HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-18; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: February 18,2004 TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 11:OO a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Faraday Conference Center The Mayor called the meeting to order at 11 :06 a.m. All Council Members were present plus the City Manager and the City Attorney. The Mayor called for public comment and no one wished to speak. The Mayor then called for Council reports. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila reported on County Water Authority affairs. Council Member Packard reported on the status of the initiative sponsored by the League of California Cities. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the Vision, Values and Land Use Strategy for the area in the downtown Redevelopment Area commonly known as the “North State Street” area. Housing and Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain presented the item with the aid of a slide presentation (on file in the office of the City Clerk). Ms. Fountain explained the existing master plan and the North State Street vision contained therein and the process that is currently occurring including property owners’ participation, education, out reach and workshops. Ms. Fountain further discussed the challenges to fully implementing the plan. Public Works Director Lloyd Hubbs explained the challenges to the Circulation Plan in this area. Ms. Fountain further explained the desire to provide proactive assistance to property owners to achieve the vision. Council Members then discussed this information and asked questions of Ms. Fountain. Ms. Fountain passed out hard copies of the slide presentation and she explained the current vision, which will result in more development intensity than the existing situation. Parking and open space represent some of the major challenges to complete implementation. The Council expressed its willingness to look at development standards to assist in achieving the vision. The Mayor called for a working lunch at 12:OO and the Council continued this discussion through lunch. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the parking facilities proposed by the County of San Diego in the Carlsbad Airport Center Specific Plan. Economic Development Director Haas introduced the item and explained some of the historical background proceeding the County’s request for additional parking for the airport and handed out the November 10, 2003 letter from the County of San Diego Department of Public Works containing its request for consideration of a Memorandum of Understand. Ms. Haas further discussed the need for additional information and clarification of the County’s proposal. Ms. Haas explained her understanding of the voter requirements and the City Attorney assisted with certain historical information which led to the voter requirement and the subsequent enactment of Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21 53.01 5 requiring voter authorization for any zone change, General Plan amendment or any other legislative enactment necessary to authorize expansion of any airport in the City of Carlsbad. The Council then discussed whether or not the County’s proposal was an expansion within the intent of the initiative and ordinance and directed the City Attorney and staff to obtain additional information on the County’s proposal and return with a recommendation as to whether or not the voter requirement is triggered. The Mayor then called for a brief discussion of the production, distribution and delivery of water and water related services by public or private entities and other related water issues in the City of Carlsbad and throughout the region. Public Works Director Hubbs gave a brief update. The City Manager then passed out the City of Carlsbad 2004 Five-Year Vision Statements, Quality of Life Strategic Goals and its Mission and Values. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila pointed out that the Council value for community participation should include the word “engage” rather than “engaging” for consistency. The Mayor then thanked everyone for their complete participation and the valuable information that had been brought forward and adjourned the meeting at 1 :I 1 p.m. ,Bfqpectfully submitted, R~ALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem 2 North State Street Vision Summary City of Carlsbad, California Village Area Master Plan Framework North State Street Vision Area • State Street from Grand Avenue to Laguna Drive, including North County Transit District Property. • Portion of Village Redevelopment Area containing approximately 54 parcels of property with fragmented pattern of Ownership (37 separate owners). • Village Master Plan and Design Manual provides regulations for development and land-use strategy for the area. = Carlsbad Village Commuter Rail Station T A top quality pedestrian environment A vertical and horizontal mixture of multi-family housing, small shops, restaurants and entertainment opportunities Village scale, high quality, well designed private and public development A comfortable and vibrant environment that encourages community connections andpublic enjoyment Vision for the North State Street Area • Overall informal character • Emphasis on variety and diversity • Small in scale • High intensity of development • Strong relationship to the street • Strong emphasis on ground floor facades • Enriched architectural features and details • Lush landscaping • Visually subordinate parking • Village character signage North State Street Design Principles North State Street Special Development Opportunities Land Use Concept State Street between Grand Avenue and Laguna Drive Illustrative Vision of North State Street North from Grand Avenue along Alley & NCTD