HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-17; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Farmers Buildinq CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 17, 2004 1O:OO a.m. - 2:OO p.m. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 1O:ll a.m. present along with the City Manager and the City Attorney. All Council Members were Mr. Sterling introduced the discussion of City HalllFacilities Scenarios Planning, Goals Discussion, Project and Priorities and review of Scenario Planning. Mr. Sterling introduced scenarios for the Connecting Community, Place and Spirit and explained that there will likely remain open questions and issues following the workshop. He explained and presented four maps divided by the axes between centralized and decentralized facilities and single and multiple uses and two synthesis maps labeled the “Grand Coastal Plaza” and the “Golden Road”. The City Manager explained the goal of the workshop is to set the “nervous system” for the City and emphasized the importance of this groundwork, which is laying the foundation for the future of civic centerlcity hall facilities. The Mayor explained the goal of uniting the community so that no part of it feels disenfranchised. Council discussion followed. Mr. Sterling introduced the four scenarios and then introduced Glenn Pruim, City EngineerlDeputy Public Works Director who presented the No. I scenario, which is a centralized, single use civic center and discussed the pros and cons associated with it. (See Exhibit I entitled “Scenarios: Carlsbad Game, February 12, 2004). The Mayor inquired whether or not there were any cost estimates associated with the various scenarios. Mr. Pruim explained that there were none developed at this time. He also explained that this alternative would require 15 - 20 acres. Senior Management Analyst Linda Kermott presented Scenario No. 2, which is a centralized civic center containing mixed uses and discussed the pros and cons of this approach. She explained that such approach would require about 20 acres. Council Member Hall noted the need to complete traffic studies associated with each scenario and that the costs associated with each one will be important considerations for the Council. Municipal Projects Director John Cahill presented Scenario No. 3, which is a decentralized, single use civic center and discussed the pros and cons of that approach. Council Member Kulchin inquired where the City Hall was in this scenario and Mr. Cahill explained that it was proposed for the Farmers Building. Public Works Director Lloyd Hubbs indicated that this scenario contemplates more public services in the neighborhoods. Council Member Hall asked if additional staffing would be required and noted that this arrangement may not be the most efficient scenario. Building and Code Enforcement Manager Pat Kelley presented Scenario No. 4, which is a decentralized, mixed-use scenario in a commercial setting. Government uses combined with commercial and private uses constituted this scenario. The nerve center of the City would be a city hall located at the Farmers Building. Council Members discussed this scenario including the additional staffing that would probably be required, the expectations of the citizens and what should be appropriately offered at the city hall. Mr. Sterling then explained that these four scenarios had been studied by staff and the best parts of each of them combined into presenting two different synthesis scenarios. Community Development Director Sandra Holder presented the first synthesis entitled “Grand Coastal Plaza”. She explained that it would include some centralized components and some decentralized components and explained possible sites including the area north of the Flower Fields and south of Cannon Road. This use would be complimentary to the existing surrounding uses. Finance Director Lisa Hildabrand presented the second synthesis scenario entitled “Golden Road” explaining that there would be community city halls containing certain components of a decentralized and centralized approach and that city offices would be located at the Farmers Building. She further explained that the safety services would be moved to these buildings in an effort to reduce separation and that this alternative might require additional buildings and additional land. The Mayor anticipated that this visioning process would require more information to the City Council as the vision is created and implemented. The Police and Fire Chiefs responded to the Mayor’s question that it would be preferable to continue the administration services of these services at the site where departmental employees are located. Council discussion of the various scenarios continued. Council Member Packard felt it was appropriate to continue attempts to acquire the Manzano property currently under state ownership and adjacent to existing City ownership. Council Members concurred. Council Member Hall inquired when fiscal impacts should be considered. Mr. Sterling responded that the Council was encouraged to establish the vision first and then to direct staff to return with further reports and studies including reports and studies on community needs, what uses should be available in a civic center and elsewhere throughout the City. The Mayor then adjourned the special meeting for lunch at 1 I :55 a.m. and reconvened to continue the presentation and discussions at 12:32 p.m. Mr. Sterling reviewed the morning session, the Connecting Community, Place and Spirit “Draft Guiding Principles” dated January 22, 2004 (on file in the office of the City Clerk) and asked the Council to compare these principles to each of the two scenarios. 