HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-21; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF: THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (Joint Special Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: June 21,2005 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Present : Absent: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. Council/Board/Commission Members Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose None PUBLIC HEARING: 4. AB #18,176 - 2005-2006 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS. The staff report was presented by Lisa Hildabrand, Finance Director, David Barnum, Finance Manager, and Steven Jantz, Associate Engineer. The presentation included a general overview of the budgets, programs, major projects, rate and fee increases, and program options. (Presentation included a Power Point presentation, which is on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Finance Director Hildabrand presented a summary of the operating and capital budgets and the long-term plan for keeping the budgets balanced and maintaining current service levels. Ms. Hildabrand reviewed the projected General Fund Revenues, including property taxes, sales taxes and transient occupancy taxes, which are estimated to be $104.8 million. She also reviewed the proposed General Fund budget requests of $96.5 million and projected surplus of $8.3 million. Ms. Hildabrand reviewed the requirements of the Gann Spending Limit, as well as the City’s Proposition “H” $1 million spending limitation. She also reviewed the projects authorized by City Measures Propositions “G” and “C”, as follows: 0 Proposition “G” - 2 Golf Courses, Multi-Court Tennis Complex, 2 Multi-Purpose Fields, Enclosed Soccer Field 0 Proposition “C” - Pool Complex, Trails Linkages and Open Space, CityISafety Training Center, Cannon Road East Finance Manager David Barnum reviewed the new services and positions included in the 2005-2006 Operating Budget as follows: June 21,2005 e e e e JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 2 New Facilities - Addition of 6 Positions due to the opening of Aviara, Hidden Canyon and Pine Parks, and the Recycled Water Facility (at Encina site) Public Safety - Addition of 2 Corporals, One Crime Analyst, and 3.42 new hourly FTE school crossing guards. (Crossing guards will replace employees hired through temporary agency.) Public Works - Conversion of 7.59 hourly employees to 4 full time (FTE) employees Customer Service - Proposed Top Quality Service initiatives include the Library's Marketplace Service Approach, Community Development's Development Process Review (DPR), and design of enhanced Customer Service Program Volunteer Services - Addition of Internet Page, outreach campaign, and enhanced use of Volunteers Cable TV Franchise - Renegotiation of the Cable TV Franchise to provide enhanced services and revenue Business Improvement District - Possible establishment of a Business Improvement District to fund tourism promotion services Associate Engineer Steven Jantz reviewed the following major projects included in the Capital Improvement Program: 0 0 e e e e e e e e e Fire Station #6 Relocation - Construction of new facility on Rancho Santa Fe Road to replace the temporary facility City/Safety Training Facilities - Design of Police shooting range and evidence storage facility, Fire Administration Building and two and four story building props, and Employee training facility Library Learning Center - Remodel of existing facility to accommodate the relocation of the Adult Learning Program, Centro de lnformacion and Head Start Program Golf Course - Grading and construction of the municipal golf course Alga Norte Park - Construction of park ballfields, picnic areas, tot lots, skate park, dog park, and Aquatic Complex Lake Calavera Trails - Construction of 5 miles of trails, trailhead, parking, bike racks and restrooms Senior Center Expansion - 1'' floor improvements include expansion of the exercise room, art room, TV room, game room, multi-purpose room, health screening room and computer room. 2"d floor improvements will provide additional office space for Recreation personnel Sewer Improvements - Improvements include expansion of Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) Phase 5, Vista/Carlsbad interceptor sewer, North Agua Hedionda interceptor, and Buena interceptor Drainage Facilities - Replacement of drainage facilities in La Costa Avenue, Highland Drive, and Cynthia Lane Water Facilities - Replacement of water pipelines in Cannon Road East, El Camino Real, and College Avenue Street Projects - Improvements include pavement management program, improvements to El Camino ReaVFaraday, College Avenue Reach A, June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 3 Cannon Road Reach 4A, Poinsettia Lane, and Carlsbad Boulevard/State Street near Buena Vista Lagoon Finance Manager Barnum reviewed the following proposed rate and fee increases: Sewer - 4% increase in Residential and Commercial rates Solid Waste - 6% increase in Residential rates and 7% increase in Commercial rates Ambulance - 20% increase to base fee and 8% increase to treat and release fee 0 Development - 10% increase to development related fees Mr. Barnum also reviewed other proposed fee increases, including development related and general City fees. Mr. Barnum and Ms. Hildabrand then reviewed the following Program Options: Poinsettia Tennis Courts Expansion - Build 3 courts, 7 courk, or the entire tennis complex Boys & Girls Club Funding Request - Require the Club to request funding through the Community Activities Grants process, fund the request (determine how much, for what), or do not fund the request Fly Friendly Program - Do not contribute funding but commit to providing a link on the City’s website, contribute a one-time $1,500 contribution to the program, or