HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-17; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: September 17,2003 TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Faradav Center CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION 11:OO a.m. - 1:OO p.m. The Mayor convened the meeting at 11 :00 a.m. All Council Members were present. Also in attendance were the City Manager, the City Attorney, and members of staff. The Mayor called for a discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness and Council Member Finnila reported on upcoming public outreach workshops scheduled for the Connecting Community Place and Spirit initiative. The Mayor and individual City Council members volunteered to conduct and participate in those future public outreach workshops and they will be announced and posted in an effort to inform the community and to invite their attendance to them. The Mayor then called for Council reports on regional roles and assignments. Council Member Hall reported on activities at the Encina Wastewater Authority including an update on potential land lease proposals and their processing at EWA. Planning Director Holzmiller discussed the City’s processing requirements including applicable General Plan amendments and rezonings for the approval of the uses associated with those leased parcels. Council Member Hall also discussed a potential agenda for the proposed joint meeting between the City Council and the Carlsbad Unified School District Board of Trustees. Council Member Kulchin reported on her activities at the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, Board of Directors and her attendance at an upcoming meeting which will necessitate her absence from the Council meeting of September 23, 2003. Council Member Kulchin further reported on NCTD activities and continued with an update of the San Diego Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) activities regarding access to its services for individuals qualified under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Mayor reported on activities at the Metropolitan Water District and specifically on the Imperial Irrigation District water purchase and conveyance agreement among the various state and local agencies. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the placement of cell sites in the public right of way. Economic Development Director Haas explained cell providers current and proposed needs and explained how their locational needs differ among the various providers. Planning Director Holzmiller explained that coverage maps were difficult to obtain since cell companies generally consider it to be proprietary or protected trade secrets. Community Development Director Holder discussed the impact of changing technology on coverage maps and areas. Planning Director Holzmiller further discussed progress on obtaining consultants for review of various cell cite applications as the Council previously directed. He explained a proposed policy to encourage non-residential providers in locating in non-residential or other preferred locations by administrative permit. Planning Director Holzmiller also shared a map entitled ‘Wireless Communication Facilities” dated September 2003 showing existing cell cite locations throughout the City. The City Manager was directed to return with a map showing existing and preferred locations for future Council discussion. The Mayor then called for a discussion on the strategies for the production, distribution and delivery of water and water related services by public or private entities. Administrative Services Director Elliott updated the Council on the status and negotiations between the County Water Authority and Poseidon Water Resources. Planning Director Holzmiller discussed the precise development plan application submitted by Poseidon and explained that it will be revised to show all the necessary and appropriate conveyance facilities. The Council continued its discussions through a working lunch and then called on the City Manager to review the goal and major project tracking report and to provide an update of the Council goal setting procerss and discussion of capacity and effectiveness in the delivery of City processes and services. The City Manager expressed his appreciation on behalf of all staff members for the thoughful and carefull consideration the Council expressed during the discussion of this item at the Council meeting of Tuesday, September 16, 2003. The Mayor then called for a discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues of community concern and asked whether or not there were any Council members that wanted to schedule items for future agendas, workshops or study sessions. Council Member Hall asked for an item regarding the impact of regional assignments and relationships for the next workshop. The Mayor invited public comment and there being none, thanked all for their thoughtful and careful consideration and full participation in the meeting and adjourned it at I :06 p.m. Fj&$tqtfully submitted, RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem 2