2 The Council discussed each of the principles and aspects of Connecting Community, Place and Spirit and felt that Scenario No. 1 satisfied and supported each element and gave reasons for consistency and/or support for each principle. Mr. Sterling then inquired whether Scenario No. 1 met with the Council's Mission, Vision and Values and discussed its "Five Year Vision Statement". Council Member Hall expressed the need to see the designs and renditions of a campus setting and Mayor Pro Tem Finnila envisioned a multi-purpose use of a campus setting. Council Member Kulchin expressed her desire to look at existing examples of such uses in other cities. Mr. Sterling then asked the Council to look at the consistency between Scenario No. I and its mission and values and Council Members concluded that this scenario satisfied, complimented and was consistent with the Council's Mission and Values. Mr. Sterling suggested that this scenario would plant the seeds for the future development of the city halllcivic center facilities and that it will take several years to unfold. Council Members acknowledged such a time frame but expressed a desire to get started. Mr. Sterling then asked Council Members to compare Scenario No. I with the quality of life strategic goals and Council Members felt that this scenario satisfied all relevant elements of its strategic goals. Mr. Sterling then asked for staff input and Public Works Director Hubbs explained staffs concern for traffic considerations in this area and suggested relocating the existing Village Transit Station to Cannon Road making this a potential transportation hub and have the possibility of reducing traffic and congestion. The Mayor expressed the need for a report and recommendation on the funding to support this vision. Mr. Sterling asked whether or not there were any fatal flaws in this scenario that have not been considered. The Mayor inquired as to when and how the public will be involved in this visioning process. The City Manager explained that it will be a transparent process and that the public will be involved at all times and locations that the Council specifies. Mr. Sterling invited Council Members to indicate likely uses and locations representing a vision for civic center and city hall facilities and uses which would then be followed up by the City Manager through staff review and return to City Council with appropriate reports for future Council actions necessary to implement this vision. The uses and locations are set forth on the map attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and the digital image of it is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 3 Mr. Sterling then summarized the workshop and the Mayor asked for public comment. There being none, the Mayor thanked everyone for their thoughtful participation and careful input and adjourned the meeting at 1 :45 p.m. RONALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tern Note: City of Carlsbad, C.C.P.S & Leadership Team, Scenarios: Carlsbad Game, Round #1, February 12,2004, Sterling Insights is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. 4 enarios: Carl Round #I February 12,2004 @ 2004, Sterllng Insights, Inc. All rights reserved. EXHIBIT 1 Table of Contents About the Synthesis How to Use Table of Contents TWamsm-v Overview: Purpose Participants Process Outcomes Event: The Carlsbad Game - Mapping Scenarios for Future Facilities Four Scenarios 1. City Hall 2. Grand Civic Plaza 3. City in the Mall 4. Community City Halls Synthesis Scenarios 1. Grand Coastal Plaza 2. Golden Road (Centralized & Single- Use) (Centralized & Mixed-Use) (Decentralized & Single-Use) (Decentralized & Mixed-Use) (Coastal & mostly centralized) (Inland & mostly decentralized) This Event Synthesis presents the key findings from this Carlsbad Leadership Team and CCPS Team work session. The ideas and diagrams presented here will be used in planning the future location and arrangement of City government offices, civic centers and other facilities. This synthesis was developed by Joe Sterling, Sterling Insights, Inc. after the event. Use this documentation like a scrapbook. Punch them for a three ring binder and add them to other notes from strategic planning sessions. Read it aloud, mark up the pages, highlight them, add to them, make references, etc. The first time through it, look for the information and ideas