Property Mixed Use Projects Field Photos Anastasi Village By The Sea 2.38 acre site; 3 story; 65 condos (11 affordable); 871sf to 2384sf; 8662sf retail Laguna Point, Twenty One Unit Condo Project Carlsbad, California 1.15 acre site; 3 story; 21 condos (3 affordable); 892sf to 2106sf; 19 du/acre Perspective Visions of North State Street Stakeholder Design WorkshopStakeholder Design Workshop July 17, 2003 Chamber of Commerce Downtown Enhancement Committee/Calthorpe Redevelopment ConceptRedevelopment Concept Downtown Enhancement CommitteeDowntown Enhancement Committee Interim Conditions What can you do to help? • Rent to businesses which support the vision. – Retail – Books, Clothing, Gifts, Hobby, etc. – Commercial Services – Hair Salons, Dry Cleaners, etc. – Mixed Use – Residential & Commercial • Convert non-conforming land uses. • Improve the appearance of your properties. Challenges • Land Ownership – Not controlled by City. • Private property owner rights vs. public/community/non-owner desires. • Financing Mixed Use and other desirables uses (ie, movie theaters, performing arts centers). • Development Standards? Desired scale? Next Steps • Property Owner Questionnaire; discovery of needs. • Schedule “how to” workshops. • Proactively work with interested property owners/developers to redevelop. i City of Carlsbad i Council’s Map iCivic Center & City Facilitiesi March 17, 2004 i 0 City of Carlsbad CityCity CouncilCouncil March 17, 2004March 17, 2004 © 2004, Sterling Insights, Inc. All rights reserved. Scenarios: Scenarios: Civic CenterCivic Center i City of Carlsbad i Council’s Map iCivic Center & City Facilitiesi March 17, 2004 i 1 Overview Overview The leaders of the City of Carlsbad including the Mayor, Council, City Manager, Leadership Team and CCPS team met at the Farmers Building on March 17, 2004 to refine scenarios of potential arrangement for future civic centers and city government buildings. The Council mapped out their vision building on the staff’s scenario and mapping work. They weighed the pros, cons, and implications of each approach and achieved consensus on a final map. These are the notes from that six-hour session. Process The event featured: •Module 1: Welcome Overview of the purposes and process for the event. •Module 2: Presentation of MapsStaff presented the four foundation scenarios built around continuums of centralization and mixed/singe use. This was followed by presentation of the two synthesis scenarios (Grand Coastal Plaza and Golden Road). After each presentation Council responded regarding strengths and weaknesses of each scenario. •Module 3: What’s In, What’s OutCouncil dialogued about the elements that all agreed should be included in a final map as well as some that would not. In the process they selected the Grand Civic Plaza map as the basis for their final map. They developed a list of considerations that would have to be addressed in any arrangement going forward. •Module 4: Testing for Alignment with CCPS and Council Goals Council analyzed their emerging map for alignment with the CCPS guiding principles and their own strategic goals. •Module 5: Marking out the MapCouncil located the map labels for each element on their map to demonstrate their consensus on the arrangement they adopted. The conditions were double checked so that staff would have direction in their research going forward. Outcomes These are the key outcomes: • Council achieved consensus on a new map which built mostly upon the Synthesis Map called Grand Coastal Plaza presented by staff. • A significant improvement was keeping fire and police administration with field personnel at the Safety Center. • A list of considerations to be researched was developed. Staff will research these and provide to Council information they can use for further definition of the vision and decision-making. Participants Carlsbad Mayor and City Council City Manager and Leadership Team CCPS Team Facilitation Design and lead facilitation by Joe Sterling, Sterling Insights, Inc. i City of Carlsbad i Council’s Map iCivic Center & City Facilitiesi March 17, 2004 i 2 Council Synthesis Map 1 City Council Synthesis Map #1 City Council brings together the best of all the scenario work to date 4 1 3 6 2 7 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Proposed City Facilities Proposed Non-City Facilities Grand CoastalPlaza – city offices on mixed use campus Fire/Police Training Firing RangeEquipment Yard Neighborhood Service Center Amphitheater Conference Center at or near Airport Public Gathering Plaza with light commercial @ Manzano Cultural Center, Neighborhood Svc.s, Commercial at current City Hall Dove Library Manzano Airport Safety CenterVeteran’s Carltas Current City Hall i City of Carlsbad i Council’s Map iCivic Center & City Facilitiesi March 17, 2004 i 3 Implications & Criteria Considerations The following considerations need to be studied and resolved to pave the way for implementing the Council Map vision. • Financing acquisitions and construction • Ongoing maintenance and operating costs • “Open space” concerns • Shuttle services – rationalize all the services around Car Country • Public/Private partnerships • Walk-ability and beauty • Coastal Commission • Utilize current city hall for historic/culture/education facility • Conference Center – needs study • Neighborhood Service Centers – study citizen needs • Regional training facilities • Acquire Manzano – create a space there that is mostly park-like (think Powerhouse park in Del Mar) with a small mixed-use building including quality dining, snack shop, fishing pier, multi-purpose room for weddings and gatherings. Account for significant parking needs. Sterling Insights, Inc. 1646 Peutz Valley Road Alpine, CA 91901 619-659-1234 voice 619-615-2003 fax Joe@SterlingInsights.com www.SterlingInsights.com