HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-16; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting) April 16, 2003 11 :00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Room 173A The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11:lO a.m. All Council Members were present as well as the City Manager and Deputy City Attorney McMahon. The Mayor then called for Council Member reports on regional roles and assignments as follows: . Council Member Hall expressed appreciation for the County’s presentation on the West Nile virus at the regular City Council meeting on April 15, 2003. The City Manager reported that arrangements had been made for the City of Carlsbad to share in the cost of spraying the Buena Vista Lagoon. . Mayor Pro Tem Finnila gave an update on the proposal to have the Automated Regional Justice Information System (“ARJIS”) become part of - SANDAG. She explained that the current proposal does not provide for a one member, one vote system. Instead, it provides for each subarea to get one vote. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila expressed preference for a one member, one vote system and the City Council indicated their support for this position. The Mayor then called on the City Manager, who introduced Library Director Cliff Lange to give a presentation on the Centro de Informacion. Dr. Lange, assisted by Lizeth Simonson reported on the history of the Centro de Informacion and the services it provides. The City Council then discussed whether the Centro de Informacion should continue to be a separate facility or be consolidated with the other library facilities. At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Council directed City staff to submit a proposal for a separate facility in the Barrio area. The proposal should include discussion of possible locations, costs, patronage trends, anticipated demographic changes, and related socio-economic issues. The City Manager then introduced Community Development Director Sandra Holder and Planning Director Michael Holzmiller, who reported on the status of a proposed agreement with SDG&E to transfer a portion of SDG&E-owned property along Cannon Road near the 1-5 to the City for open space and recreational purposes. SDG&E submitted the terms of the proposed agreement to the California Public Utilities Commission (“PUC). The PUC’s comments were expected shortly. At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Council directed staff to prepare a white paper on the City Council’s options for ensuring the open space and recreational use objectives for the property are met. Minutes Special Meeting of April 16,2003 Page 2 Mayor Pro Tem Finnila then suggested that City staff prepare a position paper on the proposed desalination plant to aid the City Council. Administrative Services Director Jim Elliott indicated that such a position paper was being prepared and would be distributed shortly. There being no public comment, the Mayor thanked all in attendance for their complete participation and productive discussion in this meeting and adjourned the Special Council Meeting at 1251 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &L,K urn ClNDlE K. McMAHON Deputy City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tern 2