HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-10; City Council; Minutes (2)MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: January 10, 2006 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard and Sigafoose. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, minutes of the following meetings were approved as presented: Council Member Kulchin abstained from the approval of the meeting Minutes of December 20, 2005. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 6, 2005. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held December 6, 2005. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 13, 2005. Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held December 13, 2005. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 20, 2005. (Kulchin - Abstain) Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held December 20, 2005. (Kulchin - Abstain) PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Dawn Hall Cauthen, Festival participants and supporters in recognition of Winter Music Festival Month (January 2006). Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to a representative from NTDTV, in recognition of the 2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala Celebration. CONSENT CALENDAR: Item No. 1 was pulled for discussion. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Hall, Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Items #2 through #5A as follows: AYES: Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard and Sigafoose. NOES: None. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. January 10, 2006 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 2 1. AB #18.400 - ACCEPTANCE OF SAN DIEGO SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES (SAFE) MOTORIST AID PROJECTS PHASE II GRANT. This item was pulled for discussion. 2. AB #18.401 -ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAFETY CENTER AUDITORIUM REMODEL - CONTRACT NO. FAG 05-03A. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2006-002. accepting the construction of the Safety Center Auditorium remodel as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion. 3. AB #18.402 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 00-20. FOX MILLER PROPERTY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2006-003. approving the final map for CT 00-20, Fox Miller Property, and authorizing the map to be recorded. 4. AB #18.403 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 04-20. MATCH PLAY AT LA COSTA. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2006-004. approving the final map for CT 04-20, Match Play at La Costa, and authorizing the map to be recorded. 5. AB #18.404 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Council accepted the City Treasurer's report on the status of City investments as of November 30, 2005. 5A. AB #18.406 - CONTINUATION OF DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2006-005. declaring a continued state of local emergency and requesting assistance and concurrence from the Office of Emergency Services. DISCUSSION OF CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM: 1. AB #18.400 - ACCEPTANCE OF SAN DIEGO SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES (SAFE) MOTORIST AID PROJECTS PHASE II GRANT. Council Member Kulchin asked that Chief Chris Heiser and Captain Miguel Lopez of the Fire Department speak to Council regarding this item. Chief Heiser indicated that the SAFE grant would allow the Fire Department to purchase a new "jaws of life". He stated that this purchase would replace a 20-year-old piece of equipment. Captain Lopez related an account regarding citizen rescue by fire helicopter #1. He indicated that his sister was rescued from a 700-foot canyon after being isolated for 18 hours. ACTION: On a motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2006-001. accepting the San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) Motorist Aid Projects Phase II Grant Award and appropriating funds. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, and Sigafoose NOES: None January 10, 2006 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: 2. AB #18.405 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SPEED LIMIT ON POINSETTIA LANE. Andy Lee, 3157 Avenida Olinda, stated his concerns regarding the proposed speed limit on Poinsettia Lane. He stated that his concerns centered on the proximity of the Carrillo School and the speed survey numbers. He asked if it were possible to reduce the speed limit to 45 mph at Paseo Escuela. Lorna Lenk, 6013 Paseo Hermosa, noted that she has two grandchildren attending school at Carrillo. She stated that 50 mph was too fast for this area. She suggested a speed limit of 40 to 45 mph. Robert Woelffer, 6138 Paseo Monona, stated that 50 mph was too fast for Poinsettia Lane. He noted that this speed was a safety concern because of the school children in the area. He suggested lowering the speed limit in proximity to the elementary school. Mr. Woelffer discussed vehicle queuing patterns near Carrillo Elementary and the proposed traffic speed. Jack Williams, 2821 Rancho Rio Chico, also asked to lower the proposed 50 mph speed limit on Poinsettia. Because he and others had just heard about the proposal, Mr. Williams requested that Council delay the decision on the speed limit. Mayor Lewis asked that Traffic Engineer Bob Johnson explain the prima facia speed limit on Poinsettia and the state laws governing the setting of speed limits. Mr. Johnson gave an overview of the process for setting speed limits. In response to Council, Mr. Johnson explained that there was no special noticing for the Traffic Safety Commission or the Council meeting that addressed this item. Mr. Johnson also explained Poinsettia's designation as a major arterial. In response to Council, Mr. Johnson discussed how the traffic surveys were conducted and the physical locations of the survey. Mr. Johnson also noted where the school signage is located. Council Member Kulchin suggested that the item be returned to the Traffic Safety Commission so that more citizens might be able to offer their input. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Pro Tern Hall, Council concurred to return the item to the Traffic Safety Commission. AYES: Lewis, Hall, Kulchin, Packard, and Sigafoose. NOES: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mike Miller, Carlsbad, spoke about a report on CNN regarding the passing of Tom Hawks, brother of former Police Chief Jim Hawks. He expressed his sorrow for the Hawks family. January 10, 2006 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 Ken Alfrey, 4094 Sunnyhill Drive, Board Member of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, asked Council for special funding for the Discovery Center native plants garden and landscaping. He stated that $25,000 was needed to complete the project. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Special Meeting of January 10, 2006 was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 1. WOOD, CM City Clerk