contribute to the program on an ongoing basis Fire Department Aerial Apparatus - Authorize purchase of the aerial apparatus (approximately $850,000), or authorize the purchase of a fire engine (approximately $41 5,000) to replace fire engine F399 Tourism Promotion: 1. CCVB - Contract for the same amount and terms as 2004-05 contract with a clause to reduce amounts received under the Business Improvement District (BID) and cancelable with 30 day notice, contract for a lesser amount, or do not contract with CCVB 2. SD North - Contract for the same amount and terms as 2004-05 contract with a clause to reduce amounts received under the Business Improvement District (BID) and cancelable with 30 day notice, contract for a lesser amount, or do not contract with SD North Trail Maintenance - Add one full time Maintenance Worker to bring staffing for city-wide trails maintenance to 1.50 FTE plus maintenance costs, convert existing part time position to full time (FTE) and fund maintenance and operations costs, keep staffing (.5 FTE) at current level and provide funding for the increased maintenance and operations costs, or provide no funding for trail mai n tena n ce Solid Waste Program Enhancements - Addition of curbside Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection, backyard composting program, or Special Collection Event for Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Waste. Fund all of the enhanced programs, fund selected enhancements, or do not fund solid waste enhancements. June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 4 Mr. Barnum also reviewed the following other requests for funding: Artwork for banners in the Village area 0 $15,000 for Seasonal Banners (CVBA) 0 $400,000 for Section 8 Program funding (Housing Commission) Mayor Pro-TemNice-PresidenWice-Chair Hall asked staff to explain the reasons for the increase in sewer rates. Finance Director Hildabrand reported that the increase is due to the increase in the cost that Encina charges the City for processing waste. She also noted that the City’s costs have also increased due to increases in the costs of services, supplies, and personnel related expenses. Council/Board/Commission Member Kulchin noted that Encina’s costs have risen due to increases in energy and hauling costs, and the costs for two additional personnel needed to operate the recycled water plant. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis announced that he had watched the previous budget meetings and testimony, and is qualified to participate in action on the budget. MayorlPresidentlChair Lewis opened the duly noticed public hearing at 652 p.m., and asked if anyone wished to speak. Jackie Stone, 2065 Avenue of the Trees, Carlsbad, President of the League of Women Voters North Coast spoke regarding funding for HUD rental assistance. She stated that the League is in favor of the City providing $400,000, for one year only, to replace funding cut from the rental assistance program, by the Housing & Urban Development Department. Jeffrey Lee, 4335 Trieste Drive, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the proposed budget and the aquatic complex. Mr. Lee specifically spoke in support of the inclusion of the therapy pool, which will be used by citizens of all ages with physical disabilities. Spencer Rodman, 3535 Simsbury Court, Carlsbad, thanked the Council for including the pool complex in the budget and inquired regarding the timeline for it’s completion. Doren Curtiss, 6568 Shearwaters Drive, Carlsbad, spoke regarding the Poinsettia Park tennis court options. Mr. Curtis requested that Council support either the addition of seven tennis courts to the park, or the construction of a tennis complex that would include the seven additional courts, one center court, and clubhouse. Renee Huston, 540 Anchor Way, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the purchase of additional open space by the City. Ms. Huston also inquired regarding establishment of an Open Space Committee. Mike Holtzman, 14026 Donart Drive, Poway, addressed Council in support of the aquatic facility. He stated that he has worked with the cities of Vista and Morgan Hill on June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 5 similar facilities. He urged the Council to include all of the proposed features to ensure that the aquatic facility will be profitable. David Bentley, 7449 Magellan Street, Carlsbad, an applicant for properties in LFMP Zone 15, addressed Council. Mr. Bentley requested that all taxes and fees be kept as low and as equitable as possible. He requested that funding priorities be re-examined, and that critical infrastructure, such as the Zone 15 (Rancho Carlsbad) flood control channel, El Camino Real widening, and Palomar Airport Road bridge widening projects, be fully funded. Mr. Bentley also suggested that the city’s taxpayers be given the opportunity to review their previous decision on the golf course project. Mary Ann Viney, 2891 Brentwood Court, Carlsbad, inquired regarding the amount of funding that is available for the purchase of open space, and why the funds have not been spent yet. Dennis Villavicencio, 191 Cherry Street, Carlsbad, spoke regarding the importance of open space and the need to make it a priority. He stated that provision of additional facilities should be balanced with the need for additional open space. Liz Kruidenier, 3005 Cadencia Street, Carlsbad, requested that Council provide $400,000 for the Section 8 rental assistance program to replace the funding that is being cut by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. She also spoke in support of the importance of additional open space, and asked that the trails and open space that was approved by Proposition “C” be provided. Ron Sipiora, 3372 Calle Santiago, Carlsbad, CEO of the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club, spoke in support of the club project and their funding request. He thanked the community for stepping up to contribute to the project and thanked the Council for whatever support is provided to the project. Seeing no one else wishing to speak, Mayor/President/Chair Lewis closed the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. RECESS: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis declared a recess at 7:24 p.m. The CounciVBoardl Commission reconvened at 7:30 p.m., with five members present. 