that intrigued you and sparked your imagination during the session. Show it to friends who weren’t at the event and tell the story, work the issues, and have fun. City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 Overview The leaders of the City of Carlsbad including the CCPS Team executive staff met at the Farmers Building on February 12, 2004 to develop scenarios of potential arrangement for future civic centers and city government buildings. The participants mapped out several options and weighed the pros, cons, and implications of each approach. These are the notes from that half-day session. Purpose Participants Ball, Ron Crawford, Kevin Elliott, Jim Holder, Sandy Hubbs, Lloyd Mannen, Frank Patchett, Ray Hildabrand, Lisa Pruim, Glenn Kelley, Pat Haas, Cynthia Metcalf, Don Kermott, Linda Brown, Val German, Joni Process City Attorney Fire Chief Admin. Services CCPS Team Public Works Asst. City Manager City Manager Finance CCPS Team CCPS Team CCPS Team Police Public Works Communications Communications The intentions for this event were: The event featured: 0 Engage the LT in visualizing and thinking through various options for the arrangement of city government building and centers of civic activity that will be built in the future. 0 Explore the different worlds created by combining two sets of priorities for future city government infrastructure: centralization vs. decentralization; single-use vs. mixed-use. 0 Generate maps that can be used to communicate the various options as City Council and others begin to weigh the options. Provide an opportunity for the LT to dialogue with CCPS Team about the strengths and weaknesses of each option. Narrow the options to those that best meet the city's mission, mandates, Council goals, and can usher Carlsbad into the next phase of its development over the coming decades. Module 1: Welcome Overview of the approach to this application of scenario building. The mapping process and "game pieces" are explained. The participants were divided into four groups, each one focused on a different combination of priorities. Four distinct worlds were created by the juxtaposing degree of mixed-use and degree of centralization. Participants then reported to each other followed by dialogue on the strengths and weaknesses of each scenario. 0 Module 2: Map it! Module 3: Implications/Criteria Participants first worked to mitigate the weaknesses found in each of the four scenarios. They then examined their scenario according to its implications and fit to Council goals, CCPS principles, and practicality. Module 4: Refine & Combine Participants took the best of all their work and developed two scenarios with different emphases. One had an inland center of gravity, the other a coastal center of gravity. Overview Design and lead facilitation by Joe Sterling, Sterling Insights, Inc. Outcomes These are the key outcomes: CCPS Team and the LT were exposed to each other's thinking and sense of priorities regarding future City of Carlsbad infrastructure. Six potential arrangements were developed. Two of these being a synthesis of the best ideas of the day. 0 Some analysis of the implications of each arrangement. More work needs to be done in this regard on the two synthesis maps to really understand what arrangement should be presented to the Council for consideration. ~ Ci of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 The Carlsbad Game -s Carlsbad Game : Possible Facilities Arrangement Arranging Government & Civic Structures for Carlsbad's Next Phase As Carlsbad leaders prepare for the end- game in building out the city, how city government facilities and major amenities are arranged will be very important. The location and character of these significant facilities will have a major influence, more than they do now, in determining the identity, character, and tone of a mature Carlsbad. There are unique challenges to design an arrangement of government and civic places. These should be in keeping with the City Council's values and strategic goals and the guiding principles of the Connecting Community, Place and Spirit commitment. A Starting Framework To provide an initial framework for exploring design options, two key questions were applied: How centralized or decentralized should the government services and their facilities be within the Carlsbad city limits? What should be included in and around these facilities (i.e.; mixed-use or single-use)? These questions/continuums come together to create four scenarios/worlds that can be creatively mapped to reveal potential arrangements for Carlsbad's major facilities. GAME PIECES Neighborhood Services 1 Commercial I Uses Services Cultural Center & Museum Administration Services 1 Other Government (State & Federal) E Administration Police Administration Training Center 1 Firing Equipment [ Yard J [ Plaza/Public 1 Gathering I Public Works Opnces 1 Community I Development Am phitheatre u Conference Center Game pieces were duplicated to represent actual numbers of certain city facilities and a