HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-20; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES MEETING OF : DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) APRIL 20, 2004 City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Absent: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard. LEG IS LATlVE INVOCATION : Father Neal Moquin, of St. Michaels By-the-Sea, offered the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Packard led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATIONS: Council Member Hall presented a Proclamation in recognition of National Volunteer Week (April 1 8‘h thru April 24th) to Sue key, Volunteer Coordinator. Ms. lrey introduced volunteers Sally Chernesky of the Police Department, Terie Talbot of the Recreation Department, Joyce Hsieh of the Library and Jane Boler of the Arts Department. Ken Price, Recreation Director came forward and presented Proclamations to Denise Hill, Gary Hill, Nancy Kwame, Jeannie Ramos, Nick Ramos, Lelanie Shank, Kim Campbell, Helga Stover, William Stover, Mark Winkler, Kathly Winkler, Amber Bliss and Kevin Shea in recognition of their efforts in constructing the trail within Hidden Canyon Community Park. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila presented a Proclamation in recognition of Earth Daynrail Day (April 24th) to Michael Bliss of the Public Works Department. Council Member Kulchin presented a Proclamation in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April 2004) to Marva Bledsoe, Executive Director of the Women’s Resource Center. April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 Mayor Lewis introduced Miss Carlsbad and the Court of Princesses. Miss Carlsbad, Lauren Adams and her Court of Princesses, gave a brief background about themselves and their goals. Miss Carlsbad, Lauren Adams presented Mayor Lewis with a check for $1,000 on behalf of the Carlsbad Lions Club to assist the visually impaired in the Carlsbad City Libraries. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #I through #6, as follows: AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall and Packard WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. 2. 3. 4. AB #17,591- HOLIDAY PARK RESTROOM REPLACEMENT - CONTRACT NO. PKS 03-07/PROJ. 38971. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 23, approving contract documents, special provisions and specifications, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for Holiday Park Restroom Replacement, Contract No. PKS 03-07, Project No. 38971. AB #17,592 -TRAFFIC SIGNAL - CAMINO DE LOS COCHES AND CALLE ACERVO - PROJ. NO. 3916-1. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 24, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of the Camino De Los Coches and Calle Acervo traffic signal, Project No.3916-1. AB #17,593 - RECLASSIFICATION AND REALLOCATION OF POSITIONS IN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 25, reclassifying a Public Works Supervisor to Facilities Superintendent and reallocating an Associate Engineer position to Parks Superintendent position, amending the Management Classification and Salary Plan, and amending the City’s Local Conflict of Interest Code to reflect these changes. AB #I 7,594 - 2004 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EVALUATION POLICY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-126, approving the City of Carlsbad 2004 Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy. April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 5. AB #17,595 -ACTION OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO.l APPEALS PANEL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-127, sustaining the decision of the Appeals Panel on the appeal from Karl Strauss Breweries regarding the classification of their restaurant for special tax levy purposes. 6. AB #17,596 -ANNEXATION NO. 03/04-1 TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 1. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 28, certifying the election results and adding the Manzanita Apartments property to Community Facilities District No. 1. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: 7. AB #17,597 -AMENDMENT TO TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20.16 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. City Attorney, Ron Ball presented staff report, and titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council introduced ORDINANCE NS-704, amending Title 20, Chapter 20.16, Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, as required by revisions to the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Section 66462.59(A). AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: 8. AB #17,602 -AMENDMENT OF PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR GYMS AND HEALTH SPAS - ZCA 03-03/ZCA 04-02. City Attorney, Ron Ball titled the Ordinance. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted ORDINANCE NO. 703, amending Section 21.44020(b)(7) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to change the parking requirement for gyms and health spas, from one space per 35 square feet of gross floor area, to one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area; and amending Section 21.35.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to reference an amendment to the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Master Plan and Design Manual. