HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-20; City Council; Minutes2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 City of Carlsbad Public Opinion Survey Report - 2006 Presented by: Allen J. Risley Director of Research Social & Behavioral Research Institute California State University San Marcos City of Carlsbad Sample This is the seventh annual survey conducted by SBRI for the City of Carlsbad, a series which began in 2000. The data come from 1,031 telephone interviews conducted between August 15th and September 28th, 2006. Telephone numbers were randomlvgenerated for four separate quadrants in the city of Carlsbad. The North/South dividing line for the regions was Palomar Airport Road, and the East/West dividing line was El Camino Real. The respondents were Carlsbad residents, 18 years of age or older. Seepg. 1 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 The Survey Addressed Citizen Opinions on the Following Topics: • Evaluation of City Services, Programs and Facilities • City Information Sources and City Communication • Confidence in City Government "Special Topics" • Land Development • Shopping Behavior • Entertainment Preferences • Commuting City Features Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 City Residents' Likes and Concerns Consistent with previous years of the survey, Carlsbad's Oceanfront Setting, Weather and Small-Town Atmosphere are the things that were mentioned most often when respondents were asked what they liked best about living in Carlsbad. These responses have been near the top of the list since 2000. Growth, Overcrowding and Traffic were once again mentioned most often as the biggest concerns that residents had about living in Carlsbad. See Appendix B of Report Evaluation of City Services Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 City Services When asked to give an Overall Rating to city services, 92.0% of respondents rated services provided by the city as Good or Excellent. Among individual services, 97.5% of the respondents rated Library Services as Good or Excellent, while 97.8% also rated Fire Protection as Good or Excellent. Library Services received more "Excellent" ratings All city services provided through outside agencies were rated as Good or Excellent by most people. The ratings of the services provided by or through the City of Carlsbad were generally consistent across regions. This is a change from years past, where regional differences were common. Ratings of city services are correlated with ratings of Confidence in city government. See pgs. 3-11 of Report Overall City Evaluation: 2000 - 2006 Comparison Nine out often residents give City Services either a "Good" or"Excellent" rating. This is the highest percentage of "Excellent" responses the City has received. *? . > 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 as*- 2001 2000 ST ••••-•• -,':.-=,• ' ' • ':• ; • \y/,'r,. .•- '• I -. • ••••«:> •. '-•*W;fsfV'~,-,';\-K*ftA >/, *44' tC "'^ -,'$& S - j? -'I1 *^f -t~ ^^* *•* ,, Dfilr ' . BOood See pg. 3 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Police Services Ratings Police Services have received consistently high ratings throughout all years of the survey administration. See pg. 4 of Report Fire Protection Services Fire Protection Services have consistently been one of the highest rated services provided by the City. Seepg. 5 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Paramedic Services In the first year Paramedic Services were rated, ratings were nearly all Excellent or Good. Older residents and Homeowners gave higher ratings. Library Services Ratings Library Services also receives consistently high ratings, and was the highest rated City service in this year's survey. Seepg. 7 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Recreational Programs Ratings Ratings for Recreational Programs were consistent across all regions this year. Seepg. 8 of Report Park Conditions Ratings Last year ratings for Park Conditions improved from 2004. These ratings stayed consistently high in 2006. Seepg. 9 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Comparison of City-Provided Services Ratings See pg. 11 of Report Evaluation of Contracted Services Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 8 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Trash Collection Ratings Ratings for Trash Collection have changed very little over time. Households with children give lower ratings for this service. Seepg. 13 of Report Hazardous Waste Disposal Ratings for Hazardous Waste Disposal have not changed over the past three years. Seepg. 14 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Recycling Services Ratings Ratings for Recycling Services have not changed over time. Newer residents and younger residents give lower ratings for th/s service. Seepg. 16 of Report Evaluation of Road Conditions, Parks and Safety Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 10 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Road Conditions Ratings Ratings for Road Conditions reversed their negative trend of decreasing satisfaction since 2003. Ratings did not differ by quadrant Seepg. 