representative number of community facilities. Game pieces were placed on maps of Carlsbad that highlighted city parks, open space, commercial areas, roads, etc. The four scenarios portrayed different arrangements, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. A commitment to new technology through wired and wireless access was assumed in all scenarios. City of Carlsbad CCPS Team 8 Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 The Carlsbad Game -. Carlsbad Game : Possible Facilities Arrangement Exploring Four Worlds in Three Rounds The press of daily problems and work can drive even the most creative people into habits of thinking and perception that can eventually blind them to new opportunities and elegant solutions to problems. Through the lens of the four worlds created by the scenarios, the participants were given exercises to force them to see Carlsbad in ways they wouldn't ordinarily. Here are the steps they took: Round 1: Create Four Worlds Teams used "game pieces" to represent structures/buildings (see facing page for the key) the government services, civic amenities, commercial, and neighborhood facilities based on their assigned scenario. For example, City In The Mall (the decentralized and mixed-use scenario) calls for scattering government structures in and around commercial and residential settings throughout the city. This round of work produced four unique arrangements of facilities shown by labeled game pieces displayed on 36'' x 48" maps of the city. Next teams were asked to assess; What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arrangement you've created? Who does it serve? How does it leverage existing facilities? What new facilities would be required? Round 2: Refine and Troubleshoot Next teams were asked to refine their initial work to solve weaknesses that appeared in their first round of work. What does it take to fix the problems that would come with that scenario? In the time they had, they thought through the implications this scenario would generate for stakeholders, citizens, etc. How does it fit with the criteria for success the City Council's strategic goals and CCPS Principles? Is it doable? Is it inspiring - worth doing? (See the Implications & Criteria page at the end of this document for a list of implications and criteria participants explored). This round of work produced a refined set of four maps that began to converge. Each team worked to solve the weaknesses inherent in their scenario by applying some of the strengths they found in other scenarios. Round 3: Synthesize Down to Two Options The participants dialogued about the merits of each of the four worlds they had created and highlighted the common themes that made each strong. These became standard features in the third round. Following the dialogue, participants divided into two groups to build two new plausible scenarios that contained the best of the all their work to date, but that were thematically different. Future Rounds: Research the Details & Apply the Political Process Having generated two plausible scenarios to offer the City Council, some of the next steps will be: I) actually visit the sites to see, hear and feel the concepts on the ground; 2) test the concepts against City Council goals and CCPS guiding principles; and 3) conduct the next level of feasibility study to expose more of the costs and benefits of each concept; 4) engaging the City Council. Ci of Carisbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #l February 12,2004 The Game Map The Game Map of Carlsbad The Game Maps: The Carlsbad ctty map used for thts scenario exercise is pre-printed (36" x 48") to show roads, parcels, city parks, Are statiins, schools, and exlsthg city buildings/structures. The areas zoned for commercial use and the parcels owned by the City are highllghted. The large red and green stickers placed on the map indicate sites suggested for new structures and uses. These vary from one scenario to the next. City Facilitks Oak Senior Center Harding Calavera Park/Comm. Center Farmers Safety Center CMWD Golf Course Stagecoach Park/Comm. Center 6 Fire Stations Girls Club Alga Norte Park Veteran's Park Pine Park Aviara Park Poinsettia Park = Suggested City Facilities = Suggested Nan-City Facilities Ci of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 "City Hall" "City Hall" Scenario Centralized & Single Use General Description: In the world of "City Hall" the City government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: A single use government office facility geared toward internal city services and business transactions. This building would create a massive structure, an imposing image on the Carlsbad cityscape. This arrangement has a familiar institutional tone. Some Specifics to Consider: Location of this multi-service center at a major intersection is desirable (research indicates that twenty times as many people drop into community centers when they are located near major intersection as when they are buried in the middle of residential