HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-17; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (Joint Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: JUNE 17,2003 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis called the Joint Special Meeting to order at 6:16 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Members were present: Present: Absent: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. PUBLIC HEARING: 4. AB #17,205 - 2003-2004 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis suggested that Council direct staff to return with recommended Council actions for open space after the Council workshop on June 18, 2003. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Finnila explained the purpose of the workshop. Lisa Hildabrand, Director of Finance; Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Accountant; and, Helga Stover, Senior Accountant, presented the staff report and made a Power Point presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Ms. Stover noted a typographical error was found on the Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 Fees. She said the correction has been made and has been incorporated into the Master Fee Schedule. Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, made a Power Point presentation regarding the Open Space Program (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Council/Board/Commission and staff discussion ensued regarding the possibility of the State taking local funds to balance the State budget. Ms. Hildabrand said that at this time, it is not known how much money will need to be given to the State. Discussion ensued regarding maintenance of open space property and the funding structure of the Habitat Management Plan. Council/Board/Commission and staff discussion ensued regarding density transfer associated with the rezoning of residential to commercial. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CouncillMunicipal Water DistricUHousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 2 In response to Council/Board/Commission, Mr. Patchett explained the City’s challenges of identifying funding for Federal and State Government unfunded mandates. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis reiterated that he would like staff to return with recommendations to address the open space issue. He said that Proposition C items would be discussed at the June 18,2003 Council Workshop. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and asked if anyone wished to speak on this matter in any way. Carolyn Martus, 3685 Harding Street, representing North County Open Space Coalition, spoke of the importance of open space. She distributed two Internet articles: “Puffing a Price on the Value of Open Space” and “Economic Benefits of Open Space” (both on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Ms. Martus requested that Council set aside $10 million for acquisition and management of open space. Lonnie Todoroki, 3550 Trieste, suggested that the Citizens’ Budget Workshop be changed to begin at 7:OO p.m., instead of 500 p.m. Karen Merrill, 6901 Quail Place, representing Preserve Calavera, spoke of the importance of open space in the Calavera Area. She requested that Council set aside $10 million for acquisition and management of open space. She distributed correspondence from Diane Nygaard dated June 17, 2003 regarding Lake Calavera (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Ted Axe, General Manager, La Costa Resort and Spa, spoke in support of Council providing $100,000 in funding to the San Diego North Convention and Visitors’ Bureau for the promotion of group sales. Cami Matson, President of the San Diego North Convention and Visitors’ Bureau, 6120 Paseo Del Norte, spoke in support of funding for their organization in the amount of $1 00,000 for the promotion of group sales. She said that the San Diego North Convention and Visitors’ Bureau would like to participate in the room rate restructuring discussions. Hap L’ Heureux, 1731 Calavo Court, representing Artsplash, requested funding for their event in 2004. In response to Council, he said that the group plans to have Artsplash become an annual event. Casey Cinciarelli, 2727 Lyons Court, encouraged Council to purchase land for open space. She said that there are non-profit agencies, such as the Environmental Trust, Nature Conservancy and Coastal Conservancy that are willing to assume the maintenance costs for land designed at open space in perpetuity. Seeing no one else wishing to speak on this matter, the Mayor/President/Chair closed the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CouncilMunicipal Water DistrictMousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 3 Mayor/President/Chair Lewis declared a recess at 7:44 p.m. CounciI/Board/Commission reconvened at 851 p.m. with all members present. 4. AB #17,205 - 2003-2004 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS. (CONTINUED) PROP C TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Ms. Hildabrand said that staff is recommending that the $35 million remain in the Capital Improvement Program until such a time that Council had identified the timing and dollar amount for each of the projects identified in Proposition C. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Finnila said that “approximately” $35 million should be transferred to the Capital Improvement Program. She said that flexibility is important and noted that the Council Workshop regarding Proposition C projects will be held June 18, 2003. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall said that he could support staffs recommendation. In response to Council/Board/Commission, Ms. Hildabrand said that an exact dollar amount would need to be identified for the budget transfer. However, she noted that in the future Council would be able to increase or reduce the dollar amount transferred. Ms. Hildabrand said that Council could approve a dollar amount for the transfer at this meeting or at the June 18,2003 workshop and the dollar amount could be amended at that time. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said he would like to approve a transfer of $35 million tonight, and perhaps amend the dollar amount at the June 18, 2003 workshop. Council concurred. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council approved the transfer of $35 million from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Program with the understanding that the $35 million will remain in the Capital Improvement Program until such time that Council identifies the timing and dollar amount for each of the projects identified in Proposition C. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. PARKS CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING: Ms. Hildabrand reviewed the park construction schedule. She explained that if Council were to decide to realign the park construction schedule, the impacts to the capital fund June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CounciVMunicipal Water DistrictkIousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 4 and operating fund would need to be considered. Ms. Hildabrand presented several scenarios for amending the construction schedule and asked for Council’s direction. In response to Council, Mark Steyaert, Park Development Manager, said that Larwin, Alga Norte and Aviara Parks are needed to correct park deficiencies in the Growth Management Plan. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin said she would like to move up the pool at Alga Norte and the Pine School Park moved up on the construction schedule. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall said he would like to have the Pine School Park moved up on the construction schedule. Council/Board/Commission and staff discussion ensued regarding the timing of construction. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Packard said that Pine School Park should not be moved up on the construction schedule because the Northwest Quadrant is not deficient in park acreage, according to the Growth Management Plan. He noted that the other quadrants are deficient in park acreage. He said that he would be supportive of moving up the construction schedule for the pool at Alga Norte and building the pool and Alga Norte Park all in one phase. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said that major parks exist in all quadrants except the Northwest Quadrant. Therefore, Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said he would support moving up the construction schedule for the Pine School Park. He said that he would not be opposed to delaying construction of the gymnasium for the Pine School Park. However, Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said that the ball fields in the Pine School Park should be constructed as soon as possible. Mr. Steyaert responded to Council/Board/Commission and gave an update on the status of Larwin, Aviara Alga Norte and the Pine School Parks. Mayor Pro Tem FinnilaNice PresidenWice Chair said she would like to move up the construction schedule of the pool and Pine School Park by two years, to 2004-05. Ray Patchett, City Manager, explained that regarding parks, the Capital Improvement Program is proposed without the community centers. He said that the parks will be put in place but the community centers, within the parks, would be built at a later time. In response to Council/Board/Commission, Ms. Hildabrand said that staff is recommending that the Public Works Center and the Civic Center be moved back one year. She explained the financial impact of moving up the schedule of the pool and Pine School Park. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin spoke in support of moving the Pine School Park up in the construction schedule. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CounciUMunicipal Water DistrictMousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 5 ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council moved back the construction schedule of the Public Works Center and Civic Center to Fiscal Year 2005-2006; moved up the construction of the Pine School Park to Fiscal Year 2003-2004; moved up the construction schedule of the pool at Alga Norte Park to Fiscal Year 2004-05; and, Council directed that the parks be built without the community centers, which will be considered at a later date. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION REQUESTS: Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Account, reviewed each request for funding from Artsplash, Barrio Fiesta, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and PAL (Palomar Shuttle). Council/Board/Commission discussion ensued regarding the need for the Council Subcommittee to review the guidelines and increase the fund balance of the Community Activity Grant Fund. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council directed the Mayor to appoint a Community Activity Grant Council Subcommittee to review the policies and procedures of the Community Activity Grant Fund; that the Community Activity Grant Council Subcommittee would determine if the Community Activity Grant Fund balance should be increased; and, that the Community Activity Grant Council Subcommittee make recommendations to Council regarding funding requests from Artsplash, Barrio Fiesta, Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and Palomar Shuttle. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. TOURISM PROMOTION PROGRAMS: Cheryl Gerhardt, Senior Account, said that staff has recently completed a report addressing tourism related programs and strategy and believes that the current level of funding provided for visitor and tourism promotions of $409,000 is adequate. She said that historically, this funding is handled in the September/October time frame. However, this year providers were asked to submit their request for funding during the budget process. Ms. Gerhardt reviewed the funding requests from the Carlsbad Convention & Visitors’ Bureau and San Diego North Convention & Visitors’ Bureau. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CounciVMunicipal Water DistricVHousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 6 Ms. Gerhardt said that the local hotels and Tourism Alliance have advocated the inclusion of group sales as a City funded activity. She said that the San Diego North Convention & Visitors’ Bureau has submitted a proposal in the amount of $100,000 to provide a group sales program for Carlsbad. Ms. Gerhardt requested Council direction regarding the total program budget for tourism promotion. She said that the options are to fund tourism promotion at the maximum amount requested by the providers; fund the tourism promotion program at the same level as the previous year; or, fund the tourism promotion program at the base amount. Council MemberIBoard Member/Commissioner Hall said he would first like to consider the funding request from the Carlsbad Convention & Visitors’ Bureau (CCVB). He spoke in support of providing funding in the amount of $41 0,000. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Hall said he would like the City to work closely with the CCVB to ensure that they have all of the tools the City can provide. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentAlice Chair Finnila said the total amount allocated for tourism promotion programs should be $409,100. She spoke in support of the City funding $242,000 for operating the CCVB. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentAlice Chair Finnila suggested that the City provide $100,000 to the CCVB for group sales. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidentAlice Chair Finnila said that the balance of $67,100.00 could then be negotiated between the CCVB and San Diego North Convention & Visitors’ Bureau (SDNCVB). Council MemberIBoard Member/Commissioner Kulchin spoke in support of allocating $409,100 to the CCVB. She also said that she would support funding of $1 00,000 to SDNCVB, with the caveat that SDNCVB match the funds with $50,000 in private sector funding. ‘ Council MemberIBoard Member/Commissioner Packard said he concurred with Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said he could support a total program budget for tourism promotion programs at $409,100. He said that he would be willing to support funding the SDNCVB in the amount of $50,000, with the requirement that SDNCVB match the amount with $50,000. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Hall, Council approved funding to the CCVB in the amount of $409,100 for tourism promotion. AYES: NOES: Finnila. Lewis, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council approved funding to the SDNCVB in the amount of $100,000 for group sales, with the caveat that SDNCVB shall match the funding with $50,000 in cash. AYES: Finnila, Kulchin and Packard. NOES: Lewis and Hall. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City CounciVMunicipal Water District/Housing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 7 Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Finnila said there is merit in having the Tourism Alliance continue working with the CCVB and SDNCVB. Council Member/Board Member/Commissioner Kulchin concurred. She suggested that the Tourism Alliance discuss the issue of room rate restructuring instead of increasing the Tourism Occupancy Tax. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis questioned whether another tourism group was needed. Council/Board/Commission discussion ensued regarding not increasing the swim fees paid by the school district. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis said prior to Council’s consideration, he would like to receive a written request from the school district. Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Finnila expressed concern that subsidizing swim fees for the school district would set a precedent for subsidizing other school activities. ADOPTION OF 2003-04 BUDGETS: ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-1 51 adopting the Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for the Fiscal Year 2003-04 for the City of Carlsbad and Establishing Controls on Changes in Appropriations for the Various Funds; and, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2003-1 52 establishing the 2003-04 Appropriation Limit as Required by article XlllB of the California State Constitution and State Law; and, Council adopted REOSLUTION NO. 2003-153 adopting changes to the Master Fee Schedule; and, The Board adopted RESOLUTION NO. 1184 adopting the Water District Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for 2003-04; and, The Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 368 approving the Operating Budget of the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority for Fiscal Year 2003-04. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. June 17,2003 Carlsbad City Councilhiunicipal Water Districtklousing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting Page 8 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Joint Special Meeting of June 17, 2003, was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. LOR &&V/L I M.WOOD, MC City ClerHSecretary Janice Breitenfeld, CMC Deputy City Clerk