HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-20; City Council; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIUMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BOARDlHOUSlNG AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (JOINT SPECIAL MEETING) 1 I :00 a.m. 1635 FARADAY, ROOM 173A DATE OF MEETING: April 20,2005 TIME OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: Mayor/President/Chairperson Lewis called the Joint Special Meeting of the City Council/Municipal Water District Board/Housing & Redevelopment Commission to order at 11 :05 a.m. Present: Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Sigafoose Absent: Packard (Arrived at 11: 10 a.m.) Also present were the City ManagedExecutive ManagedGeneral Manager and the City Attorney/General CounseVAttorney of the Commission. The Council/Board/Commission concurred to consider the Joint Special Item (AB #I 8,085) prior to Agenda Item No. 1 : AB #18.085 -AGREEMENT WITH SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SEAWATER DESlALlNATlON FACILITY. Administrative Services Director Jim Elliott presented the staff report. He explained that the Council/Board/Commission is being requested to approve an agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority that spells out how the agencies will work together on the desalination plant. He noted that the County Water Authority will assist in securing funding for the project and providing a market for desalinated water throughout their distribution system. Mr. Elliott discussed the issues of water quantity, quality, reliability, price, and the ability to construct certain public improvements near the plant. He noted that under the terms of the agreement, the city will commit to purchase up to 5,000 acre feet of water from the plant for thirty years, and will have a local source of water that will not be affected by periods of draught. He reported that the local water source will provide 84% of the city’s water needs and that the City will be able to request assistance from the County Water Authority to purchase additional water from other sources if needed. Mr. Elliott reported that the water will meet the District’s water quality standards, and that, in order to ensure the quality of the desalinated water, the County Water Authority has agreed to a series of tests to ensure that there is no adverse affect on the pipes from the desalinated water. He reported that the price of the water would be the actual cost of producing and distributing the desalinated water, less a rebate from Metropolitan Water District, currently estimated at $250 per acre foot. April 20,2005 CITY COUNCIUMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTRIOUSMG AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 Mr. Elliott discussed the economic issues related to the plant. He noted that the plant site is located in the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (SCCFW) and that impacts of the project on public facilities had been discussed. He explained that the County Water Authority has agreed to pay $5.5 million to the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Agency to fund mitigation projects contained in “Exhibit E” to the Agreement (Copy on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Mr. Elliott explained that the current application is for a privately owned project, which will provide tax revenue for the Redevelopment District. He noted that if the desalination project should become publicly owned and operated , the Redevelopment District would no longer receive tax increment revenues. Mr. Elliott stated that, due to these circumstances, the San Diego County Water Authority has agreed to contribute up to $15.3 million to the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area if the plan becomes publicly held, to ensure a dependable revenue source for the Redevelopment Agency. He explained that the amount of the contribution would be reduced by the value of any tax payments made while the plant was privately held. Mr. Elliott concluded his report stating that the Agreement will be presented to the San Diego County Water Authority for approval at their meeting on April 28, 2005. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro-TemNice-PresidenWice-Chair Hall, the Council/Board/Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2005-1 20, approving the “Agreement Memorializing Certain Understandings and Establishing a Framework for Cooperation” for a Regional Desalination Project within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project and Adjacent to the Encina Power Station. AYES: NOES: None Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, and Sigafoose Item No. 1. - Council ReDorts The Mayor called for Council Reports. Council Member Sigafoose commented regarding the support shown by Kurt Burkhart and the CBVA for local hotels, including at the previous night’s meeting. Council Member Packard reported regarding the City/School Committee and his meeting with the School Board President Mark Tanner. Council Member Packard stated that the Carlsbad High School site was discussed and that he requested that the City be notified if the District decides to dispose of the site. No other reports were given. Item No. 2. - Interstate 5 Widenina Proiect Bob Johnson, Deputy Public Works Director, introduced Arturo Jacobo, of CalTrans, the project manager on the Interstate 5 Corridor Project, who distributed handouts. (Copies on file in the City Clerk’s Office). April 20, 2005 CITY COUNCI~UNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT/HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Page 3 Mr. Jacobo described the location of the project, which includes 26 miles of freeway, from San Diego to Oceanside, and explained the need for and purpose of the project. He noted that the project should lessen congestion and improve traffic flows along 1-5 and also reduce commute time. He outlined the traffic volume projections contained in the SANDAG 2030 Transportation Plan for the San Diego Region. Mr. Jacobo also explained the plans for the project to accommodate carpools, vanpools, FasTrak and Bus Rapid Transit. Mr. Jacobo described the project features, including federal environmental streamlining, protection and improvements of natural resources such as lagoons, provision of aesthetic enhancements along the corridor, and addition of direct access ramps (DAR’S). He noted that CalTrans is working closely with the resource agencies to ensure that the project schedule is maintained. He reported that the project proposes one direct access ramp (DAR) in Carlsbad on the east side of Cannon Road. Mr. Jacobo reported that two locations along 1-5 had been considered: 1 .) Poinsettia Lane and 2.) Cannon Road. He noted that the Poinsettia location (east side) had been eliminated due to concerns and opposition from the community. In response to an inquiry from Council Member Packard, Mr. Jacobo stated that cities do have the ability to comment on the location of DAR’s during the environmental review period for the project. Mayor Lewis expressed concern that completion of this project would not eliminate future traffic congestion, stating that another north-south connector is needed. In response to an inquiry from City Manager Patchett, Mr. Jacobo stated that he believes the average daily trips on the DAR will be approximately 2000 per day. