HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-15; City Council; MinutesMINUTES
CITY COUNCIL (Special Meeting)
Wednesday, September 15,2004
11 :00 a.m.
Faraday Administration Offices, 1635 Faraday, Carlsbad, CA
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 1 1 :02 a.m.
ROLL CALL was recorded by the City Clerk, as follows:
Absent: None
Mayor Lewis, Mayor Pro Tem Finnila, Council Members Kulchin, Hall and Packard
Agenda Items:
1. Council Reports on regional roles and assignments. as necessary.
Council Member Hall reported on the Encina Wastewater Authority and the various projects at the work site.
Mayor Pro Tem Finnila spoke about her position on the Palomar Airport Advisory Board and the possibility of the
Council filling that position if she chooses to vacate the position at a future date.
Council Member Kulchin reported about vehicle procurement for the North County Transit and the work Karen
King is doing to expedite the process.
Council Member Packard discussed the Propositions 1A and 65 that are on the November ballot.
Mayor Lewis spoke about meetings with Metropolitan Water and the County Water Authorities regarding
2. Discussion of proposed amendments to the Citv Council Policy No. 44 Dertaining to neighborhood
architectural design guidelines.
Planning Commission Chair Frank Whitton and Planning Commissioner Julie Baker joined the Council for the
agenda item.
Chair Whitton explained the background of the Commission’s architectural enhancement proposals. He stated that
there were a series of workshops and meetings with developers, Planning staff and the Planning Commission to
discuss these proposals. He further stated that the results of these meetings were presented to Council on August 17,
2004. Chair Whitton stated that he was in favor of increasing Planning Commission and City Council
communication. The Chair also distributed an agenda bill with an example of Planning Commission explanatory
wording for Council’s review. (This example is on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Commissioner Baker explained that the enhancements to the architectural guidelines, such as carrying design
integrity from the front to the rear of houses, were hard to incorporate into the Master Plans.
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Council Member Hall asked about the format for discussion of this item. He stated that three topics for discussion
might be procedure, communication between Council and Commission, and design guidelines.
Mayor Lewis stated that he would like to discuss procedures.
Discussion ensued regarding the advisory capacity of the Commission and the procedures used to communicate to
City Manager Ray Patchett listed the methods available for communication from the Commission to the Council:
minute motions, minutes, resolutions, memos and workshops.
City Attorney Ron Ball agreed with Mr. Patchett and stated that these are vehicles that can be used for
Council/Commission communication.
Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested that the Planning Commission could use the monthly special meeting workshops
to bring issues forward to Council.
Mayor Lewis agreed with the Mayor Pro Tem and urged that the Planning Commission receive a standing item
“placeholder” on future workshop agendas.
Chair Whitton stated that standing placement on the workshop agenda, offered by the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem,
would work well for timely communication. He also stated that he would like a Council Member to attend Planning
Council recommended that the review of City Council Policy No. 44 pertaining to architectural guidelines be
returned to a regular meeting of the City Council.
3. Discussion of the Dumose and focus of the Arts Commission.
Jim Boylan, representing the Arts Commission, stated that the Commission was requesting a workshop with Council
to discuss the Commission’s purpose and focus.
Mayor Pro Tem Finnila asked if this request was part of the Arts Master Plan.
City Manager Ray Patchett referred Council to the Arts Commission charter in the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Council Member Hall asked for an explanation of the purpose of each of the following groups:
Commission, the Arts Associates and the Arts School Group.
The Arts
Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen explained the role of Arts staff in setting up Arts programs. He further stated
that the Commission reviewed these programs. Mr. Mannen also stated that education is another component of the
Arts program and that public art is yet another component, usually tied to the Capital Improvement Program. Mr.
Mannen explained that the Arts Commission is an advisory commission.
Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested that the workshop be trailed to December.
City Manager Ray Patchett stated that Council should be given copies of the Ordinance regarding the Arts
Commission charter and the Arts element from the General Plan. He stated that after Council has reviewed these
documents they could let staff know whether a workshop should be scheduled.
Mayor Lewis called a recess at 11 58 a.m. At 12:20 p.m. Council reconvened with all five members present.
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4. Discussion of potential commercial and residential or other uses and opportunities for public/private
cooperation of existing or proposed regional or local shopping centers.
Community Development Director Sandra Holder gave an update regarding the Carlsbad Shopping Mall. She stated
that the goal of the public/private cooperation is to upgrade the image of the Mall. Ms. Holder displayed preliminary
sketches of design possibilities for the Mall including residential, shopping and landscaping additions.
Council discussion ensued regarding the design sketches and potential upgrades at the Mall.
5. Discussion of production, distribution and delivery of water and water related services by public or
private entities and other related water issues.
There was no discussion on this item.
6. Discussion of Council efficiency and effectiveness including impact of regional assignments with regard
to contact with other Council members, decision and policymaking. serving the community and effective
methods of feedback.
There was no discussion on this item.
7. City Manager review of goal and maior proiect tracking report and update discussion of Council goal
setting process and discussion of cauacitv and effectiveness in the delivery of City processes and
There was no discussion on this item.
8. Discussion of feedback, communications or correspondence on issues for the good of the community,
including directions to the City Manager or Citv Attorney, as appropriate, for the scheduling of items for
future agendas. workshops or study sessions.
There was no discussion on this item.
9. Public Comment: None
The Special meeting was adjourned at 12:36 p.m.