HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-16; City Council; MinutesMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: February 16,2005 TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 11:OO a.m. - 1:OO p.m. 1635 FARADAY, ROOM 173A The Mayor called the special meeting to order at 11:05 a.m. All Council Members were present as were the City Manager and the City Attorney. The Mayor called for Council reports. Mayor Pro Tem Hall reported that he may need an alternative representative for the SANDAG meeting of February 25. Council Member Kulchin reported that she will need to miss a future Council meeting while she attends the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association Board of Directors meeting in Washington, DC. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the formation procedures of the proposed Business Improvement District. Administrative Services Director Elliott and Economic Development and Real Estate Manager Cynthia Haas joined the Council for this portion of the meeting. Council Member Sigafoose did not participate in the discussion. Ms. Haas explained that currently the City spends about $509,000 annually to support tourism in the City of Carlsbad. $409,000 is appropriated to the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor’s Bureau and $100,000 to the San Diego North Convention and Visitor’s Bureau by contract. These contracts have been audited as appropriate and the last audit confirmed compliance with the contract. Mr. Elliott outlined the process leading to the formation of a Business Improvement District with the aid of a flow chart and division of responsibilities between the City Council and advisory board (see Exhibit A). The Council decides whether or not to form an advisory board, which can then assist the City Attorney in drafting the resolution of intention, and proposed ordinance or the City can draft it prior to considering formation of an advisory board. The Council has received a request from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to form a Business improvement District. The proposed District would consist of hotels within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad and generate potential revenue at $1 per room per night. The actual amount of revenue would depend on the number of rooms and the actual occupancy rate. The Council discussed its powers and duties in the formation process and focused on the makeup of an advisory board and whether or not the proposed Business Improvement District could be expanded beyond hotels. The City Manager inquired who would staff the advisory board and the Mayor suggested a staff member being an ex-officio member. Mr. Elliott explained that these issues have not been determined and that the Council will receive a presentation of the Chamber of Commerce’s request to form a Business Improvement District at a regular Council meeting in March 2005. The Council also inquired as to whether or not members of an advisory board must be residents of the City and directed the City Attorney to contact other cities with existing Business Improvement Districts for their experiences. The Mayor then thanked Mr. Elliott and Ms. Haas and called for a working lunch at 12:02 p.m. The Mayor called on the City Manager to lead a discussion of the Carlsbad Learning Center proposed layout. The Manager distributed a letter from the President of the Carlsbad Library Foundation dated January 24, 2005 outlining its request to the City Council to consider appropriating funds for the construction of the proposed project to go forward with the understanding that the Carlsbad Library Foundation will reimburse the City with donations received through its capital campaign (see Exhibit B). The Council agreed that this could be a workable approach and directed the City Manager to positively respond to the letter and to follow up at a regular City Council meeting. The Mayor then called for a discussion of Access to Proposition 50 bond funds that provide for $3.4 billion dollars in state bonds to protect coastal wetlands, safe drinking water and other water programs. Deputy City Engineer Greaney introduced the item with the aid of a hand out (on file in the office of the City Clerk). The issue presented was whether or not privately held water companies should be eligible to compete for grants and loans from voter approved bond measures, including Proposition 50? After discussion, the Council concurred with the recommendation to take a neutral approach. The Mayor then called for a discussion of the San Diego County Water Authority’s Fixed Revenue Study. Deputy City Engineer Greaney introduced this item with the aid of a handout (on file in the office of the City Clerk). The technical advisory committee to the County Water Authority has developed and discussed two ideas on what entities should pay for certain new facilities. After discussion, the Mayor thanked Mr. Greaney for the information. There were no comments from the Planning Commission regarding