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Lewis, Mr. Jacobo explained that CalTrans will be replacing many bridges and overpasses and plans to work closely with the cities regarding the aesthetics. Mr. Jacobo reviewed the Interstate 5 North Coast Alternatives (contained on Page 11 of the handout on file in the City Clerk’s Office) and explained some potential impacts such as right-of-way and noise issues. He stated he will return by fall to update the Council on these options and potential impacts. Mr. Jacobo reviewed the project schedule. He noted that the project will take five and one-half to six years to complete, noting that work would be done simultaneously at multiple locations. He explained that the project cost of $2.5 billion will come % from State and Federal funds and % from Local Transnet funds. He noted that an additional $50 million has been designated for project enhancements, which will be allocated on a per mile basis. In response to an inquiry from City Attorney Ball, Mr. Jacobo stated that the project will require both federal and state permits and will also require Coastal Commission approval. April 20,2005 CITY COUNCIWMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTRIOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Page 4 Bob Johnson, Deputy Public Works Director reported that since the project includes six to seven miles of freeway in Carlsbad, the City will be eligible for almost 25% of the project enhancement funding. He noted that staff will bring enhancement options for consideration to a future Council Meeting. RECESS: The Mayor/President/Chairperson called for a recess at 12:05 p.m. for lunch. The Council/Board/Commission reconvened at 12:17 p.m. with all members present. Also present were the City Manager/Executive ManagedGeneral Manager and the City Attorney/General Counsel/Attorney of the Commission. Item No. 3. - Village Green Proiect Item No. 3 was continued. Item No. 4. -Alga Norte Park and Pool Ken Price, Recreation Director, began the staff presentation, reviewing a design plan for the Alga Norte Park and Aquatics Complex and distributed a handout containing detailed information regarding construction costs and revenue projections. (Copy on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Mr. Price reviewed the proposed components of the 33 acre park, including: 3 basebalVsoftball fields skateboard park dog park . 2 tot lots picnic areas 0 3 outdoor half-court basketball courts walkways and trails restrooms 500+ parking spaces Mr. Price reviewed the proposed components of the aquatics complex, including: 0 50 meter competition pool 0 12-lane instruction pool 0 therapy pool 0 2 children’s wet play areas 0 2 water slides 0 moving river 0 Buildings (I 1,000 square ft.): o Administration o Concession o Mechanical o Lockerroom o Storage April 20,2005 CITY COUNCIUMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTRlOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Page 5 In response to an inquiry from Mayor Pro-Tem Hall, John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, explained that the skate park is designed to be located at street level. He said that the design is long and linear and will accommodate skaters of all ages. He added that the site includes adequate lighting and areas for parents to sit and watch their skaters. Mr. Price also reported that removal of the portable outfield fences would allow the park to be used during the summer for concerts in the park. John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, continued with the presentation by reviewing the project goals, which included: meeting present and future community needs, developing a balanced aquatics program, and maximizing revenue opportunities and minimizing costs to the general fund. Mr. Cahill continued by reviewing the history of the master plan for the project and presenting an analysis of construction costs. He stated that the initial cost estimates for the project were based on concept, and explained that the actual detailed estimates based on design contained a $6.3 million cost increase for the aquatics complex as shown on Page 6 of the handout (on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Mr. Cahill noted that approximately $800,000 of the cost increase was due to mandatory compliance with design guidelines of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. In response to an inquiry from Mayor Lewis, Carl Pope, Aquatics Supervisor, explained that the fitness room would be used to support the training facility and would also be used by rental groups and those who pay membership fees to use the additional aquatic facilities. Council Members concurred that Fred Arbuckle, of Villages of La Costa, be contacted regarding making a donation to offset the costs of this project. Kevin Branca, Assistant Finance Director, continued with the presentation, by reviewing the estimates for operating costs, revenues, and depreciation for the Aquatics Complex, including the competitive/instructional pools, the therapy pool, and the leisure component (contained on Page 7 of the handout on file in the City Clerk’s Office). Mr. Branca also reviewed the rate assumptions that had been used to calculate the projected costs and revenues. He explained that the park entrance fees will only allow entry to the leisure portion of the pool area. Mr. Branca noted that opening of this facility may have a fiscal impact on the operations of the Monroe Street pool. City Manager Patchett noted that the fees shown were for estimation purposes only and that actual fees will be set by the City Council. Council members expressed continued support for the policy of establishing higher fees for residents and non-residents. April 20,2005 CITY COUNCIYMUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTlHOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 In response to an inquiry from Mayor Pro-Tem Hall, Mr. Pope stated that the Wave Park in Vista is open only during the summer and closed the rest of the year. In response to inquiries from Council Members Kulchin and Packard, Mr. Cahill explained that the therapy pool is designed for use by handicapped persons and for rehabilitative therapy. He noted that the facility includes an elevator and will be supervised by a licensed Physical Therapist. Mr. Cahill also reported that other cities with similar facilities report high usage of the facilities. City Manager Patchett reported that the Alga Norte Community Park and Aquatics Complex will be reviewed again by the City Council during budget process. Item No. 5. - Receipt of Planning Commission Comments Item No. 5 was continued. Item No. 6. - Council Eficiencv and Effectiveness Item No. 6 was continued. Item No. 7. - Goal and Maior Proiect Funding Item No. 7 was continued. Item No. 8. - Discussion/Feedback and Scheduling of Future Items Item No. 8 was continued. Item No. 9. - Public Comment. The Mayor called for public comment. No one wished to speak. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the Joint Special Meeting of April 20, 2005, was adjourned at 1:lO p.m. Assistant City Clerh6ssistant Secretary