blocks). The location should be pedestrian friendly and within one block of a major intersection, Many paths lead to City Hall - public transportation Ample parking around the City Hall structures City departments are co-located so information, work and relationships flow naturally Regional wireless internet capabilities between them Offered in a Centralized City Hall Fire Administration & Operation All city offices (Faraday, Farmers, Safety Center, CMWD, Training Center Firing Range Police Administration Lending Library Other Government Services (state, federal, etc.) NOT Offered in a Centralized City Hall Golf course PW Maintenance Yard (Oak) Plaza/Public space Gathering Spaces Amphitheater Second Senior Center Conference Center Cultural/Historical Center Strengths Internally very efficient and communication is Potentially least cost Strong government identity Public gathering place/node Easy access and central location User friendly: one-stop-shop easy Weaknesses: Isolates government Creates "us vs. them" image/mentality NE, SW, SE Underserved Doesn't connect to the south ~ City of Carlsbad CCPS Team 8. Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 "City Hall" Scenario Map Centralized & Single Use Reffnc & lmubbshoot Elements to address Initial consideration of weaknesses within this scenario: strengths Added: Keep existing: Parks 0 Fire Stations Libraries 0 Senior Center 0 Community Centers Weaknesses Addmssed: Use old City Hall for a cultural/historical center Put a second senior center in the south Locate a public plaza at Manzano 0 Locate the PW maintenance yard at the current Safety Center address. City Facilities Non-City Facilities City of Carlsbad CCPS Team 8 Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round ll February 12,2004 "Grand Civic Plaza" "Grand Civic Plaza" Scenario Centralized & Multi-Use General Description: In the world of the "Grand Civic Plaza" the city government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: Campus setting for all city government functions surrounded by and interspersed with commercial, residential and cultural structures used by residents and visitors day and night. Some Specifics to Consider: Many paths lead to the Civic Center, including footpaths and bike trails, public transportation. Areas for outdoor artisans to display crafts and teach hands-on classes right in their shops; Saturday Arts and Crafts Fair, farmer's market. Combination of City buildings, shops, restaurants, childcare, and plaza and green space provides options for all kinds of interaction. The courtyards where buildings meet the surrounding park spaces each have small shops and cafes creating intimate outdoor living rooms. These open, outdoor gathering areas, with lush landscaping, water features, and sculpture become places for outdoor meetings - inviting and inspiring; includes an amphitheater performance space. Venue for public meetings, gatherings, and events. Civic groups, school clubs, professional associations, visiting conferences, and others take advantage of this first class facility and setting. The Civic Center provides a marketplace for non-city civic services/volunteerism. Qualities Scale: 1 square mile Economic diversity Easy access Dynamic Outdoor Friendly Energy Open Elements: Regional transportation hub Interactive tele-council All City Govt. Depts. Other Governments Culture/Art elements Connected to trails Public education Meeting Rooms Child/adult care Presentations Restaurants Qualities All generations present 0 Revenue generator One-stop-shopping Pedestrian friendly Natural space Pride Fun (Mickey Mouse!) Elements: Commercia I services Recreation classes Internet access everywhere Public services TV connection Strong use of technology Theater History Council Strengths Creates experience 0 Revenue possibilities Location supports Del Mar Plaza Plus Fits CCPS guiding 0 Easier to build - green Carry city into cutting recreation principles field start edge future Weaknesses: cost Connectivity Harder to access services Summer traffic (if in Politically difficult to do coastal location) ~~ City of Carlsbad CCPS Team L Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 "Grand Civic Plaza" "Grand Civic Plaza" Scenario Map Centralized & Multi-Use RMne & TmubMhoot Elements to address initial consideration of weaknesses within this scenario: Weaknesses Addred: Pollticsl Issues: "Baby Grand" (put PW, firing range, poiice at other site) Publicly attractive (theater, public space, not just offices Revenue positive Serve public needs at facility (CCPS guiding principles) Enhances traffic circulation (vs. existlng situation at PAR/Carlsbad Blvd.) Access Issues: Push some services into parks and libraries Use existing facilities Connecthrity Issues: Intemet/network access (broadband/wireless) Do all city business online Parks and libraries still exist Market these sites Make sure parksjlibraries are Conferencing facilities attract Share city buildings with information centers community activity community cost Issue9: Create financing