17 of Report Street Landscaping Ratings Ratings for Street and Median Landscaping have changed very little since 2003. Seepg. 19 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 11 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Curb & Sidewalk Maintenance Ratings Ratings for Curb Maintenance have changed very little since 2003. Seepg. 19 of Report Curb and Sidewalk by Quadrant Residents in Northwest Carlsbad rate Curb Maintenance significantly lower than do residents across the rest of the City. See pg. 20 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 12 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Traffic Circulation Ratings Ratings for Traffic Circulation increased slightly for the first time since 2001. See pg. 21 of Report Comparison of Road and Traffic Conditions Ratings Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 13 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Ratings of Safety Carlsbad residents feel extremely safe in their neighborhoods. Ratings have not changed over time. Renters feel less safe than others during the day and night. Residents who feel safer give higher ratings to Carlsbad Police Services Seepg. 22 of Report Park Use & Wei I ness Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 14 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Reasons for Using Parks Residents put high value on parks as places to rest and relax. (Average = 7.90) Younger residents feel rest and relaxation is more important. Residents are also positive about parks as places for social gatherings (Average = 6.72) See pg. 24 of Report Health and Wellness Residents are positive about Carlsbad's role in promoting health and wellness. Residents who rate parks and park programs positively are more positive about how the City supports health and wellness. See pg. 24 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 15 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Access to City Information Information Dispersal Ratings Ratings for 2006 are significantly higher than for 2001 and 2002. Older residents and longer - term residents gave higher ratings for Information Dispersal. See pg. 26 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 16 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Contact with City Staff Over half of respondents had contact with City staff in past year. Most contact was face- to-face. Half of respondents (49.5%) rated City staff customer service as "Excellent." See pg. 27 of Report Customer Service Chart Residents who had Face-to-Face contact with staff gave highest customer service ratings. See pg. 28 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 17 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 City Web Site Half of the City's residents (54.6%) used the City's web site in the past year, up from 39% in 2003. High proportion are able to find what they want. Parks and Recreation Information (38.0%), Library info (15.5%) and building code and zoning information (13.7%) are most popular reasons to access the web site. See pp. 28-29 of Report Accuracy of Information Residents give the City high marks for accuracy of information. See pp. 29-30 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 18 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Land Use and Development Issues Rating of Land Use Balance The 2006 rating is up slightly from 2005. Residents mentioned Growth and Overcrowding as reasons for low ratings on land use balance. Homeowners and middle-aged residents rate Land Use Balance lower than other residents. See pg. 31 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 19 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Quality of Development Respondents were askedto rate the quality of development over the last three years in the city, based on aesthetics, design and workmanship. The majority of ratings were positive, with nearly half rating Development Quality as "Good, a slight improvement from 2005. Two-thirds of those who gave "Poor" ratings gave Over-development or "Over-crowding" as their reason for the low rating. See pg. 32 of Report Land Use and Development Quality • Ratings for Land Use Balance were related to ratings for Development Quality. • Respondents who rated Development Quality negatively also gave the City lower ratings for Land Use Balance. See pg. 33 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 20 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Storm Water Pollution Awareness of Pollution Prevention Information Nearly two-thirds of respondents had heard information about preventing water pollution. This is an increase from 2003, when 58.1% said that they had heard pollution prevention information. See pg. 35 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 21 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Action to Prevent Water Pollution Respondents were asked what they had done in the past year to prevent water pollution. The largest proportion said they had done nothing. Over twenty percent said they had properly disposed of hazardous waste and cleaned up outdoor trash. Table 7-1 - Thlisi RespoadeiU Report Doing to Redxe WUcrMMta Frequency Percent Did Nothing Properly Disposing of