4. AB #18,176 - 2005-2006 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS. (CONTINUED) In response to inquiry from Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall, Municipal Projects Manager John Cahill stated that the pool construction will take approximately eighteen months, and that the project is expected to open in the fall of 2007. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis expressed concerns regarding the proposed lazy river and the location of the skate park near the pool complex. June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 6 Associate Engineer Steve Jantz responded to the question of the funding of the El Camino Real widening project. He explained that the project covers the portion of El Camino Real between Cassia Road and Camino Vida Roble. He noted that there is currently no development to tie to this project, so it becomes an unfunded project. Mr. Jantz explained that the Palomar Airport Road bridge-widening project will be located west of 1-5, at the intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard, in the South Carlsbad Redevelopment Area. Mr. Jantz noted that the Redevelopment District does not currently have funds for this project, so it is also unfunded at this time. Finance Director Lisa Hildabrand explained that property taxes generated in the South Carlsbad Redevelopment Area could be used to fund the bridge-widening project. In response to inquiry, Community Development Director Sandra Holder reported that, prior to 1986, the City’s general plan required 25% preservation of open space. She noted that after that time, adoption of the Growth Management Plan and Habitat Management Plan have required 40% preservation of open space. Ms. Holder explained that most of the 10,000 acres of open space has been acquired by development exaction, not purchase. POINTSETTIA PARK TENNIS COURTS: By consensus, CounciI/Board/Commission concurred with Option #3 amending the CIP to appropriate $1 million from the Public Facilities Fee fund to construct seven tennis courts. BOYS & GIRLS CLUB FUNDING: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis and Council/Board/Commission Member Kulchin left the dais at 7:38 p.m. stating possible conflicts of interest regarding this matter. ACTION: On motion by Council/Board/Commission Member Packard, it was determined that the City’s Operating Budget be amended to appropriate $500,000 from the General Fund for the Boys & Girls Club Bressi Ranch Facility, to be used for fixtures, furniture, or equipment, as well as capital campaign management, subject to approval of an Agreement which will be returned for action. AYES: Hall, Packard, Sigafoose NOES: None ABSENT: Lewis, Kulchin Mayor/President/Chair Lewis and Council/Board/Commission Member Kulchin returned to the dais at 7:45 p.m. AQUATICS COMPLEX: By consensus, Council/Board/Commission concurred that the Aquatics Complex should include a 50 meter pool with 12 instructional lanes. June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 7 By consensus, Council/Board/Commission concurred that the Aquatics Complex should include a therapy pool. Council/Board/Commission discussed whether the Aquatics Complex should include play areas with the lazy river. Council/Board/Commission Members Packard and Kulchin favored inclusion of the lazy river and play area. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis, and Council/Board/Commission Members Hall and Sigafoose did not. Council/Board/Commission discussed the inclusion of the childrens’ play area and slides, and the revision of the design to allow for future addition of the lazy river to the pool area. Council/Board/Commission Members Hall, Kulchin, Packard and Sigafoose favored this proposal. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis did not. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis and Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall both expressed concerns regarding the proposed location of the skate park and dog park near the pool area. Staff explained that the design issues would be returned for discussion and consideration at a later date. GOLF COURSE: Council/Board/Commission discussed the inclusion of funding in the 2005-06 Capital Improvement Program for construction of the 18 hole golf course and club house facilities. Mayor/President/Chair Lewis, Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall, and Council/Board/Commission Members Packard and Kulchin favored the appropriation of funds for the golf course construction. Council/Board/Commission Member Sigafoose did not favor the appropriation, stating that she believes that priorities should be re- evaluated and that the citizens should be given the opportunity to vote again regarding the golf course. FLY FRIENDLY PROGRAM: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis, Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall, and Council/Board/Commission Member Kulchin favored Option #3, appropriating a one- time payment of $1,500 from the general fund and provide a link to the County’s Fly Friendly web site. Council/Board/Commission Members Packard and Sigafoose did not favor the appropriation of funds, but did favor the web site link. FIRE DEPARTMENT AERIAL APPARATUS: By consensus, CounciVBoardlComrnission supported Option #I, appropriating $415,000 from the vehicle replacement fund and transferring $410,000 from the general fund to replace one fire engine with a Quint ladder truck, at an approximate cost of $825,000. June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 8 TOURISM PROMOTION: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis referenced a letter that was received from the Carlsbad Convention and visitors requesting that the matter be continued. (Copy of the letter is on file in the City Clerk’s Office) By consensus, the Council/Board/Commission directed staff to return with documents to extend the provisions of the existing contracts with the Carlsbad Convention & Visitor’s Bureau and the San Diego North Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for a period of sixty days. Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall requested that the same methods be used to verify the numbers associated both contracts to ensure parity. CITYWIDE TRAILS PROGRAM: Mayor/President/Chair Lewis and Council/Board/Commission Members Kulchin and Sigafoose favored Option #I, to provide the funding for the addition of one full-time maintenance worker and for maintenance and operation costs for a total cost of $88,717. Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall and Council/Board/Commission Member Packard favored Option #3, to provide funding for the maintenance and operation increases, and suggested contracting out the services. The Council/Board/Commission also requested that staff look into the formation of a special district for maintenance. SOLID WASTE PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS: By consensus, the Council/Board/Commission supported Option #I , to appropriate $166,800 from the solid waste fund in support of the following programs: 1.) curbside hazardous waste collection at a cost of $74,800; 2.) backyard cornposting at a cost of $22,000; and 3.) special collection events at a cost of $70,000. BANNERS FOR VILLAGE AREA: By consensus, the Council/Board/Commission directed that the requests for artwork for banners in the Village Area and for seasonal banners be returned to staff for a report. SECTION 8 FUNDING: Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall and Council/Board/Commission Members Kulchin, Packard, and Sigafoose did not support funding the program with city funds, stating that the program is a federal responsibility. Mayor/President/C hair Lewis expressed support for providing one-time funding of $400,000 to replace the funding cut by the Department of Housing & Urban Development. June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 9 Mayor/President/Chair Lewis requested that staff respond to the inquiry regarding funding for Proposition C projects. Finance Director Lisa Hildabrand explained that a total of $35 million had been set aside for these projects by the Council. She stated there is approximately $23 million dollars available for projects, other than the swim complex and the city safety training facility. In response to inquiry from Council/Board/Commission Member Packard regarding the unfunded status of the flood control projects, Deputy City Engineer David Hauser explained that staff needs to get to a certain stage on these projects before they can accurately determine the costs. He noted that, in addition to property acquisition and relocation costs, the projects would have significant environmental costs. Mr. Hauser stated that staff is not able to estimate the costs for budget purposes at this time. He noted that as the planning process and environmental investigations proceed, and the additional information is known, staff will return to request funding to carry these projects forward. In response to inquiry from Council/Board/Commission Member Kulchin regarding drainage issues at Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park, Mr. Hauser stated that the matter is a top priority. He noted that staff has completed and issued the Request for Proposals to hire consultants to work on the design and environmental work related to the Channel Dredging project. Mr. Hauser also reported that staff has continued to work with the developer on the 84” storm drain diversion project, and has also worked with Mr. Bentley of the Cantarini/Holly Springs development on issues related to moving forward with the Basin BJ project. ACTION: On motion by Mayor Pro-TemNice PresidenWice Chair Hall, the Council/Board/Commission adopted the following: Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2005-1 96, adopting the Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 2005-06 for the city of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for the various funds, and approving a net reduction to and appropriation transfers between Encina projects in the current fiscal year, subject to incorporation of the funding for the program options referenced above; and Board adopted RESOLUTION NO. 1247, adopting the Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for fiscal year 2005-06; and Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 399, approving the Final Operating Budget of the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority for fiscal year 2005-06; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2005-1 97, establishing the 2005-06 appropriation limit as required by Article XlllB of the California State Constitution and State Law; and June 21,2005 JOINT MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Page 10 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2005-1 98, adopting changes to the City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule. AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, Sigafoose ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Joint Special Meeting of June 21, 2005, was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. n City CierWSecretary to the Board Karen R. Kundtz Assistant City ClerWSecretary to the Board