by selling existing properties (Faraday, Farmers, Old City Hall, etc.) Com me rcia I d eve1 ope r/ lea se back Dedicate increases sales tax or property tax Volunteers and fund raisers ! Traffic Issues: 0 Telecommute/use technology 0 Flex-schedule 0 Use public transportation 0 Off-site parking 0 Walk-able area/zone Joint-use expand the individual's experience = City Facilities = Non-City Facilities City of Carlsbad CCPS Team 8 Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 "City In the Mall" "City in the Mall" Scenario Decentralized & Multi-Use General Description: In the world of "Store Front City in the Malls" the City government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: A satellite network of multi-service centers spread equally throughout the city to provide a complementary level of service to neighborhoods in addition to a main City Hall complex, Team's addition: High visitor volume and high visibility including public meeting spaces and outdoor opportunities. Volunteers used. Some opportunities to commercialize City services. Some Specifics to Consider : Located in existing commercial, multiple services provided (i.e. acquisition of a business license, fee payments, course registration) Could also serve as community meeting spaces during non-business hours and they must be located near major intersections to ensure visibility and sense of connectedness to the main City Hall. The commercial centers should include storefronts to include such staples as restaurants, dry cleaners, coffee shop, and bakery. "Each shop should be small, compact and easily accessible like individually owned shops with small public spaces for gathering spaces interspersed between and around them forming public outdoor rooms. On Site Government Services Cashering Business license Permits Recreation Registration Code EnforcementlMediation Police and Fire Records Library Land Use Information Passport City Store New Resident Orientation Symbiotic Services: 0 Coffee/Public spaces FedEx, Kinko's, business support 0 Colleges, regional training County Recorder/Assessor Ticketmaster We1 I ness faci I i ty Strengths Revenue opportunities - commercial User friendly 0 Builds partnerships with merchants & others 0 Connects city with community more strongly 0 May alleviate service burdens on other city, Service levels would be high The more automation/web use, the less staff requirement over time Lease space - No significant building cost 0 Consistent with CCPS/CC strategic goals 0 Implementation is doable Create a low risk pilot site for proof of opportunities within city facilities (e.g.; design and graphics services) state, federal government (e.g.; web librarian) concept and learning; duplicate and improve over time. Weaknesses : 0 Government could be seen as competitor with private enterprise (tax advantage) Leasing costs 0 Risk exposure from property management ~ City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 '' City in the Mall" Scenario Map Decentralized & Multi-Use Refine a Tmucdarhoot Elements to address initial consideration of weaknesses within this scenario: Strams Added: Efficiency - limit services to easy sells, high demand/high yield Automate repetitive tasks and make as much as possible available online in a kiosk fashion with an attendant to assist users to navigate. Provide a consistent "menu" of services (a la Taco Bell, McDonald's). Weaknesses Addressed: Competition - Partner with local merchants to diminish competition or appearance thereof. providing lots of training in the business model to employees and volunteers. Sell low risk products/services. Perception of Values Erosion - provide training internally on city values, vision, etc. Make customer service more powerful. trade dress, menus, branding at all facilities Risk - Diminish risk by Confusion - Use consistent Yenu at all QQun3.m Malls Facmes I. I. I Cashier/Business License Connections Meeting Spaces Passports Recreation Registration Resident Orientation Permits Library Ticketmaster Records/Information Coffee/Outdoor Front Counter = City Facilities Non-City Facilities Ci of Carlsbad CCPS Team 81 Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 "Community "Community City Halls" City Halls" Scenario Decentralized & Single-Use - General Description: In the world of "Community City Halls" the City government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: Government uses only satellite centers to provide ancillary services in addition to existing community services. The city services are visible and easy to find anywhere in the city. Communities all over the city are represented by a local facility, most of which are in or near a park. Some Specifics to Consider : 0 These focus on creating a destination for learning about issues and events in the community 0 Uses existing Community Centers/city owned sites to provided additional city services Would provide hubs for city workers and services throughout the city In many cases would create a "walk to" destination from local neighborhoods, or