeing no one else wishing to address Council, Mayor Lewis closed the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. In response to Council, Ms. Kennedy explained that two on-street parking spaces would be lost as a result of the relocation of the bus stop. Mr. Wojcik said that the traffic report for this proposed project is dated July 22, 2002. Mr. Wojcik said that the traffic report contains a section that discusses an analysis being done using the Year 2000 HCM Computer Analysis. Mr. Wojcik said that this refers to the Highway Capacity Manual, Version 2000, of a computer analysis. He said that data from the Year 2000 was not used for the traffic report on this project. Anthony DeLeonardis, (the applicant) 1005 State Street, described the surrounding property to his proposed project and explained that the adjoining parcels will not be impacted by his project. Mr. DeLeonardis reviewed statistics from a survey he did showing that most of the senior citizens who would be interested in purchasing a unit are living alone. In addition, he said that many low-income seniors do not own a vehicle. Therefore, Mr. DeLeonardis explained that this proposed project would not have many residents with vehicles. He said the average age of the target market for this project would be 70 years old. Mr. DeLeonardis explained that the subterranean parking garage would not be gated and said that the existing bus stop will just be moved a few feet in front of the proposed project. In response to Council, Ms. Kennedy explained that as vehicles exit the subterranean parking garage, drivers would be able to view other vehicles before reaching the sidewalk. Ms. Kennedy said that parked vehicles on Jefferson Street in front of the proposed project would be an obstruction as are vehicles parked on streets in front of single-family homes. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 8 In response to Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Mr. Wojcik explained that standard practice is to paint curbs red only after there is a demonstrated need for a no parking area. Mr. Wojcik explained that this proposed project does not meet the minimum threshold for a left hand turn pocket. In response to Council, Mr. Wojcik described the peak traffic volumes on Las Flores Avenue to Laguna Drive. Extensive discussion ensued between staff and Council regarding current parking trends in the neighborhood and parking needs for the proposed project. Council Member Hall said he felt this project is well-designed and fulfills a need for affordable senior housing in the community. However, he said that the proposed project would have too many units on a small piece of property. Council Member Hall expressed concern that this proposed project would adversely impact the existing neighborhood. Therefore, Council Member Hall said he could not support the proposed project. Council Member Packard agrees that affordable senior housing is needed in Carlsbad. He said that although he felt that this is a well-designed project, it is inappropriate to place the project on Jefferson Avenue because of the many multi-family units already in the neighborhood. Council Member Packard said he would like to see this project built in Carlsbad but in another location. Council Member Packard expressed concern that the cumulative impact of this project would be too great in this neighborhood. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila spoke in support of the project and noted that this project exceeds the minimum development requirements. She explained that the proposed density is needed for this project because of the density bonus for affordable housing. Mayor Lewis said he could not support additional units on Jefferson Avenue because the street is already carries a lot of traffic and parking on Jefferson Avenue is at a premium. He said the proposed project would adversely impact the neighborhood. Mayor Lewis said the project is well-designed but would be more appropriate in another location. ACTION: AYES: - NOES: ABSENT: Moved by Mayor Lewis that Council deny the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Tentative Tract Map CT 02-10, Condominium Permit CP 02-05, Site Development Plan SDP 02-04 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 02-15 for a 51-unit Senior Condominium Project on a .84 acre parcel generally located on the East side of Jefferson Street, North of Laguna Drive, in Local Facilities Management Zone 1, commonly known as Villa Francesca. Lewis, Hall and Packard. Finnila. Kulchin. March 25,2003 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 9 Ron Ball, City Attorney, said he would return to Council on April 1, 2003 with the appropriate documents to memorialize Council’s action. RECESS: Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:44 p.m. Council reconvened at 850 p.m. with all Council Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CIN MANAGER REPORT: 12. AB #17,116 -APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Lewis, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-080, reappointing Jeff Segall to the Planning Commission and; Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-081, reappointing Marty Montgomery to the Planning Commission. - AYES: Lewis, Finnila, Hall and Packard. - NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: None. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. ClN ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 25, 2003, was adjourned at 851 p.m. G?GozL , CMC