development processing, procedures or other land use issues. Administrative Services Director Elliott updated the Council on progress between the City and the County Water Authority on the potential memorandum of understanding or other agreement. He reported that such a proposed agreement will probably be presented to the Council in March or April 2005. The Mayor then called for consideration and adoption of the City Council’s 2005 Five-Year Vision Statements, Council Mission and Values and Quality of Life Strategic Goals. There were presented by the City Attorney following the Council’s workshop in January 2005. The Council concurred to reorder the “Citizen Partnership and Connection” to “Citizen Connection and Partnership” of Quality of Life Strategic Goal No. 2 and with that amendment, adopted the documents as revised. (See Exhibit C). The Mayor called for public comment and there being none, he thanked all for their full and complete attention and participation and adjourned the special meeting at 1252 p.m. RO~ALD R. BALL City Attorney as Clerk Pro Tem 2 Business Improvement District I BID Requested I Adopt >Legal Requirements Resolution >Proposed Boundaries >Assessment Method Of Intention >Time and Place of Public Hearing >Must be Published in Newspaper I BID 1 >Must be delivered 1” Class Mail to Businesses within 7 days Hold Public Hearing within Less than 50% CC Considers Written Protest OralNritten More than 50% Written Protest J PIf failed by Protest Vote, 12 month waiting period to resubmit new request for BID No BID Formation E Annual Assessment Process > Assessment Modify >Advisory Board c I Adopt I BID Ordinance BID Report >Budget Approval Modified and/or >BID Assessment Approved I * Adopt ROI Levy/Assessment Hold Public Hearing w/in 30 days, Hear Written And Oral Protests Modify and or Adopt ROI EXHIBIT A Business Improvement District City Council Advisory Board Adopts ROI on BID May Recommend: Provisions of ROI (if - Boundaries - Time and Place of Public a Hearing - LevyIAssessment Rate appointed prior to Adoption of ROI Adopts Ordinance Expenditures to CC Approves or Modifies 0 Classifications of BID Report (Annual) for fiscal year (Annual) Adopts ROI on Levy I Basis of Businesses to Participate May designate an Advisorv BoardCommission (new or existing) Levy/Assessment Prepares Annual A May limit membership to May appoint prior to adoption of ROI those paying assessments BID Report ' THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY FOUNDATION FEB a 4 2085 - ALL RECEIVED January 24,2005 Mayor Claude A. "Bud" Lewis Mayor Pro Tern Matt Hall Council Members Kulchin, Packard and Sigafoose 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor and City Council The Carlsbad Library Foundation at its annual retreat in December 2004 unanimously agreed to launch a capital campaign to raise the funds for the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center project. The Foundation's Strategic Planning Committee is currently putting together the elements of the campaign to include the following steps: 0 0 0 0 Developing partnerships with area businesses Building relationships with potential individual sponsors Preparing a marketing campaign including media support Creating a path to a successful launch of a capital campaign Plans are to launch the campaign later this year and we realize that it may take two plus years to raise the entire amount needed for the project. It is our understanding that before the City can advertise for bids for the construction, the funds must be in place. Therefore, as the current President of the Foundation and with the full support of the Board, I am requesting the City Council consider appropriating the funds for the project to go forward, with the understanding that the Carlsbad Library Foundation will reimburse the City with the donations received through the capital campaign. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the matter further, and we look forward to building a lasting partnership that can be a future model. Sincerely, &-- Jim Comstock President Carlsbad Library Foundation 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone 760-602-2060 EXHIBIT B City of Carlsbad 2005 - 2006 w Quality of Life Strategic Goals BALANCED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A city that connects community, place and spirit, through balanced and economically sustainable land uses. CITIZEN CONNECTION AND PARTNERSHIP A city that embraces Community connectivity through the effective use of technological and interpersonal mediums. COMMUNICATION Ensure that community members, Council and staff are well informed, continuing to be a more responsive government while providing a high level of citizen confidence in its government. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT An environmentally sensitive community by focusing on: conservation, storm water, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste, and cost effective and efficient use of energy including alternative energy sources. FINANCIAL HEALTH Pursue and implement proactive strategies that support sustainable economic health and manage fiscal resources effectively. LEARNING, CULTURE & ARTS Promote and support continuous learning, cultural opportunities and the arts within the community and the City organization. PARKS / OPEN SPACE / TRAILS Acquire, develop and maintain a broad range of open space and recreational facilities that actively address citizen needs which are fiscally responsible, and are consistent with the General Plan and Growth Management Standards. TOP QUALITY SERVICES A city that provides exceptional services on a daily basis. TRANSPORATION / CIRCULATION Provide and support a safe and efficient transportation system that moves people, services and goods throughout Carlsbad. WATER Ensure, in the most cost-effective manner, water quality and reliability to the maximum extent practical, to deliver high quality potable and reclaimed water incorporating drought-resistant community principles. Vision, Mission & Values, Goals 2005/2006 3 EXHIBIT C City of Carlsbad Council Mission & Values Important to the Future of Carlsbad fb COUNCIL MlSSJON STATEMENT Our mission is to continue to improve the quality of life for all those who live, work, and play in Carlsbad by providing top-quality service to our City and in our region. fb COUNCIL VALUES A. Economic Health Promote sound policies in a balanced revenue expenditure base. B. Quality of Life Expectations Create a community which is safe and environmentally sensitive, and aesthetically and architecturally pleasing; offering diverse employment, cultural, recreational and educational opportunities. C. TopQuality Services Deliver top-quality public safety, community services, community development, public works, and administrative services. D. Timely Response to Citizens/Customers Provide timely and reasonable responses to the citizens. E. Employee Excellence Create a spirit of service and ethics that promotes and encourages a commitment to service achieving the highest possible level of efficiency, effectiveness and professionalism in its employees. F. Community Participation Engage community members to shape and manage their community. Vision, Mission & Values, Goals 2005/2006 2 Carlsbad City Council 2005 Five-Year Vision Statements City Council continues to clarify and pursue the vision of Carlsbad that reflects the pride and quality of life for all who live, work, and play here. Carlsbad. . . 1. Provides a diverse and healthy economic base that creates opportunities for employment to the residents of Cartsbad, economic vitality to the community, and the necessary revenues to support City services. Provides programs, policies and decisions to implement the Generat Plan, enforce the Growth Management Plan, maintain the safety and security of its citizens, and are based on what is best for Carlsbad. Occupies a leadership role in local and regional planning, (e.g., water, beach, circulation, and environmental issues) important to local governments actively involves addressing governmental issues at the local, state and national levels. Provides an open government leading to the betterment of the community and encourages in a non-partisan manner active citizen participation and involvement with the City Council and the City's Boards and Commissions. 2. 3. 4. And Carlsbad Efficiently and Effectively.. . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Delivers top-quality public services. Manages 0 0 0 0 0 0 its environment proactively, including: Open space Wildlife habitats Water quality/conservation Beach preservation Air quality Resource conservation and waste reduction Promotes a safe and efficient integrated transportation system. Maintains citywide "small town" community spirit. Provides a community where continuous and life-long learning is supported and encouraged for people of all ages. Looks ahead and works to anticipate changes that are required now in order to make a better future for its citizens. Vision, Mission & Values, Goals 2005/2006 1 a X H LL v) h 3 W I W 2 n n 1 a, m- i! E E 0 W m S m - n 5 I v) z a, LI W 1 z 9 W d a W X ii v) I 2 W I a, H a, 0 m c W L aj 0 m c L W m- c E u m Q v) I s W a, c I T3 L OL &a, U (u m I I m- H I S (u =w v) r" I W 1 v) m a, T3 1- z U a, v) v) 3 U v) T3 U S m m- T3 a, QQ 0 c 3 a, c 8 II >c 111 i a, m U a, m a, 0 S > a, V a, v) a, V S a, 0 m >z +J 3 II I II m- m- I 1- - 6 rn v) a, ma, Pui FII rn E" II m a, L II v)o as rn W 3 z 9 W e W n X H ii v) \ is W I W m Q c 0 s+J LC ov -u W 1 n W z 0 W W u W z 0 a n 2 0 m 0 m a r >. W z 0 0 m 0 In I n 0 LL, 0 + m m W W W 5 c, f - m cn m 0 c, 0 rc 0 h a, > m U 51: 3 0 cn U S 0 a S 0 m a a 0 m S a, 0 c, .- 5 rc c, .- c, .- - - & 0 0 0 0 0 d- d- e cn a, N c 0 0 ~ .- 8 c, z U S m S m d 3 a L a, 0 3 U a, 0 cn S m 0 U S m L c, - cn S m c, L. (3 . S m a 3 m a, S cn U S m a, m cn m 0 0 a S L L - c, 3 - c, .- 8 c, cn a, U 51: m a S 0 a, 0 L .- c, c, ti 6 S .- a, > .- . . E a, c, ... 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