Hazardous Waste Cleaned Up Trash At Beach. Roadside, Etc. Using Environmentally-Friendly Soaps, Pesticides, Etc. Used A Commercial Car Wish Recycling Reduce Water Run Off Reduce Fertilizer and Pesticide Use Cleaned Up Animal Waste Other Don't Know 163 42 100 17 11.2% 6.4% 15.2% 2.6% See pg. 35 of Report Commuting Behavior Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 22 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Commuting Methods Used Respondent Household Employment Status: • No one in household employed -27.3% • Household members employedonly in Carlsbad - 17.1% • At least 1 Household memberemployed outside Carlsbad -55.7% Most respondents have driven alone in past year. Significant numbers worked at home, carpooled or used public transit. Driving alone is the most common way to commute for three-quarters of commuters. Table 8-1 - byEmpto, Method* Hied lUtpmdcnls Frequency Percent Drive Atone WoritBlHoM Cmpool Public Transportation Walk 79.1% 26.5% is.3% 11,7% 6.7% 6.3% 2.7% Table 8-2 - How Respondent Gets to Work on Most Days (Those Who Used More ThaN One Method) Frequency Parent Drive Alone Public Transportation Work at Home Carpool Bicycle Walk Total 14 12 3 1 184 76.1 7.6 7.6 6.5 1.6 .5 100.0 See pg. 37 of Report Resident Spending Patterns Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 23 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Resident Spending Patterns Respondents were asked how much of their spending jn certain categories was done in Carlsbad. On average residents spend three-quarters of their grocery dollars in Carlsbad. Half 9f dining and clothing dollars are spent in Carlsbad. See pg. 37 of Report Resident Spending Patterns Northern residents spend more on clothing and dining in Carlsbad. Southern residents spend more on groceries in Carlsbad. • Long-term residentsspend more of their dollars in Carlsbad. Those employed outside of Carlsbad spend more of their dollars outside of the City. See pg. 39 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 24 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Evaluation of City Government Ratings of City Government Respondents were read several statements and asked to rate their level of agreement. On average, the highest level of agreement was with "The City of Carlsbad welcomes citizen involvement." The lowest level of agreement was with "The City of Carlsbad listens to its citizens." See pg. 43 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 25 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Confidence in City Government When rated on a scale of 0 to 10, residents reported a relatively high level of confidence in the Carlsbad city government to make decisions that positively affect the lives of its community members. The 2006 rating is notsignificantly different from the last three years, and is the highest rating in seven years of the survey. Older residents and residents who are not employed gave slightly higher confidence ratings. See pg. 44 of Report Discussion In general, residents are pleased with the services provided by the City of Carlsbad. Many of these ratings have increased over time and remain high. The ratings are generally uniform across demographic groups, however older residents and long-term residents often gave higher ratings. Library Services, Fire and Police Services continue to receive the highest ratings. Ratings for Overall Road Conditions and Traffic Circulation have shown improvement over recent years. Most contracted city services are rated favorably, and these ratings have stayed steady over time. Residents gave lower ratings to the city for Land Use Balance than for other functions, reflecting their concerns regarding Over-Development and Growth. Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 26 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Discussion m Residents rate communication by the City favorably. These ratings have increased over the past three years and remain high. Ratings for Accuracy of Information are higher than Communication itself. • Over half of respondents have used the City's web site in the past year. Nearly all were able to find what they were looking for. • Spending patterns vary considerably by type of purchase. Spending also differs somewhat based on region. • The large majority of working Carlsbad residents commute by driving alone. Significant numbers have carpooled or used public transportation, but not often. Positive ratings for Confidence in Government continue. City lovemme-" * -' "-J L!-1- *- -'"— '--' ' — J -"' ax dollar. government is also rated high for citizen involvement and value for the tax ' " Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 27 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Information Dispersal Residents give the City high marks for delivering information Land Use Balance Rating Land Use Balance is one of the lower 0-10 ratings the City receives. See pg. 31 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 28 2006 City of Carlsbad Survey 12/20/2006 Confidence in Government Rating Large numbers of respondents give mid-high ratings. See pg. 44 of Report Social and Behavioral Research Institute, CSUSM 29