easy access during regular sporting events; capitalize on built-in foot traffic in these locations Services Offered in the Community Service Centers Development Services Cashiering HR Library (central distribution) Police Substation Council Ofice Recreation Park/Facilities Maintenance Strengths 0 Easy access/walk-able community 0 More economical - no acquisitions required Creates strong government identity Small = friendly >> volunteer attractiveness Weaknesses: Staffing costs Operating expenses Communication and inefficiencies Possible citizen confusion Training needs Site constraints - parking, etc. City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round %I February 12,2004 "Community City Halls" "Community City Halls" Scenario Map Decentralized & Singie-Use Rcrlpna & Troubleshoot Elements to address initial constdetstion of weaknesses within this scenario: Strengths Addad: Use schools after hours Use volunteers Operate service centers on weekends and evenings when citizens can use them 0 Create community forums Weaknesses Addressad: Have fewer service centers Make services available through internet Development Services Cashiering HR Library (central distribution) = City Facilities m Non-City Facilities City of Carkbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #l February 12,2004 Synthesis Map #l - Synthesis #l: Grand Coastal Plaza Scenario: One way to bring together the best of the four scenarios General Description: In the world of "Grand Synthesis Plaza" the city government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: Grand Coastal Plaza is located near but not at the coast (Carltas, Veteran's Park, or Manzano). It has the benefits of the Grand Civic Plaza arrangement, but keeps the training center, firing range and equipment yard inland. Some Specifics to Consider : City Hall elements including all core city services *Ocean and lagoon views Can create the "coastal corridor" from Veteran's Park to Manzano Commercial synergies with the company stores Inside and outside components that connect with the Carlsbad identity Outlying city services still exist (including neighborhood commercial centers, i.e.; partner with Kinko's or other enterprise for City in the Mall effect) Amphitheater Place a cultural center in the old City Hall building Has a neighborhood service center in the south Uses property on the coast for mixed-use and public gathering ~ ~ City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 Synthesis Map #I: Grand Coastal Plaza Scenario: One way to bring together the best of the four scenarios = City Facilities = Non-City Facilities City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #I February 12,2004 Synthesis Synthesis #2 - #2: Golden Road Scenario: A second way to bring together the best of the four scenarios General Description: In the world of "Grand Synthesis Plaza" the City government buildings, facilities and personnel are arranged in a manner that is characterized by: The Golden Road scenario is more decentralized than Synthesis #l but retains strong focal points: Inland government center & a conference space near the airport Lagoon facing amphitheater Beachfront plaza with commercial and public gathering spaces Training center, firing range and equipment yard inland. Some Specifics to Consider : City Hall elements including all core city services located inland Ocean and lagoon views from amphitheater .Trails and paths through open space knit together the focal points Place a cultural center in the old City Hall building Has two neighborhood service centers in the south, one at the coast and two Uses property on the coast for mixed-use and public gathering Cannon Road becomes an important east/west connector in the north City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 Synthesis Map #2: Golden Road Scenario: A second way to bring together the best of the four scenarios 0 = City Facilities City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadenhip Team Carlsbad Game Round #l February 12,2004 II Non-City Facilities Implications & Criteria Implications & Criteria Each of the scenarios need to be evaluated according to the implications it will have and how well each fits the criteria for Carlsbad's future set out in the City Council's documents and the Connecting Community, Place and Spirit commitment. The following is not an exhaustive list of issues to look into for each scenario, but it is a place to start. Implications: What are the consequences, desirable and undesirable, of the scenario created? Consider the following: How easy would it be to deliver core city services in this arrangement? Enhanced-core? Non-core? How would services be delivered in this scenario from the view of the citizen? What synergies or hassles would this create among citizens, staff, visitors? What kinds of traffic, transportation and circulation would this create or require? What would this mean for internal City processes? Efficiency levels? How would this scenario influence our relations with neighboring