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: Greg Dowell, 2325 Masters Road, Carlsbad came forward to address Council. Mr. Dowell spoke regarding the Carlsbad High School Wind Symphony and their performance at Carnegie Hall. Mr. Dowell told Council that the Carlsbad Wind Symphony received the only Gold Award at the performance, as well as the highest marks that any Wind Symphony has ever received in this festival at Carnegie Hall. PUBLIC HEARING: 9. AB #17,598 - WEED ABATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING. Kelly Collier, Fire Prevention Officer, and Karyn Vaudreuil, Fire Marshal, presented the staff report. Council Member Packard asked who a citizen would contact if they are unsure as to whether or not a particular property was included in the weed abatement evaluation. Mr. Collier responded that Fire Prevention would be the department to contact for that information. Mayor Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 6:43 p.m. and asked if anyone would like to speak. Seeing no one wishing to speak, Mayor Lewis closed the duly noticed public hearing at 6:43 p.m. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2004-129, ordering the abatement of public nuisances, weeds, rubbish, and refuse on certain private property in the City of Carlsbad. AYES: NOES: None. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard ADJOURNMENT TO A JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER BOARD AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING: Mayor Lewis adjourned to a Joint Meeting of the City Council, the Carlsbad Municipal Water Board and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 6:44 p.m. and reconvened at 6:45 p.m. with Mayor Lewis and all four Council Members present. April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 5 ADJOURNMENT TO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING: Mayor Lewis adjourned the Joint Meeting of the City Council, Municipal Water District and Housing and Redevelopment Commission to the Regular Meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission Meeting at 6:45 p.m. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Mayor Lewis reconvened the remainder of the City Council meeting at 7:26 p.m., with all members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 11. AB #17,600 - FUNDING ALLOCATIONS FOR 2004-05 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Frank Boensch, Management Analyst presented the staff report and reviewed a Power Point presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Molly Henry, 161 3 Brome Court, Carlsbad came forward to address Council on behalf of the Fraternity House. Ms. Henry requested that the Council consider allocating funds from a source other than CDBG funding to support the Fraternity Housing this year. Joe Salas, 271 1 Woodwind Road, Carlsbad came forward to address Council on behalf of Casa De Amparo. He stated that, due to an address change, they had not received the notification that their request for funding was being denied. Mr. Salas asked that Casa De Amparo be included in the CDBG funding because of the services they provide to children from Carlsbad. Art Serrin, 4423 Salisbury Drive, Carlsbad came forward to address Council, and expressed his concerns relating to the allocation of CDBG Funding for farmworker housing. Michael Wischkaemper, 4039 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad came forward to address the Council on behalf of the Farmworker Housing Coalition. He expressed support for the recommendation for CDBG funding for the project, and suggested that the funding revert back if it is determined that agricultural mitigation fee funding can be used instead. Council Member Hall inquired if the coalition had an estimate of total costs for the project yet, or a plan to raise the remainder of the funding. Mr. Wischkaemper responded that information will not be known until a site has been selected. He added that those who will benefit from this project are seasonal workers, who are here for a limited time and do not qualify for other programs. April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 6 Council Member Kulchin stated that funding the farm worker housing project would be a good use of agricultural mitigation fees, which have been paid by property owners in order to convert agricultural property to other uses. In response to Council inquiry regarding the request from Casa de Amparo, Management Analyst Frank Boensch stated that their request was not rated as highly as other requests after evaluation of the number of Carlsbad residents served. He also noted that the previous year’s funding allocation was $5,000.00. In response to Council inquiry regarding other possible funding for the farm worker housing project, Housing & Redevelopment Director Debbie Fountain replied that the Housing Trust Fund and Agricultural Mitigation Fees were the two other possible sources of funding. Ms. Fountain explained that the Agricultural Mitigation Fee Program had originally been administered by the Coastal Conservancy, and is now administered by the City. She reported that Planning staff is now working with the state to clarify acceptable uses for the funds. Mayor Lewis expressed support for the City partnering with the coalition on the project, and for the provision of funding to get the project started. He supported the use of agricultural mitigation fee funds for the project and expressed opposition to placement of the facility on City park land. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila expressed support for the use of agricultural mitigation fee funds, rather than CDBG funds, for the farm worker housing project. Council Member Kulchin also expressed support for use of agricultural mitigation fee funds for the project and for staff efforts to work with the state to clarify the acceptable uses for the funds. She also requested that Council consider providing $5,000.00 for Casa de Amparo. Council Member Hall concurred with the recommendation to provide funding for Casa de Amparo and with the recommendation that the funding for the farm worker housing project should come from the agricultural mitigation fees. Council Member Packard expressed support for the CDBG funding recommendations and the suggestion to focus on the use of agricultural mitigation fee funds for the farm worker housing project. He stated that he could not support funding for Casa de Amparo. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Packard, Council determined not to fund the farm worker housing project from the CDBG Program, and directed that the $450,000.00 be placed in the Housing Reserve Fund. AYES: Finnila, Hall, and Packard NOES: Lewis and Kulchin April 20, 2004 ACTION: AYES: NOES: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ACTION: AYES: NOES: RECESS: Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 7 On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council agreed to provide funding, in the amount of $5,000.00, from the Contingency Account for Casa de Amparo. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, and Hall Packard On a motion by Mayor Lewis, Council agreed to provide funding, in the amount of $5,000.00, from the Contingency Account for Fraternity House. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, and Hall Packard On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council approved RESOLUTION NO. 2004-1 32, approving the projects and funding allocations for the City of Carlsbad’s 2004-2005 Community Development Block Grant Program, as amended to eliminate the funding for the farm worker housing project, and the addition of $450,000.00 to the Housing Reserve Fund. Lewis, Finnila, Kulchin, Hall, Packard None. Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:27 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:32 p.m. with all members present. 12. AB#17,601- REQUEST FROM CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mike Schumacher of the Chamber of Commerce gave a Power Point presentation (on file in the City Clerk’s Office) regarding findings from the Downtown Enhancement Study Group works hops. Mr. Schumacher stated that the Task Force’s goal was to develop a vision for the downtown area and explained the recommendations to: enhance the three entrances to the village; provide additional streetscape improvements to increase pedestrian use of the Village; and improve pedestrian access from the Village to the Ocean. He also showed depictions of suggested major attractions and development for the Village, including parking structures. April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 8 Julie Baker, Chairperson of the Task Force, explained their goal to develop a vision for enhancing economic development in the Village area. She requested that the City dedicate staff to work with the Chamber in reviewing standards such as parking, height and density. Mark Rohrlick addressed the Council and explained the group’s recommendation that encouraging housing in the Village would be a good way to bring moderate rate housing into the City. Council Member Finnila stated that the Council has already directed staff to review the existing standards for the Village and inquired about the status of the North County Transit Property. Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director responded that North County Transit has selected a consultant to prepare a land use study for their property in the Vi Hag e. Council Member Packard inquired if placing housing above retail uses is allowed in the Redevelopment Area. Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director responded that existing regulations allow mixed uses in accordance with the Village Master Plan. Council Member Kulchin inquired about the task force’s goals and role in the review process. Julie Baker stated that the group proposes to assist the City by coordinating resources, providing group and property owner meetings, and working with staff to find ways to revitalize the Village area. In response to Council inquiry, Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director stated that the review of the existing standards for the Redevelopment Area will be completed by June, 2005. Council Member Hall inquired about the bonding capacity of the Redevelopment Agency and the effects of the expiration of the Redevelopment Plan in July, 2007. Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director stated that $14.4 million in bonds have recently been approved to fund downtown improvements, that the project list will be brought back for prioritization, and that the bonds must be repayed by the year 2017. She explained that it is not the Plan that will expire in 2007, but the funding source that will expire at that time. Council Members Hall and Packard expressed concerns about the suggestion to make the Village area more pedestrian friendly by streetscape enhancements to narrow streets. Bob Johnson, Deputy City Engineer responded that traffic circulation patterns and growth management standards would need to be reviewed and balanced with the need April 20, 2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 9 to revitalize the Village area. He noted that enhanced streetscape improvements might not be acceptable on the more heavily traveled streets. Council Member Kulchin expressed support for reviewing the Task Force's recommendations. Mayor Lewis stated that, based on past experience, he believes that changes to the Village area must be made with full disclosure and include public input. Council received the report and took no action. COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Lewis and Council Members reported on activities and meetings of some committees and sub-committees of which they are members. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: None. ANNOUNCEMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 was adjourned at 9:27 p.m. in honor and memory of Jan Bischoff, a former member of the City's Sister City Com m ittee. Sheila Cobian Minutes Clerk