cities? Criteria: How does this scenario fit with the City's current criteria along the following parameters? What changes in criteria would this scenario cause or demand to succeed? Service levels? Availability of properties for this arrangement? Expense and time required for building it? Expense to operate it? Consistency with City Council strategic goals? Consistency with the CCPS direction? How doable is it from a physical sense? How doable is it from a political sense? Is it inspiring? City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadenhip Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 Next Steps Next Steps These maps will be used as a starting point for City Council discussions. Engaging the Council in developing the final set of scenarios and options will ensure that their perspective of the political process can be incorporated into the thinking behind these visions of the fu t u re. Sterling Insights, Inc. 1646 Peutz Valley Road Alpine, CA 91901 619-659-1234 voice 619-615-2003 fax Joe@SterlingInsig hts.com www.SterlingInsights.com City of Carlsbad CCPS Team & Leadership Team Carlsbad Game Round #1 February 12,2004 ity e rios: March 17, 2004 INSIGHTS 0 2004, Sterling Insights, Inc. All rights reserved. EXHIBIT 2 L- Overview The leaders of the City of Carlsbad including the Mayor, Council, City Manager, Leadership Team and CCPS team met at the Farmers Building on March 17, 2004 to refine scenarios of potential arrangement for future civic centers and city government buildings. The Council mapped out their vision building on the staffs scenario and mapping work. They weighed the pros, cons, and implications of each approach and achieved consensus on a final map. These are the notes from that six-hour session. Participants Faci I itation Carlsbad Mayor and City Council City Manager and Leadership Team CCPS Team Design and lead facilitation by Joe Sterling, Sterling Insights, Inc. Process Outcomes The event featured: These are the key outcomes: 0 Module 1: Welcome Overview of the purposes and process for the event. 0 Module 2: Presentation of Maps Staff presented the four foundation scenarios bu i It around conti nu u ms of centralization and mixedjsinge use. This was followed by presentation of the two synthesis scenarios (Grand Coastal Plaza and Golden Road). After each presentation Council responded regarding strengths and weaknesses of each scenario. Module 3: What's In, What's Out Council dialogued about the elements that all agreed should be included in a final map as well as some that would not. In the process they selected the Grand Civic Plaza map as the basis for their final map. They developed a list of considerations that would have to be addressed in any arrangement going forward. 0 Module 4: Testing for Alignment with CCPS and Council Goals Council analyzed their emerging map for alignment with the CCPS guiding principles and their own strategic goals. Module 5: Marking out the Map Council located the map labels for each element on their map to demonstrate their consensus on the arrangement they adopted. The conditions were double checked so that staff would have direction in their research going forward. Council achieved consensus on a new map which built mostly upon the Synthesis Map called Grand Coastal Plaza presented by staff. A significant improvement was keeping fire and police administration with field personnel at the Safety Center. researched was developed. Staff will research these and provide to Council information they can use for further definition of the vision and decision-making. A list of considerations to be ~ ~ City of Carlsbad Council's Map Civic Center & City Facilities March 17, 2004 City Council Synthesis Map #l Citv Council brings together the best of all the scenario work to date Current City Hall afety Center campus Equipment Yard Manzano at current City Hall ’ City of Carlsbad Council’s Map Civic Center & City Facilities March 17, 2004 .- - \ ', Implications & Criteria I I \ - Considerations The following considerations need to be studied and resolved to pave the way for implementing the Council Map vision. Financing acquisitions and construction Ongoing maintenance and operating costs "Open space" concerns Shuttle services - rationalize all the services around Car Country Public/Private partnerships Walk-ability and beauty Coastal Commission Utilize current city hall for historic/culture/education facility Conference Center - needs study Neighborhood Service Centers - study citizen needs Regional training facilities Acquire Manzano - create a space there that is mostly park-like (think Powerhouse park in Del Mar) with a small mixed-use building including quality dining, snack shop, fishing pier, multi-purpose room for weddings and gatherings. Account for significant parking needs. Sterling Insights, Inc. 1646 Peutz Valley Road Alpine, CA 91901 619-659-1234 voice 619-615-2003 fax Joe@SterlingInsig hts.com www . Ste rl i ng In si g hts . corn City of Carlsbad Council's Map Civic Center & City Facilities March 17, 2004